/* Title: Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_options.scala
Author: Makarius
Options for Isabelle/jEdit.
package isabelle.jedit
import isabelle._
import java.awt.{Font, Color}
import javax.swing.{InputVerifier, JComponent, UIManager}
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
import scala.swing.{Component, CheckBox, TextArea}
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ColorWellButton
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.{jEdit, AbstractOptionPane}
object JEdit_Options {
/* typed access and GUI components */
class Access[A](access: Options.Access_Variable[A], val name: String) {
def description: String = access.options.value.description(name)
def apply(): A = access.apply(name)
def update(x: A): Unit = change(_ => x)
def change(f: A => A): Unit = {
val x0 = apply()
access.change(name, f)
val x1 = apply()
if (x0 != x1) changed()
def changed(): Unit = GUI_Thread.require { PIDE.session.update_options(access.options.value) }
class Bool_Access(name: String) extends Access(PIDE.options.bool, name) {
def set(): Unit = update(true)
def reset(): Unit = update(false)
def toggle(): Unit = change(b => !b)
class Bool_GUI(access: Bool_Access, label: String)
extends GUI.Check(label, init = access()) {
def load(): Unit = { selected = access() }
override def clicked(state: Boolean): Unit = access.update(state)
/* specific options */
object continuous_checking extends Bool_Access("editor_continuous_checking") {
override def changed(): Unit = {
class GUI extends Bool_GUI(this, "Continuous checking") {
tooltip = "Continuous checking of proof document (visible and required parts)"
object output_state extends Bool_Access("editor_output_state") {
override def changed(): Unit = GUI_Thread.require {
PIDE.editor.flush_edits(hidden = true)
class GUI extends Bool_GUI(this, "Proof state") {
tooltip = "Output of proof state (normally shown on State panel)"
object auto_hovering extends Bool_Access("editor_auto_hovering") {
class GUI extends Bool_GUI(this, "Auto hovering") {
tooltip = "Automatic mouse hovering without keyboard modifier"
/* editor pane for plugin options */
trait Entry extends Component {
val title: String
def load(): Unit
def save(): Unit
abstract class Isabelle_Options(name: String) extends AbstractOptionPane(name) {
protected val components: List[(String, List[Entry])]
override def _init(): Unit = {
val dummy_property = "options.isabelle.dummy"
for ((s, cs) <- components) {
if (s.nonEmpty) {
jEdit.setProperty(dummy_property, s)
jEdit.setProperty(dummy_property, null)
for (c <- cs) addComponent(c.title, c.peer)
override def _save(): Unit = {
for ((_, cs) <- components; c <- cs) c.save()
class Isabelle_General_Options extends Isabelle_Options("isabelle-general") {
val options: JEdit_Options = PIDE.options
private val predefined =
protected val components: List[(String, List[Entry])] =
(for (opt <- options.value.iterator if opt.public) yield opt.name).toSet)
class Isabelle_Rendering_Options extends Isabelle_Options("isabelle-rendering") {
private val predefined =
(for {
opt <- PIDE.options.value.iterator
if opt.for_color_dialog
} yield PIDE.options.make_color_component(opt)).toList
protected val components: List[(String, List[Entry])] =
PIDE.options.make_components(predefined, _ => false)
class JEdit_Options(init_options: Options) extends Options_Variable(init_options) {
def color_value(s: String): Color = Color_Value(string(s))
def make_color_component(opt: Options.Entry): JEdit_Options.Entry = {
GUI_Thread.require {}
val opt_name = opt.name
val opt_title = opt.title_jedit
val button = new ColorWellButton(Color_Value(opt.value))
val component =
new Component with JEdit_Options.Entry {
override lazy val peer: JComponent = button
name = opt_name
val title: String = opt_title
def load(): Unit = button.setSelectedColor(Color_Value(string(opt_name)))
def save(): Unit = string(opt_name) = Color_Value.print(button.getSelectedColor)
component.tooltip = GUI.tooltip_lines(opt.print_default)
def make_component(opt: Options.Entry): JEdit_Options.Entry = {
GUI_Thread.require {}
val opt_name = opt.name
val opt_title = opt.title_jedit
val component =
if (opt.typ == Options.Bool)
new CheckBox with JEdit_Options.Entry {
name = opt_name
val title: String = opt_title
def load(): Unit = selected = bool(opt_name)
def save(): Unit = bool(opt_name) = selected
else {
val default_font = GUI.copy_font(UIManager.getFont("TextField.font"))
val text_area =
new TextArea with JEdit_Options.Entry {
if (default_font != null) font = default_font
name = opt_name
val title: String = opt_title
def load(): Unit = text = value.check_name(opt_name).value
def save(): Unit =
try { JEdit_Options.this += (opt_name, text) }
catch {
case ERROR(msg) =>
GUI.error_dialog(this.peer, "Failed to update options",
case text: JTextComponent =>
try { value + Options.Spec.eq(opt_name, text.getText); true }
catch { case ERROR(_) => false }
case _ => true
component.tooltip = GUI.tooltip_lines(opt.print_default)
def make_components(
predefined: List[JEdit_Options.Entry],
filter: String => Boolean
) : List[(String, List[JEdit_Options.Entry])] = {
def mk_component(opt: Options.Entry): List[JEdit_Options.Entry] =
predefined.find(opt.name == _.name) match {
case Some(c) => List(c)
case None => if (filter(opt.name)) List(make_component(opt)) else Nil
{ case (a, opts) => (a, opts.sortBy(_.title_jedit).flatMap(mk_component)) })