(* Title: Pure/ML-Systems/smlnj.ML
Compatibility file for Standard ML of New Jersey 110 or later.
exception Interrupt;
fun reraise exn = raise exn;
use "ML-Systems/proper_int.ML";
use "ML-Systems/unsynchronized.ML";
use "ML-Systems/overloading_smlnj.ML";
use "ML-Systems/exn.ML";
use "ML-Systems/universal.ML";
use "ML-Systems/thread_dummy.ML";
use "ML-Systems/multithreading.ML";
use "ML-Systems/timing.ML";
use "ML-Systems/system_shell.ML";
use "ML-Systems/ml_name_space.ML";
use "ML-Systems/ml_pretty.ML";
use "ML-Systems/use_context.ML";
(*low-level pointer equality*)
CM.autoload "$smlnj/init/init.cmi";
val pointer_eq = InlineT.ptreql;
(* restore old-style character / string functions *)
val ord = mk_int o SML90.ord;
val chr = SML90.chr o dest_int;
val explode = SML90.explode;
val implode = SML90.implode;
(* New Jersey ML parameters *)
val _ =
(Control.Print.printLength := 1000;
Control.Print.printDepth := 350;
Control.Print.stringDepth := 250;
Control.Print.signatures := 2;
Control.MC.matchRedundantError := false);
(* Poly/ML emulation *)
val exit = exit o dest_int;
fun quit () = exit 0;
(*limit the printing depth -- divided by 2 for comparibility with Poly/ML*)
val depth = ref (10: int);
fun get_print_depth () = ! depth;
fun print_depth n =
(depth := n;
Control.Print.printDepth := dest_int n div 2;
Control.Print.printLength := dest_int n);
fun ml_prompts p1 p2 =
(Control.primaryPrompt := p1; Control.secondaryPrompt := p2);
(*dummy implementation*)
fun magic_immutability_test _ = false;
fun magic_immutability_mark _ = ();
(*dummy implementation*)
fun profile (n: int) f x = f x;
(*dummy implementation*)
fun exception_trace f = f ();
(* ML command execution *)
fun use_text ({tune_source, print, error, ...}: use_context) (line, name) verbose txt =
val ref out_orig = Control.Print.out;
val out_buffer = ref ([]: string list);
val out = {say = (fn s => out_buffer := s :: ! out_buffer), flush = (fn () => ())};
fun output () =
let val str = implode (rev (! out_buffer))
in String.substring (str, 0, Int.max (0, size str - 1)) end;
Control.Print.out := out;
Backend.Interact.useStream (TextIO.openString (tune_source txt)) handle exn =>
(Control.Print.out := out_orig;
error ((if name = "" then "" else "Error in " ^ name ^ "\n") ^ output ()); raise exn);
Control.Print.out := out_orig;
if verbose then print (output ()) else ()
fun use_file context verbose name =
val instream = TextIO.openIn name;
val txt = Exn.release (Exn.capture TextIO.inputAll instream before TextIO.closeIn instream);
in use_text context (1, name) verbose txt end;
fun forget_structure _ = ();
(* toplevel pretty printing *)
fun ml_pprint pps =
fun str "" = ()
| str s = PrettyPrint.string pps s;
fun pprint (ML_Pretty.Block ((bg, en), prts, ind)) =
(str bg; PrettyPrint.openHOVBox pps (PrettyPrint.Rel (dest_int ind));
List.app pprint prts; PrettyPrint.closeBox pps; str en)
| pprint (ML_Pretty.String (s, _)) = str s
| pprint (ML_Pretty.Break (false, wd)) = PrettyPrint.break pps {nsp = dest_int wd, offset = 0}
| pprint (ML_Pretty.Break (true, _)) = PrettyPrint.newline pps;
in pprint end;
fun toplevel_pp context path pp =
use_text context (1, "pp") false
("CompilerPPTable.install_pp [" ^ String.concatWith "," (map (fn s => "\"" ^ s ^ "\"") path) ^
"] (fn pps => ml_pprint pps o Pretty.to_ML o (" ^ pp ^ "))");
(** interrupts **)
fun change_signal new_handler f x =
val old_handler = Signals.setHandler (Signals.sigINT, new_handler);
val result = Exn.capture (f old_handler) x;
val _ = Signals.setHandler (Signals.sigINT, old_handler);
in Exn.release result end;
fun interruptible (f: 'a -> 'b) x =
val result = ref (Exn.Exn Interrupt: 'b Exn.result);
val old_handler = Signals.inqHandler Signals.sigINT;
SMLofNJ.Cont.callcc (fn cont =>
(Signals.setHandler (Signals.sigINT, Signals.HANDLER (fn _ => cont));
result := Exn.capture f x));
Signals.setHandler (Signals.sigINT, old_handler);
Exn.release (! result)
fun uninterruptible f =
change_signal Signals.IGNORE
(fn old_handler => f (fn g => change_signal old_handler (fn _ => g)));
(* basis library fixes *)
structure TextIO =
open TextIO;
fun inputLine is = TextIO.inputLine is
handle IO.Io _ => raise Interrupt;
(** OS related **)
(* current directory *)
val cd = OS.FileSys.chDir;
val pwd = OS.FileSys.getDir;
(* system command execution *)
val system_out = (fn (output, rc) => (output, mk_int rc)) o system_out;
fun process_id pid =
Word.fmt StringCvt.DEC (Word.fromLargeWord (Posix.Process.pidToWord (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ())));
(* getenv *)
fun getenv var =
(case OS.Process.getEnv var of
NONE => ""
| SOME txt => txt);