(* Title: HOLCF/cfun3.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Franz Regensburger
Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
open Cfun3;
(* for compatibility with old HOLCF-Version *)
qed_goal "inst_cfun_pcpo" thy "UU = Abs_CFun(%x. UU)"
(fn prems =>
(simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps [UU_def,UU_cfun_def]) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* the contlub property for Rep_CFun its 'first' argument *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "contlub_Rep_CFun1" thy "contlub(Rep_CFun)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (expand_fun_eq RS iffD2) 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(stac thelub_cfun 1),
(atac 1),
(stac Cfunapp2 1),
(etac cont_lubcfun 1),
(stac thelub_fun 1),
(etac (monofun_Rep_CFun1 RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(rtac refl 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* the cont property for Rep_CFun in its first argument *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "cont_Rep_CFun1" thy "cont(Rep_CFun)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac monocontlub2cont 1),
(rtac monofun_Rep_CFun1 1),
(rtac contlub_Rep_CFun1 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* contlub, cont properties of Rep_CFun in its first argument in mixfix _[_] *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "contlub_cfun_fun" thy
"chain(FY) ==>\
\ lub(range FY)`x = lub(range (%i. FY(i)`x))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(etac (contlub_Rep_CFun1 RS contlubE RS spec RS mp RS fun_cong) 1),
(stac thelub_fun 1),
(etac (monofun_Rep_CFun1 RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(rtac refl 1)
qed_goal "cont_cfun_fun" thy
"chain(FY) ==>\
\ range(%i. FY(i)`x) <<| lub(range FY)`x"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac thelubE 1),
(etac ch2ch_Rep_CFunL 1),
(etac (contlub_cfun_fun RS sym) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* contlub, cont properties of Rep_CFun in both argument in mixfix _[_] *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "contlub_cfun" thy
"[|chain(FY);chain(TY)|] ==>\
\ (lub(range FY))`(lub(range TY)) = lub(range(%i. FY(i)`(TY i)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac contlub_CF2 1),
(rtac cont_Rep_CFun1 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(rtac cont_Rep_CFun2 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "cont_cfun" thy
"[|chain(FY);chain(TY)|] ==>\
\ range(%i.(FY i)`(TY i)) <<| (lub (range FY))`(lub(range TY))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac thelubE 1),
(rtac (monofun_Rep_CFun1 RS ch2ch_MF2LR) 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(rtac monofun_Rep_CFun2 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1),
(etac (contlub_cfun RS sym) 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* cont2cont lemma for Rep_CFun *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "cont2cont_Rep_CFun" thy
"[|cont(%x. ft x);cont(%x. tt x)|] ==> cont(%x. (ft x)`(tt x))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac cont2cont_app2 1),
(rtac cont2cont_app2 1),
(rtac cont_const 1),
(rtac cont_Rep_CFun1 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac cont_Rep_CFun2 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* cont2mono Lemma for %x. LAM y. c1(x)(y) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "cont2mono_LAM" thy
"[| !!x. cont(c1 x); !!y. monofun(%x. c1 x y)|] ==> monofun(%x. LAM y. c1 x y)"
(fn [p1,p2] =>
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(stac less_cfun 1),
(stac less_fun 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(rtac p1 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(rtac p1 1),
(etac (p2 RS monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* cont2cont Lemma for %x. LAM y. c1 x y) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "cont2cont_LAM" thy
"[| !!x. cont(c1 x); !!y. cont(%x. c1 x y) |] ==> cont(%x. LAM y. c1 x y)"
(fn [p1,p2] =>
(rtac monocontlub2cont 1),
(rtac (p1 RS cont2mono_LAM) 1),
(rtac (p2 RS cont2mono) 1),
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(stac thelub_cfun 1),
(rtac (p1 RS cont2mono_LAM RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(rtac (p2 RS cont2mono) 1),
(atac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("f","Abs_CFun")] arg_cong 1),
(rtac ext 1),
(stac (p1 RS beta_cfun RS ext) 1),
(etac (p2 RS cont2contlub RS contlubE RS spec RS mp) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* cont2cont tactic *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
val cont_lemmas1 = [cont_const, cont_id, cont_Rep_CFun2,
Addsimps cont_lemmas1;
(* HINT: cont_tac is now installed in simplifier in Lift.ML ! *)
(*val cont_tac = (fn i => (resolve_tac cont_lemmas i));*)
(*val cont_tacR = (fn i => (REPEAT (cont_tac i)));*)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* function application _[_] is strict in its first arguments *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "strict_Rep_CFun1" thy "(UU::'a::cpo->'b)`x = (UU::'b)"
(fn prems =>
(stac inst_cfun_pcpo 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(rtac refl 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* results about strictify *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "Istrictify1" thy [Istrictify_def]
"Istrictify(f)(UU)= (UU)"
(fn prems =>
(Simp_tac 1)
qed_goalw "Istrictify2" thy [Istrictify_def]
"~x=UU ==> Istrictify(f)(x)=f`x"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(Asm_simp_tac 1)
qed_goal "monofun_Istrictify1" thy "monofun(Istrictify)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (less_fun RS iffD2) 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("Q","xa=UU")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
(stac Istrictify2 1),
(atac 1),
(stac Istrictify2 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac monofun_cfun_fun 1),
(atac 1),
(hyp_subst_tac 1),
(stac Istrictify1 1),
(stac Istrictify1 1),
(rtac refl_less 1)
qed_goal "monofun_Istrictify2" thy "monofun(Istrictify(f))"
(fn prems =>
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("Q","x=UU")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
(stac Istrictify2 1),
(etac notUU_I 1),
(atac 1),
(stac Istrictify2 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac monofun_cfun_arg 1),
(atac 1),
(hyp_subst_tac 1),
(stac Istrictify1 1),
(rtac minimal 1)
qed_goal "contlub_Istrictify1" thy "contlub(Istrictify)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (expand_fun_eq RS iffD2) 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(stac thelub_fun 1),
(etac (monofun_Istrictify1 RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(res_inst_tac [("Q","x=UU")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
(stac Istrictify2 1),
(atac 1),
(stac (Istrictify2 RS ext) 1),
(atac 1),
(stac thelub_cfun 1),
(atac 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(rtac cont_lubcfun 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac refl 1),
(hyp_subst_tac 1),
(stac Istrictify1 1),
(stac (Istrictify1 RS ext) 1),
(rtac (chain_UU_I_inverse RS sym) 1),
(rtac (refl RS allI) 1)
qed_goal "contlub_Istrictify2" thy "contlub(Istrictify(f::'a -> 'b))"
(fn prems =>
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(case_tac "lub(range(Y))=(UU::'a)" 1),
(res_inst_tac [("t","lub(range(Y))")] subst 1),
(rtac sym 1),
(atac 1),
(stac Istrictify1 1),
(rtac sym 1),
(rtac chain_UU_I_inverse 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("t","Y(i)"),("s","UU::'a")] subst 1),
(rtac sym 1),
(rtac (chain_UU_I RS spec) 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac Istrictify1 1),
(stac Istrictify2 1),
(atac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","lub(range(%i. f`(Y i)))")] trans 1),
(rtac contlub_cfun_arg 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac lub_equal2 1),
(rtac (chain_mono2 RS exE) 1),
(atac 2),
(rtac chain_UU_I_inverse2 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac exI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (Istrictify2 RS sym) 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(rtac ch2ch_monofun 1),
(rtac monofun_Rep_CFun2 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac ch2ch_monofun 1),
(rtac monofun_Istrictify2 1),
(atac 1)
bind_thm ("cont_Istrictify1", contlub_Istrictify1 RS
(monofun_Istrictify1 RS monocontlub2cont));
bind_thm ("cont_Istrictify2", contlub_Istrictify2 RS
(monofun_Istrictify2 RS monocontlub2cont));
qed_goalw "strictify1" thy [strictify_def] "strictify`f`UU=UU" (fn _ => [
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [cont_Istrictify2,cont_Istrictify1,
cont2cont_CF1L]) 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(rtac cont_Istrictify2 1),
(rtac Istrictify1 1)
qed_goalw "strictify2" thy [strictify_def]
"~x=UU ==> strictify`f`x=f`x" (fn prems => [
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [cont_Istrictify2,cont_Istrictify1,
cont2cont_CF1L]) 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(rtac cont_Istrictify2 1),
(rtac Istrictify2 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Instantiate the simplifier *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Addsimps [minimal,refl_less,beta_cfun,strict_Rep_CFun1,strictify1, strictify2];
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* use cont_tac as autotac. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* HINT: cont_tac is now installed in simplifier in Lift.ML ! *)
(*simpset_ref() := simpset() addsolver (K (DEPTH_SOLVE_1 o cont_tac));*)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* some lemmata for functions with flat/chfin domain/range types *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "chfin_Rep_CFunR" thy
"chain (Y::nat => 'a::cpo->'b::chfin)==> !s. ? n. lub(range(Y))`s = Y n`s"
(fn prems =>
cut_facts_tac prems 1,
rtac allI 1,
stac contlub_cfun_fun 1,
atac 1,
fast_tac (HOL_cs addSIs [thelubI,chfin,lub_finch2,chfin2finch,ch2ch_Rep_CFunL])1
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* continuous isomorphisms are strict *)
(* a prove for embedding projection pairs is similar *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "iso_strict" thy
"!!f g.[|!y. f`(g`y)=(y::'b) ; !x. g`(f`x)=(x::'a) |] \
\ ==> f`UU=UU & g`UU=UU"
(fn prems =>
(rtac conjI 1),
(rtac UU_I 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`(UU::'b))"),("t","UU::'b")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(rtac (minimal RS monofun_cfun_arg) 1),
(rtac UU_I 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","g`(f`(UU::'a))"),("t","UU::'a")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(rtac (minimal RS monofun_cfun_arg) 1)
qed_goal "isorep_defined" thy
"[|!x. rep`(abs`x)=x;!y. abs`(rep`y)=y; z~=UU|] ==> rep`z ~= UU"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac swap 1),
(dtac notnotD 1),
(dres_inst_tac [("f","abs")] cfun_arg_cong 1),
(etac box_equals 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(etac (iso_strict RS conjunct1) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "isoabs_defined" thy
"[|!x. rep`(abs`x) = x;!y. abs`(rep`y)=y ; z~=UU|] ==> abs`z ~= UU"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac swap 1),
(dtac notnotD 1),
(dres_inst_tac [("f","rep")] cfun_arg_cong 1),
(etac box_equals 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(etac (iso_strict RS conjunct2) 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* propagation of flatness and chainfiniteness by continuous isomorphisms *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "chfin2chfin" thy "!!f g.[|! Y::nat=>'a. chain Y --> (? n. max_in_chain n Y); \
\ !y. f`(g`y)=(y::'b) ; !x. g`(f`x)=(x::'a::chfin) |] \
\ ==> ! Y::nat=>'b. chain Y --> (? n. max_in_chain n Y)"
(fn prems =>
(rewtac max_in_chain_def),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac exE 1),
(res_inst_tac [("P","chain(%i. g`(Y i))")] mp 1),
(etac spec 1),
(etac ch2ch_Rep_CFunR 1),
(rtac exI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`(Y x))"),("t","Y(x)")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`(Y j))"),("t","Y(j)")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(rtac cfun_arg_cong 1),
(rtac mp 1),
(etac spec 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "flat2flat" thy "!!f g.[|!x y::'a. x<<y --> x=UU | x=y; \
\ !y. f`(g`y)=(y::'b); !x. g`(f`x)=(x::'a)|] ==> !x y::'b. x<<y --> x=UU | x=y"
(fn prems =>
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac disjE 1),
(res_inst_tac [("P","g`x<<g`y")] mp 1),
(etac monofun_cfun_arg 2),
(dtac spec 1),
(etac spec 1),
(rtac disjI1 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`x)"),("t","x")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(etac cfun_arg_cong 1),
(rtac (iso_strict RS conjunct1) 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac disjI2 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`x)"),("t","x")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`y)"),("t","y")] subst 1),
(etac spec 1),
(etac cfun_arg_cong 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* a result about functions with flat codomain *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
qed_goal "flat_codom" thy
"f`(x::'a)=(c::'b::flat) ==> f`(UU::'a)=(UU::'b) | (!z. f`(z::'a)=c)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(case_tac "f`(x::'a)=(UU::'b)" 1),
(rtac disjI1 1),
(rtac UU_I 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(x)"),("t","UU::'b")] subst 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac (minimal RS monofun_cfun_arg) 1),
(case_tac "f`(UU::'a)=(UU::'b)" 1),
(etac disjI1 1),
(rtac disjI2 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(hyp_subst_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("a","f`(UU::'a)")] (refl RS box_equals) 1),
(res_inst_tac [("fo5","f")] ((minimal RS monofun_cfun_arg) RS
(ax_flat RS spec RS spec RS mp) RS disjE) 1),
(contr_tac 1),(atac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("fo5","f")] ((minimal RS monofun_cfun_arg) RS
(ax_flat RS spec RS spec RS mp) RS disjE) 1),
(contr_tac 1),(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Access to definitions *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "ID1" thy [ID_def] "ID`x=x"
(fn prems =>
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(rtac cont_id 1),
(rtac refl 1)
qed_goalw "cfcomp1" thy [oo_def] "(f oo g)=(LAM x. f`(g`x))" (fn _ => [
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(rtac refl 1)
qed_goal "cfcomp2" thy "(f oo g)`x=f`(g`x)" (fn _ => [
(stac cfcomp1 1),
(stac beta_cfun 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(rtac refl 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Show that interpretation of (pcpo,_->_) is a category *)
(* The class of objects is interpretation of syntactical class pcpo *)
(* The class of arrows between objects 'a and 'b is interpret. of 'a -> 'b *)
(* The identity arrow is interpretation of ID *)
(* The composition of f and g is interpretation of oo *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "ID2" thy "f oo ID = f "
(fn prems =>
(rtac ext_cfun 1),
(stac cfcomp2 1),
(stac ID1 1),
(rtac refl 1)
qed_goal "ID3" thy "ID oo f = f "
(fn prems =>
(rtac ext_cfun 1),
(stac cfcomp2 1),
(stac ID1 1),
(rtac refl 1)
qed_goal "assoc_oo" thy "f oo (g oo h) = (f oo g) oo h"
(fn prems =>
(rtac ext_cfun 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","f`(g`(h`x))")] trans 1),
(stac cfcomp2 1),
(stac cfcomp2 1),
(rtac refl 1),
(stac cfcomp2 1),
(stac cfcomp2 1),
(rtac refl 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Merge the different rewrite rules for the simplifier *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Addsimps ([ID1,ID2,ID3,cfcomp2]);