(* Title: HOL/Library/Ramsey.thy
Author: Tom Ridge. Converted to structured Isar by L C Paulson
header "Ramsey's Theorem"
theory Ramsey
imports Main Infinite_Set
subsection{* Finite Ramsey theorem(s) *}
text{* To distinguish the finite and infinite ones, lower and upper case
names are used.
This is the most basic version in terms of cliques and independent
sets, i.e. the version for graphs and 2 colours. *}
definition "clique V E = (\<forall>v\<in>V. \<forall>w\<in>V. v\<noteq>w \<longrightarrow> {v,w} : E)"
definition "indep V E = (\<forall>v\<in>V. \<forall>w\<in>V. v\<noteq>w \<longrightarrow> \<not> {v,w} : E)"
lemma ramsey2:
"\<exists>r\<ge>1. \<forall> (V::'a set) (E::'a set set). finite V \<and> card V \<ge> r \<longrightarrow>
(\<exists> R \<subseteq> V. card R = m \<and> clique R E \<or> card R = n \<and> indep R E)"
(is "\<exists>r\<ge>1. ?R m n r")
proof(induct k == "m+n" arbitrary: m n)
case 0
show ?case (is "EX r. ?R r")
show "?R 1" using 0
by (clarsimp simp: indep_def)(metis card.empty emptyE empty_subsetI)
case (Suc k)
{ assume "m=0"
have ?case (is "EX r. ?R r")
show "?R 1" using `m=0`
by (simp add:clique_def)(metis card.empty emptyE empty_subsetI)
} moreover
{ assume "n=0"
have ?case (is "EX r. ?R r")
show "?R 1" using `n=0`
by (simp add:indep_def)(metis card.empty emptyE empty_subsetI)
} moreover
{ assume "m\<noteq>0" "n\<noteq>0"
hence "k = (m - 1) + n" "k = m + (n - 1)" using `Suc k = m+n` by auto
from Suc(1)[OF this(1)] Suc(1)[OF this(2)]
obtain r1 r2 where "r1\<ge>1" "r2\<ge>1" "?R (m - 1) n r1" "?R m (n - 1) r2"
by auto
hence "r1+r2 \<ge> 1" by arith
have "?R m n (r1+r2)" (is "ALL V E. _ \<longrightarrow> ?EX V E m n")
proof clarify
fix V :: "'a set" and E :: "'a set set"
assume "finite V" "r1+r2 \<le> card V"
with `r1\<ge>1` have "V \<noteq> {}" by auto
then obtain v where "v : V" by blast
let ?M = "{w : V. w\<noteq>v & {v,w} : E}"
let ?N = "{w : V. w\<noteq>v & {v,w} ~: E}"
have "V = insert v (?M \<union> ?N)" using `v : V` by auto
hence "card V = card(insert v (?M \<union> ?N))" by metis
also have "\<dots> = card ?M + card ?N + 1" using `finite V`
by(fastsimp intro: card_Un_disjoint)
finally have "card V = card ?M + card ?N + 1" .
hence "r1+r2 \<le> card ?M + card ?N + 1" using `r1+r2 \<le> card V` by simp
hence "r1 \<le> card ?M \<or> r2 \<le> card ?N" by arith
{ assume "r1 \<le> card ?M"
moreover have "finite ?M" using `finite V` by auto
ultimately have "?EX ?M E (m - 1) n" using `?R (m - 1) n r1` by blast
then obtain R where "R \<subseteq> ?M" "v ~: R" and
CI: "card R = m - 1 \<and> clique R E \<or>
card R = n \<and> indep R E" (is "?C \<or> ?I")
by blast
have "R <= V" using `R <= ?M` by auto
have "finite R" using `finite V` `R \<subseteq> V` by (metis finite_subset)
{ assume "?I"
with `R <= V` have "?EX V E m n" by blast
} moreover
{ assume "?C"
hence "clique (insert v R) E" using `R <= ?M`
by(auto simp:clique_def insert_commute)
moreover have "card(insert v R) = m"
using `?C` `finite R` `v ~: R` `m\<noteq>0` by simp
ultimately have "?EX V E m n" using `R <= V` `v : V` by blast
} ultimately have "?EX V E m n" using CI by blast
} moreover
{ assume "r2 \<le> card ?N"
moreover have "finite ?N" using `finite V` by auto
ultimately have "?EX ?N E m (n - 1)" using `?R m (n - 1) r2` by blast
then obtain R where "R \<subseteq> ?N" "v ~: R" and
CI: "card R = m \<and> clique R E \<or>
card R = n - 1 \<and> indep R E" (is "?C \<or> ?I")
by blast
have "R <= V" using `R <= ?N` by auto
have "finite R" using `finite V` `R \<subseteq> V` by (metis finite_subset)
{ assume "?C"
with `R <= V` have "?EX V E m n" by blast
} moreover
{ assume "?I"
hence "indep (insert v R) E" using `R <= ?N`
by(auto simp:indep_def insert_commute)
moreover have "card(insert v R) = n"
using `?I` `finite R` `v ~: R` `n\<noteq>0` by simp
ultimately have "?EX V E m n" using `R <= V` `v : V` by blast
} ultimately have "?EX V E m n" using CI by blast
} ultimately show "?EX V E m n" by blast
ultimately have ?case by blast
} ultimately show ?case by blast
subsection {* Preliminaries *}
subsubsection {* ``Axiom'' of Dependent Choice *}
primrec choice :: "('a => bool) => ('a * 'a) set => nat => 'a" where
--{*An integer-indexed chain of choices*}
choice_0: "choice P r 0 = (SOME x. P x)"
| choice_Suc: "choice P r (Suc n) = (SOME y. P y & (choice P r n, y) \<in> r)"
lemma choice_n:
assumes P0: "P x0"
and Pstep: "!!x. P x ==> \<exists>y. P y & (x,y) \<in> r"
shows "P (choice P r n)"
proof (induct n)
case 0 show ?case by (force intro: someI P0)
case Suc thus ?case by (auto intro: someI2_ex [OF Pstep])
lemma dependent_choice:
assumes trans: "trans r"
and P0: "P x0"
and Pstep: "!!x. P x ==> \<exists>y. P y & (x,y) \<in> r"
obtains f :: "nat => 'a" where
"!!n. P (f n)" and "!!n m. n < m ==> (f n, f m) \<in> r"
fix n
show "P (choice P r n)" by (blast intro: choice_n [OF P0 Pstep])
have PSuc: "\<forall>n. (choice P r n, choice P r (Suc n)) \<in> r"
using Pstep [OF choice_n [OF P0 Pstep]]
by (auto intro: someI2_ex)
fix n m :: nat
assume less: "n < m"
show "(choice P r n, choice P r m) \<in> r" using PSuc
by (auto intro: less_Suc_induct [OF less] transD [OF trans])
subsubsection {* Partitions of a Set *}
part :: "nat => nat => 'a set => ('a set => nat) => bool"
--{*the function @{term f} partitions the @{term r}-subsets of the typically
infinite set @{term Y} into @{term s} distinct categories.*}
"part r s Y f = (\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> Y & finite X & card X = r --> f X < s)"
text{*For induction, we decrease the value of @{term r} in partitions.*}
lemma part_Suc_imp_part:
"[| infinite Y; part (Suc r) s Y f; y \<in> Y |]
==> part r s (Y - {y}) (%u. f (insert y u))"
apply(simp add: part_def, clarify)
apply(drule_tac x="insert y X" in spec)
lemma part_subset: "part r s YY f ==> Y \<subseteq> YY ==> part r s Y f"
unfolding part_def by blast
subsection {* Ramsey's Theorem: Infinitary Version *}
lemma Ramsey_induction:
fixes s and r::nat
"!!(YY::'a set) (f::'a set => nat).
[|infinite YY; part r s YY f|]
==> \<exists>Y' t'. Y' \<subseteq> YY & infinite Y' & t' < s &
(\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> Y' & finite X & card X = r --> f X = t')"
proof (induct r)
case 0
thus ?case by (auto simp add: part_def card_eq_0_iff cong: conj_cong)
case (Suc r)
show ?case
proof -
from Suc.prems infinite_imp_nonempty obtain yy where yy: "yy \<in> YY" by blast
let ?ramr = "{((y,Y,t),(y',Y',t')). y' \<in> Y & Y' \<subseteq> Y}"
let ?propr = "%(y,Y,t).
y \<in> YY & y \<notin> Y & Y \<subseteq> YY & infinite Y & t < s
& (\<forall>X. X\<subseteq>Y & finite X & card X = r --> (f o insert y) X = t)"
have infYY': "infinite (YY-{yy})" using Suc.prems by auto
have partf': "part r s (YY - {yy}) (f \<circ> insert yy)"
by (simp add: o_def part_Suc_imp_part yy Suc.prems)
have transr: "trans ?ramr" by (force simp add: trans_def)
from Suc.hyps [OF infYY' partf']
obtain Y0 and t0
where "Y0 \<subseteq> YY - {yy}" "infinite Y0" "t0 < s"
"\<forall>X. X\<subseteq>Y0 \<and> finite X \<and> card X = r \<longrightarrow> (f \<circ> insert yy) X = t0"
by blast
with yy have propr0: "?propr(yy,Y0,t0)" by blast
have proprstep: "\<And>x. ?propr x \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>y. ?propr y \<and> (x, y) \<in> ?ramr"
proof -
fix x
assume px: "?propr x" thus "?thesis x"
proof (cases x)
case (fields yx Yx tx)
then obtain yx' where yx': "yx' \<in> Yx" using px
by (blast dest: infinite_imp_nonempty)
have infYx': "infinite (Yx-{yx'})" using fields px by auto
with fields px yx' Suc.prems
have partfx': "part r s (Yx - {yx'}) (f \<circ> insert yx')"
by (simp add: o_def part_Suc_imp_part part_subset [where YY=YY and Y=Yx])
from Suc.hyps [OF infYx' partfx']
obtain Y' and t'
where Y': "Y' \<subseteq> Yx - {yx'}" "infinite Y'" "t' < s"
"\<forall>X. X\<subseteq>Y' \<and> finite X \<and> card X = r \<longrightarrow> (f \<circ> insert yx') X = t'"
by blast
show ?thesis
show "?propr (yx',Y',t') & (x, (yx',Y',t')) \<in> ?ramr"
using fields Y' yx' px by blast
from dependent_choice [OF transr propr0 proprstep]
obtain g where pg: "!!n::nat. ?propr (g n)"
and rg: "!!n m. n<m ==> (g n, g m) \<in> ?ramr" by blast
let ?gy = "fst o g"
let ?gt = "snd o snd o g"
have rangeg: "\<exists>k. range ?gt \<subseteq> {..<k}"
proof (intro exI subsetI)
fix x
assume "x \<in> range ?gt"
then obtain n where "x = ?gt n" ..
with pg [of n] show "x \<in> {..<s}" by (cases "g n") auto
have "finite (range ?gt)"
by (simp add: finite_nat_iff_bounded rangeg)
then obtain s' and n'
where s': "s' = ?gt n'"
and infeqs': "infinite {n. ?gt n = s'}"
by (rule inf_img_fin_domE) (auto simp add: vimage_def intro: nat_infinite)
with pg [of n'] have less': "s'<s" by (cases "g n'") auto
have inj_gy: "inj ?gy"
proof (rule linorder_injI)
fix m m' :: nat assume less: "m < m'" show "?gy m \<noteq> ?gy m'"
using rg [OF less] pg [of m] by (cases "g m", cases "g m'") auto
show ?thesis
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "?gy ` {n. ?gt n = s'} \<subseteq> YY" using pg
by (auto simp add: Let_def split_beta)
show "infinite (?gy ` {n. ?gt n = s'})" using infeqs'
by (blast intro: inj_gy [THEN subset_inj_on] dest: finite_imageD)
show "s' < s" by (rule less')
show "\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> ?gy ` {n. ?gt n = s'} & finite X & card X = Suc r
--> f X = s'"
proof -
{fix X
assume "X \<subseteq> ?gy ` {n. ?gt n = s'}"
and cardX: "finite X" "card X = Suc r"
then obtain AA where AA: "AA \<subseteq> {n. ?gt n = s'}" and Xeq: "X = ?gy`AA"
by (auto simp add: subset_image_iff)
with cardX have "AA\<noteq>{}" by auto
hence AAleast: "(LEAST x. x \<in> AA) \<in> AA" by (auto intro: LeastI_ex)
have "f X = s'"
proof (cases "g (LEAST x. x \<in> AA)")
case (fields ya Ya ta)
with AAleast Xeq
have ya: "ya \<in> X" by (force intro!: rev_image_eqI)
hence "f X = f (insert ya (X - {ya}))" by (simp add: insert_absorb)
also have "... = ta"
proof -
have "X - {ya} \<subseteq> Ya"
fix x assume x: "x \<in> X - {ya}"
then obtain a' where xeq: "x = ?gy a'" and a': "a' \<in> AA"
by (auto simp add: Xeq)
hence "a' \<noteq> (LEAST x. x \<in> AA)" using x fields by auto
hence lessa': "(LEAST x. x \<in> AA) < a'"
using Least_le [of "%x. x \<in> AA", OF a'] by arith
show "x \<in> Ya" using xeq fields rg [OF lessa'] by auto
have "card (X - {ya}) = r"
by (simp add: cardX ya)
ultimately show ?thesis
using pg [of "LEAST x. x \<in> AA"] fields cardX
by (clarsimp simp del:insert_Diff_single)
also have "... = s'" using AA AAleast fields by auto
finally show ?thesis .
thus ?thesis by blast
theorem Ramsey:
fixes s r :: nat and Z::"'a set" and f::"'a set => nat"
"[|infinite Z;
\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> Z & finite X & card X = r --> f X < s|]
==> \<exists>Y t. Y \<subseteq> Z & infinite Y & t < s
& (\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> Y & finite X & card X = r --> f X = t)"
by (blast intro: Ramsey_induction [unfolded part_def])
corollary Ramsey2:
fixes s::nat and Z::"'a set" and f::"'a set => nat"
assumes infZ: "infinite Z"
and part: "\<forall>x\<in>Z. \<forall>y\<in>Z. x\<noteq>y --> f{x,y} < s"
"\<exists>Y t. Y \<subseteq> Z & infinite Y & t < s & (\<forall>x\<in>Y. \<forall>y\<in>Y. x\<noteq>y --> f{x,y} = t)"
proof -
have part2: "\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> Z & finite X & card X = 2 --> f X < s"
using part by (fastsimp simp add: eval_nat_numeral card_Suc_eq)
obtain Y t
where "Y \<subseteq> Z" "infinite Y" "t < s"
"(\<forall>X. X \<subseteq> Y & finite X & card X = 2 --> f X = t)"
by (insert Ramsey [OF infZ part2]) auto
moreover from this have "\<forall>x\<in>Y. \<forall>y\<in>Y. x \<noteq> y \<longrightarrow> f {x, y} = t" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by iprover
subsection {* Disjunctive Well-Foundedness *}
text {*
An application of Ramsey's theorem to program termination. See
disj_wf :: "('a * 'a)set => bool"
"disj_wf r = (\<exists>T. \<exists>n::nat. (\<forall>i<n. wf(T i)) & r = (\<Union>i<n. T i))"
transition_idx :: "[nat => 'a, nat => ('a*'a)set, nat set] => nat"
"transition_idx s T A =
(LEAST k. \<exists>i j. A = {i,j} & i<j & (s j, s i) \<in> T k)"
lemma transition_idx_less:
"[|i<j; (s j, s i) \<in> T k; k<n|] ==> transition_idx s T {i,j} < n"
apply (subgoal_tac "transition_idx s T {i, j} \<le> k", simp)
apply (simp add: transition_idx_def, blast intro: Least_le)
lemma transition_idx_in:
"[|i<j; (s j, s i) \<in> T k|] ==> (s j, s i) \<in> T (transition_idx s T {i,j})"
apply (simp add: transition_idx_def doubleton_eq_iff conj_disj_distribR
cong: conj_cong)
apply (erule LeastI)
text{*To be equal to the union of some well-founded relations is equivalent
to being the subset of such a union.*}
lemma disj_wf:
"disj_wf(r) = (\<exists>T. \<exists>n::nat. (\<forall>i<n. wf(T i)) & r \<subseteq> (\<Union>i<n. T i))"
apply (auto simp add: disj_wf_def)
apply (rule_tac x="%i. T i Int r" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x=n in exI)
apply (force simp add: wf_Int1)
theorem trans_disj_wf_implies_wf:
assumes transr: "trans r"
and dwf: "disj_wf(r)"
shows "wf r"
proof (simp only: wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain, rule notI)
assume "\<exists>s. \<forall>i. (s (Suc i), s i) \<in> r"
then obtain s where sSuc: "\<forall>i. (s (Suc i), s i) \<in> r" ..
have s: "!!i j. i < j ==> (s j, s i) \<in> r"
proof -
fix i and j::nat
assume less: "i<j"
thus "(s j, s i) \<in> r"
proof (rule less_Suc_induct)
show "\<And>i. (s (Suc i), s i) \<in> r" by (simp add: sSuc)
show "\<And>i j k. \<lbrakk>(s j, s i) \<in> r; (s k, s j) \<in> r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (s k, s i) \<in> r"
using transr by (unfold trans_def, blast)
from dwf
obtain T and n::nat where wfT: "\<forall>k<n. wf(T k)" and r: "r = (\<Union>k<n. T k)"
by (auto simp add: disj_wf_def)
have s_in_T: "\<And>i j. i<j ==> \<exists>k. (s j, s i) \<in> T k & k<n"
proof -
fix i and j::nat
assume less: "i<j"
hence "(s j, s i) \<in> r" by (rule s [of i j])
thus "\<exists>k. (s j, s i) \<in> T k & k<n" by (auto simp add: r)
have trless: "!!i j. i\<noteq>j ==> transition_idx s T {i,j} < n"
apply (auto simp add: linorder_neq_iff)
apply (blast dest: s_in_T transition_idx_less)
apply (subst insert_commute)
apply (blast dest: s_in_T transition_idx_less)
"\<exists>K k. K \<subseteq> UNIV & infinite K & k < n &
(\<forall>i\<in>K. \<forall>j\<in>K. i\<noteq>j --> transition_idx s T {i,j} = k)"
by (rule Ramsey2) (auto intro: trless nat_infinite)
then obtain K and k
where infK: "infinite K" and less: "k < n" and
allk: "\<forall>i\<in>K. \<forall>j\<in>K. i\<noteq>j --> transition_idx s T {i,j} = k"
by auto
have "\<forall>m. (s (enumerate K (Suc m)), s(enumerate K m)) \<in> T k"
fix m::nat
let ?j = "enumerate K (Suc m)"
let ?i = "enumerate K m"
have jK: "?j \<in> K" by (simp add: enumerate_in_set infK)
have iK: "?i \<in> K" by (simp add: enumerate_in_set infK)
have ij: "?i < ?j" by (simp add: enumerate_step infK)
have ijk: "transition_idx s T {?i,?j} = k" using iK jK ij
by (simp add: allk)
obtain k' where "(s ?j, s ?i) \<in> T k'" "k'<n"
using s_in_T [OF ij] by blast
thus "(s ?j, s ?i) \<in> T k"
by (simp add: ijk [symmetric] transition_idx_in ij)
hence "~ wf(T k)" by (force simp add: wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)
thus False using wfT less by blast