author paulson
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:36:36 +0100
changeset 6121 5fe77b9b5185
child 6592 c120262044b6
permissions -rw-r--r--
the separate FOL and ZF logics manual, with new material on datatypes and inductive definitions


J.~R. Abrial and G.~Laffitte.
\newblock Towards the mechanization of the proofs of some classical theorems of
  set theory.
\newblock preprint, February 1993.

David Basin and Matt Kaufmann.
\newblock The {Boyer-Moore} prover and {Nuprl}: An experimental comparison.
\newblock In {G\'erard} Huet and Gordon Plotkin, editors, {\em Logical
  Frameworks}, pages 89--119. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Robert Boyer, Ewing Lusk, William McCune, Ross Overbeek, Mark Stickel, and
  Lawrence Wos.
\newblock Set theory in first-order logic: Clauses for {G\"{o}del's} axioms.
\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 2(3):287--327, 1986.

J.~Camilleri and T.~F. Melham.
\newblock Reasoning with inductively defined relations in the {HOL} theorem
\newblock Technical Report 265, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
  August 1992.

B.~A. Davey and H.~A. Priestley.
\newblock {\em Introduction to Lattices and Order}.
\newblock Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Keith~J. Devlin.
\newblock {\em Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory}.
\newblock Springer, 1979.

Michael Dummett.
\newblock {\em Elements of Intuitionism}.
\newblock Oxford University Press, 1977.

Roy Dyckhoff.
\newblock Contraction-free sequent calculi for intuitionistic logic.
\newblock {\em Journal of Symbolic Logic}, 57(3):795--807, 1992.

Paul~R. Halmos.
\newblock {\em Naive Set Theory}.
\newblock Van Nostrand, 1960.

Kenneth Kunen.
\newblock {\em Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs}.
\newblock North-Holland, 1980.

Philippe No{\"e}l.
\newblock Experimenting with {Isabelle} in {ZF} set theory.
\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 10(1):15--58, 1993.

Christine Paulin-Mohring.
\newblock Inductive definitions in the system {Coq}: Rules and properties.
\newblock Research Report 92-49, LIP, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon,
  December 1992.

Lawrence~C. Paulson.
\newblock {\em Logic and Computation: Interactive proof with Cambridge LCF}.
\newblock Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Lawrence~C. Paulson.
\newblock Set theory for verification: {I}. {From} foundations to functions.
\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 11(3):353--389, 1993.

Lawrence~C. Paulson.
\newblock A fixedpoint approach to implementing (co)inductive definitions.
\newblock In Alan Bundy, editor, {\em Automated Deduction --- {CADE}-12
  International Conference}, LNAI 814, pages 148--161. Springer, 1994.

Lawrence~C. Paulson.
\newblock A concrete final coalgebra theorem for {ZF} set theory.
\newblock In Peter Dybjer, Bengt Nordstr{\"om}, and Jan Smith, editors, {\em
  Types for Proofs and Programs: International Workshop {TYPES '94}}, LNCS 996,
  pages 120--139. Springer, 1995.

Lawrence~C. Paulson.
\newblock Set theory for verification: {II}. {Induction} and recursion.
\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 15(2):167--215, 1995.

Lawrence~C. Paulson.
\newblock Generic automatic proof tools.
\newblock In Robert Veroff, editor, {\em Automated Reasoning and its
  Applications: Essays in Honor of {Larry Wos}}, chapter~3. MIT Press, 1997.

Art Quaife.
\newblock Automated deduction in {von Neumann-Bernays-G\"{o}del} set theory.
\newblock {\em Journal of Automated Reasoning}, 8(1):91--147, 1992.

Patrick Suppes.
\newblock {\em Axiomatic Set Theory}.
\newblock Dover, 1972.

A.~N. Whitehead and B.~Russell.
\newblock {\em Principia Mathematica}.
\newblock Cambridge University Press, 1962.
\newblock Paperback edition to *56, abridged from the 2nd edition (1927).

Glynn Winskel.
\newblock {\em The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages}.
\newblock MIT Press, 1993.
