(* Title: Tools/try.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
Manager for tools that should be tried on conjectures.
signature TRY =
type tool =
string * (int * bool Unsynchronized.ref
* (bool -> Proof.state -> bool * (string * Proof.state)))
val tryN : string
val auto_time_limit: real Unsynchronized.ref
val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
val subgoal_count : Proof.state -> int
val register_tool : tool -> theory -> theory
val get_tools : theory -> tool list
val try_tools : Proof.state -> (string * string) option
structure Try : TRY =
type tool =
string * (int * bool Unsynchronized.ref
* (bool -> Proof.state -> bool * (string * Proof.state)))
val tryN = "try"
(* preferences *)
val auto_time_limit = Unsynchronized.ref 4.0
val auto_try_time_limitN = "auto-try-time-limit"
val _ =
ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_tracing
(Preferences.real_pref auto_time_limit
auto_try_time_limitN "Time limit for automatically tried tools (in seconds).")
(* helpers *)
fun serial_commas _ [] = ["??"]
| serial_commas _ [s] = [s]
| serial_commas conj [s1, s2] = [s1, conj, s2]
| serial_commas conj [s1, s2, s3] = [s1 ^ ",", s2 ^ ",", conj, s3]
| serial_commas conj (s :: ss) = s ^ "," :: serial_commas conj ss
val subgoal_count = Logic.count_prems o prop_of o #goal o Proof.goal
(* configuration *)
fun tool_ord ((name1, (weight1, _, _)), (name2, (weight2, _, _))) =
prod_ord int_ord string_ord ((weight1, name1), (weight2, name2))
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = tool list
val empty = []
val extend = I
fun merge data : T = Ord_List.merge tool_ord data
val get_tools = Data.get
val register_tool = Data.map o Ord_List.insert tool_ord
(* try command *)
fun try_tools state =
if subgoal_count state = 0 then
(Output.urgent_message "No subgoal!"; NONE)
get_tools (Proof.theory_of state)
|> tap (fn tools =>
"Trying " ^ space_implode " "
(serial_commas "and" (map (quote o fst) tools)) ^ "..."
|> Output.urgent_message)
|> Par_List.get_some
(fn (name, (_, _, tool)) =>
case try (tool false) state of
SOME (true, (outcome_code, _)) => SOME (name, outcome_code)
| _ => NONE)
|> tap (fn NONE => Output.urgent_message "Tried in vain." | _ => ())
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.improper_command tryN
"try a combination of automatic proving and disproving tools" Keyword.diag
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (ignore o try_tools o Toplevel.proof_of)))
(* automatic try *)
fun auto_try state =
get_tools (Proof.theory_of state)
|> map_filter (fn (_, (_, auto, tool)) => if !auto then SOME tool else NONE)
|> Par_List.get_some (fn tool =>
case try (tool true) state of
SOME (true, (_, state)) => SOME state
| _ => NONE)
|> the_default state
(* Too large values are understood as milliseconds, ensuring compatibility with
old setting files. No users can possibly in their right mind want the user
interface to block for more than 100 seconds. *)
fun smart_seconds r =
seconds (if r >= 100.0 then
(legacy_feature (quote auto_try_time_limitN ^
" expressed in milliseconds -- use seconds instead"); 0.001 * r)
val _ = Context.>> (Specification.add_theorem_hook (fn interact => fn state =>
if interact andalso not (!Toplevel.quiet) andalso !auto_time_limit > 0.0 then
TimeLimit.timeLimit (smart_seconds (!auto_time_limit)) auto_try state
handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => state