% BibTeX database for the Isabelle documentation
% Lawrence C Paulson $Id$
@string{AP="Academic Press"}
@string{CUP="Cambridge University Press"}
@string{IEEE="{\sc ieee} Computer Society Press"}
@string{LNCS="Lect.\ Notes in Comp.\ Sci."}
@string{MIT="MIT Press"}
@string{CUCL="Comp. Lab., Univ. Camb."}
@string{Edinburgh="Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Edinburgh"}
@string{FAC="Formal Aspects Comput."}
@string{JAR="J. Auto. Reas."}
@string{JCS="J. Comput. Secur."}
@string{JFP="J. Func. Prog."}
@string{JLC="J. Logic and Comput."}
@string{JLP="J. Logic Prog."}
@string{JSC="J. Symb. Comput."}
@string{JSL="J. Symb. Logic"}
@string{SIGPLAN="{SIGPLAN} Notices"}
@string{CADE="International Conference on Automated Deduction"}
@string{POPL="Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"}
@string{TYPES="Types for Proofs and Programs"}
author = {Samson Abramsky},
title = {The Lazy Lambda Calculus},
pages = {65-116},
editor = {David A. Turner},
booktitle = {Research Topics in Functional Programming},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
year = 1990}
author = {J. R. Abrial and G. Laffitte},
title = {Towards the Mechanization of the Proofs of some Classical
Theorems of Set Theory},
note = {preprint},
year = 1993,
month = Feb}
author = {Peter Aczel},
title = {An Introduction to Inductive Definitions},
pages = {739-782},
crossref = {barwise-handbk}}
author = {Peter Aczel},
title = {Non-Well-Founded Sets},
publisher = {CSLI},
year = 1988}
author = {Lena Magnusson and Bengt {Nordstr\"{o}m}},
title = {The {ALF} Proof Editor and Its Proof Engine},
crossref = {types93},
pages = {213-237}}
author = "Peter Andrews",
title = "An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: to Truth
through Proof",
publisher = AP,
series = "Computer Science and Applied Mathematics",
year = 1986}
author = {David Aspinall},
title = {Isamode},
note = {\url{http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/da/Isamode/}}
author = {David Aspinall and others},
title = {{P}roof {G}eneral --- {O}rganize your proofs!},
note = {\url{http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/proofgen/}}
author = {David Basin and Matt Kaufmann},
title = {The {Boyer-Moore} Prover and {Nuprl}: An Experimental
crossref = {huet-plotkin91},
pages = {89-119}}
author = {Stefan Berghofer and Markus Wenzel},
title = {Inductive datatypes in {HOL} --- lessons learned in
{F}ormal-{L}ogic {E}ngineering},
crossref = {tphols99}}
@book{Bird-Wadler,author="Richard Bird and Philip Wadler",
title="Introduction to Functional Programming",publisher=PH,year=1988}
author = {Robert Boyer and Ewing Lusk and William McCune and Ross
Overbeek and Mark Stickel and Lawrence Wos},
title = {Set Theory in First-Order Logic: Clauses for {G\"{o}del's}
journal = JAR,
year = 1986,
volume = 2,
number = 3,
pages = {287-327}}
author = {Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore},
title = {A Computational Logic},
publisher = {Academic Press},
year = 1979}
author = {Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore},
title = {A Computational Logic Handbook},
publisher = {Academic Press},
year = 1988}
author = {N. G. de Bruijn},
title = {Lambda Calculus Notation with Nameless Dummies,
a Tool for Automatic Formula Manipulation,
with Application to the {Church-Rosser Theorem}},
journal = {Indag. Math.},
volume = 34,
pages = {381-392},
year = 1972}
author = {J. Camilleri and T. F. Melham},
title = {Reasoning with Inductively Defined Relations in the
{HOL} Theorem Prover},
institution = CUCL,
year = 1992,
number = 265,
month = Aug}
author = {E. Charniak and C. K. Riesbeck and D. V. McDermott},
title = {Artificial Intelligence Programming},
publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates},
year = 1980}
author = "Alonzo Church",
title = "A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types",
journal = JSL,
year = 1940,
volume = 5,
pages = "56-68"}
author = {Martin D. Coen},
title = {Interactive Program Derivation},
school = {University of Cambridge},
note = {Computer Laboratory Technical Report 272},
month = nov,
year = 1992}
author = {R. L. Constable and others},
title = {Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof
Development System},
publisher = Prentice,
year = 1986}
author = {B. A. Davey and H. A. Priestley},
title = {Introduction to Lattices and Order},
publisher = CUP,
year = 1990}
author = {Keith J. Devlin},
title = {Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 1979}
author = {Michael Dummett},
title = {Elements of Intuitionism},
year = 1977,
publisher = {Oxford University Press}}
author = {Peter Dybjer},
title = {Inductive Sets and Families in {Martin-L\"of's} Type
Theory and Their Set-Theoretic Semantics},
crossref = {huet-plotkin91},
pages = {280-306}}
author = {Roy Dyckhoff},
title = {Contraction-Free Sequent Calculi for Intuitionistic Logic},
journal = JSL,
year = 1992,
volume = 57,
number = 3,
pages = {795-807}}
author = {William M. Farmer and Joshua D. Guttman and F. Javier
title = {{IMPS}: An Interactive Mathematical Proof System},
journal = JAR,
volume = 11,
number = 2,
year = 1993,
pages = {213-248}}
Author = {Amy Felty},
Title = {A Logic Program for Transforming Sequent Proofs to Natural
Deduction Proofs},
crossref = {extensions91},
pages = {157-178}}
author = {Jacob Frost},
title = {A Case Study of Co-induction in {Isabelle HOL}},
institution = CUCL,
number = 308,
year = 1993,
month = Aug}
%revised version of frost93
author = {Jacob Frost},
title = {A Case Study of Co-induction in {Isabelle}},
institution = CUCL,
number = 359,
year = 1995,
month = Feb}
author = {K. Futatsugi and J.A. Goguen and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud
and J. Meseguer},
title = {Principles of {OBJ2}},
booktitle = POPL,
year = 1985,
pages = {52-66}}
author = {J. H. Gallier},
title = {Logic for Computer Science:
Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving},
year = 1986,
publisher = {Harper \& Row}}
author = {Antony Galton},
title = {Logic for Information Technology},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = 1990}
author = {Eduardo Gim{\'e}nez},
title = {Codifying Guarded Definitions with Recursive Schemes},
crossref = {types94},
pages = {39-59}
author = {M. J. C. Gordon and T. F. Melham},
title = {Introduction to {HOL}: A Theorem Proving Environment for
Higher Order Logic},
publisher = CUP,
year = 1993}
author = {Michael J. C. Gordon and Robin Milner and Christopher P.
title = {Edinburgh {LCF}: A Mechanised Logic of Computation},
year = 1979,
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS 78}}
@inproceedings{Gunter-HOL92,author={Elsa L. Gunter},
title={Why we can't have {SML} style datatype declarations in {HOL}},
booktitle={Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications: Proc.\
IFIP TC10/WG10.2 Intl. Workshop, 1992},
editor={L.J.M. Claesen and M.J.C. Gordon},
author = {Elsa L. Gunter},
title = {A Broader Class of Trees for Recursive Type Definitions for
crossref = {hug93},
pages = {141-154}}
author = {Paul R. Halmos},
title = {Naive Set Theory},
publisher = {Van Nostrand},
year = 1960}
author = {Matthew Hennessy},
title = {The Semantics of Programming Languages: An Elementary
Introduction Using Structural Operational Semantics},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = 1990}
author = {Paul Hudak and Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler},
title = {Report on the Programming Language {Haskell}: A
Non-strict, Purely Functional Language},
journal = SIGPLAN,
year = 1992,
volume = 27,
number = 5,
month = May,
note = {Version 1.2}}
author = {Paul Hudak and Joseph H. Fasel},
title = {A Gentle Introduction to {Haskell}},
journal = SIGPLAN,
year = 1992,
volume = 27,
number = 5,
month = May}
author = {G. P. Huet},
title = {A Unification Algorithm for Typed $\lambda$-Calculus},
journal = TCS,
volume = 1,
year = 1975,
pages = {27-57}}
author = {G. P. Huet and B. Lang},
title = {Proving and Applying Program Transformations Expressed with
Second-Order Patterns},
journal = acta,
volume = 11,
year = 1978,
pages = {31-55}}
author = {G\'erard Huet},
title = {Induction Principles Formalized in the {Calculus of
booktitle = {Programming of Future Generation Computers},
editor = {K. Fuchi and M. Nivat},
year = 1988,
pages = {205-216},
publisher = {Elsevier}}
author = {J. Harrison},
title = {A {Mizar} Mode for {HOL}},
pages = {203--220},
crossref = {tphols96}}
author = {Florian Kamm{\"u}ller and Markus Wenzel and
Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Locales: A Sectioning Concept for {Isabelle}},
crossref = {tphols99}}
@book{Knuth3-75,author={Donald E. Knuth},
title={The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching},
author = {Kenneth Kunen},
title = {Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs},
publisher = NH,
year = 1980}
author = {Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger},
title = {Deductive Synthesis of the Unification Algorithm},
journal = SCP,
year = 1981,
volume = 1,
number = 1,
pages = {5-48}}
author = {Ursula Martin and Tobias Nipkow},
title = {Ordered Rewriting and Confluence},
crossref = {cade10},
pages = {366-380}}
author = {Per Martin-L\"of},
title = {Intuitionistic type theory},
year = 1984,
publisher = {Bibliopolis}}
author = {Thomas F. Melham},
title = {Automating Recursive Type Definitions in Higher Order
pages = {341-386},
crossref = {birtwistle89}}
Author = {Dale Miller},
Title = {Unification Under a Mixed Prefix},
journal = JSC,
volume = 14,
number = 4,
pages = {321-358},
Year = 1992}
author = {Robin Milner},
title = {A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming},
journal = "J. Comp.\ Sys.\ Sci.",
year = 1978,
volume = 17,
pages = {348-375}}
author = {Robin Milner},
title = {How to Derive Inductions in {LCF}},
institution = Edinburgh,
year = 1980,
type = {note}}
author = {Robin Milner and Mads Tofte},
title = {Co-induction in Relational Semantics},
journal = TCS,
year = 1991,
volume = 87,
pages = {209-220}}
author = {Robin Milner},
title = {Communication and Concurrency},
publisher = Prentice,
year = 1989}
author = {Brian Q. Monahan},
title = {Data Type Proofs using Edinburgh {LCF}},
school = {University of Edinburgh},
year = 1984}
{Olaf M\"uller and Tobias Nipkow and Oheimb, David von and Oscar Slotosch},
title={{HOLCF = HOL + LCF}},journal=JFP,year=1999}
author = {Wolfgang Naraschewski and Markus Wenzel},
title =
{Object-Oriented Verification based on Record Subtyping in
Higher-Order Logic},
crossref = {tphols98}}
author = {Dieter Nazareth and Tobias Nipkow},
title = {Formal Verification of Algorithm {W}: The Monomorphic Case},
crossref = {tphols96},
pages = {331-345},
year = 1996}
author = {Wolfgang Naraschewski and Tobias Nipkow},
title = {Type Inference Verified: Algorithm {W} in {Isabelle/HOL}},
booktitle = {Types for Proofs and Programs: Intl. Workshop TYPES '96},
editor = {E. Gim\'enez and C. Paulin-Mohring},
publisher = Springer,
series = LNCS,
volume = 1512,
pages = {317-332},
year = 1998}
author = {Tobias Nipkow},
title = {More {Church-Rosser} Proofs (in {Isabelle/HOL})},
booktitle = {Automated Deduction --- CADE-13},
editor = {M. McRobbie and J.K. Slaney},
publisher = Springer,
series = LNCS,
volume = 1104,
pages = {733-747},
year = 1996}
% WAS Nipkow-LICS-93
title = {Functional Unification of Higher-Order Patterns},
author = {Tobias Nipkow},
pages = {64-74},
crossref = {lics8},
url = {\url{ftp://ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/local/lehrstuhl/nipkow/lics93.html}},
keywords = {unification}}
author = {Tobias Nipkow},
title = {Winskel is (almost) Right: Towards a Mechanized Semantics Textbook},
journal = FAC,
volume = 10,
pages = {171-186},
year = 1998}
author = {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C. Paulson and Markus Wenzel},
title = {{Isabelle}'s Logics: {HOL}},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Informatik, Technische Universi\"at
M\"unchen and Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge}}
author = {Tobias Nipkow and Christian Prehofer},
title = {Type Reconstruction for Type Classes},
journal = JFP,
volume = 5,
number = 2,
year = 1995,
pages = {201-224}}
author = {Philippe No{\"e}l},
title = {Experimenting with {Isabelle} in {ZF} Set Theory},
journal = JAR,
volume = 10,
number = 1,
pages = {15-58},
year = 1993}
author = {Bengt {Nordstr\"om} and Kent Petersson and Jan Smith},
title = {Programming in {Martin-L\"of}'s Type Theory. An
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
year = 1990}
title = {The {PVS} specification language},
author = {S. Owre and N. Shankar and J. M. Rushby},
organization = {Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International},
address = {Menlo Park, CA},
note = {Beta release},
year = 1993,
month = apr,
url = {\url{http://www.csl.sri.com/reports/pvs-language.dvi.Z}}}
% replaces paulin92
author = {Christine Paulin-Mohring},
title = {Inductive Definitions in the System {Coq}: Rules and
crossref = {tlca93},
pages = {328-345}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {A Fixedpoint Approach to Implementing (Co)Inductive
pages = {148-161},
crossref = {cade12}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types (for
pages = {246-274},
crossref = {colog88},
url = {\url{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/Reports/TR175-lcp-simple.dvi.gz}}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Mechanizing Coinduction and Corecursion in Higher-Order
journal = JLC,
year = 1997,
volume = 7,
number = 2,
month = mar,
pages = {175-204}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {The {Isabelle} Reference Manual},
institution = CUCL}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {{Isabelle}'s Logics: {FOL} and {ZF}},
institution = CUCL}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {The Foundation of a Generic Theorem Prover},
journal = JAR,
volume = 5,
number = 3,
pages = {363-397},
year = 1989,
url = {\url{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/Reports/TR130-lcp-generic-theorem-prover.dvi.gz}}}
%replaces paulson-final
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Final Coalgebras as Greatest Fixed Points in ZF Set Theory},
journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
year = 1999,
volume = 9,
note = {in press}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Generic Automatic Proof Tools},
crossref = {wos-fest},
chapter = 3}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson and Krzysztof Gr\c{a}bczewski},
title = {Mechanizing Set Theory: Cardinal Arithmetic and the Axiom of
journal = JAR,
year = 1996,
volume = 17,
number = 3,
month = dec,
pages = {291-323}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Designing a Theorem Prover},
crossref = {handbk-lics2},
pages = {415-475}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Isabelle: A Generic Theorem Prover},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 1994,
note = {LNCS 828}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Tool Support for Logics of Programs},
booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in Program Development:
Summer School Marktoberdorf 1996},
publisher = {Springer},
pages = {461-498},
year = {Published 1997},
editor = {Manfred Broy},
series = {NATO ASI Series F}}
%replaces Paulson-ML and paulson91
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {{ML} for the Working Programmer},
year = 1996,
edition = {2nd},
publisher = CUP}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Natural Deduction as Higher-order Resolution},
journal = JLP,
volume = 3,
pages = {237-258},
year = 1986,
url = {\url{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/Reports/TR82-lcp-higher-order-resolution.dvi.gz}}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Set Theory for Verification: {I}. {From}
Foundations to Functions},
journal = JAR,
volume = 11,
number = 3,
pages = {353-389},
year = 1993,
url = {\url{ftp://ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk/ml/set-I.ps.gz}}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Set Theory for Verification: {II}. {Induction} and
journal = JAR,
volume = 15,
number = 2,
pages = {167-215},
year = 1995,
url = {\url{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/Reports/TR312-lcp-set-II.ps.gz}}}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Verifying the Unification Algorithm in {LCF}},
journal = SCP,
volume = 5,
pages = {143-170},
year = 1985}
%replqces Paulson-LCF
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {Logic and Computation: Interactive proof with Cambridge
year = 1987,
publisher = CUP}
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {{Isabelle}: The Next 700 Theorem Provers},
crossref = {odifreddi90},
pages = {361-386},
url = {\url{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/Reports/TR143-lcp-experience.dvi.gz}}}
% replaces paulson-ns and paulson-security
author = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
title = {The Inductive Approach to Verifying Cryptographic Protocols},
journal = JCS,
year = 1998,
volume = 6,
pages = {85-128}}
author = {F. J. Pelletier},
title = {Seventy-five Problems for Testing Automatic Theorem
journal = JAR,
volume = 2,
pages = {191-216},
year = 1986,
note = {Errata, JAR 4 (1988), 235--236 and JAR 18 (1997), 135}}
author = {Andrew M. Pitts},
title = {A Co-induction Principle for Recursively Defined Domains},
journal = TCS,
volume = 124,
pages = {195-219},
year = 1994}
author = {David A. Plaisted},
title = {A Sequent-Style Model Elimination Strategy and a Positive
journal = JAR,
year = 1990,
volume = 6,
number = 4,
pages = {389-402}}
author = {Art Quaife},
title = {Automated Deduction in {von Neumann-Bernays-G\"{o}del} Set
journal = JAR,
year = 1992,
volume = 8,
number = 1,
pages = {91-147}}
author = {Ole Rasmussen},
title = {The {Church-Rosser} Theorem in {Isabelle}: A Proof Porting
institution = {Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge},
year = 1995,
number = 364,
month = may,
url = {\url{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk:80/ftp/papers/reports/TR364-or200-church-rosser-isabelle.ps.gz}}}
author = {Steve Reeves and Michael Clarke},
title = {Logic for Computer Science},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
year = 1990}
author = {P. Rudnicki},
title = {An Overview of the {MIZAR} Project},
booktitle = {1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
year = 1992,
organization = {Chalmers University of Technology},
publisher = {Bastad}
author = {Mark Saaltink and Sentot Kromodimoeljo and Bill Pase and
Dan Craigen and Irwin Meisels},
title = {An {EVES} Data Abstraction Example},
pages = {578-596},
crossref = {fme93}}
author = {Konrad Slind},
title = {Function Definition in Higher Order Logic},
booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics},
editor = {J. von Wright and J. Grundy and J. Harrison},
publisher = Springer,
series = LNCS,
volume = 1125,
pages = {381-397},
year = 1996}
author = {Patrick Suppes},
title = {Axiomatic Set Theory},
year = 1972,
publisher = {Dover}}
author = {Nora Szasz},
title = {A Machine Checked Proof that {Ackermann's} Function is not
Primitive Recursive},
crossref = {huet-plotkin93},
pages = {317-338}}
author = {D. Syme},
title = {{DECLARE}: A Prototype Declarative Proof System for Higher Order Logic},
institution = {University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory},
year = 1997,
number = 416
author = {D. Syme},
title = {Declarative Theorem Proving for Operational Semantics},
school = {University of Cambridge},
year = 1998,
note = {Submitted}
author = {D. Syme},
title = {Three Tactic Theorem Proving},
crossref = {tphols99}}
author = {G. Takeuti},
title = {Proof Theory},
year = 1987,
publisher = NH,
edition = {2nd}}
author = {Simon Thompson},
title = {Type Theory and Functional Programming},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
year = 1991}
author = {A. Trybulec},
title = {Some Features of the {Mizar} Language},
note = {Presented at a workshop in Turin, Italy},
year = 1993
author = {Norbert V\"olker},
title = {The Verification of a Timer Program using {Isabelle/HOL}},
url = {\url{ftp://ftp.fernuni-hagen.de/pub/fachb/et/dvt/projects/verification/timer.tar.gz}},
year = 1994,
month = aug}
author = {Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer},
title = {The {Isabelle} System Manual},
institution = TUM}
author = {Markus Wenzel},
title = {The {Isabelle Isar} Reference Manual},
institution = TUM}
author = {Markus Wenzel},
title = {{Isar} --- a Generic Interpretative Approach to Readable Formal Proof Documents},
crossref = {tphols99}}
author = {Markus Wenzel},
title = {Type Classes and Overloading in Higher-Order Logic},
crossref = {tphols97}}
author = {A. N. Whitehead and B. Russell},
title = {Principia Mathematica},
year = 1962,
publisher = CUP,
note = {Paperback edition to *56,
abridged from the 2nd edition (1927)}}
author = {Glynn Winskel},
title = {The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages},
publisher = MIT,year=1993}
author = {Larry Wos},
title = {Automated Reasoning and {Bledsoe's} Dream for the Field},
crossref = {bledsoe-fest},
pages = {297-342}}
editor = {S. Abramsky and D. M. Gabbay and T. S. E. Maibaum},
title = {Handbook of Logic in Computer Science},
booktitle = {Handbook of Logic in Computer Science},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
year = 1992,
volume = 2}
editor = {Henk Barendregt and Tobias Nipkow},
title = TYPES # {: International Workshop {TYPES '93}},
booktitle = TYPES # {: International Workshop {TYPES '93}},
year = {published 1994},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS 806}}
editor = {J. Barwise},
title = {Handbook of Mathematical Logic},
booktitle = {Handbook of Mathematical Logic},
year = 1977,
publisher = NH}
title = {Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications},
booktitle = {Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications},
editor = {M. Bezem and J.F. Groote},
year = 1993,
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS 664}}
editor = {Graham Birtwistle and P. A. Subrahmanyam},
title = {Current Trends in Hardware Verification and Automated
Theorem Proving},
booktitle = {Current Trends in Hardware Verification and Automated
Theorem Proving},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 1989}
title = {Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of {Woody Bledsoe}},
booktitle = {Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of {Woody Bledsoe}},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
year = 1991,
editor = {Robert S. Boyer}}
editor = {Alan Bundy},
title = {Automated Deduction --- {CADE}-12
International Conference},
booktitle = {Automated Deduction --- {CADE}-12
International Conference},
year = 1994,
series = {LNAI 814},
publisher = {Springer}}
editor = {Peter Dybjer and Bengt Nordstr{\"om} and Jan Smith},
title = TYPES # {: International Workshop {TYPES '94}},
booktitle = TYPES # {: International Workshop {TYPES '94}},
year = 1995,
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS 996}}
editor = {{G\'erard} Huet and Gordon Plotkin},
title = {Logical Frameworks},
booktitle = {Logical Frameworks},
publisher = CUP,
year = 1991}
editor = {{G\'erard} Huet and Gordon Plotkin},
title = {Logical Environments},
booktitle = {Logical Environments},
publisher = CUP,
year = 1993}
editor = {J. Joyce and C. Seger},
title = {Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and Its
Applications: HUG '93},
booktitle = {Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and Its
Applications: HUG '93},
year = {Published 1994},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS 780}}
editor = {P. Martin-L\"of and G. Mints},
title = {COLOG-88: International Conference on Computer Logic},
booktitle = {COLOG-88: International Conference on Computer Logic},
year = {Published 1990},
publisher = {Springer},
organization = {Estonian Academy of Sciences},
address = {Tallinn},
series = {LNCS 417}}
editor = {P. Odifreddi},
title = {Logic and Computer Science},
booktitle = {Logic and Computer Science},
publisher = {Academic Press},
year = 1990}
editor = {Peter Schroeder-Heister},
title = {Extensions of Logic Programming},
booktitle = {Extensions of Logic Programming},
year = 1991,
series = {LNAI 475},
publisher = {Springer}}
editor = {Mark E. Stickel},
title = {10th } # CADE,
booktitle = {10th } # CADE,
year = 1990,
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNAI 449}}
editor = {M. Vardi},
title = {Eighth Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science},
booktitle = {Eighth Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science},
publisher = IEEE,
year = 1993}
title = {Automated Reasoning and its Applications:
Essays in Honor of {Larry Wos}},
booktitle = {Automated Reasoning and its Applications:
Essays in Honor of {Larry Wos}},
publisher = {MIT Press},
year = 1997,
editor = {Robert Veroff}}
editor = {J. C. P. Woodcock and P. G. Larsen},
title = {FME '93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods},
booktitle = {FME '93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods},
year = 1993,
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS 670}}
title = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '96},
booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '96},
editor = {J. von Wright and J. Grundy and J. Harrison},
series = {LNCS 1125},
year = 1996}
title = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '97},
booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '97},
editor = {Elsa L. Gunter and Amy Felty},
series = {LNCS 1275},
year = 1997}
title = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '98},
booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '98},
editor = {Jim Grundy and Malcom Newey},
series = {LNCS 1479},
year = 1998}
title = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '99},
booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: {TPHOLs} '99},
editor = {Bertot, Y. and Dowek, G. and Hirschowitz, A. and
Paulin, C. and Thery, L.},
series = {LNCS 1690},
year = 1999}