Removed some legacy theorems; minor adjustments to simplification rules; new material on homotopic paths
(* Title: HOL/Decision_Procs/MIR.thy
Author: Amine Chaieb
theory MIR
imports Complex_Main Dense_Linear_Order DP_Library
"~~/src/HOL/Library/Code_Target_Numeral" "~~/src/HOL/Library/Old_Recdef"
section \<open>Quantifier elimination for \<open>\<real> (0, 1, +, floor, <)\<close>\<close>
declare of_int_floor_cancel [simp del]
lemma myle:
fixes a b :: "'a::{ordered_ab_group_add}"
shows "(a \<le> b) = (0 \<le> b - a)"
by (metis add_0_left add_le_cancel_right diff_add_cancel)
lemma myless:
fixes a b :: "'a::{ordered_ab_group_add}"
shows "(a < b) = (0 < b - a)"
by (metis le_iff_diff_le_0 less_le_not_le myle)
(* Periodicity of dvd *)
lemmas dvd_period = zdvd_period
(* The Divisibility relation between reals *)
definition rdvd:: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool" (infixl "rdvd" 50)
where "x rdvd y \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>k::int. y = x * real_of_int k)"
lemma int_rdvd_real:
"real_of_int (i::int) rdvd x = (i dvd (floor x) \<and> real_of_int (floor x) = x)" (is "?l = ?r")
assume "?l"
hence th: "\<exists> k. x=real_of_int (i*k)" by (simp add: rdvd_def)
hence th': "real_of_int (floor x) = x" by (auto simp del: of_int_mult)
with th have "\<exists> k. real_of_int (floor x) = real_of_int (i*k)" by simp
hence "\<exists> k. floor x = i*k" by presburger
thus ?r using th' by (simp add: dvd_def)
assume "?r" hence "(i::int) dvd \<lfloor>x::real\<rfloor>" ..
hence "\<exists> k. real_of_int (floor x) = real_of_int (i*k)"
by (metis (no_types) dvd_def)
thus ?l using \<open>?r\<close> by (simp add: rdvd_def)
lemma int_rdvd_iff: "(real_of_int (i::int) rdvd real_of_int t) = (i dvd t)"
by (auto simp add: rdvd_def dvd_def) (rule_tac x="k" in exI, simp only: of_int_mult[symmetric])
lemma rdvd_abs1: "(abs (real_of_int d) rdvd t) = (real_of_int (d ::int) rdvd t)"
assume d: "real_of_int d rdvd t"
from d int_rdvd_real have d2: "d dvd (floor t)" and ti: "real_of_int (floor t) = t"
by auto
from iffD2[OF abs_dvd_iff] d2 have "(abs d) dvd (floor t)" by blast
with ti int_rdvd_real[symmetric] have "real_of_int (abs d) rdvd t" by blast
thus "abs (real_of_int d) rdvd t" by simp
assume "abs (real_of_int d) rdvd t" hence "real_of_int (abs d) rdvd t" by simp
with int_rdvd_real[where i="abs d" and x="t"] have d2: "abs d dvd floor t" and ti: "real_of_int (floor t) =t"
by auto
from iffD1[OF abs_dvd_iff] d2 have "d dvd floor t" by blast
with ti int_rdvd_real[symmetric] show "real_of_int d rdvd t" by blast
lemma rdvd_minus: "(real_of_int (d::int) rdvd t) = (real_of_int d rdvd -t)"
apply (auto simp add: rdvd_def)
apply (rule_tac x="-k" in exI, simp)
apply (rule_tac x="-k" in exI, simp)
lemma rdvd_left_0_eq: "(0 rdvd t) = (t=0)"
by (auto simp add: rdvd_def)
lemma rdvd_mult:
assumes knz: "k\<noteq>0"
shows "(real_of_int (n::int) * real_of_int (k::int) rdvd x * real_of_int k) = (real_of_int n rdvd x)"
using knz by (simp add: rdvd_def)
datatype num = C int | Bound nat | CN nat int num | Neg num | Add num num| Sub num num
| Mul int num | Floor num| CF int num num
(* A size for num to make inductive proofs simpler*)
primrec num_size :: "num \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"num_size (C c) = 1"
| "num_size (Bound n) = 1"
| "num_size (Neg a) = 1 + num_size a"
| "num_size (Add a b) = 1 + num_size a + num_size b"
| "num_size (Sub a b) = 3 + num_size a + num_size b"
| "num_size (CN n c a) = 4 + num_size a "
| "num_size (CF c a b) = 4 + num_size a + num_size b"
| "num_size (Mul c a) = 1 + num_size a"
| "num_size (Floor a) = 1 + num_size a"
(* Semantics of numeral terms (num) *)
primrec Inum :: "real list \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> real" where
"Inum bs (C c) = (real_of_int c)"
| "Inum bs (Bound n) = bs!n"
| "Inum bs (CN n c a) = (real_of_int c) * (bs!n) + (Inum bs a)"
| "Inum bs (Neg a) = -(Inum bs a)"
| "Inum bs (Add a b) = Inum bs a + Inum bs b"
| "Inum bs (Sub a b) = Inum bs a - Inum bs b"
| "Inum bs (Mul c a) = (real_of_int c) * Inum bs a"
| "Inum bs (Floor a) = real_of_int (floor (Inum bs a))"
| "Inum bs (CF c a b) = real_of_int c * real_of_int (floor (Inum bs a)) + Inum bs b"
definition "isint t bs \<equiv> real_of_int (floor (Inum bs t)) = Inum bs t"
lemma isint_iff: "isint n bs = (real_of_int (floor (Inum bs n)) = Inum bs n)"
by (simp add: isint_def)
lemma isint_Floor: "isint (Floor n) bs"
by (simp add: isint_iff)
lemma isint_Mul: "isint e bs \<Longrightarrow> isint (Mul c e) bs"
let ?e = "Inum bs e"
let ?fe = "floor ?e"
assume be: "isint e bs" hence efe:"real_of_int ?fe = ?e" by (simp add: isint_iff)
have "real_of_int ((floor (Inum bs (Mul c e)))) = real_of_int (floor (real_of_int (c * ?fe)))" using efe by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (c* ?fe)" by (metis floor_of_int)
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int c * ?e" using efe by simp
finally show ?thesis using isint_iff by simp
lemma isint_neg: "isint e bs \<Longrightarrow> isint (Neg e) bs"
let ?I = "\<lambda> t. Inum bs t"
assume ie: "isint e bs"
hence th: "real_of_int (floor (?I e)) = ?I e" by (simp add: isint_def)
have "real_of_int (floor (?I (Neg e))) = real_of_int (floor (- (real_of_int (floor (?I e)))))" by (simp add: th)
also have "\<dots> = - real_of_int (floor (?I e))" by simp
finally show "isint (Neg e) bs" by (simp add: isint_def th)
lemma isint_sub:
assumes ie: "isint e bs" shows "isint (Sub (C c) e) bs"
let ?I = "\<lambda> t. Inum bs t"
from ie have th: "real_of_int (floor (?I e)) = ?I e" by (simp add: isint_def)
have "real_of_int (floor (?I (Sub (C c) e))) = real_of_int (floor ((real_of_int (c -floor (?I e)))))" by (simp add: th)
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (c- floor (?I e))" by simp
finally show "isint (Sub (C c) e) bs" by (simp add: isint_def th)
lemma isint_add:
assumes ai: "isint a bs" and bi: "isint b bs"
shows "isint (Add a b) bs"
let ?a = "Inum bs a"
let ?b = "Inum bs b"
from ai bi isint_iff have "real_of_int (floor (?a + ?b)) = real_of_int (floor (real_of_int (floor ?a) + real_of_int (floor ?b)))"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (floor ?a) + real_of_int (floor ?b)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = ?a + ?b" using ai bi isint_iff by simp
finally show "isint (Add a b) bs" by (simp add: isint_iff)
lemma isint_c: "isint (C j) bs"
by (simp add: isint_iff)
datatype fm =
T| F| Lt num| Le num| Gt num| Ge num| Eq num| NEq num| Dvd int num| NDvd int num|
NOT fm| And fm fm| Or fm fm| Imp fm fm| Iff fm fm| E fm| A fm
(* A size for fm *)
fun fmsize :: "fm \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"fmsize (NOT p) = 1 + fmsize p"
| "fmsize (And p q) = 1 + fmsize p + fmsize q"
| "fmsize (Or p q) = 1 + fmsize p + fmsize q"
| "fmsize (Imp p q) = 3 + fmsize p + fmsize q"
| "fmsize (Iff p q) = 3 + 2*(fmsize p + fmsize q)"
| "fmsize (E p) = 1 + fmsize p"
| "fmsize (A p) = 4+ fmsize p"
| "fmsize (Dvd i t) = 2"
| "fmsize (NDvd i t) = 2"
| "fmsize p = 1"
(* several lemmas about fmsize *)
lemma fmsize_pos: "fmsize p > 0"
by (induct p rule: fmsize.induct) simp_all
(* Semantics of formulae (fm) *)
primrec Ifm ::"real list \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"Ifm bs T = True"
| "Ifm bs F = False"
| "Ifm bs (Lt a) = (Inum bs a < 0)"
| "Ifm bs (Gt a) = (Inum bs a > 0)"
| "Ifm bs (Le a) = (Inum bs a \<le> 0)"
| "Ifm bs (Ge a) = (Inum bs a \<ge> 0)"
| "Ifm bs (Eq a) = (Inum bs a = 0)"
| "Ifm bs (NEq a) = (Inum bs a \<noteq> 0)"
| "Ifm bs (Dvd i b) = (real_of_int i rdvd Inum bs b)"
| "Ifm bs (NDvd i b) = (\<not>(real_of_int i rdvd Inum bs b))"
| "Ifm bs (NOT p) = (\<not> (Ifm bs p))"
| "Ifm bs (And p q) = (Ifm bs p \<and> Ifm bs q)"
| "Ifm bs (Or p q) = (Ifm bs p \<or> Ifm bs q)"
| "Ifm bs (Imp p q) = ((Ifm bs p) \<longrightarrow> (Ifm bs q))"
| "Ifm bs (Iff p q) = (Ifm bs p = Ifm bs q)"
| "Ifm bs (E p) = (\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p)"
| "Ifm bs (A p) = (\<forall> x. Ifm (x#bs) p)"
consts prep :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm"
recdef prep "measure fmsize"
"prep (E T) = T"
"prep (E F) = F"
"prep (E (Or p q)) = Or (prep (E p)) (prep (E q))"
"prep (E (Imp p q)) = Or (prep (E (NOT p))) (prep (E q))"
"prep (E (Iff p q)) = Or (prep (E (And p q))) (prep (E (And (NOT p) (NOT q))))"
"prep (E (NOT (And p q))) = Or (prep (E (NOT p))) (prep (E(NOT q)))"
"prep (E (NOT (Imp p q))) = prep (E (And p (NOT q)))"
"prep (E (NOT (Iff p q))) = Or (prep (E (And p (NOT q)))) (prep (E(And (NOT p) q)))"
"prep (E p) = E (prep p)"
"prep (A (And p q)) = And (prep (A p)) (prep (A q))"
"prep (A p) = prep (NOT (E (NOT p)))"
"prep (NOT (NOT p)) = prep p"
"prep (NOT (And p q)) = Or (prep (NOT p)) (prep (NOT q))"
"prep (NOT (A p)) = prep (E (NOT p))"
"prep (NOT (Or p q)) = And (prep (NOT p)) (prep (NOT q))"
"prep (NOT (Imp p q)) = And (prep p) (prep (NOT q))"
"prep (NOT (Iff p q)) = Or (prep (And p (NOT q))) (prep (And (NOT p) q))"
"prep (NOT p) = NOT (prep p)"
"prep (Or p q) = Or (prep p) (prep q)"
"prep (And p q) = And (prep p) (prep q)"
"prep (Imp p q) = prep (Or (NOT p) q)"
"prep (Iff p q) = Or (prep (And p q)) (prep (And (NOT p) (NOT q)))"
"prep p = p"
(hints simp add: fmsize_pos)
lemma prep: "\<And> bs. Ifm bs (prep p) = Ifm bs p"
by (induct p rule: prep.induct) auto
(* Quantifier freeness *)
fun qfree:: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"qfree (E p) = False"
| "qfree (A p) = False"
| "qfree (NOT p) = qfree p"
| "qfree (And p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)"
| "qfree (Or p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)"
| "qfree (Imp p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)"
| "qfree (Iff p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)"
| "qfree p = True"
(* Boundedness and substitution *)
primrec numbound0 :: "num \<Rightarrow> bool" (* a num is INDEPENDENT of Bound 0 *) where
"numbound0 (C c) = True"
| "numbound0 (Bound n) = (n>0)"
| "numbound0 (CN n i a) = (n > 0 \<and> numbound0 a)"
| "numbound0 (Neg a) = numbound0 a"
| "numbound0 (Add a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)"
| "numbound0 (Sub a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)"
| "numbound0 (Mul i a) = numbound0 a"
| "numbound0 (Floor a) = numbound0 a"
| "numbound0 (CF c a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)"
lemma numbound0_I:
assumes nb: "numbound0 a"
shows "Inum (b#bs) a = Inum (b'#bs) a"
using nb by (induct a) auto
lemma numbound0_gen:
assumes nb: "numbound0 t" and ti: "isint t (x#bs)"
shows "\<forall> y. isint t (y#bs)"
using nb ti
fix y
from numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="y" and b'="x"] ti[simplified isint_def]
show "isint t (y#bs)"
by (simp add: isint_def)
primrec bound0:: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" (* A Formula is independent of Bound 0 *) where
"bound0 T = True"
| "bound0 F = True"
| "bound0 (Lt a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (Le a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (Gt a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (Ge a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (Eq a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (NEq a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (Dvd i a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (NDvd i a) = numbound0 a"
| "bound0 (NOT p) = bound0 p"
| "bound0 (And p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
| "bound0 (Or p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
| "bound0 (Imp p q) = ((bound0 p) \<and> (bound0 q))"
| "bound0 (Iff p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
| "bound0 (E p) = False"
| "bound0 (A p) = False"
lemma bound0_I:
assumes bp: "bound0 p"
shows "Ifm (b#bs) p = Ifm (b'#bs) p"
using bp numbound0_I [where b="b" and bs="bs" and b'="b'"]
by (induct p) auto
primrec numsubst0:: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> num" (* substitute a num into a num for Bound 0 *) where
"numsubst0 t (C c) = (C c)"
| "numsubst0 t (Bound n) = (if n=0 then t else Bound n)"
| "numsubst0 t (CN n i a) = (if n=0 then Add (Mul i t) (numsubst0 t a) else CN n i (numsubst0 t a))"
| "numsubst0 t (CF i a b) = CF i (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
| "numsubst0 t (Neg a) = Neg (numsubst0 t a)"
| "numsubst0 t (Add a b) = Add (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
| "numsubst0 t (Sub a b) = Sub (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
| "numsubst0 t (Mul i a) = Mul i (numsubst0 t a)"
| "numsubst0 t (Floor a) = Floor (numsubst0 t a)"
lemma numsubst0_I:
shows "Inum (b#bs) (numsubst0 a t) = Inum ((Inum (b#bs) a)#bs) t"
by (induct t) simp_all
primrec subst0:: "num \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" (* substitue a num into a formula for Bound 0 *) where
"subst0 t T = T"
| "subst0 t F = F"
| "subst0 t (Lt a) = Lt (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (Le a) = Le (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (Gt a) = Gt (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (Ge a) = Ge (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (Eq a) = Eq (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (NEq a) = NEq (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (Dvd i a) = Dvd i (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (NDvd i a) = NDvd i (numsubst0 t a)"
| "subst0 t (NOT p) = NOT (subst0 t p)"
| "subst0 t (And p q) = And (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
| "subst0 t (Or p q) = Or (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
| "subst0 t (Imp p q) = Imp (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
| "subst0 t (Iff p q) = Iff (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
lemma subst0_I: assumes qfp: "qfree p"
shows "Ifm (b#bs) (subst0 a p) = Ifm ((Inum (b#bs) a)#bs) p"
using qfp numsubst0_I[where b="b" and bs="bs" and a="a"]
by (induct p) simp_all
fun decrnum:: "num \<Rightarrow> num" where
"decrnum (Bound n) = Bound (n - 1)"
| "decrnum (Neg a) = Neg (decrnum a)"
| "decrnum (Add a b) = Add (decrnum a) (decrnum b)"
| "decrnum (Sub a b) = Sub (decrnum a) (decrnum b)"
| "decrnum (Mul c a) = Mul c (decrnum a)"
| "decrnum (Floor a) = Floor (decrnum a)"
| "decrnum (CN n c a) = CN (n - 1) c (decrnum a)"
| "decrnum (CF c a b) = CF c (decrnum a) (decrnum b)"
| "decrnum a = a"
fun decr :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"decr (Lt a) = Lt (decrnum a)"
| "decr (Le a) = Le (decrnum a)"
| "decr (Gt a) = Gt (decrnum a)"
| "decr (Ge a) = Ge (decrnum a)"
| "decr (Eq a) = Eq (decrnum a)"
| "decr (NEq a) = NEq (decrnum a)"
| "decr (Dvd i a) = Dvd i (decrnum a)"
| "decr (NDvd i a) = NDvd i (decrnum a)"
| "decr (NOT p) = NOT (decr p)"
| "decr (And p q) = And (decr p) (decr q)"
| "decr (Or p q) = Or (decr p) (decr q)"
| "decr (Imp p q) = Imp (decr p) (decr q)"
| "decr (Iff p q) = Iff (decr p) (decr q)"
| "decr p = p"
lemma decrnum: assumes nb: "numbound0 t"
shows "Inum (x#bs) t = Inum bs (decrnum t)"
using nb by (induct t rule: decrnum.induct) simp_all
lemma decr: assumes nb: "bound0 p"
shows "Ifm (x#bs) p = Ifm bs (decr p)"
using nb by (induct p rule: decr.induct) (simp_all add: decrnum)
lemma decr_qf: "bound0 p \<Longrightarrow> qfree (decr p)"
by (induct p) simp_all
fun isatom :: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" (* test for atomicity *) where
"isatom T = True"
| "isatom F = True"
| "isatom (Lt a) = True"
| "isatom (Le a) = True"
| "isatom (Gt a) = True"
| "isatom (Ge a) = True"
| "isatom (Eq a) = True"
| "isatom (NEq a) = True"
| "isatom (Dvd i b) = True"
| "isatom (NDvd i b) = True"
| "isatom p = False"
lemma numsubst0_numbound0:
assumes nb: "numbound0 t"
shows "numbound0 (numsubst0 t a)"
using nb by (induct a) auto
lemma subst0_bound0:
assumes qf: "qfree p" and nb: "numbound0 t"
shows "bound0 (subst0 t p)"
using qf numsubst0_numbound0[OF nb] by (induct p) auto
lemma bound0_qf: "bound0 p \<Longrightarrow> qfree p"
by (induct p) simp_all
definition djf:: "('a \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"djf f p q = (if q=T then T else if q=F then f p else
(let fp = f p in case fp of T \<Rightarrow> T | F \<Rightarrow> q | _ \<Rightarrow> Or fp q))"
definition evaldjf:: "('a \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"evaldjf f ps = foldr (djf f) ps F"
lemma djf_Or: "Ifm bs (djf f p q) = Ifm bs (Or (f p) q)"
by (cases "q=T", simp add: djf_def,cases "q=F",simp add: djf_def)
(cases "f p", simp_all add: Let_def djf_def)
lemma evaldjf_ex: "Ifm bs (evaldjf f ps) = (\<exists> p \<in> set ps. Ifm bs (f p))"
by (induct ps) (simp_all add: evaldjf_def djf_Or)
lemma evaldjf_bound0:
assumes nb: "\<forall> x\<in> set xs. bound0 (f x)"
shows "bound0 (evaldjf f xs)"
using nb
apply (induct xs)
apply (auto simp add: evaldjf_def djf_def Let_def)
apply (case_tac "f a")
apply auto
lemma evaldjf_qf:
assumes nb: "\<forall> x\<in> set xs. qfree (f x)"
shows "qfree (evaldjf f xs)"
using nb
apply (induct xs)
apply (auto simp add: evaldjf_def djf_def Let_def)
apply (case_tac "f a")
apply auto
fun disjuncts :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm list" where
"disjuncts (Or p q) = (disjuncts p) @ (disjuncts q)"
| "disjuncts F = []"
| "disjuncts p = [p]"
fun conjuncts :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm list" where
"conjuncts (And p q) = (conjuncts p) @ (conjuncts q)"
| "conjuncts T = []"
| "conjuncts p = [p]"
lemma conjuncts: "(\<forall> q\<in> set (conjuncts p). Ifm bs q) = Ifm bs p"
by (induct p rule: conjuncts.induct) auto
lemma disjuncts_qf: "qfree p \<Longrightarrow> \<forall> q\<in> set (disjuncts p). qfree q"
proof -
assume qf: "qfree p"
hence "list_all qfree (disjuncts p)"
by (induct p rule: disjuncts.induct, auto)
thus ?thesis by (simp only: list_all_iff)
lemma conjuncts_qf: "qfree p \<Longrightarrow> \<forall> q\<in> set (conjuncts p). qfree q"
assume qf: "qfree p"
hence "list_all qfree (conjuncts p)"
by (induct p rule: conjuncts.induct, auto)
thus ?thesis by (simp only: list_all_iff)
definition DJ :: "(fm \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"DJ f p \<equiv> evaldjf f (disjuncts p)"
lemma DJ: assumes fdj: "\<forall> p q. f (Or p q) = Or (f p) (f q)"
and fF: "f F = F"
shows "Ifm bs (DJ f p) = Ifm bs (f p)"
proof -
have "Ifm bs (DJ f p) = (\<exists> q \<in> set (disjuncts p). Ifm bs (f q))"
by (simp add: DJ_def evaldjf_ex)
also have "\<dots> = Ifm bs (f p)" using fdj fF by (induct p rule: disjuncts.induct, auto)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma DJ_qf: assumes
fqf: "\<forall> p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (f p)"
shows "\<forall>p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (DJ f p) "
fix p assume qf: "qfree p"
have th: "DJ f p = evaldjf f (disjuncts p)" by (simp add: DJ_def)
from disjuncts_qf[OF qf] have "\<forall> q\<in> set (disjuncts p). qfree q" .
with fqf have th':"\<forall> q\<in> set (disjuncts p). qfree (f q)" by blast
from evaldjf_qf[OF th'] th show "qfree (DJ f p)" by simp
lemma DJ_qe: assumes qe: "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (qe p) \<and> (Ifm bs (qe p) = Ifm bs (E p))"
shows "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (DJ qe p) \<and> (Ifm bs ((DJ qe p)) = Ifm bs (E p))"
fix p::fm and bs
assume qf: "qfree p"
from qe have qth: "\<forall> p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (qe p)" by blast
from DJ_qf[OF qth] qf have qfth:"qfree (DJ qe p)" by auto
have "Ifm bs (DJ qe p) = (\<exists> q\<in> set (disjuncts p). Ifm bs (qe q))"
by (simp add: DJ_def evaldjf_ex)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> q \<in> set(disjuncts p). Ifm bs (E q))" using qe disjuncts_qf[OF qf] by auto
also have "\<dots> = Ifm bs (E p)" by (induct p rule: disjuncts.induct, auto)
finally show "qfree (DJ qe p) \<and> Ifm bs (DJ qe p) = Ifm bs (E p)" using qfth by blast
(* Simplification *)
(* Algebraic simplifications for nums *)
fun bnds:: "num \<Rightarrow> nat list" where
"bnds (Bound n) = [n]"
| "bnds (CN n c a) = n#(bnds a)"
| "bnds (Neg a) = bnds a"
| "bnds (Add a b) = (bnds a)@(bnds b)"
| "bnds (Sub a b) = (bnds a)@(bnds b)"
| "bnds (Mul i a) = bnds a"
| "bnds (Floor a) = bnds a"
| "bnds (CF c a b) = (bnds a)@(bnds b)"
| "bnds a = []"
fun lex_ns:: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"lex_ns [] ms = True"
| "lex_ns ns [] = False"
| "lex_ns (n#ns) (m#ms) = (n<m \<or> ((n = m) \<and> lex_ns ns ms)) "
definition lex_bnd :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"lex_bnd t s \<equiv> lex_ns (bnds t) (bnds s)"
fun maxcoeff:: "num \<Rightarrow> int" where
"maxcoeff (C i) = abs i"
| "maxcoeff (CN n c t) = max (abs c) (maxcoeff t)"
| "maxcoeff (CF c t s) = max (abs c) (maxcoeff s)"
| "maxcoeff t = 1"
lemma maxcoeff_pos: "maxcoeff t \<ge> 0"
by (induct t rule: maxcoeff.induct) auto
fun numgcdh:: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" where
"numgcdh (C i) = (\<lambda>g. gcd i g)"
| "numgcdh (CN n c t) = (\<lambda>g. gcd c (numgcdh t g))"
| "numgcdh (CF c s t) = (\<lambda>g. gcd c (numgcdh t g))"
| "numgcdh t = (\<lambda>g. 1)"
definition numgcd :: "num \<Rightarrow> int"
where "numgcd t = numgcdh t (maxcoeff t)"
fun reducecoeffh:: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num" where
"reducecoeffh (C i) = (\<lambda> g. C (i div g))"
| "reducecoeffh (CN n c t) = (\<lambda> g. CN n (c div g) (reducecoeffh t g))"
| "reducecoeffh (CF c s t) = (\<lambda> g. CF (c div g) s (reducecoeffh t g))"
| "reducecoeffh t = (\<lambda>g. t)"
definition reducecoeff :: "num \<Rightarrow> num"
"reducecoeff t =
(let g = numgcd t in
if g = 0 then C 0 else if g=1 then t else reducecoeffh t g)"
fun dvdnumcoeff:: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"dvdnumcoeff (C i) = (\<lambda> g. g dvd i)"
| "dvdnumcoeff (CN n c t) = (\<lambda> g. g dvd c \<and> (dvdnumcoeff t g))"
| "dvdnumcoeff (CF c s t) = (\<lambda> g. g dvd c \<and> (dvdnumcoeff t g))"
| "dvdnumcoeff t = (\<lambda>g. False)"
lemma dvdnumcoeff_trans:
assumes gdg: "g dvd g'" and dgt':"dvdnumcoeff t g'"
shows "dvdnumcoeff t g"
using dgt' gdg
by (induct t rule: dvdnumcoeff.induct) (simp_all add: gdg dvd_trans[OF gdg])
declare dvd_trans [trans add]
lemma numgcd0:
assumes g0: "numgcd t = 0"
shows "Inum bs t = 0"
have "\<And>x. numgcdh t x= 0 \<Longrightarrow> Inum bs t = 0"
by (induct t rule: numgcdh.induct, auto)
thus ?thesis using g0[simplified numgcd_def] by blast
lemma numgcdh_pos: assumes gp: "g \<ge> 0" shows "numgcdh t g \<ge> 0"
using gp by (induct t rule: numgcdh.induct) auto
lemma numgcd_pos: "numgcd t \<ge>0"
by (simp add: numgcd_def numgcdh_pos maxcoeff_pos)
lemma reducecoeffh:
assumes gt: "dvdnumcoeff t g" and gp: "g > 0"
shows "real_of_int g *(Inum bs (reducecoeffh t g)) = Inum bs t"
using gt
proof(induct t rule: reducecoeffh.induct)
case (1 i) hence gd: "g dvd i" by simp
from assms 1 show ?case by (simp add: real_of_int_div[OF gd])
case (2 n c t) hence gd: "g dvd c" by simp
from assms 2 show ?case by (simp add: real_of_int_div[OF gd] algebra_simps)
case (3 c s t) hence gd: "g dvd c" by simp
from assms 3 show ?case by (simp add: real_of_int_div[OF gd] algebra_simps)
qed (auto simp add: numgcd_def gp)
fun ismaxcoeff:: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ismaxcoeff (C i) = (\<lambda> x. abs i \<le> x)"
| "ismaxcoeff (CN n c t) = (\<lambda>x. abs c \<le> x \<and> (ismaxcoeff t x))"
| "ismaxcoeff (CF c s t) = (\<lambda>x. abs c \<le> x \<and> (ismaxcoeff t x))"
| "ismaxcoeff t = (\<lambda>x. True)"
lemma ismaxcoeff_mono: "ismaxcoeff t c \<Longrightarrow> c \<le> c' \<Longrightarrow> ismaxcoeff t c'"
by (induct t rule: ismaxcoeff.induct) auto
lemma maxcoeff_ismaxcoeff: "ismaxcoeff t (maxcoeff t)"
proof (induct t rule: maxcoeff.induct)
case (2 n c t)
hence H:"ismaxcoeff t (maxcoeff t)" .
have thh: "maxcoeff t \<le> max (abs c) (maxcoeff t)" by simp
from ismaxcoeff_mono[OF H thh] show ?case by simp
case (3 c t s)
hence H1:"ismaxcoeff s (maxcoeff s)" by auto
have thh1: "maxcoeff s \<le> max \<bar>c\<bar> (maxcoeff s)" by (simp add: max_def)
from ismaxcoeff_mono[OF H1 thh1] show ?case by simp
qed simp_all
lemma zgcd_gt1: "gcd i j > (1::int) \<Longrightarrow> ((abs i > 1 \<and> abs j > 1) \<or> (abs i = 0 \<and> abs j > 1) \<or> (abs i > 1 \<and> abs j = 0))"
apply (unfold gcd_int_def)
apply (cases "i = 0", simp_all)
apply (cases "j = 0", simp_all)
apply (cases "abs i = 1", simp_all)
apply (cases "abs j = 1", simp_all)
apply auto
lemma numgcdh0:"numgcdh t m = 0 \<Longrightarrow> m =0"
by (induct t rule: numgcdh.induct) auto
lemma dvdnumcoeff_aux:
assumes "ismaxcoeff t m" and mp:"m \<ge> 0" and "numgcdh t m > 1"
shows "dvdnumcoeff t (numgcdh t m)"
using assms
proof(induct t rule: numgcdh.induct)
case (2 n c t)
let ?g = "numgcdh t m"
from 2 have th:"gcd c ?g > 1" by simp
from zgcd_gt1[OF th] numgcdh_pos[OF mp, where t="t"]
have "(abs c > 1 \<and> ?g > 1) \<or> (abs c = 0 \<and> ?g > 1) \<or> (abs c > 1 \<and> ?g = 0)" by simp
moreover {assume "abs c > 1" and gp: "?g > 1" with 2
have th: "dvdnumcoeff t ?g" by simp
have th': "gcd c ?g dvd ?g" by simp
from dvdnumcoeff_trans[OF th' th] have ?case by simp }
moreover {assume "abs c = 0 \<and> ?g > 1"
with 2 have th: "dvdnumcoeff t ?g" by simp
have th': "gcd c ?g dvd ?g" by simp
from dvdnumcoeff_trans[OF th' th] have ?case by simp
hence ?case by simp }
moreover {assume "abs c > 1" and g0:"?g = 0"
from numgcdh0[OF g0] have "m=0". with 2 g0 have ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (3 c s t)
let ?g = "numgcdh t m"
from 3 have th:"gcd c ?g > 1" by simp
from zgcd_gt1[OF th] numgcdh_pos[OF mp, where t="t"]
have "(abs c > 1 \<and> ?g > 1) \<or> (abs c = 0 \<and> ?g > 1) \<or> (abs c > 1 \<and> ?g = 0)" by simp
moreover {assume "abs c > 1" and gp: "?g > 1" with 3
have th: "dvdnumcoeff t ?g" by simp
have th': "gcd c ?g dvd ?g" by simp
from dvdnumcoeff_trans[OF th' th] have ?case by simp }
moreover {assume "abs c = 0 \<and> ?g > 1"
with 3 have th: "dvdnumcoeff t ?g" by simp
have th': "gcd c ?g dvd ?g" by simp
from dvdnumcoeff_trans[OF th' th] have ?case by simp
hence ?case by simp }
moreover {assume "abs c > 1" and g0:"?g = 0"
from numgcdh0[OF g0] have "m=0". with 3 g0 have ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
qed auto
lemma dvdnumcoeff_aux2:
assumes "numgcd t > 1" shows "dvdnumcoeff t (numgcd t) \<and> numgcd t > 0"
using assms
proof (simp add: numgcd_def)
let ?mc = "maxcoeff t"
let ?g = "numgcdh t ?mc"
have th1: "ismaxcoeff t ?mc" by (rule maxcoeff_ismaxcoeff)
have th2: "?mc \<ge> 0" by (rule maxcoeff_pos)
assume H: "numgcdh t ?mc > 1"
from dvdnumcoeff_aux[OF th1 th2 H] show "dvdnumcoeff t ?g" .
lemma reducecoeff: "real_of_int (numgcd t) * (Inum bs (reducecoeff t)) = Inum bs t"
let ?g = "numgcd t"
have "?g \<ge> 0" by (simp add: numgcd_pos)
hence "?g = 0 \<or> ?g = 1 \<or> ?g > 1" by auto
moreover {assume "?g = 0" hence ?thesis by (simp add: numgcd0)}
moreover {assume "?g = 1" hence ?thesis by (simp add: reducecoeff_def)}
moreover { assume g1:"?g > 1"
from dvdnumcoeff_aux2[OF g1] have th1:"dvdnumcoeff t ?g" and g0: "?g > 0" by blast+
from reducecoeffh[OF th1 g0, where bs="bs"] g1 have ?thesis
by (simp add: reducecoeff_def Let_def)}
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma reducecoeffh_numbound0: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (reducecoeffh t g)"
by (induct t rule: reducecoeffh.induct) auto
lemma reducecoeff_numbound0: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (reducecoeff t)"
using reducecoeffh_numbound0 by (simp add: reducecoeff_def Let_def)
consts numadd:: "num \<times> num \<Rightarrow> num"
recdef numadd "measure (\<lambda> (t,s). size t + size s)"
"numadd (CN n1 c1 r1,CN n2 c2 r2) =
(if n1=n2 then
(let c = c1 + c2
in (if c=0 then numadd(r1,r2) else CN n1 c (numadd (r1,r2))))
else if n1 \<le> n2 then CN n1 c1 (numadd (r1,CN n2 c2 r2))
else (CN n2 c2 (numadd (CN n1 c1 r1,r2))))"
"numadd (CN n1 c1 r1,t) = CN n1 c1 (numadd (r1, t))"
"numadd (t,CN n2 c2 r2) = CN n2 c2 (numadd (t,r2))"
"numadd (CF c1 t1 r1,CF c2 t2 r2) =
(if t1 = t2 then
(let c=c1+c2; s= numadd(r1,r2) in (if c=0 then s else CF c t1 s))
else if lex_bnd t1 t2 then CF c1 t1 (numadd(r1,CF c2 t2 r2))
else CF c2 t2 (numadd(CF c1 t1 r1,r2)))"
"numadd (CF c1 t1 r1,C c) = CF c1 t1 (numadd (r1, C c))"
"numadd (C c,CF c1 t1 r1) = CF c1 t1 (numadd (r1, C c))"
"numadd (C b1, C b2) = C (b1+b2)"
"numadd (a,b) = Add a b"
lemma numadd[simp]: "Inum bs (numadd (t,s)) = Inum bs (Add t s)"
apply (induct t s rule: numadd.induct, simp_all add: Let_def)
apply (case_tac "c1+c2 = 0",case_tac "n1 \<le> n2", simp_all)
apply (case_tac "n1 = n2", simp_all add: algebra_simps)
apply (simp only: distrib_right[symmetric])
apply simp
apply (case_tac "lex_bnd t1 t2", simp_all)
apply (case_tac "c1+c2 = 0")
apply (case_tac "t1 = t2")
apply (simp_all add: algebra_simps distrib_right[symmetric] of_int_mult[symmetric] of_int_add[symmetric]del: of_int_mult of_int_add distrib_right)
lemma numadd_nb[simp]: "\<lbrakk> numbound0 t ; numbound0 s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (numadd (t,s))"
by (induct t s rule: numadd.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def)
fun nummul:: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num" where
"nummul (C j) = (\<lambda> i. C (i*j))"
| "nummul (CN n c t) = (\<lambda> i. CN n (c*i) (nummul t i))"
| "nummul (CF c t s) = (\<lambda> i. CF (c*i) t (nummul s i))"
| "nummul (Mul c t) = (\<lambda> i. nummul t (i*c))"
| "nummul t = (\<lambda> i. Mul i t)"
lemma nummul[simp]: "\<And> i. Inum bs (nummul t i) = Inum bs (Mul i t)"
by (induct t rule: nummul.induct) (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma nummul_nb[simp]: "\<And> i. numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (nummul t i)"
by (induct t rule: nummul.induct) auto
definition numneg :: "num \<Rightarrow> num"
where "numneg t \<equiv> nummul t (- 1)"
definition numsub :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> num"
where "numsub s t \<equiv> (if s = t then C 0 else numadd (s,numneg t))"
lemma numneg[simp]: "Inum bs (numneg t) = Inum bs (Neg t)"
using numneg_def nummul by simp
lemma numneg_nb[simp]: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (numneg t)"
using numneg_def by simp
lemma numsub[simp]: "Inum bs (numsub a b) = Inum bs (Sub a b)"
using numsub_def by simp
lemma numsub_nb[simp]: "\<lbrakk> numbound0 t ; numbound0 s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (numsub t s)"
using numsub_def by simp
lemma isint_CF: assumes si: "isint s bs" shows "isint (CF c t s) bs"
have cti: "isint (Mul c (Floor t)) bs" by (simp add: isint_Mul isint_Floor)
have "?thesis = isint (Add (Mul c (Floor t)) s) bs" by (simp add: isint_def)
also have "\<dots>" by (simp add: isint_add cti si)
finally show ?thesis .
fun split_int:: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<times> num" where
"split_int (C c) = (C 0, C c)"
| "split_int (CN n c b) =
(let (bv,bi) = split_int b
in (CN n c bv, bi))"
| "split_int (CF c a b) =
(let (bv,bi) = split_int b
in (bv, CF c a bi))"
| "split_int a = (a,C 0)"
lemma split_int: "\<And>tv ti. split_int t = (tv,ti) \<Longrightarrow> (Inum bs (Add tv ti) = Inum bs t) \<and> isint ti bs"
proof (induct t rule: split_int.induct)
case (2 c n b tv ti)
let ?bv = "fst (split_int b)"
let ?bi = "snd (split_int b)"
have "split_int b = (?bv,?bi)" by simp
with 2(1) have b:"Inum bs (Add ?bv ?bi) = Inum bs b" and bii: "isint ?bi bs" by blast+
from 2(2) have tibi: "ti = ?bi" by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from 2(2) b[symmetric] bii show ?case by (auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
case (3 c a b tv ti)
let ?bv = "fst (split_int b)"
let ?bi = "snd (split_int b)"
have "split_int b = (?bv,?bi)" by simp
with 3(1) have b:"Inum bs (Add ?bv ?bi) = Inum bs b" and bii: "isint ?bi bs" by blast+
from 3(2) have tibi: "ti = CF c a ?bi"
by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from 3(2) b[symmetric] bii show ?case
by (auto simp add: Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_add isint_Mul isint_CF)
qed (auto simp add: Let_def isint_iff isint_Floor isint_add isint_Mul split_def algebra_simps)
lemma split_int_nb: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (fst (split_int t)) \<and> numbound0 (snd (split_int t)) "
by (induct t rule: split_int.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
definition numfloor:: "num \<Rightarrow> num"
"numfloor t = (let (tv,ti) = split_int t in
(case tv of C i \<Rightarrow> numadd (tv,ti)
| _ \<Rightarrow> numadd(CF 1 tv (C 0),ti)))"
lemma numfloor[simp]: "Inum bs (numfloor t) = Inum bs (Floor t)" (is "?n t = ?N (Floor t)")
let ?tv = "fst (split_int t)"
let ?ti = "snd (split_int t)"
have tvti:"split_int t = (?tv,?ti)" by simp
{assume H: "\<forall> v. ?tv \<noteq> C v"
hence th1: "?n t = ?N (Add (Floor ?tv) ?ti)"
by (cases ?tv) (auto simp add: numfloor_def Let_def split_def)
from split_int[OF tvti] have "?N (Floor t) = ?N (Floor(Add ?tv ?ti))" and tii:"isint ?ti bs" by simp+
hence "?N (Floor t) = real_of_int (floor (?N (Add ?tv ?ti)))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (floor (?N ?tv) + (floor (?N ?ti)))"
by (simp,subst tii[simplified isint_iff, symmetric]) simp
also have "\<dots> = ?N (Add (Floor ?tv) ?ti)" by (simp add: tii[simplified isint_iff])
finally have ?thesis using th1 by simp}
moreover {fix v assume H:"?tv = C v"
from split_int[OF tvti] have "?N (Floor t) = ?N (Floor(Add ?tv ?ti))" and tii:"isint ?ti bs" by simp+
hence "?N (Floor t) = real_of_int (floor (?N (Add ?tv ?ti)))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (floor (?N ?tv) + (floor (?N ?ti)))"
by (simp,subst tii[simplified isint_iff, symmetric]) simp
also have "\<dots> = ?N (Add (Floor ?tv) ?ti)" by (simp add: tii[simplified isint_iff])
finally have ?thesis by (simp add: H numfloor_def Let_def split_def) }
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma numfloor_nb[simp]: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (numfloor t)"
using split_int_nb[where t="t"]
by (cases "fst (split_int t)") (auto simp add: numfloor_def Let_def split_def)
function simpnum:: "num \<Rightarrow> num" where
"simpnum (C j) = C j"
| "simpnum (Bound n) = CN n 1 (C 0)"
| "simpnum (Neg t) = numneg (simpnum t)"
| "simpnum (Add t s) = numadd (simpnum t,simpnum s)"
| "simpnum (Sub t s) = numsub (simpnum t) (simpnum s)"
| "simpnum (Mul i t) = (if i = 0 then (C 0) else nummul (simpnum t) i)"
| "simpnum (Floor t) = numfloor (simpnum t)"
| "simpnum (CN n c t) = (if c=0 then simpnum t else CN n c (simpnum t))"
| "simpnum (CF c t s) = simpnum(Add (Mul c (Floor t)) s)"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure num_size") auto
lemma simpnum_ci[simp]: "Inum bs (simpnum t) = Inum bs t"
by (induct t rule: simpnum.induct) auto
lemma simpnum_numbound0[simp]: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (simpnum t)"
by (induct t rule: simpnum.induct) auto
fun nozerocoeff:: "num \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"nozerocoeff (C c) = True"
| "nozerocoeff (CN n c t) = (c\<noteq>0 \<and> nozerocoeff t)"
| "nozerocoeff (CF c s t) = (c \<noteq> 0 \<and> nozerocoeff t)"
| "nozerocoeff (Mul c t) = (c\<noteq>0 \<and> nozerocoeff t)"
| "nozerocoeff t = True"
lemma numadd_nz : "nozerocoeff a \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff b \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff (numadd (a,b))"
by (induct a b rule: numadd.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def)
lemma nummul_nz : "\<And> i. i\<noteq>0 \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff a \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff (nummul a i)"
by (induct a rule: nummul.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def numadd_nz)
lemma numneg_nz : "nozerocoeff a \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff (numneg a)"
by (simp add: numneg_def nummul_nz)
lemma numsub_nz: "nozerocoeff a \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff b \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff (numsub a b)"
by (simp add: numsub_def numneg_nz numadd_nz)
lemma split_int_nz: "nozerocoeff t \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff (fst (split_int t)) \<and> nozerocoeff (snd (split_int t))"
by (induct t rule: split_int.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
lemma numfloor_nz: "nozerocoeff t \<Longrightarrow> nozerocoeff (numfloor t)"
by (simp add: numfloor_def Let_def split_def)
(cases "fst (split_int t)", simp_all add: split_int_nz numadd_nz)
lemma simpnum_nz: "nozerocoeff (simpnum t)"
by (induct t rule: simpnum.induct)
(auto simp add: numadd_nz numneg_nz numsub_nz nummul_nz numfloor_nz)
lemma maxcoeff_nz: "nozerocoeff t \<Longrightarrow> maxcoeff t = 0 \<Longrightarrow> t = C 0"
proof (induct t rule: maxcoeff.induct)
case (2 n c t)
hence cnz: "c \<noteq>0" and mx: "max (abs c) (maxcoeff t) = 0" by simp+
have "max (abs c) (maxcoeff t) \<ge> abs c" by simp
with cnz have "max (abs c) (maxcoeff t) > 0" by arith
with 2 show ?case by simp
case (3 c s t)
hence cnz: "c \<noteq>0" and mx: "max (abs c) (maxcoeff t) = 0" by simp+
have "max (abs c) (maxcoeff t) \<ge> abs c" by simp
with cnz have "max (abs c) (maxcoeff t) > 0" by arith
with 3 show ?case by simp
qed auto
lemma numgcd_nz: assumes nz: "nozerocoeff t" and g0: "numgcd t = 0" shows "t = C 0"
from g0 have th:"numgcdh t (maxcoeff t) = 0" by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from numgcdh0[OF th] have th:"maxcoeff t = 0" .
from maxcoeff_nz[OF nz th] show ?thesis .
definition simp_num_pair :: "(num \<times> int) \<Rightarrow> num \<times> int" where
"simp_num_pair \<equiv> (\<lambda> (t,n). (if n = 0 then (C 0, 0) else
(let t' = simpnum t ; g = numgcd t' in
if g > 1 then (let g' = gcd n g in
if g' = 1 then (t',n)
else (reducecoeffh t' g', n div g'))
else (t',n))))"
lemma simp_num_pair_ci:
shows "((\<lambda> (t,n). Inum bs t / real_of_int n) (simp_num_pair (t,n))) = ((\<lambda> (t,n). Inum bs t / real_of_int n) (t,n))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
let ?t' = "simpnum t"
let ?g = "numgcd ?t'"
let ?g' = "gcd n ?g"
{assume nz: "n = 0" hence ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def simp_num_pair_def)}
{ assume nnz: "n \<noteq> 0"
{assume "\<not> ?g > 1" hence ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def simp_num_pair_def)}
{assume g1:"?g>1" hence g0: "?g > 0" by simp
from g1 nnz have gp0: "?g' \<noteq> 0" by simp
hence g'p: "?g' > 0" using gcd_ge_0_int[where x="n" and y="numgcd ?t'"] by arith
hence "?g'= 1 \<or> ?g' > 1" by arith
moreover {assume "?g'=1" hence ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def simp_num_pair_def)}
moreover {assume g'1:"?g'>1"
from dvdnumcoeff_aux2[OF g1] have th1:"dvdnumcoeff ?t' ?g" ..
let ?tt = "reducecoeffh ?t' ?g'"
let ?t = "Inum bs ?tt"
have gpdg: "?g' dvd ?g" by simp
have gpdd: "?g' dvd n" by simp
have gpdgp: "?g' dvd ?g'" by simp
from reducecoeffh[OF dvdnumcoeff_trans[OF gpdg th1] g'p]
have th2:"real_of_int ?g' * ?t = Inum bs ?t'" by simp
from nnz g1 g'1 have "?lhs = ?t / real_of_int (n div ?g')" by (simp add: simp_num_pair_def Let_def)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int ?g' * ?t) / (real_of_int ?g' * (real_of_int (n div ?g')))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (Inum bs ?t' / real_of_int n)"
using real_of_int_div[OF gpdd] th2 gp0 by simp
finally have "?lhs = Inum bs t / real_of_int n" by simp
then have ?thesis using nnz g1 g'1 by (simp add: simp_num_pair_def) }
ultimately have ?thesis by blast }
ultimately have ?thesis by blast }
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma simp_num_pair_l:
assumes tnb: "numbound0 t" and np: "n >0" and tn: "simp_num_pair (t,n) = (t',n')"
shows "numbound0 t' \<and> n' >0"
let ?t' = "simpnum t"
let ?g = "numgcd ?t'"
let ?g' = "gcd n ?g"
{ assume nz: "n = 0" hence ?thesis using assms by (simp add: Let_def simp_num_pair_def) }
{ assume nnz: "n \<noteq> 0"
{assume "\<not> ?g > 1" hence ?thesis using assms by (auto simp add: Let_def simp_num_pair_def) }
{assume g1:"?g>1" hence g0: "?g > 0" by simp
from g1 nnz have gp0: "?g' \<noteq> 0" by simp
hence g'p: "?g' > 0" using gcd_ge_0_int[where x="n" and y="numgcd ?t'"] by arith
hence "?g'= 1 \<or> ?g' > 1" by arith
moreover {assume "?g'=1" hence ?thesis using assms g1 g0
by (auto simp add: Let_def simp_num_pair_def) }
moreover {assume g'1:"?g'>1"
have gpdg: "?g' dvd ?g" by simp
have gpdd: "?g' dvd n" by simp
have gpdgp: "?g' dvd ?g'" by simp
from zdvd_imp_le[OF gpdd np] have g'n: "?g' \<le> n" .
from zdiv_mono1[OF g'n g'p, simplified div_self[OF gp0]]
have "n div ?g' >0" by simp
hence ?thesis using assms g1 g'1
by(auto simp add: simp_num_pair_def Let_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately have ?thesis by blast }
ultimately have ?thesis by blast }
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
fun not:: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"not (NOT p) = p"
| "not T = F"
| "not F = T"
| "not (Lt t) = Ge t"
| "not (Le t) = Gt t"
| "not (Gt t) = Le t"
| "not (Ge t) = Lt t"
| "not (Eq t) = NEq t"
| "not (NEq t) = Eq t"
| "not (Dvd i t) = NDvd i t"
| "not (NDvd i t) = Dvd i t"
| "not (And p q) = Or (not p) (not q)"
| "not (Or p q) = And (not p) (not q)"
| "not p = NOT p"
lemma not[simp]: "Ifm bs (not p) = Ifm bs (NOT p)"
by (induct p) auto
lemma not_qf[simp]: "qfree p \<Longrightarrow> qfree (not p)"
by (induct p) auto
lemma not_nb[simp]: "bound0 p \<Longrightarrow> bound0 (not p)"
by (induct p) auto
definition conj :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"conj p q \<equiv> (if (p = F \<or> q=F) then F else if p=T then q else if q=T then p else
if p = q then p else And p q)"
lemma conj[simp]: "Ifm bs (conj p q) = Ifm bs (And p q)"
by (cases "p=F \<or> q=F", simp_all add: conj_def) (cases p, simp_all)
lemma conj_qf[simp]: "\<lbrakk>qfree p ; qfree q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> qfree (conj p q)"
using conj_def by auto
lemma conj_nb[simp]: "\<lbrakk>bound0 p ; bound0 q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> bound0 (conj p q)"
using conj_def by auto
definition disj :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"disj p q \<equiv> (if (p = T \<or> q=T) then T else if p=F then q else if q=F then p
else if p=q then p else Or p q)"
lemma disj[simp]: "Ifm bs (disj p q) = Ifm bs (Or p q)"
by (cases "p=T \<or> q=T",simp_all add: disj_def) (cases p,simp_all)
lemma disj_qf[simp]: "\<lbrakk>qfree p ; qfree q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> qfree (disj p q)"
using disj_def by auto
lemma disj_nb[simp]: "\<lbrakk>bound0 p ; bound0 q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> bound0 (disj p q)"
using disj_def by auto
definition imp :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"imp p q \<equiv> (if (p = F \<or> q=T \<or> p=q) then T else if p=T then q else if q=F then not p
else Imp p q)"
lemma imp[simp]: "Ifm bs (imp p q) = Ifm bs (Imp p q)"
by (cases "p=F \<or> q=T",simp_all add: imp_def)
lemma imp_qf[simp]: "\<lbrakk>qfree p ; qfree q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> qfree (imp p q)"
using imp_def by (cases "p=F \<or> q=T",simp_all add: imp_def)
definition iff :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"iff p q \<equiv> (if (p = q) then T else if (p = not q \<or> not p = q) then F else
if p=F then not q else if q=F then not p else if p=T then q else if q=T then p else
Iff p q)"
lemma iff[simp]: "Ifm bs (iff p q) = Ifm bs (Iff p q)"
by (unfold iff_def,cases "p=q", simp,cases "p=not q", simp) (cases "not p= q", auto simp add:not)
lemma iff_qf[simp]: "\<lbrakk>qfree p ; qfree q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> qfree (iff p q)"
by (unfold iff_def,cases "p=q", auto)
fun check_int:: "num \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"check_int (C i) = True"
| "check_int (Floor t) = True"
| "check_int (Mul i t) = check_int t"
| "check_int (Add t s) = (check_int t \<and> check_int s)"
| "check_int (Neg t) = check_int t"
| "check_int (CF c t s) = check_int s"
| "check_int t = False"
lemma check_int: "check_int t \<Longrightarrow> isint t bs"
by (induct t) (auto simp add: isint_add isint_Floor isint_Mul isint_neg isint_c isint_CF)
lemma rdvd_left1_int: "real_of_int \<lfloor>t\<rfloor> = t \<Longrightarrow> 1 rdvd t"
by (simp add: rdvd_def,rule_tac x="\<lfloor>t\<rfloor>" in exI) simp
lemma rdvd_reduce:
assumes gd:"g dvd d" and gc:"g dvd c" and gp: "g > 0"
shows "real_of_int (d::int) rdvd real_of_int (c::int)*t = (real_of_int (d div g) rdvd real_of_int (c div g)*t)"
assume d: "real_of_int d rdvd real_of_int c * t"
from d rdvd_def obtain k where k_def: "real_of_int c * t = real_of_int d* real_of_int (k::int)" by auto
from gd dvd_def obtain kd where kd_def: "d = g * kd" by auto
from gc dvd_def obtain kc where kc_def: "c = g * kc" by auto
from k_def kd_def kc_def have "real_of_int g * real_of_int kc * t = real_of_int g * real_of_int kd * real_of_int k" by simp
hence "real_of_int kc * t = real_of_int kd * real_of_int k" using gp by simp
hence th:"real_of_int kd rdvd real_of_int kc * t" using rdvd_def by blast
from kd_def gp have th':"kd = d div g" by simp
from kc_def gp have "kc = c div g" by simp
with th th' show "real_of_int (d div g) rdvd real_of_int (c div g) * t" by simp
assume d: "real_of_int (d div g) rdvd real_of_int (c div g) * t"
from gp have gnz: "g \<noteq> 0" by simp
thus "real_of_int d rdvd real_of_int c * t" using d rdvd_mult[OF gnz, where n="d div g" and x="real_of_int (c div g) * t"] real_of_int_div[OF gd] real_of_int_div[OF gc] by simp
definition simpdvd :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> (int \<times> num)" where
"simpdvd d t \<equiv>
(let g = numgcd t in
if g > 1 then (let g' = gcd d g in
if g' = 1 then (d, t)
else (d div g',reducecoeffh t g'))
else (d, t))"
lemma simpdvd:
assumes tnz: "nozerocoeff t" and dnz: "d \<noteq> 0"
shows "Ifm bs (Dvd (fst (simpdvd d t)) (snd (simpdvd d t))) = Ifm bs (Dvd d t)"
let ?g = "numgcd t"
let ?g' = "gcd d ?g"
{assume "\<not> ?g > 1" hence ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def simpdvd_def)}
{assume g1:"?g>1" hence g0: "?g > 0" by simp
from g1 dnz have gp0: "?g' \<noteq> 0" by simp
hence g'p: "?g' > 0" using gcd_ge_0_int[where x="d" and y="numgcd t"] by arith
hence "?g'= 1 \<or> ?g' > 1" by arith
moreover {assume "?g'=1" hence ?thesis by (simp add: Let_def simpdvd_def)}
moreover {assume g'1:"?g'>1"
from dvdnumcoeff_aux2[OF g1] have th1:"dvdnumcoeff t ?g" ..
let ?tt = "reducecoeffh t ?g'"
let ?t = "Inum bs ?tt"
have gpdg: "?g' dvd ?g" by simp
have gpdd: "?g' dvd d" by simp
have gpdgp: "?g' dvd ?g'" by simp
from reducecoeffh[OF dvdnumcoeff_trans[OF gpdg th1] g'p]
have th2:"real_of_int ?g' * ?t = Inum bs t" by simp
from assms g1 g0 g'1
have "Ifm bs (Dvd (fst (simpdvd d t)) (snd(simpdvd d t))) = Ifm bs (Dvd (d div ?g') ?tt)"
by (simp add: simpdvd_def Let_def)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int d rdvd (Inum bs t))"
using rdvd_reduce[OF gpdd gpdgp g'p, where t="?t", simplified div_self[OF gp0]]
th2[symmetric] by simp
finally have ?thesis by simp }
ultimately have ?thesis by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
function (sequential) simpfm :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"simpfm (And p q) = conj (simpfm p) (simpfm q)"
| "simpfm (Or p q) = disj (simpfm p) (simpfm q)"
| "simpfm (Imp p q) = imp (simpfm p) (simpfm q)"
| "simpfm (Iff p q) = iff (simpfm p) (simpfm q)"
| "simpfm (NOT p) = not (simpfm p)"
| "simpfm (Lt a) = (let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (v < 0) then T else F
| _ \<Rightarrow> Lt (reducecoeff a'))"
| "simpfm (Le a) = (let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (v \<le> 0) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> Le (reducecoeff a'))"
| "simpfm (Gt a) = (let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (v > 0) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> Gt (reducecoeff a'))"
| "simpfm (Ge a) = (let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (v \<ge> 0) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> Ge (reducecoeff a'))"
| "simpfm (Eq a) = (let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (v = 0) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> Eq (reducecoeff a'))"
| "simpfm (NEq a) = (let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (v \<noteq> 0) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> NEq (reducecoeff a'))"
| "simpfm (Dvd i a) = (if i=0 then simpfm (Eq a)
else if (abs i = 1) \<and> check_int a then T
else let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (i dvd v) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> (let (d,t) = simpdvd i a' in Dvd d t))"
| "simpfm (NDvd i a) = (if i=0 then simpfm (NEq a)
else if (abs i = 1) \<and> check_int a then F
else let a' = simpnum a in case a' of C v \<Rightarrow> if (\<not>(i dvd v)) then T else F | _ \<Rightarrow> (let (d,t) = simpdvd i a' in NDvd d t))"
| "simpfm p = p"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure fmsize") auto
lemma simpfm[simp]: "Ifm bs (simpfm p) = Ifm bs p"
proof(induct p rule: simpfm.induct)
case (6 a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa by simp }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
let ?g = "numgcd ?sa"
let ?rsa = "reducecoeff ?sa"
let ?r = "Inum bs ?rsa"
have sa_nz: "nozerocoeff ?sa" by (rule simpnum_nz)
{assume gz: "?g=0" from numgcd_nz[OF sa_nz gz] H have "False" by auto}
with numgcd_pos[where t="?sa"] have "?g > 0" by (cases "?g=0", auto)
hence gp: "real_of_int ?g > 0" by simp
have "Inum bs ?sa = real_of_int ?g* ?r" by (simp add: reducecoeff)
with sa have "Inum bs a < 0 = (real_of_int ?g * ?r < real_of_int ?g * 0)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?r < 0)" using gp
by (simp only: mult_less_cancel_left) simp
finally have ?case using H by (cases "?sa" , simp_all add: Let_def)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (7 a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa by simp }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
let ?g = "numgcd ?sa"
let ?rsa = "reducecoeff ?sa"
let ?r = "Inum bs ?rsa"
have sa_nz: "nozerocoeff ?sa" by (rule simpnum_nz)
{assume gz: "?g=0" from numgcd_nz[OF sa_nz gz] H have "False" by auto}
with numgcd_pos[where t="?sa"] have "?g > 0" by (cases "?g=0", auto)
hence gp: "real_of_int ?g > 0" by simp
have "Inum bs ?sa = real_of_int ?g* ?r" by (simp add: reducecoeff)
with sa have "Inum bs a \<le> 0 = (real_of_int ?g * ?r \<le> real_of_int ?g * 0)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?r \<le> 0)" using gp
by (simp only: mult_le_cancel_left) simp
finally have ?case using H by (cases "?sa" , simp_all add: Let_def)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (8 a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa by simp }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
let ?g = "numgcd ?sa"
let ?rsa = "reducecoeff ?sa"
let ?r = "Inum bs ?rsa"
have sa_nz: "nozerocoeff ?sa" by (rule simpnum_nz)
{assume gz: "?g=0" from numgcd_nz[OF sa_nz gz] H have "False" by auto}
with numgcd_pos[where t="?sa"] have "?g > 0" by (cases "?g=0", auto)
hence gp: "real_of_int ?g > 0" by simp
have "Inum bs ?sa = real_of_int ?g* ?r" by (simp add: reducecoeff)
with sa have "Inum bs a > 0 = (real_of_int ?g * ?r > real_of_int ?g * 0)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?r > 0)" using gp
by (simp only: mult_less_cancel_left) simp
finally have ?case using H by (cases "?sa" , simp_all add: Let_def)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (9 a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa by simp }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
let ?g = "numgcd ?sa"
let ?rsa = "reducecoeff ?sa"
let ?r = "Inum bs ?rsa"
have sa_nz: "nozerocoeff ?sa" by (rule simpnum_nz)
{assume gz: "?g=0" from numgcd_nz[OF sa_nz gz] H have "False" by auto}
with numgcd_pos[where t="?sa"] have "?g > 0" by (cases "?g=0", auto)
hence gp: "real_of_int ?g > 0" by simp
have "Inum bs ?sa = real_of_int ?g* ?r" by (simp add: reducecoeff)
with sa have "Inum bs a \<ge> 0 = (real_of_int ?g * ?r \<ge> real_of_int ?g * 0)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?r \<ge> 0)" using gp
by (simp only: mult_le_cancel_left) simp
finally have ?case using H by (cases "?sa" , simp_all add: Let_def)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (10 a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa by simp }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
let ?g = "numgcd ?sa"
let ?rsa = "reducecoeff ?sa"
let ?r = "Inum bs ?rsa"
have sa_nz: "nozerocoeff ?sa" by (rule simpnum_nz)
{assume gz: "?g=0" from numgcd_nz[OF sa_nz gz] H have "False" by auto}
with numgcd_pos[where t="?sa"] have "?g > 0" by (cases "?g=0", auto)
hence gp: "real_of_int ?g > 0" by simp
have "Inum bs ?sa = real_of_int ?g* ?r" by (simp add: reducecoeff)
with sa have "Inum bs a = 0 = (real_of_int ?g * ?r = 0)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?r = 0)" using gp
by simp
finally have ?case using H by (cases "?sa" , simp_all add: Let_def)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (11 a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa by simp }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
let ?g = "numgcd ?sa"
let ?rsa = "reducecoeff ?sa"
let ?r = "Inum bs ?rsa"
have sa_nz: "nozerocoeff ?sa" by (rule simpnum_nz)
{assume gz: "?g=0" from numgcd_nz[OF sa_nz gz] H have "False" by auto}
with numgcd_pos[where t="?sa"] have "?g > 0" by (cases "?g=0", auto)
hence gp: "real_of_int ?g > 0" by simp
have "Inum bs ?sa = real_of_int ?g* ?r" by (simp add: reducecoeff)
with sa have "Inum bs a \<noteq> 0 = (real_of_int ?g * ?r \<noteq> 0)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?r \<noteq> 0)" using gp
by simp
finally have ?case using H by (cases "?sa") (simp_all add: Let_def) }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (12 i a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
have "i=0 \<or> (abs i = 1 \<and> check_int a) \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> ((abs i \<noteq> 1) \<or> (\<not> check_int a)))" by auto
{assume "i=0" hence ?case using "12.hyps" by (simp add: rdvd_left_0_eq Let_def)}
{assume ai1: "abs i = 1" and ai: "check_int a"
hence "i=1 \<or> i= - 1" by arith
moreover {assume i1: "i = 1"
from rdvd_left1_int[OF check_int[OF ai, simplified isint_iff]]
have ?case using i1 ai by simp }
moreover {assume i1: "i = - 1"
from rdvd_left1_int[OF check_int[OF ai, simplified isint_iff]]
rdvd_abs1[where d="- 1" and t="Inum bs a"]
have ?case using i1 ai by simp }
ultimately have ?case by blast}
{assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and cond: "(abs i \<noteq> 1) \<or> (\<not> check_int a)"
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa[symmetric] inz cond
by (cases "abs i = 1", auto simp add: int_rdvd_iff) }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
hence th: "simpfm (Dvd i a) = Dvd (fst (simpdvd i ?sa)) (snd (simpdvd i ?sa))" using inz cond by (cases ?sa, auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
from simpnum_nz have nz:"nozerocoeff ?sa" by simp
from simpdvd [OF nz inz] th have ?case using sa by simp}
ultimately have ?case by blast}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (13 i a) let ?sa = "simpnum a" have sa: "Inum bs ?sa = Inum bs a" by simp
have "i=0 \<or> (abs i = 1 \<and> check_int a) \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> ((abs i \<noteq> 1) \<or> (\<not> check_int a)))" by auto
{assume "i=0" hence ?case using "13.hyps" by (simp add: rdvd_left_0_eq Let_def)}
{assume ai1: "abs i = 1" and ai: "check_int a"
hence "i=1 \<or> i= - 1" by arith
moreover {assume i1: "i = 1"
from rdvd_left1_int[OF check_int[OF ai, simplified isint_iff]]
have ?case using i1 ai by simp }
moreover {assume i1: "i = - 1"
from rdvd_left1_int[OF check_int[OF ai, simplified isint_iff]]
rdvd_abs1[where d="- 1" and t="Inum bs a"]
have ?case using i1 ai by simp }
ultimately have ?case by blast}
{assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and cond: "(abs i \<noteq> 1) \<or> (\<not> check_int a)"
{fix v assume "?sa = C v" hence ?case using sa[symmetric] inz cond
by (cases "abs i = 1", auto simp add: int_rdvd_iff) }
moreover {assume H:"\<not> (\<exists> v. ?sa = C v)"
hence th: "simpfm (NDvd i a) = NDvd (fst (simpdvd i ?sa)) (snd (simpdvd i ?sa))" using inz cond
by (cases ?sa, auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
from simpnum_nz have nz:"nozerocoeff ?sa" by simp
from simpdvd [OF nz inz] th have ?case using sa by simp}
ultimately have ?case by blast}
ultimately show ?case by blast
qed (induct p rule: simpfm.induct, simp_all)
lemma simpdvd_numbound0: "numbound0 t \<Longrightarrow> numbound0 (snd (simpdvd d t))"
by (simp add: simpdvd_def Let_def split_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)
lemma simpfm_bound0[simp]: "bound0 p \<Longrightarrow> bound0 (simpfm p)"
proof(induct p rule: simpfm.induct)
case (6 a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0)
case (7 a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0)
case (8 a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0)
case (9 a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0)
case (10 a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0)
case (11 a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0)
case (12 i a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0 simpdvd_numbound0 split_def)
case (13 i a) hence nb: "numbound0 a" by simp
hence "numbound0 (simpnum a)" by (simp only: simpnum_numbound0[OF nb])
thus ?case by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_numbound0 simpdvd_numbound0 split_def)
qed(auto simp add: disj_def imp_def iff_def conj_def)
lemma simpfm_qf[simp]: "qfree p \<Longrightarrow> qfree (simpfm p)"
by (induct p rule: simpfm.induct, auto simp add: Let_def)
(case_tac "simpnum a",auto simp add: split_def Let_def)+
(* Generic quantifier elimination *)
definition list_conj :: "fm list \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"list_conj ps \<equiv> foldr conj ps T"
lemma list_conj: "Ifm bs (list_conj ps) = (\<forall>p\<in> set ps. Ifm bs p)"
by (induct ps, auto simp add: list_conj_def)
lemma list_conj_qf: " \<forall>p\<in> set ps. qfree p \<Longrightarrow> qfree (list_conj ps)"
by (induct ps, auto simp add: list_conj_def)
lemma list_conj_nb: " \<forall>p\<in> set ps. bound0 p \<Longrightarrow> bound0 (list_conj ps)"
by (induct ps, auto simp add: list_conj_def)
definition CJNB :: "(fm \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"CJNB f p \<equiv> (let cjs = conjuncts p ; (yes,no) = List.partition bound0 cjs
in conj (decr (list_conj yes)) (f (list_conj no)))"
lemma CJNB_qe:
assumes qe: "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (qe p) \<and> (Ifm bs (qe p) = Ifm bs (E p))"
shows "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (CJNB qe p) \<and> (Ifm bs ((CJNB qe p)) = Ifm bs (E p))"
fix bs p
assume qfp: "qfree p"
let ?cjs = "conjuncts p"
let ?yes = "fst (List.partition bound0 ?cjs)"
let ?no = "snd (List.partition bound0 ?cjs)"
let ?cno = "list_conj ?no"
let ?cyes = "list_conj ?yes"
have part: "List.partition bound0 ?cjs = (?yes,?no)" by simp
from partition_P[OF part] have "\<forall> q\<in> set ?yes. bound0 q" by blast
hence yes_nb: "bound0 ?cyes" by (simp add: list_conj_nb)
hence yes_qf: "qfree (decr ?cyes )" by (simp add: decr_qf)
from conjuncts_qf[OF qfp] partition_set[OF part]
have " \<forall>q\<in> set ?no. qfree q" by auto
hence no_qf: "qfree ?cno"by (simp add: list_conj_qf)
with qe have cno_qf:"qfree (qe ?cno )"
and noE: "Ifm bs (qe ?cno) = Ifm bs (E ?cno)" by blast+
from cno_qf yes_qf have qf: "qfree (CJNB qe p)"
by (simp add: CJNB_def Let_def split_def)
{fix bs
from conjuncts have "Ifm bs p = (\<forall>q\<in> set ?cjs. Ifm bs q)" by blast
also have "\<dots> = ((\<forall>q\<in> set ?yes. Ifm bs q) \<and> (\<forall>q\<in> set ?no. Ifm bs q))"
using partition_set[OF part] by auto
finally have "Ifm bs p = ((Ifm bs ?cyes) \<and> (Ifm bs ?cno))" using list_conj by simp}
hence "Ifm bs (E p) = (\<exists>x. (Ifm (x#bs) ?cyes) \<and> (Ifm (x#bs) ?cno))" by simp
also fix y have "\<dots> = (\<exists>x. (Ifm (y#bs) ?cyes) \<and> (Ifm (x#bs) ?cno))"
using bound0_I[OF yes_nb, where bs="bs" and b'="y"] by blast
also have "\<dots> = (Ifm bs (decr ?cyes) \<and> Ifm bs (E ?cno))"
by (auto simp add: decr[OF yes_nb] simp del: partition_filter_conv)
also have "\<dots> = (Ifm bs (conj (decr ?cyes) (qe ?cno)))"
using qe[rule_format, OF no_qf] by auto
finally have "Ifm bs (E p) = Ifm bs (CJNB qe p)"
by (simp add: Let_def CJNB_def split_def)
with qf show "qfree (CJNB qe p) \<and> Ifm bs (CJNB qe p) = Ifm bs (E p)" by blast
function (sequential) qelim :: "fm \<Rightarrow> (fm \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"qelim (E p) = (\<lambda> qe. DJ (CJNB qe) (qelim p qe))"
| "qelim (A p) = (\<lambda> qe. not (qe ((qelim (NOT p) qe))))"
| "qelim (NOT p) = (\<lambda> qe. not (qelim p qe))"
| "qelim (And p q) = (\<lambda> qe. conj (qelim p qe) (qelim q qe))"
| "qelim (Or p q) = (\<lambda> qe. disj (qelim p qe) (qelim q qe))"
| "qelim (Imp p q) = (\<lambda> qe. disj (qelim (NOT p) qe) (qelim q qe))"
| "qelim (Iff p q) = (\<lambda> qe. iff (qelim p qe) (qelim q qe))"
| "qelim p = (\<lambda> y. simpfm p)"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure fmsize") auto
lemma qelim_ci:
assumes qe_inv: "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (qe p) \<and> (Ifm bs (qe p) = Ifm bs (E p))"
shows "\<And> bs. qfree (qelim p qe) \<and> (Ifm bs (qelim p qe) = Ifm bs p)"
using qe_inv DJ_qe[OF CJNB_qe[OF qe_inv]]
by (induct p rule: qelim.induct) (auto simp del: simpfm.simps)
text \<open>The \<open>\<int>\<close> Part\<close>
text\<open>Linearity for fm where Bound 0 ranges over \<open>\<int>\<close>\<close>
function zsplit0 :: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<times> num" (* splits the bounded from the unbounded part*) where
"zsplit0 (C c) = (0,C c)"
| "zsplit0 (Bound n) = (if n=0 then (1, C 0) else (0,Bound n))"
| "zsplit0 (CN n c a) = zsplit0 (Add (Mul c (Bound n)) a)"
| "zsplit0 (CF c a b) = zsplit0 (Add (Mul c (Floor a)) b)"
| "zsplit0 (Neg a) = (let (i',a') = zsplit0 a in (-i', Neg a'))"
| "zsplit0 (Add a b) = (let (ia,a') = zsplit0 a ;
(ib,b') = zsplit0 b
in (ia+ib, Add a' b'))"
| "zsplit0 (Sub a b) = (let (ia,a') = zsplit0 a ;
(ib,b') = zsplit0 b
in (ia-ib, Sub a' b'))"
| "zsplit0 (Mul i a) = (let (i',a') = zsplit0 a in (i*i', Mul i a'))"
| "zsplit0 (Floor a) = (let (i',a') = zsplit0 a in (i',Floor a'))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure num_size") auto
lemma zsplit0_I:
shows "\<And> n a. zsplit0 t = (n,a) \<Longrightarrow> (Inum ((real_of_int (x::int)) #bs) (CN 0 n a) = Inum (real_of_int x #bs) t) \<and> numbound0 a"
(is "\<And> n a. ?S t = (n,a) \<Longrightarrow> (?I x (CN 0 n a) = ?I x t) \<and> ?N a")
proof(induct t rule: zsplit0.induct)
case (1 c n a) thus ?case by auto
case (2 m n a) thus ?case by (cases "m=0") auto
case (3 n i a n a') thus ?case by auto
case (4 c a b n a') thus ?case by auto
case (5 t n a)
let ?nt = "fst (zsplit0 t)"
let ?at = "snd (zsplit0 t)"
have abj: "zsplit0 t = (?nt,?at)" by simp hence th: "a=Neg ?at \<and> n=-?nt" using 5
by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from abj 5 have th2: "(?I x (CN 0 ?nt ?at) = ?I x t) \<and> ?N ?at" by blast
from th2[simplified] th[simplified] show ?case by simp
case (6 s t n a)
let ?ns = "fst (zsplit0 s)"
let ?as = "snd (zsplit0 s)"
let ?nt = "fst (zsplit0 t)"
let ?at = "snd (zsplit0 t)"
have abjs: "zsplit0 s = (?ns,?as)" by simp
moreover have abjt: "zsplit0 t = (?nt,?at)" by simp
ultimately have th: "a=Add ?as ?at \<and> n=?ns + ?nt" using 6
by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from abjs[symmetric] have bluddy: "\<exists> x y. (x,y) = zsplit0 s" by blast
from 6 have "(\<exists> x y. (x,y) = zsplit0 s) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>xa xb. zsplit0 t = (xa, xb) \<longrightarrow> Inum (real_of_int x # bs) (CN 0 xa xb) = Inum (real_of_int x # bs) t \<and> numbound0 xb)" by blast (*FIXME*)
with bluddy abjt have th3: "(?I x (CN 0 ?nt ?at) = ?I x t) \<and> ?N ?at" by blast
from abjs 6 have th2: "(?I x (CN 0 ?ns ?as) = ?I x s) \<and> ?N ?as" by blast
from th3[simplified] th2[simplified] th[simplified] show ?case
by (simp add: distrib_right)
case (7 s t n a)
let ?ns = "fst (zsplit0 s)"
let ?as = "snd (zsplit0 s)"
let ?nt = "fst (zsplit0 t)"
let ?at = "snd (zsplit0 t)"
have abjs: "zsplit0 s = (?ns,?as)" by simp
moreover have abjt: "zsplit0 t = (?nt,?at)" by simp
ultimately have th: "a=Sub ?as ?at \<and> n=?ns - ?nt" using 7
by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from abjs[symmetric] have bluddy: "\<exists> x y. (x,y) = zsplit0 s" by blast
from 7 have "(\<exists> x y. (x,y) = zsplit0 s) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>xa xb. zsplit0 t = (xa, xb) \<longrightarrow> Inum (real_of_int x # bs) (CN 0 xa xb) = Inum (real_of_int x # bs) t \<and> numbound0 xb)" by blast (*FIXME*)
with bluddy abjt have th3: "(?I x (CN 0 ?nt ?at) = ?I x t) \<and> ?N ?at" by blast
from abjs 7 have th2: "(?I x (CN 0 ?ns ?as) = ?I x s) \<and> ?N ?as" by blast
from th3[simplified] th2[simplified] th[simplified] show ?case
by (simp add: left_diff_distrib)
case (8 i t n a)
let ?nt = "fst (zsplit0 t)"
let ?at = "snd (zsplit0 t)"
have abj: "zsplit0 t = (?nt,?at)" by simp hence th: "a=Mul i ?at \<and> n=i*?nt" using 8
by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from abj 8 have th2: "(?I x (CN 0 ?nt ?at) = ?I x t) \<and> ?N ?at" by blast
hence "?I x (Mul i t) = (real_of_int i) * ?I x (CN 0 ?nt ?at)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = ?I x (CN 0 (i*?nt) (Mul i ?at))" by (simp add: distrib_left)
finally show ?case using th th2 by simp
case (9 t n a)
let ?nt = "fst (zsplit0 t)"
let ?at = "snd (zsplit0 t)"
have abj: "zsplit0 t = (?nt,?at)" by simp hence th: "a= Floor ?at \<and> n=?nt" using 9
by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
from abj 9 have th2: "(?I x (CN 0 ?nt ?at) = ?I x t) \<and> ?N ?at" by blast
hence na: "?N a" using th by simp
have th': "(real_of_int ?nt)*(real_of_int x) = real_of_int (?nt * x)" by simp
have "?I x (Floor t) = ?I x (Floor (CN 0 ?nt ?at))" using th2 by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (floor ((real_of_int ?nt)* real_of_int(x) + ?I x ?at))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (floor (?I x ?at + real_of_int (?nt* x)))" by (simp add: ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (floor (?I x ?at) + (?nt* x))"
using floor_add_of_int[of "?I x ?at" "?nt* x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = real_of_int (?nt)*(real_of_int x) + real_of_int (floor (?I x ?at))" by (simp add: ac_simps)
finally have "?I x (Floor t) = ?I x (CN 0 n a)" using th by simp
with na show ?case by simp
iszlfm :: "fm \<Rightarrow> real list \<Rightarrow> bool" (* Linearity test for fm *)
zlfm :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" (* Linearity transformation for fm *)
recdef iszlfm "measure size"
"iszlfm (And p q) = (\<lambda> bs. iszlfm p bs \<and> iszlfm q bs)"
"iszlfm (Or p q) = (\<lambda> bs. iszlfm p bs \<and> iszlfm q bs)"
"iszlfm (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) =
(\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> i>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm (NDvd i (CN 0 c e))=
(\<lambda> bs. c>0 \<and> i>0 \<and> numbound0 e \<and> isint e bs)"
"iszlfm p = (\<lambda> bs. isatom p \<and> (bound0 p))"
lemma zlin_qfree: "iszlfm p bs \<Longrightarrow> qfree p"
by (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct) auto
lemma iszlfm_gen:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (x#bs)"
shows "\<forall> y. iszlfm p (y#bs)"
fix y
show "iszlfm p (y#bs)"
using lp
by(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct, simp_all add: numbound0_gen[rule_format, where x="x" and y="y"])
lemma conj_zl[simp]: "iszlfm p bs \<Longrightarrow> iszlfm q bs \<Longrightarrow> iszlfm (conj p q) bs"
using conj_def by (cases p,auto)
lemma disj_zl[simp]: "iszlfm p bs \<Longrightarrow> iszlfm q bs \<Longrightarrow> iszlfm (disj p q) bs"
using disj_def by (cases p,auto)
recdef zlfm "measure fmsize"
"zlfm (And p q) = conj (zlfm p) (zlfm q)"
"zlfm (Or p q) = disj (zlfm p) (zlfm q)"
"zlfm (Imp p q) = disj (zlfm (NOT p)) (zlfm q)"
"zlfm (Iff p q) = disj (conj (zlfm p) (zlfm q)) (conj (zlfm (NOT p)) (zlfm (NOT q)))"
"zlfm (Lt a) = (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then Lt r else
if c>0 then Or (Lt (CN 0 c (Neg (Floor (Neg r))))) (And (Eq (CN 0 c (Neg (Floor (Neg r))))) (Lt (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r)))
else Or (Gt (CN 0 (-c) (Floor(Neg r)))) (And (Eq(CN 0 (-c) (Floor(Neg r)))) (Lt (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r))))"
"zlfm (Le a) = (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then Le r else
if c>0 then Or (Le (CN 0 c (Neg (Floor (Neg r))))) (And (Eq (CN 0 c (Neg (Floor (Neg r))))) (Lt (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r)))
else Or (Ge (CN 0 (-c) (Floor(Neg r)))) (And (Eq(CN 0 (-c) (Floor(Neg r)))) (Lt (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r))))"
"zlfm (Gt a) = (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then Gt r else
if c>0 then Or (Gt (CN 0 c (Floor r))) (And (Eq (CN 0 c (Floor r))) (Lt (Sub (Floor r) r)))
else Or (Lt (CN 0 (-c) (Neg (Floor r)))) (And (Eq(CN 0 (-c) (Neg (Floor r)))) (Lt (Sub (Floor r) r))))"
"zlfm (Ge a) = (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then Ge r else
if c>0 then Or (Ge (CN 0 c (Floor r))) (And (Eq (CN 0 c (Floor r))) (Lt (Sub (Floor r) r)))
else Or (Le (CN 0 (-c) (Neg (Floor r)))) (And (Eq(CN 0 (-c) (Neg (Floor r)))) (Lt (Sub (Floor r) r))))"
"zlfm (Eq a) = (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then Eq r else
if c>0 then (And (Eq (CN 0 c (Neg (Floor (Neg r))))) (Eq (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r)))
else (And (Eq (CN 0 (-c) (Floor (Neg r)))) (Eq (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r))))"
"zlfm (NEq a) = (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then NEq r else
if c>0 then (Or (NEq (CN 0 c (Neg (Floor (Neg r))))) (NEq (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r)))
else (Or (NEq (CN 0 (-c) (Floor (Neg r)))) (NEq (Add (Floor (Neg r)) r))))"
"zlfm (Dvd i a) = (if i=0 then zlfm (Eq a)
else (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then Dvd (abs i) r else
if c>0 then And (Eq (Sub (Floor r) r)) (Dvd (abs i) (CN 0 c (Floor r)))
else And (Eq (Sub (Floor r) r)) (Dvd (abs i) (CN 0 (-c) (Neg (Floor r))))))"
"zlfm (NDvd i a) = (if i=0 then zlfm (NEq a)
else (let (c,r) = zsplit0 a in
if c=0 then NDvd (abs i) r else
if c>0 then Or (NEq (Sub (Floor r) r)) (NDvd (abs i) (CN 0 c (Floor r)))
else Or (NEq (Sub (Floor r) r)) (NDvd (abs i) (CN 0 (-c) (Neg (Floor r))))))"
"zlfm (NOT (And p q)) = disj (zlfm (NOT p)) (zlfm (NOT q))"
"zlfm (NOT (Or p q)) = conj (zlfm (NOT p)) (zlfm (NOT q))"
"zlfm (NOT (Imp p q)) = conj (zlfm p) (zlfm (NOT q))"
"zlfm (NOT (Iff p q)) = disj (conj(zlfm p) (zlfm(NOT q))) (conj (zlfm(NOT p)) (zlfm q))"
"zlfm (NOT (NOT p)) = zlfm p"
"zlfm (NOT T) = F"
"zlfm (NOT F) = T"
"zlfm (NOT (Lt a)) = zlfm (Ge a)"
"zlfm (NOT (Le a)) = zlfm (Gt a)"
"zlfm (NOT (Gt a)) = zlfm (Le a)"
"zlfm (NOT (Ge a)) = zlfm (Lt a)"
"zlfm (NOT (Eq a)) = zlfm (NEq a)"
"zlfm (NOT (NEq a)) = zlfm (Eq a)"
"zlfm (NOT (Dvd i a)) = zlfm (NDvd i a)"
"zlfm (NOT (NDvd i a)) = zlfm (Dvd i a)"
"zlfm p = p" (hints simp add: fmsize_pos)
lemma split_int_less_real:
"(real_of_int (a::int) < b) = (a < floor b \<or> (a = floor b \<and> real_of_int (floor b) < b))"
proof( auto)
assume alb: "real_of_int a < b" and agb: "\<not> a < floor b"
from agb have "floor b \<le> a" by simp hence th: "b < real_of_int a + 1" by (simp only: floor_le_iff)
from floor_eq[OF alb th] show "a= floor b" by simp
assume alb: "a < floor b"
hence "real_of_int a < real_of_int (floor b)" by simp
moreover have "real_of_int (floor b) \<le> b" by simp ultimately show "real_of_int a < b" by arith
lemma split_int_less_real':
"(real_of_int (a::int) + b < 0) = (real_of_int a - real_of_int (floor(-b)) < 0 \<or> (real_of_int a - real_of_int (floor (-b)) = 0 \<and> real_of_int (floor (-b)) + b < 0))"
have "(real_of_int a + b <0) = (real_of_int a < -b)" by arith
with split_int_less_real[where a="a" and b="-b"] show ?thesis by arith
lemma split_int_gt_real':
"(real_of_int (a::int) + b > 0) = (real_of_int a + real_of_int (floor b) > 0 \<or> (real_of_int a + real_of_int (floor b) = 0 \<and> real_of_int (floor b) - b < 0))"
have th: "(real_of_int a + b >0) = (real_of_int (-a) + (-b)< 0)" by arith
show ?thesis using myless[of _ "real_of_int (floor b)"]
by (simp only:th split_int_less_real'[where a="-a" and b="-b"])
(simp add: algebra_simps,arith)
lemma split_int_le_real:
"(real_of_int (a::int) \<le> b) = (a \<le> floor b \<or> (a = floor b \<and> real_of_int (floor b) < b))"
proof( auto)
assume alb: "real_of_int a \<le> b" and agb: "\<not> a \<le> floor b"
from alb have "floor (real_of_int a) \<le> floor b " by (simp only: floor_mono)
hence "a \<le> floor b" by simp with agb show "False" by simp
assume alb: "a \<le> floor b"
hence "real_of_int a \<le> real_of_int (floor b)" by (simp only: floor_mono)
also have "\<dots>\<le> b" by simp finally show "real_of_int a \<le> b" .
lemma split_int_le_real':
"(real_of_int (a::int) + b \<le> 0) = (real_of_int a - real_of_int (floor(-b)) \<le> 0 \<or> (real_of_int a - real_of_int (floor (-b)) = 0 \<and> real_of_int (floor (-b)) + b < 0))"
have "(real_of_int a + b \<le>0) = (real_of_int a \<le> -b)" by arith
with split_int_le_real[where a="a" and b="-b"] show ?thesis by arith
lemma split_int_ge_real':
"(real_of_int (a::int) + b \<ge> 0) = (real_of_int a + real_of_int (floor b) \<ge> 0 \<or> (real_of_int a + real_of_int (floor b) = 0 \<and> real_of_int (floor b) - b < 0))"
have th: "(real_of_int a + b \<ge>0) = (real_of_int (-a) + (-b) \<le> 0)" by arith
show ?thesis by (simp only: th split_int_le_real'[where a="-a" and b="-b"])
(simp add: algebra_simps ,arith)
lemma split_int_eq_real: "(real_of_int (a::int) = b) = ( a = floor b \<and> b = real_of_int (floor b))" (is "?l = ?r")
by auto
lemma split_int_eq_real': "(real_of_int (a::int) + b = 0) = ( a - floor (-b) = 0 \<and> real_of_int (floor (-b)) + b = 0)" (is "?l = ?r")
have "?l = (real_of_int a = -b)" by arith
with split_int_eq_real[where a="a" and b="-b"] show ?thesis by simp arith
lemma zlfm_I:
assumes qfp: "qfree p"
shows "(Ifm (real_of_int i #bs) (zlfm p) = Ifm (real_of_int i# bs) p) \<and> iszlfm (zlfm p) (real_of_int (i::int) #bs)"
(is "(?I (?l p) = ?I p) \<and> ?L (?l p)")
using qfp
proof(induct p rule: zlfm.induct)
case (5 a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "?c = 0 \<or> (?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume "?c=0" hence ?case using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def,rename_tac nat a b,case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Lt a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Lt a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) < 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Lt a)))" apply (simp only: split_int_less_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) by (simp add: Ia cp cnz Let_def split_def)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Lt a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Lt a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) < 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also from cn cnz have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Lt a)))" by (simp only: split_int_less_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia Let_def split_def ac_simps, arith)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (6 a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "?c = 0 \<or> (?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume "?c=0" hence ?case using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat",simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Le a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Le a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) \<le> 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Le a)))" by (simp only: split_int_le_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia cp cnz Let_def split_def)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Le a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Le a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) \<le> 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also from cn cnz have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Le a)))" by (simp only: split_int_le_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia Let_def split_def ac_simps, arith)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (7 a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "?c = 0 \<or> (?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume "?c=0" hence ?case using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Gt a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Gt a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) > 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Gt a)))" by (simp only: split_int_gt_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia cp cnz Let_def split_def)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Gt a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Gt a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) > 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also from cn cnz have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Gt a)))" by (simp only: split_int_gt_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia Let_def split_def ac_simps, arith)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (8 a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "?c = 0 \<or> (?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume "?c=0" hence ?case using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Ge a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Ge a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) \<ge> 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Ge a)))" by (simp only: split_int_ge_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia cp cnz Let_def split_def)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Ge a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Ge a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) \<ge> 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also from cn cnz have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Ge a)))" by (simp only: split_int_ge_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Ia Let_def split_def ac_simps, arith)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (9 a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "?c = 0 \<or> (?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume "?c=0" hence ?case using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Eq a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Eq a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) = 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Eq a)))" using cp cnz by (simp only: split_int_eq_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Let_def split_def Ia of_int_mult[symmetric] del: of_int_mult)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Eq a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Eq a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) = 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also from cn cnz have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Eq a)))" by (simp only: split_int_eq_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Let_def split_def Ia of_int_mult[symmetric] del: of_int_mult,arith)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (10 a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "?c = 0 \<or> (?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume "?c=0" hence ?case using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (NEq a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (NEq a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) \<noteq> 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (NEq a)))" using cp cnz by (simp only: split_int_eq_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Let_def split_def Ia of_int_mult[symmetric] del: of_int_mult)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (NEq a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (NEq a) = (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r) \<noteq> 0)" using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also from cn cnz have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (NEq a)))" by (simp only: split_int_eq_real'[where a="?c*i" and b="?N ?r"]) (simp add: Let_def split_def Ia of_int_mult[symmetric] del: of_int_mult,arith)
finally have ?case using l by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (11 j a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "j=0 \<or> (j\<noteq>0 \<and> ?c = 0) \<or> (j\<noteq>0 \<and> ?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (j\<noteq> 0 \<and> ?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{ assume j: "j=0" hence z: "zlfm (Dvd j a) = (zlfm (Eq a))" by (simp add: Let_def)
hence ?case using 11 j by (simp del: zlfm.simps add: rdvd_left_0_eq)}
{assume "?c=0" and "j\<noteq>0" hence ?case
using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"] rdvd_abs1[where d="j"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" and jnz: "j\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Dvd j a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Dvd j a) = (real_of_int j rdvd (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r)))"
using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (abs j) rdvd real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r))"
by (simp only: rdvd_abs1[where d="j" and t="real_of_int (?c*i) + ?N ?r", symmetric]) simp
also have "\<dots> = ((abs j) dvd (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) \<and>
(real_of_int (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) = (real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r))))"
by(simp only: int_rdvd_real[where i="abs j" and x="real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)"]) (simp only: ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Dvd j a)))" using cp cnz jnz
by (simp add: Let_def split_def int_rdvd_iff[symmetric]
del: of_int_mult) (auto simp add: ac_simps)
finally have ?case using l jnz by simp }
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" and jnz: "j\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (Dvd j a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (Dvd j a) = (real_of_int j rdvd (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r)))"
using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (abs j) rdvd real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r))"
by (simp only: rdvd_abs1[where d="j" and t="real_of_int (?c*i) + ?N ?r", symmetric]) simp
also have "\<dots> = ((abs j) dvd (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) \<and>
(real_of_int (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) = (real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r))))"
by(simp only: int_rdvd_real[where i="abs j" and x="real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)"]) (simp only: ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (Dvd j a)))" using cn cnz jnz
using rdvd_minus [where d="abs j" and t="real_of_int (?c*i + floor (?N ?r))", simplified, symmetric]
by (simp add: Let_def split_def int_rdvd_iff[symmetric]
del: of_int_mult) (auto simp add: ac_simps)
finally have ?case using l jnz by blast }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (12 j a)
let ?c = "fst (zsplit0 a)"
let ?r = "snd (zsplit0 a)"
have spl: "zsplit0 a = (?c,?r)" by simp
from zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"]
have Ia:"Inum (real_of_int i # bs) a = Inum (real_of_int i #bs) (CN 0 ?c ?r)" and nb: "numbound0 ?r" by auto
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t"
have "j=0 \<or> (j\<noteq>0 \<and> ?c = 0) \<or> (j\<noteq>0 \<and> ?c >0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0) \<or> (j\<noteq> 0 \<and> ?c<0 \<and> ?c\<noteq>0)" by arith
{assume j: "j=0" hence z: "zlfm (NDvd j a) = (zlfm (NEq a))" by (simp add: Let_def)
hence ?case using 12 j by (simp del: zlfm.simps add: rdvd_left_0_eq)}
{assume "?c=0" and "j\<noteq>0" hence ?case
using zsplit0_I[OF spl, where x="i" and bs="bs"] rdvd_abs1[where d="j"]
by (cases "?r", simp_all add: Let_def split_def, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)}
{assume cp: "?c > 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" and jnz: "j\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (NDvd j a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (NDvd j a) = (\<not> (real_of_int j rdvd (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r))))"
using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> (real_of_int (abs j) rdvd real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)))"
by (simp only: rdvd_abs1[where d="j" and t="real_of_int (?c*i) + ?N ?r", symmetric]) simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> ((abs j) dvd (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) \<and>
(real_of_int (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) = (real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)))))"
by(simp only: int_rdvd_real[where i="abs j" and x="real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)"]) (simp only: ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (NDvd j a)))" using cp cnz jnz
by (simp add: Let_def split_def int_rdvd_iff[symmetric]
del: of_int_mult) (auto simp add: ac_simps)
finally have ?case using l jnz by simp }
{assume cn: "?c < 0" and cnz: "?c\<noteq>0" and jnz: "j\<noteq>0" hence l: "?L (?l (NDvd j a))"
by (simp add: nb Let_def split_def isint_Floor isint_neg)
have "?I (NDvd j a) = (\<not> (real_of_int j rdvd (real_of_int (?c * i) + (?N ?r))))"
using Ia by (simp add: Let_def split_def)
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> (real_of_int (abs j) rdvd real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)))"
by (simp only: rdvd_abs1[where d="j" and t="real_of_int (?c*i) + ?N ?r", symmetric]) simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> ((abs j) dvd (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) \<and>
(real_of_int (floor ((?N ?r) + real_of_int (?c*i))) = (real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)))))"
by(simp only: int_rdvd_real[where i="abs j" and x="real_of_int (?c*i) + (?N ?r)"]) (simp only: ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I (?l (NDvd j a)))" using cn cnz jnz
using rdvd_minus [where d="abs j" and t="real_of_int (?c*i + floor (?N ?r))", simplified, symmetric]
by (simp add: Let_def split_def int_rdvd_iff[symmetric]
del: of_int_mult) (auto simp add: ac_simps)
finally have ?case using l jnz by blast }
ultimately show ?case by blast
qed auto
text\<open>plusinf : Virtual substitution of \<open>+\<infinity>\<close>
minusinf: Virtual substitution of \<open>-\<infinity>\<close>
\<open>\<delta>\<close> Compute lcm \<open>d| Dvd d c*x+t \<in> p\<close>
\<open>d_\<delta>\<close> checks if a given l divides all the ds above\<close>
fun minusinf:: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"minusinf (And p q) = conj (minusinf p) (minusinf q)"
| "minusinf (Or p q) = disj (minusinf p) (minusinf q)"
| "minusinf (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = F"
| "minusinf (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = T"
| "minusinf (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = T"
| "minusinf (Le (CN 0 c e)) = T"
| "minusinf (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = F"
| "minusinf (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = F"
| "minusinf p = p"
lemma minusinf_qfree: "qfree p \<Longrightarrow> qfree (minusinf p)"
by (induct p rule: minusinf.induct, auto)
fun plusinf:: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"plusinf (And p q) = conj (plusinf p) (plusinf q)"
| "plusinf (Or p q) = disj (plusinf p) (plusinf q)"
| "plusinf (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = F"
| "plusinf (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = T"
| "plusinf (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = F"
| "plusinf (Le (CN 0 c e)) = F"
| "plusinf (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = T"
| "plusinf (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = T"
| "plusinf p = p"
fun \<delta> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int" where
"\<delta> (And p q) = lcm (\<delta> p) (\<delta> q)"
| "\<delta> (Or p q) = lcm (\<delta> p) (\<delta> q)"
| "\<delta> (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) = i"
| "\<delta> (NDvd i (CN 0 c e)) = i"
| "\<delta> p = 1"
fun d_\<delta> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"d_\<delta> (And p q) = (\<lambda> d. d_\<delta> p d \<and> d_\<delta> q d)"
| "d_\<delta> (Or p q) = (\<lambda> d. d_\<delta> p d \<and> d_\<delta> q d)"
| "d_\<delta> (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> d. i dvd d)"
| "d_\<delta> (NDvd i (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> d. i dvd d)"
| "d_\<delta> p = (\<lambda> d. True)"
lemma delta_mono:
assumes lin: "iszlfm p bs"
and d: "d dvd d'"
and ad: "d_\<delta> p d"
shows "d_\<delta> p d'"
using lin ad d
proof(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (9 i c e) thus ?case using d
by (simp add: dvd_trans[of "i" "d" "d'"])
case (10 i c e) thus ?case using d
by (simp add: dvd_trans[of "i" "d" "d'"])
qed simp_all
lemma \<delta> : assumes lin:"iszlfm p bs"
shows "d_\<delta> p (\<delta> p) \<and> \<delta> p >0"
using lin
proof (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (1 p q)
let ?d = "\<delta> (And p q)"
from 1 lcm_pos_int have dp: "?d >0" by simp
have d1: "\<delta> p dvd \<delta> (And p q)" using 1 by simp
hence th: "d_\<delta> p ?d"
using delta_mono 1 by (simp only: iszlfm.simps) blast
have "\<delta> q dvd \<delta> (And p q)" using 1 by simp
hence th': "d_\<delta> q ?d" using delta_mono 1 by (simp only: iszlfm.simps) blast
from th th' dp show ?case by simp
case (2 p q)
let ?d = "\<delta> (And p q)"
from 2 lcm_pos_int have dp: "?d >0" by simp
have "\<delta> p dvd \<delta> (And p q)" using 2 by simp
hence th: "d_\<delta> p ?d" using delta_mono 2 by (simp only: iszlfm.simps) blast
have "\<delta> q dvd \<delta> (And p q)" using 2 by simp
hence th': "d_\<delta> q ?d" using delta_mono 2 by (simp only: iszlfm.simps) blast
from th th' dp show ?case by simp
qed simp_all
lemma minusinf_inf:
assumes linp: "iszlfm p (a # bs)"
shows "\<exists> (z::int). \<forall> x < z. Ifm ((real_of_int x)#bs) (minusinf p) = Ifm ((real_of_int x)#bs) p"
(is "?P p" is "\<exists> (z::int). \<forall> x < z. ?I x (?M p) = ?I x p")
using linp
proof (induct p rule: minusinf.induct)
case (1 f g)
then have "?P f" by simp
then obtain z1 where z1_def: "\<forall> x < z1. ?I x (?M f) = ?I x f" by blast
with 1 have "?P g" by simp
then obtain z2 where z2_def: "\<forall> x < z2. ?I x (?M g) = ?I x g" by blast
let ?z = "min z1 z2"
from z1_def z2_def have "\<forall> x < ?z. ?I x (?M (And f g)) = ?I x (And f g)" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (2 f g)
then have "?P f" by simp
then obtain z1 where z1_def: "\<forall> x < z1. ?I x (?M f) = ?I x f" by blast
with 2 have "?P g" by simp
then obtain z2 where z2_def: "\<forall> x < z2. ?I x (?M g) = ?I x g" by blast
let ?z = "min z1 z2"
from z1_def z2_def have "\<forall> x < ?z. ?I x (?M (Or f g)) = ?I x (Or f g)" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (3 c e)
then have "c > 0" by simp
hence rcpos: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from 3 have nbe: "numbound0 e" by simp
fix y
have "\<forall> x < (floor (- (Inum (y#bs) e) / (real_of_int c))). ?I x (?M (Eq (CN 0 c e))) = ?I x (Eq (CN 0 c e))"
proof (simp add: less_floor_iff , rule allI, rule impI)
fix x :: int
assume A: "real_of_int x + 1 \<le> - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)"
hence th1:"real_of_int x < - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)" by simp
with rcpos have "(real_of_int c)*(real_of_int x) < (real_of_int c)*(- (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c))"
by (simp only: mult_strict_left_mono [OF th1 rcpos])
hence "real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (y # bs) e \<noteq> 0"using rcpos by simp
thus "real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<noteq> 0"
using numbound0_I[OF nbe, where b="y" and bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x"] by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (4 c e)
then have "c > 0" by simp hence rcpos: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from 4 have nbe: "numbound0 e" by simp
fix y
have "\<forall> x < (floor (- (Inum (y#bs) e) / (real_of_int c))). ?I x (?M (NEq (CN 0 c e))) = ?I x (NEq (CN 0 c e))"
proof (simp add: less_floor_iff , rule allI, rule impI)
fix x :: int
assume A: "real_of_int x + 1 \<le> - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)"
hence th1:"real_of_int x < - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)" by simp
with rcpos have "(real_of_int c)*(real_of_int x) < (real_of_int c)*(- (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c))"
by (simp only: mult_strict_left_mono [OF th1 rcpos])
hence "real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (y # bs) e \<noteq> 0"using rcpos by simp
thus "real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<noteq> 0"
using numbound0_I[OF nbe, where b="y" and bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x"] by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (5 c e)
then have "c > 0" by simp hence rcpos: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from 5 have nbe: "numbound0 e" by simp
fix y
have "\<forall> x < (floor (- (Inum (y#bs) e) / (real_of_int c))). ?I x (?M (Lt (CN 0 c e))) = ?I x (Lt (CN 0 c e))"
proof (simp add: less_floor_iff , rule allI, rule impI)
fix x :: int
assume A: "real_of_int x + 1 \<le> - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)"
hence th1:"real_of_int x < - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)" by simp
with rcpos have "(real_of_int c)*(real_of_int x) < (real_of_int c)*(- (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c))"
by (simp only: mult_strict_left_mono [OF th1 rcpos])
thus "real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e < 0"
using numbound0_I[OF nbe, where b="y" and bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x"] rcpos by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (6 c e)
then have "c > 0" by simp hence rcpos: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from 6 have nbe: "numbound0 e" by simp
fix y
have "\<forall> x < (floor (- (Inum (y#bs) e) / (real_of_int c))). ?I x (?M (Le (CN 0 c e))) = ?I x (Le (CN 0 c e))"
proof (simp add: less_floor_iff , rule allI, rule impI)
fix x :: int
assume A: "real_of_int x + 1 \<le> - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)"
hence th1:"real_of_int x < - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)" by simp
with rcpos have "(real_of_int c)*(real_of_int x) < (real_of_int c)*(- (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c))"
by (simp only: mult_strict_left_mono [OF th1 rcpos])
thus "real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<le> 0"
using numbound0_I[OF nbe, where b="y" and bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x"] rcpos by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (7 c e)
then have "c > 0" by simp hence rcpos: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from 7 have nbe: "numbound0 e" by simp
fix y
have "\<forall> x < (floor (- (Inum (y#bs) e) / (real_of_int c))). ?I x (?M (Gt (CN 0 c e))) = ?I x (Gt (CN 0 c e))"
proof (simp add: less_floor_iff , rule allI, rule impI)
fix x :: int
assume A: "real_of_int x + 1 \<le> - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)"
hence th1:"real_of_int x < - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)" by simp
with rcpos have "(real_of_int c)*(real_of_int x) < (real_of_int c)*(- (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c))"
by (simp only: mult_strict_left_mono [OF th1 rcpos])
thus "\<not> (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e>0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nbe, where b="y" and bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x"] rcpos by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (8 c e)
then have "c > 0" by simp hence rcpos: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from 8 have nbe: "numbound0 e" by simp
fix y
have "\<forall> x < (floor (- (Inum (y#bs) e) / (real_of_int c))). ?I x (?M (Ge (CN 0 c e))) = ?I x (Ge (CN 0 c e))"
proof (simp add: less_floor_iff , rule allI, rule impI)
fix x :: int
assume A: "real_of_int x + 1 \<le> - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)"
hence th1:"real_of_int x < - (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c)" by simp
with rcpos have "(real_of_int c)*(real_of_int x) < (real_of_int c)*(- (Inum (y # bs) e / real_of_int c))"
by (simp only: mult_strict_left_mono [OF th1 rcpos])
thus "\<not> real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<ge> 0"
using numbound0_I[OF nbe, where b="y" and bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x"] rcpos by simp
thus ?case by blast
qed simp_all
lemma minusinf_repeats:
assumes d: "d_\<delta> p d" and linp: "iszlfm p (a # bs)"
shows "Ifm ((real_of_int(x - k*d))#bs) (minusinf p) = Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (minusinf p)"
using linp d
proof(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (9 i c e) hence nbe: "numbound0 e" and id: "i dvd d" by simp+
hence "\<exists> k. d=i*k" by (simp add: dvd_def)
then obtain "di" where di_def: "d=i*di" by blast
show ?case
proof(simp add: numbound0_I[OF nbe,where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int x - real_of_int k * real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int x"] right_diff_distrib, rule iffI)
"real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
(is "?ri rdvd ?rc*?rx - ?rc*(?rk*?rd) + ?I x e" is "?ri rdvd ?rt")
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rt = ?ri * (real_of_int l)" by (simp add: rdvd_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+ ?I x e = ?ri*(real_of_int l)+?rc*(?rk * (real_of_int i) * (real_of_int di))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps di_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+ ?I x e = ?ri*(real_of_int (l + c*k*di))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+ ?I x e = ?ri* (real_of_int l)" by blast
thus "real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e" using rdvd_def by simp
"real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e" (is "?ri rdvd ?rc*?rx+?e")
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l)" by (simp add: rdvd_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l) - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d)" by simp
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l) - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int i * real_of_int di)" by (simp add: di_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int (l - c*k*di))" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l)"
by blast
thus "real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e" using rdvd_def by simp
case (10 i c e) hence nbe: "numbound0 e" and id: "i dvd d" by simp+
hence "\<exists> k. d=i*k" by (simp add: dvd_def)
then obtain "di" where di_def: "d=i*di" by blast
show ?case
proof(simp add: numbound0_I[OF nbe,where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int x - real_of_int k * real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int x"] right_diff_distrib, rule iffI)
"real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
(is "?ri rdvd ?rc*?rx - ?rc*(?rk*?rd) + ?I x e" is "?ri rdvd ?rt")
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rt = ?ri * (real_of_int l)" by (simp add: rdvd_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+ ?I x e = ?ri*(real_of_int l)+?rc*(?rk * (real_of_int i) * (real_of_int di))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps di_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+ ?I x e = ?ri*(real_of_int (l + c*k*di))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+ ?I x e = ?ri* (real_of_int l)" by blast
thus "real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e" using rdvd_def by simp
"real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e" (is "?ri rdvd ?rc*?rx+?e")
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx+?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l)"
by (simp add: rdvd_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l) - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d)"
by simp
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l) - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int i * real_of_int di)"
by (simp add: di_def)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int (l - c*k*di))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "\<exists> (l::int). ?rc*?rx - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) +?e = ?ri * (real_of_int l)"
by blast
thus "real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x - real_of_int c * (real_of_int k * real_of_int d) + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
using rdvd_def by simp
qed (auto simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int(x - k*d)" and b'="real_of_int x"] simp del: of_int_mult of_int_diff)
lemma minusinf_ex:
assumes lin: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (a::int) #bs)"
and exmi: "\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (minusinf p)" (is "\<exists> x. ?P1 x")
shows "\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p" (is "\<exists> x. ?P x")
let ?d = "\<delta> p"
from \<delta> [OF lin] have dpos: "?d >0" by simp
from \<delta> [OF lin] have alld: "d_\<delta> p ?d" by simp
from minusinf_repeats[OF alld lin] have th1:"\<forall> x k. ?P1 x = ?P1 (x - (k * ?d))" by simp
from minusinf_inf[OF lin] have th2:"\<exists> z. \<forall> x. x<z \<longrightarrow> (?P x = ?P1 x)" by blast
from minusinfinity [OF dpos th1 th2] exmi show ?thesis by blast
lemma minusinf_bex:
assumes lin: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (a::int) #bs)"
shows "(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (minusinf p)) =
(\<exists> (x::int)\<in> {1..\<delta> p}. Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (minusinf p))"
(is "(\<exists> x. ?P x) = _")
let ?d = "\<delta> p"
from \<delta> [OF lin] have dpos: "?d >0" by simp
from \<delta> [OF lin] have alld: "d_\<delta> p ?d" by simp
from minusinf_repeats[OF alld lin] have th1:"\<forall> x k. ?P x = ?P (x - (k * ?d))" by simp
from periodic_finite_ex[OF dpos th1] show ?thesis by blast
lemma dvd1_eq1: "x >0 \<Longrightarrow> (x::int) dvd 1 = (x = 1)" by auto
a_\<beta> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> fm" (* adjusts the coeffitients of a formula *)
d_\<beta> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool" (* tests if all coeffs c of c divide a given l*)
\<zeta> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int" (* computes the lcm of all coefficients of x*)
\<beta> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> num list"
\<alpha> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> num list"
recdef a_\<beta> "measure size"
"a_\<beta> (And p q) = (\<lambda> k. And (a_\<beta> p k) (a_\<beta> q k))"
"a_\<beta> (Or p q) = (\<lambda> k. Or (a_\<beta> p k) (a_\<beta> q k))"
"a_\<beta> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. Eq (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. NEq (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. Lt (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. Le (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. Gt (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. Ge (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) =(\<lambda> k. Dvd ((k div c)*i) (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> (NDvd i (CN 0 c e))=(\<lambda> k. NDvd ((k div c)*i) (CN 0 1 (Mul (k div c) e)))"
"a_\<beta> p = (\<lambda> k. p)"
recdef d_\<beta> "measure size"
"d_\<beta> (And p q) = (\<lambda> k. (d_\<beta> p k) \<and> (d_\<beta> q k))"
"d_\<beta> (Or p q) = (\<lambda> k. (d_\<beta> p k) \<and> (d_\<beta> q k))"
"d_\<beta> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) =(\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> (NDvd i (CN 0 c e))=(\<lambda> k. c dvd k)"
"d_\<beta> p = (\<lambda> k. True)"
recdef \<zeta> "measure size"
"\<zeta> (And p q) = lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)"
"\<zeta> (Or p q) = lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)"
"\<zeta> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) = c"
"\<zeta> (NDvd i (CN 0 c e))= c"
"\<zeta> p = 1"
recdef \<beta> "measure size"
"\<beta> (And p q) = (\<beta> p @ \<beta> q)"
"\<beta> (Or p q) = (\<beta> p @ \<beta> q)"
"\<beta> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = [Sub (C (- 1)) e]"
"\<beta> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = [Neg e]"
"\<beta> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = []"
"\<beta> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = []"
"\<beta> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = [Neg e]"
"\<beta> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = [Sub (C (- 1)) e]"
"\<beta> p = []"
recdef \<alpha> "measure size"
"\<alpha> (And p q) = (\<alpha> p @ \<alpha> q)"
"\<alpha> (Or p q) = (\<alpha> p @ \<alpha> q)"
"\<alpha> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = [Add (C (- 1)) e]"
"\<alpha> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = [e]"
"\<alpha> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = [e]"
"\<alpha> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = [Add (C (- 1)) e]"
"\<alpha> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = []"
"\<alpha> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = []"
"\<alpha> p = []"
consts mirror :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm"
recdef mirror "measure size"
"mirror (And p q) = And (mirror p) (mirror q)"
"mirror (Or p q) = Or (mirror p) (mirror q)"
"mirror (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = Eq (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = NEq (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = Gt (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (Le (CN 0 c e)) = Ge (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = Lt (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = Le (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) = Dvd i (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror (NDvd i (CN 0 c e)) = NDvd i (CN 0 c (Neg e))"
"mirror p = p"
lemma mirror_\<alpha>_\<beta>:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)"
shows "(Inum (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)) ` set (\<alpha> p) = (Inum (real_of_int i#bs)) ` set (\<beta> (mirror p))"
using lp by (induct p rule: mirror.induct) auto
lemma mirror:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)"
shows "Ifm (real_of_int (x::int)#bs) (mirror p) = Ifm (real_of_int (- x)#bs) p"
using lp
proof(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (9 j c e)
have th: "(real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x - Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) =
(real_of_int j rdvd - (real_of_int c * real_of_int x - Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e))"
by (simp only: rdvd_minus[symmetric])
from 9 th show ?case
by (simp add: algebra_simps
numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x" and b="- real_of_int x"])
case (10 j c e)
have th: "(real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int c * real_of_int x - Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) =
(real_of_int j rdvd - (real_of_int c * real_of_int x - Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e))"
by (simp only: rdvd_minus[symmetric])
from 10 th show ?case
by (simp add: algebra_simps
numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b'="real_of_int x" and b="- real_of_int x"])
qed (auto simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int x" and b'="- real_of_int x"])
lemma mirror_l: "iszlfm p (a#bs) \<Longrightarrow> iszlfm (mirror p) (a#bs)"
by (induct p rule: mirror.induct) (auto simp add: isint_neg)
lemma mirror_d_\<beta>: "iszlfm p (a#bs) \<and> d_\<beta> p 1
\<Longrightarrow> iszlfm (mirror p) (a#bs) \<and> d_\<beta> (mirror p) 1"
by (induct p rule: mirror.induct) (auto simp add: isint_neg)
lemma mirror_\<delta>: "iszlfm p (a#bs) \<Longrightarrow> \<delta> (mirror p) = \<delta> p"
by (induct p rule: mirror.induct) auto
lemma mirror_ex:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)"
shows "(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (mirror p)) = (\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p)"
(is "(\<exists> x. ?I x ?mp) = (\<exists> x. ?I x p)")
fix x assume "?I x ?mp" hence "?I (- x) p" using mirror[OF lp] by blast
thus "\<exists> x. ?I x p" by blast
fix x assume "?I x p" hence "?I (- x) ?mp"
using mirror[OF lp, where x="- x", symmetric] by auto
thus "\<exists> x. ?I x ?mp" by blast
lemma \<beta>_numbound0: assumes lp: "iszlfm p bs"
shows "\<forall> b\<in> set (\<beta> p). numbound0 b"
using lp by (induct p rule: \<beta>.induct,auto)
lemma d_\<beta>_mono:
assumes linp: "iszlfm p (a #bs)"
and dr: "d_\<beta> p l"
and d: "l dvd l'"
shows "d_\<beta> p l'"
using dr linp dvd_trans[of _ "l" "l'", simplified d]
by (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct) simp_all
lemma \<alpha>_l: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)"
shows "\<forall> b\<in> set (\<alpha> p). numbound0 b \<and> isint b (a#bs)"
using lp
by(induct p rule: \<alpha>.induct, auto simp add: isint_add isint_c)
lemma \<zeta>:
assumes linp: "iszlfm p (a #bs)"
shows "\<zeta> p > 0 \<and> d_\<beta> p (\<zeta> p)"
using linp
proof(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (1 p q)
then have dl1: "\<zeta> p dvd lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)" by simp
from 1 have dl2: "\<zeta> q dvd lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)" by simp
from 1 d_\<beta>_mono[where p = "p" and l="\<zeta> p" and l'="lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)"]
d_\<beta>_mono[where p = "q" and l="\<zeta> q" and l'="lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)"]
dl1 dl2 show ?case by (auto simp add: lcm_pos_int)
case (2 p q)
then have dl1: "\<zeta> p dvd lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)" by simp
from 2 have dl2: "\<zeta> q dvd lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)" by simp
from 2 d_\<beta>_mono[where p = "p" and l="\<zeta> p" and l'="lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)"]
d_\<beta>_mono[where p = "q" and l="\<zeta> q" and l'="lcm (\<zeta> p) (\<zeta> q)"]
dl1 dl2 show ?case by (auto simp add: lcm_pos_int)
qed (auto simp add: lcm_pos_int)
lemma a_\<beta>: assumes linp: "iszlfm p (a #bs)" and d: "d_\<beta> p l" and lp: "l > 0"
shows "iszlfm (a_\<beta> p l) (a #bs) \<and> d_\<beta> (a_\<beta> p l) 1 \<and> (Ifm (real_of_int (l * x) #bs) (a_\<beta> p l) = Ifm ((real_of_int x)#bs) p)"
using linp d
proof (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (5 c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e < (0::real)) =
(real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e < 0)"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) < (real_of_int (l div c)) * 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e < 0)"
using mult_less_0_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"] ldcp by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] be isint_Mul[OF ei] by simp
case (6 c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<le> (0::real)) =
(real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<le> 0)"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) \<le> (real_of_int (l div c)) * 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<le> 0)"
using mult_le_0_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"] ldcp by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] be isint_Mul[OF ei] by simp
case (7 c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e > (0::real)) =
(real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e > 0)"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) > (real_of_int (l div c)) * 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e > 0)"
using zero_less_mult_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"] ldcp by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] be isint_Mul[OF ei] by simp
case (8 c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<ge> (0::real)) =
(real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<ge> 0)"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) \<ge> (real_of_int (l div c)) * 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<ge> 0)"
using zero_le_mult_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"] ldcp by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] be isint_Mul[OF ei] by simp
case (3 c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = (0::real)) =
(real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = 0)"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) = (real_of_int (l div c)) * 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = 0)"
using mult_eq_0_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"] ldcp by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] be isint_Mul[OF ei] by simp
case (4 c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<noteq> (0::real)) =
(real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<noteq> 0)"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e) \<noteq> (real_of_int (l div c)) * 0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e \<noteq> 0)"
using zero_le_mult_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"] ldcp by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] be isint_Mul[OF ei] by simp
case (9 j c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and jp: "j > 0" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = (real_of_int (l div c) * real_of_int j) * real_of_int k) = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = (real_of_int (l div c) * real_of_int j) * real_of_int k)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e - real_of_int j * real_of_int k) = real_of_int (l div c)*0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also fix k have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e - real_of_int j * real_of_int k = 0)"
using zero_le_mult_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e - real_of_int j * real_of_int k"] ldcp by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = real_of_int j * real_of_int k)" by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] rdvd_def be isint_Mul[OF ei] mult_strict_mono[OF ldcp jp ldcp ] by simp
case (10 j c e) hence cp: "c>0" and be: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (a#bs)" and jp: "j > 0" and d': "c dvd l" by simp+
from lp cp have clel: "c\<le>l" by (simp add: zdvd_imp_le [OF d' lp])
from cp have cnz: "c \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "c div c\<le> l div c"
by (simp add: zdiv_mono1[OF clel cp])
then have ldcp:"0 < l div c"
by (simp add: div_self[OF cnz])
have "c * (l div c) = c* (l div c) + l mod c" using d' dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[of "c" "l"] by simp
hence cl:"c * (l div c) =l" using zmod_zdiv_equality[where a="l" and b="c", symmetric]
by simp
hence "(\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int l * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = (real_of_int (l div c) * real_of_int j) * real_of_int k) = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int (c * (l div c)) * real_of_int x + real_of_int (l div c) * Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = (real_of_int (l div c) * real_of_int j) * real_of_int k)" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int (l div c) * (real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e - real_of_int j * real_of_int k) = real_of_int (l div c)*0)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also fix k have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e - real_of_int j * real_of_int k = 0)"
using zero_le_mult_iff [where a="real_of_int (l div c)" and b="real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e - real_of_int j * real_of_int k"] ldcp by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (k::int). real_of_int c * real_of_int x + Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e = real_of_int j * real_of_int k)" by simp
finally show ?case using numbound0_I[OF be,where b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] rdvd_def be isint_Mul[OF ei] mult_strict_mono[OF ldcp jp ldcp ] by simp
qed (simp_all add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int (l * x)" and b'="real_of_int x"] isint_Mul del: of_int_mult)
lemma a_\<beta>_ex: assumes linp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)" and d: "d_\<beta> p l" and lp: "l>0"
shows "(\<exists> x. l dvd x \<and> Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (a_\<beta> p l)) = (\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p)"
(is "(\<exists> x. l dvd x \<and> ?P x) = (\<exists> x. ?P' x)")
have "(\<exists> x. l dvd x \<and> ?P x) = (\<exists> (x::int). ?P (l*x))"
using unity_coeff_ex[where l="l" and P="?P", simplified] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (x::int). ?P' x)" using a_\<beta>[OF linp d lp] by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma \<beta>:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)"
and u: "d_\<beta> p 1"
and d: "d_\<delta> p d"
and dp: "d > 0"
and nob: "\<not>(\<exists>(j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. \<exists> b\<in> (Inum (a#bs)) ` set(\<beta> p). real_of_int x = b + real_of_int j)"
and p: "Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p" (is "?P x")
shows "?P (x - d)"
using lp u d dp nob p
proof(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (5 c e) hence c1: "c=1" and bn:"numbound0 e" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp_all
with dp p c1 numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int (x-d)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] 5
show ?case by (simp del: of_int_minus)
case (6 c e) hence c1: "c=1" and bn:"numbound0 e" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp_all
with dp p c1 numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int (x-d)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] 6
show ?case by (simp del: of_int_minus)
case (7 c e) hence p: "Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (Gt (CN 0 c e))" and c1: "c=1"
and bn:"numbound0 e" and ie1:"isint e (a#bs)" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp_all
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
from ie1 have ie: "real_of_int (floor ?e) = ?e" using isint_iff[where n="e" and bs="a#bs"]
numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="a" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"]
by (simp add: isint_iff)
{assume "real_of_int (x-d) +?e > 0" hence ?case using c1
numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int (x-d)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"]
by (simp del: of_int_minus)}
{assume H: "\<not> real_of_int (x-d) + ?e > 0"
let ?v="Neg e"
have vb: "?v \<in> set (\<beta> (Gt (CN 0 c e)))" by simp
from 7(5)[simplified simp_thms Inum.simps \<beta>.simps list.set bex_simps numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="a" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"]]
have nob: "\<not> (\<exists> j\<in> {1 ..d}. real_of_int x = - ?e + real_of_int j)" by auto
from H p have "real_of_int x + ?e > 0 \<and> real_of_int x + ?e \<le> real_of_int d" by (simp add: c1)
hence "real_of_int (x + floor ?e) > real_of_int (0::int) \<and> real_of_int (x + floor ?e) \<le> real_of_int d"
using ie by simp
hence "x + floor ?e \<ge> 1 \<and> x + floor ?e \<le> d" by simp
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. j = x + floor ?e" by simp
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. real_of_int x = real_of_int (- floor ?e + j)" by force
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. real_of_int x = - ?e + real_of_int j"
by (simp add: ie[simplified isint_iff])
with nob have ?case by auto}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (8 c e) hence p: "Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (Ge (CN 0 c e))" and c1: "c=1" and bn:"numbound0 e"
and ie1:"isint e (a #bs)" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
from ie1 have ie: "real_of_int (floor ?e) = ?e" using numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int x" and b'="a" and bs="bs"] isint_iff[where n="e" and bs="(real_of_int x)#bs"]
by (simp add: isint_iff)
{assume "real_of_int (x-d) +?e \<ge> 0" hence ?case using c1
numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int (x-d)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"]
by (simp del: of_int_minus)}
{assume H: "\<not> real_of_int (x-d) + ?e \<ge> 0"
let ?v="Sub (C (- 1)) e"
have vb: "?v \<in> set (\<beta> (Ge (CN 0 c e)))" by simp
from 8(5)[simplified simp_thms Inum.simps \<beta>.simps list.set bex_simps numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="a" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"]]
have nob: "\<not> (\<exists> j\<in> {1 ..d}. real_of_int x = - ?e - 1 + real_of_int j)" by auto
from H p have "real_of_int x + ?e \<ge> 0 \<and> real_of_int x + ?e < real_of_int d" by (simp add: c1)
hence "real_of_int (x + floor ?e) \<ge> real_of_int (0::int) \<and> real_of_int (x + floor ?e) < real_of_int d"
using ie by simp
hence "x + floor ?e +1 \<ge> 1 \<and> x + floor ?e + 1 \<le> d" by simp
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. j = x + floor ?e + 1" by simp
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. x= - floor ?e - 1 + j" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. real_of_int x= real_of_int (- floor ?e - 1 + j)" by presburger
hence "\<exists> (j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. real_of_int x= - ?e - 1 + real_of_int j"
by (simp add: ie[simplified isint_iff])
with nob have ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (3 c e) hence p: "Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (Eq (CN 0 c e))" (is "?p x") and c1: "c=1"
and bn:"numbound0 e" and ie1: "isint e (a #bs)" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
let ?v="(Sub (C (- 1)) e)"
have vb: "?v \<in> set (\<beta> (Eq (CN 0 c e)))" by simp
from p have "real_of_int x= - ?e" by (simp add: c1) with 3(5) show ?case using dp
by simp (erule ballE[where x="1"],
simp_all add:algebra_simps numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int x"and b'="a"and bs="bs"])
case (4 c e)hence p: "Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (NEq (CN 0 c e))" (is "?p x") and c1: "c=1"
and bn:"numbound0 e" and ie1: "isint e (a #bs)" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
let ?v="Neg e"
have vb: "?v \<in> set (\<beta> (NEq (CN 0 c e)))" by simp
{assume "real_of_int x - real_of_int d + Inum ((real_of_int (x -d)) # bs) e \<noteq> 0"
hence ?case by (simp add: c1)}
{assume H: "real_of_int x - real_of_int d + Inum ((real_of_int (x -d)) # bs) e = 0"
hence "real_of_int x = - Inum ((real_of_int (x -d)) # bs) e + real_of_int d" by simp
hence "real_of_int x = - Inum (a # bs) e + real_of_int d"
by (simp add: numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int x - real_of_int d"and b'="a"and bs="bs"])
with 4(5) have ?case using dp by simp}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (9 j c e) hence p: "Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (Dvd j (CN 0 c e))" (is "?p x") and c1: "c=1"
and bn:"numbound0 e" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
from 9 have "isint e (a #bs)" by simp
hence ie: "real_of_int (floor ?e) = ?e" using isint_iff[where n="e" and bs="(real_of_int x)#bs"] numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int x" and b'="a" and bs="bs"]
by (simp add: isint_iff)
from 9 have id: "j dvd d" by simp
from c1 ie[symmetric] have "?p x = (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (x+ floor ?e))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (j dvd x + floor ?e)"
using int_rdvd_real[where i="j" and x="real_of_int (x+ floor ?e)"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (j dvd x - d + floor ?e)"
using dvd_period[OF id, where x="x" and c="-1" and t="floor ?e"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (x - d + floor ?e))"
using int_rdvd_real[where i="j" and x="real_of_int (x-d + floor ?e)",symmetric, simplified]
ie by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int x - real_of_int d + ?e)"
using ie by simp
finally show ?case
using numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int (x-d)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] c1 p by simp
case (10 j c e) hence p: "Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) (NDvd j (CN 0 c e))" (is "?p x") and c1: "c=1" and bn:"numbound0 e" using dvd1_eq1[where x="c"] by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e"
from 10 have "isint e (a#bs)" by simp
hence ie: "real_of_int (floor ?e) = ?e" using numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int x" and b'="a" and bs="bs"] isint_iff[where n="e" and bs="(real_of_int x)#bs"]
by (simp add: isint_iff)
from 10 have id: "j dvd d" by simp
from c1 ie[symmetric] have "?p x = (\<not> real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (x+ floor ?e))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> j dvd x + floor ?e)"
using int_rdvd_real[where i="j" and x="real_of_int (x+ floor ?e)"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> j dvd x - d + floor ?e)"
using dvd_period[OF id, where x="x" and c="-1" and t="floor ?e"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (x - d + floor ?e))"
using int_rdvd_real[where i="j" and x="real_of_int (x-d + floor ?e)",symmetric, simplified]
ie by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int x - real_of_int d + ?e)"
using ie by simp
finally show ?case
using numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int (x-d)" and b'="real_of_int x" and bs="bs"] c1 p by simp
qed (auto simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int (x - d)" and b'="real_of_int x"]
simp del: of_int_diff)
lemma \<beta>':
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a #bs)"
and u: "d_\<beta> p 1"
and d: "d_\<delta> p d"
and dp: "d > 0"
shows "\<forall> x. \<not>(\<exists>(j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. \<exists> b\<in> set(\<beta> p). Ifm ((Inum (a#bs) b + real_of_int j) #bs) p) \<longrightarrow> Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p \<longrightarrow> Ifm (real_of_int (x - d)#bs) p" (is "\<forall> x. ?b \<longrightarrow> ?P x \<longrightarrow> ?P (x - d)")
fix x
assume nb:"?b" and px: "?P x"
hence nb2: "\<not>(\<exists>(j::int) \<in> {1 .. d}. \<exists> b\<in> (Inum (a#bs)) ` set(\<beta> p). real_of_int x = b + real_of_int j)"
by auto
from \<beta>[OF lp u d dp nb2 px] show "?P (x -d )" .
lemma \<beta>_int: assumes lp: "iszlfm p bs"
shows "\<forall> b\<in> set (\<beta> p). isint b bs"
using lp by (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct) (auto simp add: isint_neg isint_sub)
lemma cpmi_eq: "0 < D \<Longrightarrow> (EX z::int. ALL x. x < z --> (P x = P1 x))
==> ALL x.~(EX (j::int) : {1..D}. EX (b::int) : B. P(b+j)) --> P (x) --> P (x - D)
==> (ALL (x::int). ALL (k::int). ((P1 x)= (P1 (x-k*D))))
==> (EX (x::int). P(x)) = ((EX (j::int) : {1..D} . (P1(j))) | (EX (j::int) : {1..D}. EX (b::int) : B. P (b+j)))"
apply(rule iffI)
prefer 2
apply(drule minusinfinity)
apply assumption+
apply clarsimp
apply(subgoal_tac "!!k. 0<=k \<Longrightarrow> !x. P x \<longrightarrow> P (x - k*D)")
apply(frule_tac x = x and z=z in decr_lemma)
apply(subgoal_tac "P1(x - (\<bar>x - z\<bar> + 1) * D)")
prefer 2
apply(subgoal_tac "0 <= (\<bar>x - z\<bar> + 1)")
prefer 2 apply arith
apply fastforce
apply(drule (1) periodic_finite_ex)
apply blast
apply(blast dest:decr_mult_lemma)
theorem cp_thm:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a #bs)"
and u: "d_\<beta> p 1"
and d: "d_\<delta> p d"
and dp: "d > 0"
shows "(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x #bs) p) = (\<exists> j\<in> {1.. d}. Ifm (real_of_int j #bs) (minusinf p) \<or> (\<exists> b \<in> set (\<beta> p). Ifm ((Inum (a#bs) b + real_of_int j) #bs) p))"
(is "(\<exists> (x::int). ?P (real_of_int x)) = (\<exists> j\<in> ?D. ?M j \<or> (\<exists> b\<in> ?B. ?P (?I b + real_of_int j)))")
from minusinf_inf[OF lp]
have th: "\<exists>(z::int). \<forall>x<z. ?P (real_of_int x) = ?M x" by blast
let ?B' = "{floor (?I b) | b. b\<in> ?B}"
from \<beta>_int[OF lp] isint_iff[where bs="a # bs"] have B: "\<forall> b\<in> ?B. real_of_int (floor (?I b)) = ?I b" by simp
from B[rule_format]
have "(\<exists>j\<in>?D. \<exists>b\<in> ?B. ?P (?I b + real_of_int j)) = (\<exists>j\<in>?D. \<exists>b\<in> ?B. ?P (real_of_int (floor (?I b)) + real_of_int j))"
by simp
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists>j\<in>?D. \<exists>b\<in> ?B. ?P (real_of_int (floor (?I b) + j)))" by simp
also have"\<dots> = (\<exists> j \<in> ?D. \<exists> b \<in> ?B'. ?P (real_of_int (b + j)))" by blast
finally have BB':
"(\<exists>j\<in>?D. \<exists>b\<in> ?B. ?P (?I b + real_of_int j)) = (\<exists> j \<in> ?D. \<exists> b \<in> ?B'. ?P (real_of_int (b + j)))"
by blast
hence th2: "\<forall> x. \<not> (\<exists> j \<in> ?D. \<exists> b \<in> ?B'. ?P (real_of_int (b + j))) \<longrightarrow> ?P (real_of_int x) \<longrightarrow> ?P (real_of_int (x - d))" using \<beta>'[OF lp u d dp] by blast
from minusinf_repeats[OF d lp]
have th3: "\<forall> x k. ?M x = ?M (x-k*d)" by simp
from cpmi_eq[OF dp th th2 th3] BB' show ?thesis by blast
(* Reddy and Loveland *)
\<rho> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> (num \<times> int) list" (* Compute the Reddy and Loveland Bset*)
\<sigma>_\<rho>:: "fm \<Rightarrow> num \<times> int \<Rightarrow> fm" (* Performs the modified substitution of Reddy and Loveland*)
\<alpha>_\<rho> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> (num\<times>int) list"
a_\<rho> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> fm"
recdef \<rho> "measure size"
"\<rho> (And p q) = (\<rho> p @ \<rho> q)"
"\<rho> (Or p q) = (\<rho> p @ \<rho> q)"
"\<rho> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = [(Sub (C (- 1)) e,c)]"
"\<rho> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<rho> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = []"
"\<rho> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = []"
"\<rho> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e, c)]"
"\<rho> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = [(Sub (C (-1)) e, c)]"
"\<rho> p = []"
recdef \<sigma>_\<rho> "measure size"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (And p q) = (\<lambda> (t,k). And (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t,k)) (\<sigma>_\<rho> q (t,k)))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Or p q) = (\<lambda> (t,k). Or (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t,k)) (\<sigma>_\<rho> q (t,k)))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (Eq (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (Eq (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (NEq (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (NEq (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (Lt (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (Lt (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (Le (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (Le (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (Gt (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (Gt (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (Ge (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (Ge (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)) =(\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (Dvd i (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (Dvd (i*k) (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> (NDvd i (CN 0 c e))=(\<lambda> (t,k). if k dvd c then (NDvd i (Add (Mul (c div k) t) e))
else (NDvd (i*k) (Add (Mul c t) (Mul k e))))"
"\<sigma>_\<rho> p = (\<lambda> (t,k). p)"
recdef \<alpha>_\<rho> "measure size"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> (And p q) = (\<alpha>_\<rho> p @ \<alpha>_\<rho> q)"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> (Or p q) = (\<alpha>_\<rho> p @ \<alpha>_\<rho> q)"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = [(Add (C (- 1)) e,c)]"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = [(e,c)]"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = [(e,c)]"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = [(Add (C (- 1)) e,c)]"
"\<alpha>_\<rho> p = []"
(* Simulates normal substituion by modifying the formula see correctness theorem *)
definition \<sigma> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"\<sigma> p k t \<equiv> And (Dvd k t) (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t,k))"
lemma \<sigma>_\<rho>:
assumes linp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (x::int)#bs)"
and kpos: "real_of_int k > 0"
and tnb: "numbound0 t"
and tint: "isint t (real_of_int x#bs)"
and kdt: "k dvd floor (Inum (b'#bs) t)"
shows "Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t,k)) =
(Ifm ((real_of_int ((floor (Inum (b'#bs) t)) div k))#bs) p)"
(is "?I (real_of_int x) (?s p) = (?I (real_of_int ((floor (?N b' t)) div k)) p)" is "_ = (?I ?tk p)")
using linp kpos tnb
proof(induct p rule: \<sigma>_\<rho>.induct)
case (3 c e)
from 3 have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from kpos have knz': "real_of_int k \<noteq> 0" by simp
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t"
using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (Eq (CN 0 c e))) = ((real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k = 0)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (Eq (CN 0 c e)))"
using nonzero_eq_divide_eq[OF knz',
where a="real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e" and b="0", symmetric]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (4 c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from kpos have knz': "real_of_int k \<noteq> 0" by simp
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (NEq (CN 0 c e))) = ((real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k \<noteq> 0)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (NEq (CN 0 c e)))"
using nonzero_eq_divide_eq[OF knz',
where a="real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e" and b="0", symmetric]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (5 c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (Lt (CN 0 c e))) = ((real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k < 0)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (Lt (CN 0 c e)))"
using pos_less_divide_eq[OF kpos,
where a="real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e" and b="0", symmetric]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (6 c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (Le (CN 0 c e))) = ((real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k \<le> 0)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (Le (CN 0 c e)))"
using pos_le_divide_eq[OF kpos,
where a="real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e" and b="0", symmetric]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (7 c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (Gt (CN 0 c e))) = ((real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k > 0)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (Gt (CN 0 c e)))"
using pos_divide_less_eq[OF kpos,
where a="real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e" and b="0", symmetric]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (8 c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (Ge (CN 0 c e))) = ((real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k \<ge> 0)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (Ge (CN 0 c e)))"
using pos_divide_le_eq[OF kpos,
where a="real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e" and b="0", symmetric]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (9 i c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from kpos have knz: "k\<noteq>0" by simp hence knz': "real_of_int k \<noteq> 0" by simp
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (Dvd i (CN 0 c e))) = (real_of_int i * real_of_int k rdvd (real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k)"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (Dvd i (CN 0 c e)))"
using rdvd_mult[OF knz, where n="i"]
real_of_int_div[OF kdt] numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (10 i c e)
then have cp: "c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by auto
{ assume kdc: "k dvd c"
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from kdc have ?case using real_of_int_div[OF kdc] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"] by (simp add: ti) }
{ assume *: "\<not> k dvd c"
from kpos have knz: "k\<noteq>0" by simp hence knz': "real_of_int k \<noteq> 0" by simp
from tint have ti: "real_of_int (floor (?N (real_of_int x) t)) = ?N (real_of_int x) t" using isint_def by simp
from assms * have "?I (real_of_int x) (?s (NDvd i (CN 0 c e))) = (\<not> (real_of_int i * real_of_int k rdvd (real_of_int c * (?N (real_of_int x) t / real_of_int k) + ?N (real_of_int x) e)* real_of_int k))"
using real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (?I ?tk (NDvd i (CN 0 c e)))"
using rdvd_mult[OF knz, where n="i"] real_of_int_div[OF kdt]
numbound0_I[OF tnb, where bs="bs" and b="b'" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?tk" and b'="real_of_int x"]
by (simp add: ti)
finally have ?case . }
ultimately show ?case by blast
qed (simp_all add: bound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int ((floor (?N b' t)) div k)" and b'="real_of_int x"]
numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int ((floor (?N b' t)) div k)" and b'="real_of_int x"])
lemma \<sigma>_\<rho>_nb: assumes lp:"iszlfm p (a#bs)" and nb: "numbound0 t"
shows "bound0 (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t,k))"
using lp
by (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct, auto simp add: nb)
lemma \<rho>_l:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)"
shows "\<forall> (b,k) \<in> set (\<rho> p). k >0 \<and> numbound0 b \<and> isint b (real_of_int i#bs)"
using lp by (induct p rule: \<rho>.induct, auto simp add: isint_sub isint_neg)
lemma \<alpha>_\<rho>_l:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)"
shows "\<forall> (b,k) \<in> set (\<alpha>_\<rho> p). k >0 \<and> numbound0 b \<and> isint b (real_of_int i#bs)"
using lp isint_add [OF isint_c[where j="- 1"],where bs="real_of_int i#bs"]
by (induct p rule: \<alpha>_\<rho>.induct, auto)
lemma \<rho>: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int) #bs)"
and pi: "Ifm (real_of_int i#bs) p"
and d: "d_\<delta> p d"
and dp: "d > 0"
and nob: "\<forall>(e,c) \<in> set (\<rho> p). \<forall> j\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) \<noteq> Inum (real_of_int i#bs) e + real_of_int j"
(is "\<forall>(e,c) \<in> set (\<rho> p). \<forall> j\<in> {1 .. c*d}. _ \<noteq> ?N i e + _")
shows "Ifm (real_of_int(i - d)#bs) p"
using lp pi d nob
proof(induct p rule: iszlfm.induct)
case (3 c e) hence cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" and ei: "isint e (real_of_int i#bs)"
and pi: "real_of_int (c*i) = - 1 - ?N i e + real_of_int (1::int)" and nob: "\<forall> j\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) \<noteq> -1 - ?N i e + real_of_int j"
by simp+
from mult_strict_left_mono[OF dp cp] have one:"1 \<in> {1 .. c*d}" by auto
from nob[rule_format, where j="1", OF one] pi show ?case by simp
case (4 c e)
hence cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" and ei: "isint e (real_of_int i#bs)"
and nob: "\<forall> j\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) \<noteq> - ?N i e + real_of_int j"
by simp+
{assume "real_of_int (c*i) \<noteq> - ?N i e + real_of_int (c*d)"
with numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i"]
have ?case by (simp add: algebra_simps)}
{assume pi: "real_of_int (c*i) = - ?N i e + real_of_int (c*d)"
from mult_strict_left_mono[OF dp cp] have d: "(c*d) \<in> {1 .. c*d}" by simp
from nob[rule_format, where j="c*d", OF d] pi have ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (5 c e) hence cp: "c > 0" by simp
from 5 mult_strict_left_mono[OF dp cp, simplified of_int_less_iff[symmetric]
show ?case using 5 dp
apply (simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i"]
algebra_simps del: mult_pos_pos)
by (metis add.right_neutral of_int_0_less_iff of_int_mult pos_add_strict)
case (6 c e) hence cp: "c > 0" by simp
from 6 mult_strict_left_mono[OF dp cp, simplified of_int_less_iff[symmetric]
show ?case using 6 dp
apply (simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i"]
algebra_simps del: mult_pos_pos)
using order_trans by fastforce
case (7 c e) hence cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" and ei: "isint e (real_of_int i#bs)"
and nob: "\<forall> j\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) \<noteq> - ?N i e + real_of_int j"
and pi: "real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e > 0" and cp': "real_of_int c >0"
by simp+
let ?fe = "floor (?N i e)"
from pi cp have th:"(real_of_int i +?N i e / real_of_int c)*real_of_int c > 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
from pi ei[simplified isint_iff] have "real_of_int (c*i + ?fe) > real_of_int (0::int)" by simp
hence pi': "c*i + ?fe > 0" by (simp only: of_int_less_iff[symmetric])
have "real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e > real_of_int (c*d) \<or> real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e \<le> real_of_int (c*d)" by auto
{assume "real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e > real_of_int (c*d)" hence ?case
by (simp add: algebra_simps
numbound0_I[OF nb,where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i"])}
{assume H:"real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e \<le> real_of_int (c*d)"
with ei[simplified isint_iff] have "real_of_int (c*i + ?fe) \<le> real_of_int (c*d)" by simp
hence pid: "c*i + ?fe \<le> c*d" by (simp only: of_int_le_iff)
with pi' have "\<exists> j1\<in> {1 .. c*d}. c*i + ?fe = j1" by auto
hence "\<exists> j1\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) = - ?N i e + real_of_int j1"
unfolding Bex_def using ei[simplified isint_iff] by fastforce
with nob have ?case by blast }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (8 c e) hence cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" and ei: "isint e (real_of_int i#bs)"
and nob: "\<forall> j\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) \<noteq> - 1 - ?N i e + real_of_int j"
and pi: "real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e \<ge> 0" and cp': "real_of_int c >0"
by simp+
let ?fe = "floor (?N i e)"
from pi cp have th:"(real_of_int i +?N i e / real_of_int c)*real_of_int c \<ge> 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
from pi ei[simplified isint_iff] have "real_of_int (c*i + ?fe) \<ge> real_of_int (0::int)" by simp
hence pi': "c*i + 1 + ?fe \<ge> 1" by (simp only: of_int_le_iff[symmetric])
have "real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e \<ge> real_of_int (c*d) \<or> real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e < real_of_int (c*d)" by auto
{assume "real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e \<ge> real_of_int (c*d)" hence ?case
by (simp add: algebra_simps
numbound0_I[OF nb,where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i"])}
{assume H:"real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e < real_of_int (c*d)"
with ei[simplified isint_iff] have "real_of_int (c*i + ?fe) < real_of_int (c*d)" by simp
hence pid: "c*i + 1 + ?fe \<le> c*d" by (simp only: of_int_le_iff)
with pi' have "\<exists> j1\<in> {1 .. c*d}. c*i + 1+ ?fe = j1" by auto
hence "\<exists> j1\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) + 1= - ?N i e + real_of_int j1"
unfolding Bex_def using ei[simplified isint_iff] by fastforce
hence "\<exists> j1\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) = (- ?N i e + real_of_int j1) - 1"
by (simp only: algebra_simps)
hence "\<exists> j1\<in> {1 .. c*d}. real_of_int (c*i) = - 1 - ?N i e + real_of_int j1"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with nob have ?case by blast }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (9 j c e) hence p: "real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e" (is "?p x") and cp: "c > 0" and bn:"numbound0 e" by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int i # bs) e"
from 9 have "isint e (real_of_int i #bs)" by simp
hence ie: "real_of_int (floor ?e) = ?e" using isint_iff[where n="e" and bs="(real_of_int i)#bs"] numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int i" and b'="real_of_int i" and bs="bs"]
by (simp add: isint_iff)
from 9 have id: "j dvd d" by simp
from ie[symmetric] have "?p i = (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*i+ floor ?e))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (j dvd c*i + floor ?e)"
using int_rdvd_iff [where i="j" and t="c*i+ floor ?e"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (j dvd c*i - c*d + floor ?e)"
using dvd_period[OF id, where x="c*i" and c="-c" and t="floor ?e"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*i - c*d + floor ?e))"
using int_rdvd_iff[where i="j" and t="(c*i - c*d + floor ?e)",symmetric, simplified]
ie by simp
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*(i - d)) + ?e)"
using ie by (simp add:algebra_simps)
finally show ?case
using numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i" and bs="bs"] p
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
case (10 j c e)
hence p: "\<not> (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*i) + ?N i e)" (is "?p x") and cp: "c > 0" and bn:"numbound0 e"
by simp+
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int i # bs) e"
from 10 have "isint e (real_of_int i #bs)" by simp
hence ie: "real_of_int (floor ?e) = ?e"
using isint_iff[where n="e" and bs="(real_of_int i)#bs"] numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int i" and b'="real_of_int i" and bs="bs"]
by (simp add: isint_iff)
from 10 have id: "j dvd d" by simp
from ie[symmetric] have "?p i = (\<not> (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*i+ floor ?e)))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = Not (j dvd c*i + floor ?e)"
using int_rdvd_iff [where i="j" and t="c*i+ floor ?e"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = Not (j dvd c*i - c*d + floor ?e)"
using dvd_period[OF id, where x="c*i" and c="-c" and t="floor ?e"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = Not (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*i - c*d + floor ?e))"
using int_rdvd_iff[where i="j" and t="(c*i - c*d + floor ?e)",symmetric, simplified]
ie by simp
also have "\<dots> = Not (real_of_int j rdvd real_of_int (c*(i - d)) + ?e)"
using ie by (simp add:algebra_simps)
finally show ?case
using numbound0_I[OF bn,where b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i" and bs="bs"] p
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
qed (auto simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int i - real_of_int d" and b'="real_of_int i"])
lemma \<sigma>_nb: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)" and nb: "numbound0 t"
shows "bound0 (\<sigma> p k t)"
using \<sigma>_\<rho>_nb[OF lp nb] nb by (simp add: \<sigma>_def)
lemma \<rho>': assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a #bs)"
and d: "d_\<delta> p d"
and dp: "d > 0"
shows "\<forall> x. \<not>(\<exists> (e,c) \<in> set(\<rho> p). \<exists>(j::int) \<in> {1 .. c*d}. Ifm (a #bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))) \<longrightarrow> Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p \<longrightarrow> Ifm (real_of_int (x - d)#bs) p" (is "\<forall> x. ?b x \<longrightarrow> ?P x \<longrightarrow> ?P (x - d)")
fix x
assume nob1:"?b x" and px: "?P x"
from iszlfm_gen[OF lp, rule_format, where y="real_of_int x"] have lp': "iszlfm p (real_of_int x#bs)".
have nob: "\<forall>(e, c)\<in>set (\<rho> p). \<forall>j\<in>{1..c * d}. real_of_int (c * x) \<noteq> Inum (real_of_int x # bs) e + real_of_int j"
fix e c j assume ecR: "(e,c) \<in> set (\<rho> p)" and jD: "j\<in> {1 .. c*d}"
and cx: "real_of_int (c*x) = Inum (real_of_int x#bs) e + real_of_int j"
let ?e = "Inum (real_of_int x#bs) e"
let ?fe = "floor ?e"
from \<rho>_l[OF lp'] ecR have ei:"isint e (real_of_int x#bs)" and cp:"c>0" and nb:"numbound0 e"
by auto
from numbound0_gen [OF nb ei, rule_format,where y="a"] have "isint e (a#bs)" .
from cx ei[simplified isint_iff] have "real_of_int (c*x) = real_of_int (?fe + j)" by simp
hence cx: "c*x = ?fe + j" by (simp only: of_int_eq_iff)
hence cdej:"c dvd ?fe + j" by (simp add: dvd_def) (rule_tac x="x" in exI, simp)
hence "real_of_int c rdvd real_of_int (?fe + j)" by (simp only: int_rdvd_iff)
hence rcdej: "real_of_int c rdvd ?e + real_of_int j" by (simp add: ei[simplified isint_iff])
from cx have "(c*x) div c = (?fe + j) div c" by simp
with cp have "x = (?fe + j) div c" by simp
with px have th: "?P ((?fe + j) div c)" by auto
from cp have cp': "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from cdej have cdej': "c dvd floor (Inum (real_of_int x#bs) (Add e (C j)))" by simp
from nb have nb': "numbound0 (Add e (C j))" by simp
have ji: "isint (C j) (real_of_int x#bs)" by (simp add: isint_def)
from isint_add[OF ei ji] have ei':"isint (Add e (C j)) (real_of_int x#bs)" .
from th \<sigma>_\<rho>[where b'="real_of_int x", OF lp' cp' nb' ei' cdej',symmetric]
have "Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (Add e (C j), c))" by simp
with rcdej have th: "Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))" by (simp add: \<sigma>_def)
from th bound0_I[OF \<sigma>_nb[OF lp nb', where k="c"],where bs="bs" and b="real_of_int x" and b'="a"]
have "Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))" by blast
with ecR jD nob1 show "False" by blast
from \<rho>[OF lp' px d dp nob] show "?P (x -d )" .
lemma rl_thm:
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)"
shows "(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1 .. \<delta> p}. Ifm (real_of_int j#bs) (minusinf p)) \<or> (\<exists> (e,c) \<in> set (\<rho> p). \<exists> j\<in> {1 .. c*(\<delta> p)}. Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))))"
(is "(\<exists>(x::int). ?P x) = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1.. \<delta> p}. ?MP j)\<or>(\<exists> (e,c) \<in> ?R. \<exists> j\<in> _. ?SP c e j))"
is "?lhs = (?MD \<or> ?RD)" is "?lhs = ?rhs")
let ?d= "\<delta> p"
from \<delta>[OF lp] have d:"d_\<delta> p ?d" and dp: "?d > 0" by auto
{ assume H:"?MD" hence th:"\<exists> (x::int). ?MP x" by blast
from H minusinf_ex[OF lp th] have ?thesis by blast}
{ fix e c j assume exR:"(e,c) \<in> ?R" and jD:"j\<in> {1 .. c*?d}" and spx:"?SP c e j"
from exR \<rho>_l[OF lp] have nb: "numbound0 e" and ei:"isint e (real_of_int i#bs)" and cp: "c > 0"
by auto
have "isint (C j) (real_of_int i#bs)" by (simp add: isint_iff)
with isint_add[OF numbound0_gen[OF nb ei,rule_format, where y="real_of_int i"]]
have eji:"isint (Add e (C j)) (real_of_int i#bs)" by simp
from nb have nb': "numbound0 (Add e (C j))" by simp
from spx bound0_I[OF \<sigma>_nb[OF lp nb', where k="c"], where bs="bs" and b="a" and b'="real_of_int i"]
have spx': "Ifm (real_of_int i # bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))" by blast
from spx' have rcdej:"real_of_int c rdvd (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) (Add e (C j)))"
and sr:"Ifm (real_of_int i#bs) (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (Add e (C j),c))" by (simp add: \<sigma>_def)+
from rcdej eji[simplified isint_iff]
have "real_of_int c rdvd real_of_int (floor (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) (Add e (C j))))" by simp
hence cdej:"c dvd floor (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) (Add e (C j)))" by (simp only: int_rdvd_iff)
from cp have cp': "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
from \<sigma>_\<rho>[OF lp cp' nb' eji cdej] spx' have "?P (\<lfloor>Inum (real_of_int i # bs) (Add e (C j))\<rfloor> div c)"
by (simp add: \<sigma>_def)
hence ?lhs by blast
with exR jD spx have ?thesis by blast}
{ fix x assume px: "?P x" and nob: "\<not> ?RD"
from iszlfm_gen [OF lp,rule_format, where y="a"] have lp':"iszlfm p (a#bs)" .
from \<rho>'[OF lp' d dp, rule_format, OF nob] have th:"\<forall> x. ?P x \<longrightarrow> ?P (x - ?d)" by blast
from minusinf_inf[OF lp] obtain z where z:"\<forall> x<z. ?MP x = ?P x" by blast
have zp: "abs (x - z) + 1 \<ge> 0" by arith
from decr_lemma[OF dp,where x="x" and z="z"]
decr_mult_lemma[OF dp th zp, rule_format, OF px] z have th:"\<exists> x. ?MP x" by auto
with minusinf_bex[OF lp] px nob have ?thesis by blast}
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma mirror_\<alpha>_\<rho>: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)"
shows "(\<lambda> (t,k). (Inum (a#bs) t, k)) ` set (\<alpha>_\<rho> p) = (\<lambda> (t,k). (Inum (a#bs) t,k)) ` set (\<rho> (mirror p))"
using lp
by (induct p rule: mirror.induct) (simp_all add: split_def image_Un)
text \<open>The \<open>\<real>\<close> part\<close>
text\<open>Linearity for fm where Bound 0 ranges over \<open>\<real>\<close>\<close>
isrlfm :: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" (* Linearity test for fm *)
recdef isrlfm "measure size"
"isrlfm (And p q) = (isrlfm p \<and> isrlfm q)"
"isrlfm (Or p q) = (isrlfm p \<and> isrlfm q)"
"isrlfm (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (c>0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
"isrlfm (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (c>0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
"isrlfm (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (c>0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
"isrlfm (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (c>0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
"isrlfm (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (c>0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
"isrlfm (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (c>0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
"isrlfm p = (isatom p \<and> (bound0 p))"
definition fp :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"fp p n s j \<equiv> (if n > 0 then
(And p (And (Ge (CN 0 n (Sub s (Add (Floor s) (C j)))))
(Lt (CN 0 n (Sub s (Add (Floor s) (C (j+1))))))))
(And p (And (Le (CN 0 (-n) (Add (Neg s) (Add (Floor s) (C j)))))
(Gt (CN 0 (-n) (Add (Neg s) (Add (Floor s) (C (j + 1)))))))))"
(* splits the bounded from the unbounded part*)
function (sequential) rsplit0 :: "num \<Rightarrow> (fm \<times> int \<times> num) list" where
"rsplit0 (Bound 0) = [(T,1,C 0)]"
| "rsplit0 (Add a b) = (let acs = rsplit0 a ; bcs = rsplit0 b
in map (\<lambda> ((p,n,t),(q,m,s)). (And p q, n+m, Add t s)) [(a,b). a\<leftarrow>acs,b\<leftarrow>bcs])"
| "rsplit0 (Sub a b) = rsplit0 (Add a (Neg b))"
| "rsplit0 (Neg a) = map (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (p,-n,Neg s)) (rsplit0 a)"
| "rsplit0 (Floor a) = concat (map
(\<lambda> (p,n,s). if n=0 then [(p,0,Floor s)]
else (map (\<lambda> j. (fp p n s j, 0, Add (Floor s) (C j))) (if n > 0 then [0 .. n] else [n .. 0])))
(rsplit0 a))"
| "rsplit0 (CN 0 c a) = map (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (p,n+c,s)) (rsplit0 a)"
| "rsplit0 (CN m c a) = map (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (p,n,CN m c s)) (rsplit0 a)"
| "rsplit0 (CF c t s) = rsplit0 (Add (Mul c (Floor t)) s)"
| "rsplit0 (Mul c a) = map (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (p,c*n,Mul c s)) (rsplit0 a)"
| "rsplit0 t = [(T,0,t)]"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure num_size") auto
lemma conj_rl[simp]: "isrlfm p \<Longrightarrow> isrlfm q \<Longrightarrow> isrlfm (conj p q)"
using conj_def by (cases p, auto)
lemma disj_rl[simp]: "isrlfm p \<Longrightarrow> isrlfm q \<Longrightarrow> isrlfm (disj p q)"
using disj_def by (cases p, auto)
lemma rsplit0_cs:
shows "\<forall> (p,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 t).
(Ifm (x#bs) p \<longrightarrow> (Inum (x#bs) t = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s))) \<and> numbound0 s \<and> isrlfm p"
(is "\<forall> (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS t. (?I p \<longrightarrow> ?N t = ?N (CN 0 n s)) \<and> _ \<and> _ ")
proof(induct t rule: rsplit0.induct)
case (5 a)
let ?p = "\<lambda> (p,n,s) j. fp p n s j"
let ?f = "(\<lambda> (p,n,s) j. (?p (p,n,s) j, (0::int),Add (Floor s) (C j)))"
let ?J = "\<lambda> n. if n>0 then [0..n] else [n..0]"
let ?ff=" (\<lambda> (p,n,s). if n= 0 then [(p,0,Floor s)] else map (?f (p,n,s)) (?J n))"
have int_cases: "\<forall> (i::int). i= 0 \<or> i < 0 \<or> i > 0" by arith
have U1: "(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) =
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set [(p,0,Floor s)]))" by auto
have U2': "\<forall> (p,n,s) \<in> {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0}.
?ff (p,n,s) = map (?f(p,n,s)) [0..n]" by auto
hence U2: "(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) =
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s).
set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [0..n])))"
fix M :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) set" and f :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) \<Rightarrow> 'd list" and g
assume "\<forall> (a,b,c) \<in> M. f (a,b,c) = g a b c"
thus "(UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (f (a,b,c)))) = (UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (g a b c)))"
by (auto simp add: split_def)
have U3': "\<forall> (p,n,s) \<in> {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0}. ?ff (p,n,s) = map (?f(p,n,s)) [n..0]"
by auto
hence U3: "(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) =
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s)\<in> ?SS a\<and>n<0} (\<lambda>(p,n,s). set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [n..0])))"
fix M :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) set" and f :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) \<Rightarrow> 'd list" and g
assume "\<forall> (a,b,c) \<in> M. f (a,b,c) = g a b c"
thus "(UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (f (a,b,c)))) = (UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (g a b c)))"
by (auto simp add: split_def)
have "?SS (Floor a) = UNION (?SS a) (\<lambda>x. set (?ff x))"
by auto
also have "\<dots> = UNION (?SS a) (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))" by blast
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))))"
using int_cases[rule_format] by blast
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set [(p,0,Floor s)])) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s)\<in> ?SS a\<and>n>0} (\<lambda>(p,n,s). set(map(?f(p,n,s)) [0..n]))) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s).
set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [n..0]))))" by (simp only: U1 U2 U3)
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {(p,0,Floor s)})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (?f(p,n,s)) ` {0 .. n})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (?f(p,n,s)) ` {n .. 0})))"
by (simp only: set_map set_upto list.set)
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {(p,0,Floor s)})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {0 .. n}})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {n .. 0}})))" by blast
have FS: "?SS (Floor a) =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {(p,0,Floor s)})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {0 .. n}})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {n .. 0}})))" by blast
show ?case
proof(simp only: FS, clarsimp simp del: Ifm.simps Inum.simps, -)
fix p n s
let ?ths = "(?I p \<longrightarrow> (?N (Floor a) = ?N (CN 0 n s))) \<and> numbound0 s \<and> isrlfm p"
assume "(\<exists>ba. (p, 0, ba) \<in> set (rsplit0 a) \<and> n = 0 \<and> s = Floor ba) \<or>
(\<exists>ab ac ba.
(ab, ac, ba) \<in> set (rsplit0 a) \<and>
0 < ac \<and>
(\<exists>j. p = fp ab ac ba j \<and>
n = 0 \<and> s = Add (Floor ba) (C j) \<and> 0 \<le> j \<and> j \<le> ac)) \<or>
(\<exists>ab ac ba.
(ab, ac, ba) \<in> set (rsplit0 a) \<and>
ac < 0 \<and>
(\<exists>j. p = fp ab ac ba j \<and>
n = 0 \<and> s = Add (Floor ba) (C j) \<and> ac \<le> j \<and> j \<le> 0))"
{ fix s'
assume "(p, 0, s') \<in> ?SS a" and "n = 0" and "s = Floor s'"
hence ?ths using 5(1) by auto }
{ fix p' n' s' j
assume pns: "(p', n', s') \<in> ?SS a"
and np: "0 < n'"
and p_def: "p = ?p (p',n',s') j"
and n0: "n = 0"
and s_def: "s = (Add (Floor s') (C j))"
and jp: "0 \<le> j" and jn: "j \<le> n'"
from 5 pns have H:"(Ifm ((x::real) # (bs::real list)) p' \<longrightarrow>
Inum (x # bs) a = Inum (x # bs) (CN 0 n' s')) \<and>
numbound0 s' \<and> isrlfm p'" by blast
hence nb: "numbound0 s'" by simp
from H have nf: "isrlfm (?p (p',n',s') j)" using fp_def np by simp
let ?nxs = "CN 0 n' s'"
let ?l = "floor (?N s') + j"
from H
have "?I (?p (p',n',s') j) \<longrightarrow>
(((?N ?nxs \<ge> real_of_int ?l) \<and> (?N ?nxs < real_of_int (?l + 1))) \<and> (?N a = ?N ?nxs ))"
by (simp add: fp_def np algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> \<longrightarrow> ((floor (?N ?nxs) = ?l) \<and> (?N a = ?N ?nxs ))"
using floor_unique_iff[where x="?N ?nxs" and a="?l"] by simp
have "\<dots> \<longrightarrow> (?N (Floor a) = ?N ((Add (Floor s') (C j))))" by simp
ultimately have "?I (?p (p',n',s') j) \<longrightarrow> (?N (Floor a) = ?N ((Add (Floor s') (C j))))"
by blast
with s_def n0 p_def nb nf have ?ths by auto}
{ fix p' n' s' j
assume pns: "(p', n', s') \<in> ?SS a"
and np: "n' < 0"
and p_def: "p = ?p (p',n',s') j"
and n0: "n = 0"
and s_def: "s = (Add (Floor s') (C j))"
and jp: "n' \<le> j" and jn: "j \<le> 0"
from 5 pns have H:"(Ifm ((x::real) # (bs::real list)) p' \<longrightarrow>
Inum (x # bs) a = Inum (x # bs) (CN 0 n' s')) \<and>
numbound0 s' \<and> isrlfm p'" by blast
hence nb: "numbound0 s'" by simp
from H have nf: "isrlfm (?p (p',n',s') j)" using fp_def np by simp
let ?nxs = "CN 0 n' s'"
let ?l = "floor (?N s') + j"
from H
have "?I (?p (p',n',s') j) \<longrightarrow>
(((?N ?nxs \<ge> real_of_int ?l) \<and> (?N ?nxs < real_of_int (?l + 1))) \<and> (?N a = ?N ?nxs ))"
by (simp add: np fp_def algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> \<longrightarrow> ((floor (?N ?nxs) = ?l) \<and> (?N a = ?N ?nxs ))"
using floor_unique_iff[where x="?N ?nxs" and a="?l"] by simp
have "\<dots> \<longrightarrow> (?N (Floor a) = ?N ((Add (Floor s') (C j))))" by simp
ultimately have "?I (?p (p',n',s') j) \<longrightarrow> (?N (Floor a) = ?N ((Add (Floor s') (C j))))"
by blast
with s_def n0 p_def nb nf have ?ths by auto}
ultimately show ?ths by fastforce
case (3 a b) then show ?case
by auto
qed (auto simp add: Let_def split_def algebra_simps)
lemma real_in_int_intervals:
assumes xb: "real_of_int m \<le> x \<and> x < real_of_int ((n::int) + 1)"
shows "\<exists> j\<in> {m.. n}. real_of_int j \<le> x \<and> x < real_of_int (j+1)" (is "\<exists> j\<in> ?N. ?P j")
by (rule bexI[where P="?P" and x="floor x" and A="?N"])
(auto simp add: floor_less_iff[where x="x" and z="n+1", simplified]
xb[simplified] floor_mono[where x="real_of_int m" and y="x", OF conjunct1[OF xb], simplified floor_of_int[where z="m"]])
lemma rsplit0_complete:
assumes xp:"0 \<le> x" and x1:"x < 1"
shows "\<exists> (p,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 t). Ifm (x#bs) p" (is "\<exists> (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS t. ?I p")
proof(induct t rule: rsplit0.induct)
case (2 a b)
then have "\<exists> (pa,na,sa) \<in> ?SS a. ?I pa" by auto
then obtain "pa" "na" "sa" where pa: "(pa,na,sa)\<in> ?SS a \<and> ?I pa" by blast
with 2 have "\<exists> (pb,nb,sb) \<in> ?SS b. ?I pb" by blast
then obtain "pb" "nb" "sb" where pb: "(pb,nb,sb)\<in> ?SS b \<and> ?I pb" by blast
from pa pb have th: "((pa,na,sa),(pb,nb,sb)) \<in> set[(x,y). x\<leftarrow>rsplit0 a, y\<leftarrow>rsplit0 b]"
by (auto)
let ?f="(\<lambda> ((p,n,t),(q,m,s)). (And p q, n+m, Add t s))"
from imageI[OF th, where f="?f"] have "?f ((pa,na,sa),(pb,nb,sb)) \<in> ?SS (Add a b)"
by (simp add: Let_def)
hence "(And pa pb, na +nb, Add sa sb) \<in> ?SS (Add a b)" by simp
moreover from pa pb have "?I (And pa pb)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (5 a)
let ?p = "\<lambda> (p,n,s) j. fp p n s j"
let ?f = "(\<lambda> (p,n,s) j. (?p (p,n,s) j, (0::int),(Add (Floor s) (C j))))"
let ?J = "\<lambda> n. if n>0 then [0..n] else [n..0]"
let ?ff=" (\<lambda> (p,n,s). if n= 0 then [(p,0,Floor s)] else map (?f (p,n,s)) (?J n))"
have int_cases: "\<forall> (i::int). i= 0 \<or> i < 0 \<or> i > 0" by arith
have U1: "(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) = (UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set [(p,0,Floor s)]))" by auto
have U2': "\<forall> (p,n,s) \<in> {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0}. ?ff (p,n,s) = map (?f(p,n,s)) [0..n]"
by auto
hence U2: "(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) = (UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [0..n])))"
fix M :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) set" and f :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) \<Rightarrow> 'd list" and g
assume "\<forall> (a,b,c) \<in> M. f (a,b,c) = g a b c"
thus "(UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (f (a,b,c)))) = (UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (g a b c)))"
by (auto simp add: split_def)
have U3': "\<forall> (p,n,s) \<in> {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0}. ?ff (p,n,s) = map (?f(p,n,s)) [n..0]"
by auto
hence U3: "(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) = (UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [n..0])))"
fix M :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) set" and f :: "('a\<times>'b\<times>'c) \<Rightarrow> 'd list" and g
assume "\<forall> (a,b,c) \<in> M. f (a,b,c) = g a b c"
thus "(UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (f (a,b,c)))) = (UNION M (\<lambda> (a,b,c). set (g a b c)))"
by (auto simp add: split_def)
have "?SS (Floor a) = UNION (?SS a) (\<lambda>x. set (?ff x))" by auto
also have "\<dots> = UNION (?SS a) (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))" by blast
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (?ff (p,n,s)))))"
using int_cases[rule_format] by blast
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set [(p,0,Floor s)])) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [0..n]))) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). set (map (?f(p,n,s)) [n..0]))))"
by (simp only: U1 U2 U3)
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {(p,0,Floor s)})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (?f(p,n,s)) ` {0 .. n})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). (?f(p,n,s)) ` {n .. 0})))"
by (simp only: set_map set_upto list.set)
also have "\<dots> =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {(p,0,Floor s)})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {0 .. n}})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {n .. 0}})))"
by blast
have FS: "?SS (Floor a) =
((UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n=0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {(p,0,Floor s)})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n>0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {0 .. n}})) Un
(UNION {(p,n,s). (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> n<0} (\<lambda> (p,n,s). {?f(p,n,s) j| j. j\<in> {n .. 0}})))"
by blast
from 5 have "\<exists> (p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a. ?I p" by auto
then obtain "p" "n" "s" where pns: "(p,n,s) \<in> ?SS a \<and> ?I p" by blast
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
from rsplit0_cs[rule_format] pns have ans:"(?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)) \<and> numbound0 s \<and> isrlfm p"
by auto
have "n=0 \<or> n >0 \<or> n <0" by arith
moreover {assume "n=0" hence ?case using pns by (simp only: FS) auto }
assume np: "n > 0"
from of_int_floor_le[of "?N s"] have "?N (Floor s) \<le> ?N s" by simp
also from mult_left_mono[OF xp] np have "?N s \<le> real_of_int n * x + ?N s" by simp
finally have "?N (Floor s) \<le> real_of_int n * x + ?N s" .
{from x1 np have "real_of_int n *x + ?N s < real_of_int n + ?N s" by simp
also from real_of_int_floor_add_one_gt[where r="?N s"]
have "\<dots> < real_of_int n + ?N (Floor s) + 1" by simp
finally have "real_of_int n *x + ?N s < ?N (Floor s) + real_of_int (n+1)" by simp}
ultimately have "?N (Floor s) \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s\<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s < ?N (Floor s) + real_of_int (n+1)" by simp
hence th: "0 \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) \<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) < real_of_int (n+1)" by simp
from real_in_int_intervals th have "\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. n}. real_of_int j \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s)\<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) < real_of_int (j+1)" by simp
hence "\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. n}. 0 \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) - real_of_int j \<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) - real_of_int (j+1) < 0"
by(simp only: myle[of _ "real_of_int n * x + Inum (x # bs) s - Inum (x # bs) (Floor s)"] less_iff_diff_less_0[where a="real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s)"])
hence "\<exists> j\<in> {0.. n}. ?I (?p (p,n,s) j)"
using pns by (simp add: fp_def np algebra_simps)
then obtain "j" where j_def: "j\<in> {0 .. n} \<and> ?I (?p (p,n,s) j)" by blast
hence "\<exists>x \<in> {?p (p,n,s) j |j. 0\<le> j \<and> j \<le> n }. ?I x" by auto
hence ?case using pns
by (simp only: FS,simp add: bex_Un)
(rule disjI2, rule disjI1,rule exI [where x="p"],
rule exI [where x="n"],rule exI [where x="s"],simp_all add: np)
{ assume nn: "n < 0" hence np: "-n >0" by simp
from of_int_floor_le[of "?N s"] have "?N (Floor s) + 1 > ?N s" by simp
moreover from mult_left_mono_neg[OF xp] nn have "?N s \<ge> real_of_int n * x + ?N s" by simp
ultimately have "?N (Floor s) + 1 > real_of_int n * x + ?N s" by arith
{from x1 nn have "real_of_int n *x + ?N s \<ge> real_of_int n + ?N s" by simp
moreover from of_int_floor_le[of "?N s"] have "real_of_int n + ?N s \<ge> real_of_int n + ?N (Floor s)" by simp
ultimately have "real_of_int n *x + ?N s \<ge> ?N (Floor s) + real_of_int n"
by (simp only: algebra_simps)}
ultimately have "?N (Floor s) + real_of_int n \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s\<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s < ?N (Floor s) + real_of_int (1::int)" by simp
hence th: "real_of_int n \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) \<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) < real_of_int (1::int)" by simp
have th1: "\<forall> (a::real). (- a > 0) = (a < 0)" by auto
have th2: "\<forall> (a::real). (0 \<ge> - a) = (a \<ge> 0)" by auto
from real_in_int_intervals th have "\<exists> j\<in> {n .. 0}. real_of_int j \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s)\<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) < real_of_int (j+1)" by simp
hence "\<exists> j\<in> {n .. 0}. 0 \<le> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) - real_of_int j \<and> real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) - real_of_int (j+1) < 0"
by(simp only: myle[of _ "real_of_int n * x + Inum (x # bs) s - Inum (x # bs) (Floor s)"] less_iff_diff_less_0[where a="real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s)"])
hence "\<exists> j\<in> {n .. 0}. 0 \<ge> - (real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) - real_of_int j) \<and> - (real_of_int n *x + ?N s - ?N (Floor s) - real_of_int (j+1)) > 0" by (simp only: th1[rule_format] th2[rule_format])
hence "\<exists> j\<in> {n.. 0}. ?I (?p (p,n,s) j)"
using pns by (simp add: fp_def nn algebra_simps
del: diff_less_0_iff_less diff_le_0_iff_le)
then obtain "j" where j_def: "j\<in> {n .. 0} \<and> ?I (?p (p,n,s) j)" by blast
hence "\<exists>x \<in> {?p (p,n,s) j |j. n\<le> j \<and> j \<le> 0 }. ?I x" by auto
hence ?case using pns
by (simp only: FS,simp add: bex_Un)
(rule disjI2, rule disjI2,rule exI [where x="p"],
rule exI [where x="n"],rule exI [where x="s"],simp_all add: nn)
ultimately show ?case by blast
qed (auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
(* Linearize a formula where Bound 0 ranges over [0,1) *)
definition rsplit :: "(int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"rsplit f a \<equiv> foldr disj (map (\<lambda> (\<phi>, n, s). conj \<phi> (f n s)) (rsplit0 a)) F"
lemma foldr_disj_map: "Ifm bs (foldr disj (map f xs) F) = (\<exists> x \<in> set xs. Ifm bs (f x))"
by(induct xs, simp_all)
lemma foldr_conj_map: "Ifm bs (foldr conj (map f xs) T) = (\<forall> x \<in> set xs. Ifm bs (f x))"
by(induct xs, simp_all)
lemma foldr_disj_map_rlfm:
assumes lf: "\<forall> n s. numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> isrlfm (f n s)"
and \<phi>: "\<forall> (\<phi>,n,s) \<in> set xs. numbound0 s \<and> isrlfm \<phi>"
shows "isrlfm (foldr disj (map (\<lambda> (\<phi>, n, s). conj \<phi> (f n s)) xs) F)"
using lf \<phi> by (induct xs, auto)
lemma rsplit_ex: "Ifm bs (rsplit f a) = (\<exists> (\<phi>,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 a). Ifm bs (conj \<phi> (f n s)))"
using foldr_disj_map[where xs="rsplit0 a"] rsplit_def by (simp add: split_def)
lemma rsplit_l: assumes lf: "\<forall> n s. numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> isrlfm (f n s)"
shows "isrlfm (rsplit f a)"
from rsplit0_cs[where t="a"] have th: "\<forall> (\<phi>,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 a). numbound0 s \<and> isrlfm \<phi>" by blast
from foldr_disj_map_rlfm[OF lf th] rsplit_def show ?thesis by simp
lemma rsplit:
assumes xp: "x \<ge> 0" and x1: "x < 1"
and f: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> (Ifm (x#bs) (f n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (g a))"
shows "Ifm (x#bs) (rsplit f a) = Ifm (x#bs) (g a)"
let ?I = "\<lambda>x p. Ifm (x#bs) p"
let ?N = "\<lambda> x t. Inum (x#bs) t"
assume "?I x (rsplit f a)"
hence "\<exists> (\<phi>,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 a). ?I x (And \<phi> (f n s))" using rsplit_ex by simp
then obtain "\<phi>" "n" "s" where fnsS:"(\<phi>,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 a)" and "?I x (And \<phi> (f n s))" by blast
hence \<phi>: "?I x \<phi>" and fns: "?I x (f n s)" by auto
from rsplit0_cs[where t="a" and bs="bs" and x="x", rule_format, OF fnsS] \<phi>
have th: "(?N x a = ?N x (CN 0 n s)) \<and> numbound0 s" by auto
from f[rule_format, OF th] fns show "?I x (g a)" by simp
let ?I = "\<lambda>x p. Ifm (x#bs) p"
let ?N = "\<lambda> x t. Inum (x#bs) t"
assume ga: "?I x (g a)"
from rsplit0_complete[OF xp x1, where bs="bs" and t="a"]
obtain "\<phi>" "n" "s" where fnsS:"(\<phi>,n,s) \<in> set (rsplit0 a)" and fx: "?I x \<phi>" by blast
from rsplit0_cs[where t="a" and x="x" and bs="bs"] fnsS fx
have ans: "?N x a = ?N x (CN 0 n s)" and nb: "numbound0 s" by auto
with ga f have "?I x (f n s)" by auto
with rsplit_ex fnsS fx show "?I x (rsplit f a)" by auto
definition lt :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
lt_def: "lt c t = (if c = 0 then (Lt t) else if c > 0 then (Lt (CN 0 c t))
else (Gt (CN 0 (-c) (Neg t))))"
definition le :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
le_def: "le c t = (if c = 0 then (Le t) else if c > 0 then (Le (CN 0 c t))
else (Ge (CN 0 (-c) (Neg t))))"
definition gt :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
gt_def: "gt c t = (if c = 0 then (Gt t) else if c > 0 then (Gt (CN 0 c t))
else (Lt (CN 0 (-c) (Neg t))))"
definition ge :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
ge_def: "ge c t = (if c = 0 then (Ge t) else if c > 0 then (Ge (CN 0 c t))
else (Le (CN 0 (-c) (Neg t))))"
definition eq :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
eq_def: "eq c t = (if c = 0 then (Eq t) else if c > 0 then (Eq (CN 0 c t))
else (Eq (CN 0 (-c) (Neg t))))"
definition neq :: "int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
neq_def: "neq c t = (if c = 0 then (NEq t) else if c > 0 then (NEq (CN 0 c t))
else (NEq (CN 0 (-c) (Neg t))))"
lemma lt_mono: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (lt n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Lt a)"
(is "\<forall> a n s . ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _\<longrightarrow> ?I (lt n s) = ?I (Lt a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)"
show "?I (lt n s) = ?I (Lt a)" using H by (cases "n=0", (simp add: lt_def))
(cases "n > 0", simp_all add: lt_def algebra_simps myless[of _ "0"])
lemma lt_l: "isrlfm (rsplit lt a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="lt" and a="a"], auto simp add: lt_def,
case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
lemma le_mono: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (le n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Le a)" (is "\<forall> a n s. ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (le n s) = ?I (Le a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)"
show "?I (le n s) = ?I (Le a)" using H by (cases "n=0", (simp add: le_def))
(cases "n > 0", simp_all add: le_def algebra_simps myle[of _ "0"])
lemma le_l: "isrlfm (rsplit le a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="le" and a="a"], auto simp add: le_def)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat",simp_all)
lemma gt_mono: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (gt n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Gt a)" (is "\<forall> a n s. ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (gt n s) = ?I (Gt a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)"
show "?I (gt n s) = ?I (Gt a)" using H by (cases "n=0", (simp add: gt_def))
(cases "n > 0", simp_all add: gt_def algebra_simps myless[of _ "0"])
lemma gt_l: "isrlfm (rsplit gt a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="gt" and a="a"], auto simp add: gt_def)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
lemma ge_mono: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (ge n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Ge a)" (is "\<forall> a n s . ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (ge n s) = ?I (Ge a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)"
show "?I (ge n s) = ?I (Ge a)" using H by (cases "n=0", (simp add: ge_def))
(cases "n > 0", simp_all add: ge_def algebra_simps myle[of _ "0"])
lemma ge_l: "isrlfm (rsplit ge a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="ge" and a="a"], auto simp add: ge_def)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
lemma eq_mono: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (eq n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Eq a)" (is "\<forall> a n s. ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (eq n s) = ?I (Eq a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)"
show "?I (eq n s) = ?I (Eq a)" using H by (auto simp add: eq_def algebra_simps)
lemma eq_l: "isrlfm (rsplit eq a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="eq" and a="a"], auto simp add: eq_def)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac"nat", simp_all)
lemma neq_mono: "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (neq n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (NEq a)" (is "\<forall> a n s. ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (neq n s) = ?I (NEq a)")
fix a n s bs
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)"
show "?I (neq n s) = ?I (NEq a)" using H by (auto simp add: neq_def algebra_simps)
lemma neq_l: "isrlfm (rsplit neq a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="neq" and a="a"], auto simp add: neq_def)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac"nat", simp_all)
lemma small_le:
assumes u0:"0 \<le> u" and u1: "u < 1"
shows "(-u \<le> real_of_int (n::int)) = (0 \<le> n)"
using u0 u1 by auto
lemma small_lt:
assumes u0:"0 \<le> u" and u1: "u < 1"
shows "(real_of_int (n::int) < real_of_int (m::int) - u) = (n < m)"
using u0 u1 by auto
lemma rdvd01_cs:
assumes up: "u \<ge> 0" and u1: "u<1" and np: "real_of_int n > 0"
shows "(real_of_int (i::int) rdvd real_of_int (n::int) * u - s) = (\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. n - 1}. real_of_int n * u = s - real_of_int (floor s) + real_of_int j \<and> real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int (j - floor s))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
let ?ss = "s - real_of_int (floor s)"
from real_of_int_floor_add_one_gt[where r="s", simplified myless[of "s"]]
of_int_floor_le have ss0:"?ss \<ge> 0" and ss1:"?ss < 1"
by (auto simp add: myle[of _ "s", symmetric] myless[of "?ss"])
from np have n0: "real_of_int n \<ge> 0" by simp
from mult_left_mono[OF up n0] mult_strict_left_mono[OF u1 np]
have nu0:"real_of_int n * u - s \<ge> -s" and nun:"real_of_int n * u -s < real_of_int n - s" by auto
from int_rdvd_real[where i="i" and x="real_of_int (n::int) * u - s"]
have "real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int n * u - s =
(i dvd floor (real_of_int n * u -s) \<and> (real_of_int (floor (real_of_int n * u - s)) = real_of_int n * u - s ))"
(is "_ = (?DE)" is "_ = (?D \<and> ?E)") by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?DE \<and> real_of_int(floor (real_of_int n * u - s) + floor s)\<ge> -?ss
\<and> real_of_int(floor (real_of_int n * u - s) + floor s)< real_of_int n - ?ss)" (is "_=(?DE \<and>real_of_int ?a \<ge> _ \<and> real_of_int ?a < _)")
using nu0 nun by auto
also have "\<dots> = (?DE \<and> ?a \<ge> 0 \<and> ?a < n)" by(simp only: small_le[OF ss0 ss1] small_lt[OF ss0 ss1])
also have "\<dots> = (?DE \<and> (\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. ?a = j))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?DE \<and> (\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. real_of_int (\<lfloor>real_of_int n * u - s\<rfloor>) = real_of_int j - real_of_int \<lfloor>s\<rfloor> ))"
by (simp only: algebra_simps of_int_diff[symmetric] of_int_eq_iff)
also have "\<dots> = ((\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. real_of_int n * u - s = real_of_int j - real_of_int \<lfloor>s\<rfloor> \<and> real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int n * u - s))" using int_rdvd_iff[where i="i" and t="\<lfloor>real_of_int n * u - s\<rfloor>"]
by (auto cong: conj_cong)
also have "\<dots> = ?rhs" by(simp cong: conj_cong) (simp add: algebra_simps )
finally show ?thesis .
DVDJ:: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm"
DVDJ_def: "DVDJ i n s = (foldr disj (map (\<lambda> j. conj (Eq (CN 0 n (Add s (Sub (Floor (Neg s)) (C j))))) (Dvd i (Sub (C j) (Floor (Neg s))))) [0..n - 1]) F)"
NDVDJ:: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm"
NDVDJ_def: "NDVDJ i n s = (foldr conj (map (\<lambda> j. disj (NEq (CN 0 n (Add s (Sub (Floor (Neg s)) (C j))))) (NDvd i (Sub (C j) (Floor (Neg s))))) [0..n - 1]) T)"
lemma DVDJ_DVD:
assumes xp:"x\<ge> 0" and x1: "x < 1" and np:"real_of_int n > 0"
shows "Ifm (x#bs) (DVDJ i n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Dvd i (CN 0 n s))"
let ?f = "\<lambda> j. conj (Eq(CN 0 n (Add s (Sub(Floor (Neg s)) (C j))))) (Dvd i (Sub (C j) (Floor (Neg s))))"
let ?s= "Inum (x#bs) s"
from foldr_disj_map[where xs="[0..n - 1]" and bs="x#bs" and f="?f"]
have "Ifm (x#bs) (DVDJ i n s) = (\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. Ifm (x#bs) (?f j))"
by (simp add: np DVDJ_def)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. real_of_int n * x = (- ?s) - real_of_int (floor (- ?s)) + real_of_int j \<and> real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int (j - floor (- ?s)))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also from rdvd01_cs[OF xp x1 np, where i="i" and s="-?s"]
have "\<dots> = (real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int n * x - (-?s))" by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
assumes xp:"x\<ge> 0" and x1: "x < 1" and np:"real_of_int n > 0"
shows "Ifm (x#bs) (NDVDJ i n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (NDvd i (CN 0 n s))"
let ?f = "\<lambda> j. disj(NEq(CN 0 n (Add s (Sub (Floor (Neg s)) (C j))))) (NDvd i (Sub (C j) (Floor(Neg s))))"
let ?s= "Inum (x#bs) s"
from foldr_conj_map[where xs="[0..n - 1]" and bs="x#bs" and f="?f"]
have "Ifm (x#bs) (NDVDJ i n s) = (\<forall> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. Ifm (x#bs) (?f j))"
by (simp add: np NDVDJ_def)
also have "\<dots> = (\<not> (\<exists> j\<in> {0 .. (n - 1)}. real_of_int n * x = (- ?s) - real_of_int (floor (- ?s)) + real_of_int j \<and> real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int (j - floor (- ?s))))"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also from rdvd01_cs[OF xp x1 np, where i="i" and s="-?s"]
have "\<dots> = (\<not> (real_of_int i rdvd real_of_int n * x - (-?s)))" by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma foldr_disj_map_rlfm2:
assumes lf: "\<forall> n . isrlfm (f n)"
shows "isrlfm (foldr disj (map f xs) F)"
using lf by (induct xs, auto)
lemma foldr_And_map_rlfm2:
assumes lf: "\<forall> n . isrlfm (f n)"
shows "isrlfm (foldr conj (map f xs) T)"
using lf by (induct xs, auto)
lemma DVDJ_l: assumes ip: "i >0" and np: "n>0" and nb: "numbound0 s"
shows "isrlfm (DVDJ i n s)"
let ?f="\<lambda>j. conj (Eq (CN 0 n (Add s (Sub (Floor (Neg s)) (C j)))))
(Dvd i (Sub (C j) (Floor (Neg s))))"
have th: "\<forall> j. isrlfm (?f j)" using nb np by auto
from DVDJ_def foldr_disj_map_rlfm2[OF th] show ?thesis by simp
lemma NDVDJ_l: assumes ip: "i >0" and np: "n>0" and nb: "numbound0 s"
shows "isrlfm (NDVDJ i n s)"
let ?f="\<lambda>j. disj (NEq (CN 0 n (Add s (Sub (Floor (Neg s)) (C j)))))
(NDvd i (Sub (C j) (Floor (Neg s))))"
have th: "\<forall> j. isrlfm (?f j)" using nb np by auto
from NDVDJ_def foldr_And_map_rlfm2[OF th] show ?thesis by auto
definition DVD :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
DVD_def: "DVD i c t =
(if i=0 then eq c t else
if c = 0 then (Dvd i t) else if c >0 then DVDJ (abs i) c t else DVDJ (abs i) (-c) (Neg t))"
definition NDVD :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"NDVD i c t =
(if i=0 then neq c t else
if c = 0 then (NDvd i t) else if c >0 then NDVDJ (abs i) c t else NDVDJ (abs i) (-c) (Neg t))"
lemma DVD_mono:
assumes xp: "0\<le> x" and x1: "x < 1"
shows "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (DVD i n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (Dvd i a)"
(is "\<forall> a n s. ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (DVD i n s) = ?I (Dvd i a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)" and nb: "numbound0 s"
let ?th = "?I (DVD i n s) = ?I (Dvd i a)"
have "i=0 \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> n=0) \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> n < 0) \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> n > 0)" by arith
moreover {assume iz: "i=0" hence ?th using eq_mono[rule_format, OF conjI[OF H nb]]
by (simp add: DVD_def rdvd_left_0_eq)}
moreover {assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and "n=0" hence ?th by (simp add: H DVD_def) }
moreover {assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and "n<0" hence ?th
by (simp add: DVD_def H DVDJ_DVD[OF xp x1] rdvd_abs1
rdvd_minus[where d="i" and t="real_of_int n * x + Inum (x # bs) s"]) }
moreover {assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and "n>0" hence ?th by (simp add:DVD_def H DVDJ_DVD[OF xp x1] rdvd_abs1)}
ultimately show ?th by blast
lemma NDVD_mono: assumes xp: "0\<le> x" and x1: "x < 1"
shows "\<forall> a n s. Inum (x#bs) a = Inum (x#bs) (CN 0 n s) \<and> numbound0 s \<longrightarrow> Ifm (x#bs) (NDVD i n s) = Ifm (x#bs) (NDvd i a)"
(is "\<forall> a n s. ?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s) \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> ?I (NDVD i n s) = ?I (NDvd i a)")
fix a n s
assume H: "?N a = ?N (CN 0 n s)" and nb: "numbound0 s"
let ?th = "?I (NDVD i n s) = ?I (NDvd i a)"
have "i=0 \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> n=0) \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> n < 0) \<or> (i\<noteq>0 \<and> n > 0)" by arith
moreover {assume iz: "i=0" hence ?th using neq_mono[rule_format, OF conjI[OF H nb]]
by (simp add: NDVD_def rdvd_left_0_eq)}
moreover {assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and "n=0" hence ?th by (simp add: H NDVD_def) }
moreover {assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and "n<0" hence ?th
by (simp add: NDVD_def H NDVDJ_NDVD[OF xp x1] rdvd_abs1
rdvd_minus[where d="i" and t="real_of_int n * x + Inum (x # bs) s"]) }
moreover {assume inz: "i\<noteq>0" and "n>0" hence ?th
by (simp add:NDVD_def H NDVDJ_NDVD[OF xp x1] rdvd_abs1)}
ultimately show ?th by blast
lemma DVD_l: "isrlfm (rsplit (DVD i) a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="DVD i" and a="a"], auto simp add: DVD_def eq_def DVDJ_l)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
lemma NDVD_l: "isrlfm (rsplit (NDVD i) a)"
by (rule rsplit_l[where f="NDVD i" and a="a"], auto simp add: NDVD_def neq_def NDVDJ_l)
(case_tac s, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
consts rlfm :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm"
recdef rlfm "measure fmsize"
"rlfm (And p q) = conj (rlfm p) (rlfm q)"
"rlfm (Or p q) = disj (rlfm p) (rlfm q)"
"rlfm (Imp p q) = disj (rlfm (NOT p)) (rlfm q)"
"rlfm (Iff p q) = disj (conj(rlfm p) (rlfm q)) (conj(rlfm (NOT p)) (rlfm (NOT q)))"
"rlfm (Lt a) = rsplit lt a"
"rlfm (Le a) = rsplit le a"
"rlfm (Gt a) = rsplit gt a"
"rlfm (Ge a) = rsplit ge a"
"rlfm (Eq a) = rsplit eq a"
"rlfm (NEq a) = rsplit neq a"
"rlfm (Dvd i a) = rsplit (\<lambda> t. DVD i t) a"
"rlfm (NDvd i a) = rsplit (\<lambda> t. NDVD i t) a"
"rlfm (NOT (And p q)) = disj (rlfm (NOT p)) (rlfm (NOT q))"
"rlfm (NOT (Or p q)) = conj (rlfm (NOT p)) (rlfm (NOT q))"
"rlfm (NOT (Imp p q)) = conj (rlfm p) (rlfm (NOT q))"
"rlfm (NOT (Iff p q)) = disj (conj(rlfm p) (rlfm(NOT q))) (conj(rlfm(NOT p)) (rlfm q))"
"rlfm (NOT (NOT p)) = rlfm p"
"rlfm (NOT T) = F"
"rlfm (NOT F) = T"
"rlfm (NOT (Lt a)) = simpfm (rlfm (Ge a))"
"rlfm (NOT (Le a)) = simpfm (rlfm (Gt a))"
"rlfm (NOT (Gt a)) = simpfm (rlfm (Le a))"
"rlfm (NOT (Ge a)) = simpfm (rlfm (Lt a))"
"rlfm (NOT (Eq a)) = simpfm (rlfm (NEq a))"
"rlfm (NOT (NEq a)) = simpfm (rlfm (Eq a))"
"rlfm (NOT (Dvd i a)) = simpfm (rlfm (NDvd i a))"
"rlfm (NOT (NDvd i a)) = simpfm (rlfm (Dvd i a))"
"rlfm p = p" (hints simp add: fmsize_pos)
lemma bound0at_l : "\<lbrakk>isatom p ; bound0 p\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> isrlfm p"
by (induct p rule: isrlfm.induct, auto)
lemma simpfm_rl: "isrlfm p \<Longrightarrow> isrlfm (simpfm p)"
proof (induct p)
case (Lt a)
hence "bound0 (Lt a) \<or> (\<exists> c e. a = CN 0 c e \<and> c > 0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
by (cases a,simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
{assume "bound0 (Lt a)" hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (Lt a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (Lt a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def)
with bn bound0at_l have ?case by blast}
{ fix c e assume a: "a = CN 0 c e" and "c>0" and "numbound0 e"
{ assume cn1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 1" and cnz:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 0"
with numgcd_pos[where t="CN 0 c (simpnum e)"]
have th1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) > 0" by simp
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<le> c"
by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th': "c\<noteq>0" by auto
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have cp: "c \<ge> 0" by simp
from zdiv_mono2[OF cp th1 th, simplified div_self[OF th']]
have "0 < c div numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e))" by simp
with Lt a have ?case
by (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Le a)
hence "bound0 (Le a) \<or> (\<exists> c e. a = CN 0 c e \<and> c > 0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
by (cases a,simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
{ assume "bound0 (Le a)" hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (Le a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (Le a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def)
with bn bound0at_l have ?case by blast}
{ fix c e assume a: "a = CN 0 c e" and "c>0" and "numbound0 e"
{ assume cn1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 1" and cnz:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 0"
with numgcd_pos[where t="CN 0 c (simpnum e)"]
have th1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) > 0" by simp
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<le> c"
by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th': "c\<noteq>0" by auto
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have cp: "c \<ge> 0" by simp
from zdiv_mono2[OF cp th1 th, simplified div_self[OF th']]
have "0 < c div numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e))" by simp
with Le a have ?case
by (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Gt a)
hence "bound0 (Gt a) \<or> (\<exists> c e. a = CN 0 c e \<and> c > 0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
by (cases a, simp_all, rename_tac nat a b,case_tac "nat", simp_all)
{assume "bound0 (Gt a)" hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (Gt a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (Gt a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def)
with bn bound0at_l have ?case by blast}
{ fix c e assume a: "a = CN 0 c e" and "c>0" and "numbound0 e"
{ assume cn1: "numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 1" and cnz:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 0"
with numgcd_pos[where t="CN 0 c (simpnum e)"]
have th1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) > 0" by simp
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<le> c"
by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th': "c\<noteq>0" by auto
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have cp: "c \<ge> 0" by simp
from zdiv_mono2[OF cp th1 th, simplified div_self[OF th']]
have "0 < c div numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e))" by simp
with Gt a have ?case
by (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Ge a)
hence "bound0 (Ge a) \<or> (\<exists> c e. a = CN 0 c e \<and> c > 0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
by (cases a,simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
{ assume "bound0 (Ge a)" hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (Ge a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (Ge a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def)
with bn bound0at_l have ?case by blast}
{ fix c e assume a: "a = CN 0 c e" and "c>0" and "numbound0 e"
{ assume cn1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 1" and cnz:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 0"
with numgcd_pos[where t="CN 0 c (simpnum e)"]
have th1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) > 0" by simp
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<le> c"
by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th': "c\<noteq>0" by auto
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have cp: "c \<ge> 0" by simp
from zdiv_mono2[OF cp th1 th, simplified div_self[OF th']]
have "0 < c div numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e))" by simp
with Ge a have ?case
by (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Eq a)
hence "bound0 (Eq a) \<or> (\<exists> c e. a = CN 0 c e \<and> c > 0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
by (cases a,simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
{ assume "bound0 (Eq a)" hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (Eq a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (Eq a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def)
with bn bound0at_l have ?case by blast}
{ fix c e assume a: "a = CN 0 c e" and "c>0" and "numbound0 e"
{ assume cn1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 1" and cnz:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 0"
with numgcd_pos[where t="CN 0 c (simpnum e)"]
have th1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) > 0" by simp
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<le> c"
by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th': "c\<noteq>0" by auto
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have cp: "c \<ge> 0" by simp
from zdiv_mono2[OF cp th1 th, simplified div_self[OF th']]
have "0 < c div numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e))" by simp
with Eq a have ?case
by (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (NEq a)
hence "bound0 (NEq a) \<or> (\<exists> c e. a = CN 0 c e \<and> c > 0 \<and> numbound0 e)"
by (cases a,simp_all, rename_tac nat a b, case_tac "nat", simp_all)
{assume "bound0 (NEq a)" hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (NEq a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (NEq a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def)
with bn bound0at_l have ?case by blast}
{ fix c e assume a: "a = CN 0 c e" and "c>0" and "numbound0 e"
{ assume cn1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 1" and cnz:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<noteq> 0"
with numgcd_pos[where t="CN 0 c (simpnum e)"]
have th1:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) > 0" by simp
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th:"numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e)) \<le> c"
by (simp add: numgcd_def)
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have th': "c\<noteq>0" by auto
from \<open>c > 0\<close> have cp: "c \<ge> 0" by simp
from zdiv_mono2[OF cp th1 th, simplified div_self[OF th']]
have "0 < c div numgcd (CN 0 c (simpnum e))" by simp
with NEq a have ?case
by (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def reducecoeffh_numbound0)}
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (Dvd i a) hence "bound0 (Dvd i a)" by auto hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (Dvd i a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (Dvd i a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
with bn bound0at_l show ?case by blast
case (NDvd i a) hence "bound0 (NDvd i a)" by auto hence bn:"bound0 (simpfm (NDvd i a))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
have "isatom (simpfm (NDvd i a))" by (cases "simpnum a", auto simp add: Let_def split_def)
with bn bound0at_l show ?case by blast
qed(auto simp add: conj_def imp_def disj_def iff_def Let_def)
lemma rlfm_I:
assumes qfp: "qfree p"
and xp: "0 \<le> x" and x1: "x < 1"
shows "(Ifm (x#bs) (rlfm p) = Ifm (x# bs) p) \<and> isrlfm (rlfm p)"
using qfp
by (induct p rule: rlfm.induct)
(auto simp add: rsplit[OF xp x1 lt_mono] lt_l rsplit[OF xp x1 le_mono] le_l rsplit[OF xp x1 gt_mono] gt_l
rsplit[OF xp x1 ge_mono] ge_l rsplit[OF xp x1 eq_mono] eq_l rsplit[OF xp x1 neq_mono] neq_l
rsplit[OF xp x1 DVD_mono[OF xp x1]] DVD_l rsplit[OF xp x1 NDVD_mono[OF xp x1]] NDVD_l simpfm_rl)
lemma rlfm_l:
assumes qfp: "qfree p"
shows "isrlfm (rlfm p)"
using qfp lt_l gt_l ge_l le_l eq_l neq_l DVD_l NDVD_l
by (induct p rule: rlfm.induct) (auto simp add: simpfm_rl)
(* Operations needed for Ferrante and Rackoff *)
lemma rminusinf_inf:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "\<exists> z. \<forall> x < z. Ifm (x#bs) (minusinf p) = Ifm (x#bs) p" (is "\<exists> z. \<forall> x. ?P z x p")
using lp
proof (induct p rule: minusinf.induct)
case (1 p q) thus ?case by (auto,rule_tac x= "min z za" in exI) auto
case (2 p q) thus ?case by (auto,rule_tac x= "min z za" in exI) auto
case (3 c e)
from 3 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 3 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x < ?z"
hence "(real_of_int c * x < - ?e)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="- ?e"] ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e < 0" by arith
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e \<noteq> 0" by simp
with xz have "?P ?z x (Eq (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x < ?z. ?P ?z x (Eq (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (4 c e)
from 4 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 4 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x < ?z"
hence "(real_of_int c * x < - ?e)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="- ?e"] ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e < 0" by arith
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e \<noteq> 0" by simp
with xz have "?P ?z x (NEq (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x < ?z. ?P ?z x (NEq (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (5 c e)
from 5 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 5 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x < ?z"
hence "(real_of_int c * x < - ?e)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="- ?e"] ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e < 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Lt (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x < ?z. ?P ?z x (Lt (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (6 c e)
from 6 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 6 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x < ?z"
hence "(real_of_int c * x < - ?e)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="- ?e"] ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e < 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Le (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x < ?z. ?P ?z x (Le (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (7 c e)
from 7 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 7 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x < ?z"
hence "(real_of_int c * x < - ?e)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="- ?e"] ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e < 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Gt (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x < ?z. ?P ?z x (Gt (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (8 c e)
from 8 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 8 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x < ?z"
hence "(real_of_int c * x < - ?e)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="- ?e"] ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e < 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Ge (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x < ?z. ?P ?z x (Ge (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
qed simp_all
lemma rplusinf_inf:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "\<exists> z. \<forall> x > z. Ifm (x#bs) (plusinf p) = Ifm (x#bs) p" (is "\<exists> z. \<forall> x. ?P z x p")
using lp
proof (induct p rule: isrlfm.induct)
case (1 p q) thus ?case by (auto,rule_tac x= "max z za" in exI) auto
case (2 p q) thus ?case by (auto,rule_tac x= "max z za" in exI) auto
case (3 c e)
from 3 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 3 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x > ?z"
with mult_strict_right_mono [OF xz cp] cp
have "(real_of_int c * x > - ?e)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e > 0" by arith
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e \<noteq> 0" by simp
with xz have "?P ?z x (Eq (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x > ?z. ?P ?z x (Eq (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (4 c e)
from 4 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 4 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x > ?z"
with mult_strict_right_mono [OF xz cp] cp
have "(real_of_int c * x > - ?e)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e > 0" by arith
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e \<noteq> 0" by simp
with xz have "?P ?z x (NEq (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x > ?z. ?P ?z x (NEq (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (5 c e)
from 5 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 5 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x > ?z"
with mult_strict_right_mono [OF xz cp] cp
have "(real_of_int c * x > - ?e)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e > 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Lt (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x > ?z. ?P ?z x (Lt (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (6 c e)
from 6 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 6 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x > ?z"
with mult_strict_right_mono [OF xz cp] cp
have "(real_of_int c * x > - ?e)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e > 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Le (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x > ?z. ?P ?z x (Le (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (7 c e)
from 7 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 7 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x > ?z"
with mult_strict_right_mono [OF xz cp] cp
have "(real_of_int c * x > - ?e)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e > 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Gt (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x > ?z. ?P ?z x (Gt (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
case (8 c e)
from 8 have nb: "numbound0 e" by simp
from 8 have cp: "real_of_int c > 0" by simp
fix a
let ?e="Inum (a#bs) e"
let ?z = "(- ?e) / real_of_int c"
{fix x
assume xz: "x > ?z"
with mult_strict_right_mono [OF xz cp] cp
have "(real_of_int c * x > - ?e)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
hence "real_of_int c * x + ?e > 0" by arith
with xz have "?P ?z x (Ge (CN 0 c e))"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="x" and bs="bs" and b'="a"] by simp }
hence "\<forall> x > ?z. ?P ?z x (Ge (CN 0 c e))" by simp
thus ?case by blast
qed simp_all
lemma rminusinf_bound0:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "bound0 (minusinf p)"
using lp
by (induct p rule: minusinf.induct) simp_all
lemma rplusinf_bound0:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "bound0 (plusinf p)"
using lp
by (induct p rule: plusinf.induct) simp_all
lemma rminusinf_ex:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and ex: "Ifm (a#bs) (minusinf p)"
shows "\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p"
from bound0_I [OF rminusinf_bound0[OF lp], where b="a" and bs ="bs"] ex
have th: "\<forall> x. Ifm (x#bs) (minusinf p)" by auto
from rminusinf_inf[OF lp, where bs="bs"]
obtain z where z_def: "\<forall>x<z. Ifm (x # bs) (minusinf p) = Ifm (x # bs) p" by blast
from th have "Ifm ((z - 1)#bs) (minusinf p)" by simp
moreover have "z - 1 < z" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using z_def by auto
lemma rplusinf_ex:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and ex: "Ifm (a#bs) (plusinf p)"
shows "\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p"
from bound0_I [OF rplusinf_bound0[OF lp], where b="a" and bs ="bs"] ex
have th: "\<forall> x. Ifm (x#bs) (plusinf p)" by auto
from rplusinf_inf[OF lp, where bs="bs"]
obtain z where z_def: "\<forall>x>z. Ifm (x # bs) (plusinf p) = Ifm (x # bs) p" by blast
from th have "Ifm ((z + 1)#bs) (plusinf p)" by simp
moreover have "z + 1 > z" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using z_def by auto
\<Upsilon>:: "fm \<Rightarrow> (num \<times> int) list"
\<upsilon> :: "fm \<Rightarrow> (num \<times> int) \<Rightarrow> fm "
recdef \<Upsilon> "measure size"
"\<Upsilon> (And p q) = (\<Upsilon> p @ \<Upsilon> q)"
"\<Upsilon> (Or p q) = (\<Upsilon> p @ \<Upsilon> q)"
"\<Upsilon> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<Upsilon> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<Upsilon> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<Upsilon> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<Upsilon> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<Upsilon> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = [(Neg e,c)]"
"\<Upsilon> p = []"
recdef \<upsilon> "measure size"
"\<upsilon> (And p q) = (\<lambda> (t,n). And (\<upsilon> p (t,n)) (\<upsilon> q (t,n)))"
"\<upsilon> (Or p q) = (\<lambda> (t,n). Or (\<upsilon> p (t,n)) (\<upsilon> q (t,n)))"
"\<upsilon> (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,n). Eq (Add (Mul c t) (Mul n e)))"
"\<upsilon> (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,n). NEq (Add (Mul c t) (Mul n e)))"
"\<upsilon> (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,n). Lt (Add (Mul c t) (Mul n e)))"
"\<upsilon> (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,n). Le (Add (Mul c t) (Mul n e)))"
"\<upsilon> (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,n). Gt (Add (Mul c t) (Mul n e)))"
"\<upsilon> (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (\<lambda> (t,n). Ge (Add (Mul c t) (Mul n e)))"
"\<upsilon> p = (\<lambda> (t,n). p)"
lemma \<upsilon>_I: assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and np: "real_of_int n > 0" and nbt: "numbound0 t"
shows "(Ifm (x#bs) (\<upsilon> p (t,n)) = Ifm (((Inum (x#bs) t)/(real_of_int n))#bs) p) \<and> bound0 (\<upsilon> p (t,n))" (is "(?I x (\<upsilon> p (t,n)) = ?I ?u p) \<and> ?B p" is "(_ = ?I (?t/?n) p) \<and> _" is "(_ = ?I (?N x t /_) p) \<and> _")
using lp
proof(induct p rule: \<upsilon>.induct)
case (5 c e)
from 5 have cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
have "?I ?u (Lt (CN 0 c e)) = (real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e) < 0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?u" and b'="x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?n*(real_of_int c *(?t/?n)) + ?n*(?N x e) < 0)"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF np, where a="real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e)"
and b="0", simplified divide_zero_left]) (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c *?t + ?n* (?N x e) < 0)"
using np by simp
finally show ?case using nbt nb by (simp add: algebra_simps)
case (6 c e)
from 6 have cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
have "?I ?u (Le (CN 0 c e)) = (real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e) \<le> 0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?u" and b'="x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?n*(real_of_int c *(?t/?n)) + ?n*(?N x e) \<le> 0)"
by (simp only: pos_le_divide_eq[OF np, where a="real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e)"
and b="0", simplified divide_zero_left]) (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c *?t + ?n* (?N x e) \<le> 0)"
using np by simp
finally show ?case using nbt nb by (simp add: algebra_simps)
case (7 c e)
from 7 have cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
have "?I ?u (Gt (CN 0 c e)) = (real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e) > 0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?u" and b'="x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?n*(real_of_int c *(?t/?n)) + ?n*(?N x e) > 0)"
by (simp only: pos_divide_less_eq[OF np, where a="real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e)"
and b="0", simplified divide_zero_left]) (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c *?t + ?n* (?N x e) > 0)"
using np by simp
finally show ?case using nbt nb by (simp add: algebra_simps)
case (8 c e)
from 8 have cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
have "?I ?u (Ge (CN 0 c e)) = (real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e) \<ge> 0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?u" and b'="x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?n*(real_of_int c *(?t/?n)) + ?n*(?N x e) \<ge> 0)"
by (simp only: pos_divide_le_eq[OF np, where a="real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e)"
and b="0", simplified divide_zero_left]) (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c *?t + ?n* (?N x e) \<ge> 0)"
using np by simp
finally show ?case using nbt nb by (simp add: algebra_simps)
case (3 c e)
from 3 have cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from np have np: "real_of_int n \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "?I ?u (Eq (CN 0 c e)) = (real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e) = 0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?u" and b'="x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?n*(real_of_int c *(?t/?n)) + ?n*(?N x e) = 0)"
by (simp only: nonzero_eq_divide_eq[OF np, where a="real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e)"
and b="0", simplified divide_zero_left]) (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c *?t + ?n* (?N x e) = 0)"
using np by simp
finally show ?case using nbt nb by (simp add: algebra_simps)
case (4 c e)
from 4 have cp: "c >0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from np have np: "real_of_int n \<noteq> 0" by simp
have "?I ?u (NEq (CN 0 c e)) = (real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e) \<noteq> 0)"
using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="?u" and b'="x"] by simp
also have "\<dots> = (?n*(real_of_int c *(?t/?n)) + ?n*(?N x e) \<noteq> 0)"
by (simp only: nonzero_eq_divide_eq[OF np, where a="real_of_int c *(?t/?n) + (?N x e)"
and b="0", simplified divide_zero_left]) (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (real_of_int c *?t + ?n* (?N x e) \<noteq> 0)"
using np by simp
finally show ?case using nbt nb by (simp add: algebra_simps)
qed(simp_all add: nbt numbound0_I[where bs ="bs" and b="(Inum (x#bs) t)/ real_of_int n" and b'="x"])
lemma \<Upsilon>_l:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "\<forall> (t,k) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). numbound0 t \<and> k >0"
using lp
by(induct p rule: \<Upsilon>.induct) auto
lemma rminusinf_\<Upsilon>:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and nmi: "\<not> (Ifm (a#bs) (minusinf p))" (is "\<not> (Ifm (a#bs) (?M p))")
and ex: "Ifm (x#bs) p" (is "?I x p")
shows "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). x \<ge> Inum (a#bs) s / real_of_int m" (is "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> ?U p. x \<ge> ?N a s / real_of_int m")
have "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). real_of_int m * x \<ge> Inum (a#bs) s " (is "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> ?U p. real_of_int m *x \<ge> ?N a s")
using lp nmi ex
by (induct p rule: minusinf.induct, auto simp add:numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="a" and b'="x"])
then obtain s m where smU: "(s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p)" and mx: "real_of_int m * x \<ge> ?N a s" by blast
from \<Upsilon>_l[OF lp] smU have mp: "real_of_int m > 0" by auto
from pos_divide_le_eq[OF mp, where a="x" and b="?N a s", symmetric] mx have "x \<ge> ?N a s / real_of_int m"
by (auto simp add: mult.commute)
thus ?thesis using smU by auto
lemma rplusinf_\<Upsilon>:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and nmi: "\<not> (Ifm (a#bs) (plusinf p))" (is "\<not> (Ifm (a#bs) (?M p))")
and ex: "Ifm (x#bs) p" (is "?I x p")
shows "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). x \<le> Inum (a#bs) s / real_of_int m" (is "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> ?U p. x \<le> ?N a s / real_of_int m")
have "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). real_of_int m * x \<le> Inum (a#bs) s " (is "\<exists> (s,m) \<in> ?U p. real_of_int m *x \<le> ?N a s")
using lp nmi ex
by (induct p rule: minusinf.induct, auto simp add:numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="a" and b'="x"])
then obtain s m where smU: "(s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p)" and mx: "real_of_int m * x \<le> ?N a s" by blast
from \<Upsilon>_l[OF lp] smU have mp: "real_of_int m > 0" by auto
from pos_le_divide_eq[OF mp, where a="x" and b="?N a s", symmetric] mx have "x \<le> ?N a s / real_of_int m"
by (auto simp add: mult.commute)
thus ?thesis using smU by auto
lemma lin_dense:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and noS: "\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t< u \<longrightarrow> t \<notin> (\<lambda> (t,n). Inum (x#bs) t / real_of_int n) ` set (\<Upsilon> p)"
(is "\<forall> t. _ \<and> _ \<longrightarrow> t \<notin> (\<lambda> (t,n). ?N x t / real_of_int n ) ` (?U p)")
and lx: "l < x" and xu:"x < u" and px:" Ifm (x#bs) p"
and ly: "l < y" and yu: "y < u"
shows "Ifm (y#bs) p"
using lp px noS
proof (induct p rule: isrlfm.induct)
case (5 c e) hence cp: "real_of_int c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from 5 have "x * real_of_int c + ?N x e < 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence pxc: "x < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
by (simp only: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="-?N x e"])
from 5 have noSc:"\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t < u \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with ly yu have yne: "y \<noteq> - ?N x e / real_of_int c" by auto
hence "y < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<or> y > (-?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
moreover {assume y: "y < (-?N x e)/ real_of_int c"
hence "y * real_of_int c < - ?N x e"
by (simp add: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="y" and b="-?N x e", symmetric])
hence "real_of_int c * y + ?N x e < 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence ?case using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="y"] by simp}
moreover {assume y: "y > (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
with yu have eu: "u > (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with noSc ly yu have "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<le> l" by (cases "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c > l", auto)
with lx pxc have "False" by auto
hence ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (6 c e) hence cp: "real_of_int c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from 6 have "x * real_of_int c + ?N x e \<le> 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence pxc: "x \<le> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
by (simp only: pos_le_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="-?N x e"])
from 6 have noSc:"\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t < u \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with ly yu have yne: "y \<noteq> - ?N x e / real_of_int c" by auto
hence "y < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<or> y > (-?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
moreover {assume y: "y < (-?N x e)/ real_of_int c"
hence "y * real_of_int c < - ?N x e"
by (simp add: pos_less_divide_eq[OF cp, where a="y" and b="-?N x e", symmetric])
hence "real_of_int c * y + ?N x e < 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence ?case using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="y"] by simp}
moreover {assume y: "y > (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
with yu have eu: "u > (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with noSc ly yu have "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<le> l" by (cases "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c > l", auto)
with lx pxc have "False" by auto
hence ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (7 c e) hence cp: "real_of_int c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from 7 have "x * real_of_int c + ?N x e > 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence pxc: "x > (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
by (simp only: pos_divide_less_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="-?N x e"])
from 7 have noSc:"\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t < u \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with ly yu have yne: "y \<noteq> - ?N x e / real_of_int c" by auto
hence "y < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<or> y > (-?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
moreover {assume y: "y > (-?N x e)/ real_of_int c"
hence "y * real_of_int c > - ?N x e"
by (simp add: pos_divide_less_eq[OF cp, where a="y" and b="-?N x e", symmetric])
hence "real_of_int c * y + ?N x e > 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence ?case using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="y"] by simp}
moreover {assume y: "y < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
with ly have eu: "l < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with noSc ly yu have "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<ge> u" by (cases "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c > l", auto)
with xu pxc have "False" by auto
hence ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (8 c e) hence cp: "real_of_int c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from 8 have "x * real_of_int c + ?N x e \<ge> 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence pxc: "x \<ge> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
by (simp only: pos_divide_le_eq[OF cp, where a="x" and b="-?N x e"])
from 8 have noSc:"\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t < u \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with ly yu have yne: "y \<noteq> - ?N x e / real_of_int c" by auto
hence "y < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<or> y > (-?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
moreover {assume y: "y > (-?N x e)/ real_of_int c"
hence "y * real_of_int c > - ?N x e"
by (simp add: pos_divide_less_eq[OF cp, where a="y" and b="-?N x e", symmetric])
hence "real_of_int c * y + ?N x e > 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence ?case using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="y"] by simp}
moreover {assume y: "y < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
with ly have eu: "l < (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with noSc ly yu have "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c \<ge> u" by (cases "(- ?N x e) / real_of_int c > l", auto)
with xu pxc have "False" by auto
hence ?case by simp }
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (3 c e) hence cp: "real_of_int c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from cp have cnz: "real_of_int c \<noteq> 0" by simp
from 3 have "x * real_of_int c + ?N x e = 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence pxc: "x = (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c"
by (simp only: nonzero_eq_divide_eq[OF cnz, where a="x" and b="-?N x e"])
from 3 have noSc:"\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t < u \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with lx xu have yne: "x \<noteq> - ?N x e / real_of_int c" by auto
with pxc show ?case by simp
case (4 c e) hence cp: "real_of_int c > 0" and nb: "numbound0 e" by simp_all
from cp have cnz: "real_of_int c \<noteq> 0" by simp
from 4 have noSc:"\<forall> t. l < t \<and> t < u \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> (- ?N x e) / real_of_int c" by auto
with ly yu have yne: "y \<noteq> - ?N x e / real_of_int c" by auto
hence "y* real_of_int c \<noteq> -?N x e"
by (simp only: nonzero_eq_divide_eq[OF cnz, where a="y" and b="-?N x e"]) simp
hence "y* real_of_int c + ?N x e \<noteq> 0" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
thus ?case using numbound0_I[OF nb, where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="y"]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
qed (auto simp add: numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="y" and b'="x"])
lemma rinf_\<Upsilon>:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and nmi: "\<not> (Ifm (x#bs) (minusinf p))" (is "\<not> (Ifm (x#bs) (?M p))")
and npi: "\<not> (Ifm (x#bs) (plusinf p))" (is "\<not> (Ifm (x#bs) (?P p))")
and ex: "\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p" (is "\<exists> x. ?I x p")
shows "\<exists> (l,n) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). \<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p).
?I ((Inum (x#bs) l / real_of_int n + Inum (x#bs) s / real_of_int m) / 2) p"
let ?N = "\<lambda> x t. Inum (x#bs) t"
let ?U = "set (\<Upsilon> p)"
from ex obtain a where pa: "?I a p" by blast
from bound0_I[OF rminusinf_bound0[OF lp], where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="a"] nmi
have nmi': "\<not> (?I a (?M p))" by simp
from bound0_I[OF rplusinf_bound0[OF lp], where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="a"] npi
have npi': "\<not> (?I a (?P p))" by simp
have "\<exists> (l,n) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). \<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). ?I ((?N a l/real_of_int n + ?N a s /real_of_int m) / 2) p"
let ?M = "(\<lambda> (t,c). ?N a t / real_of_int c) ` ?U"
have fM: "finite ?M" by auto
from rminusinf_\<Upsilon>[OF lp nmi pa] rplusinf_\<Upsilon>[OF lp npi pa]
have "\<exists> (l,n) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). \<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). a \<le> ?N x l / real_of_int n \<and> a \<ge> ?N x s / real_of_int m" by blast
then obtain "t" "n" "s" "m" where
tnU: "(t,n) \<in> ?U" and smU: "(s,m) \<in> ?U"
and xs1: "a \<le> ?N x s / real_of_int m" and tx1: "a \<ge> ?N x t / real_of_int n" by blast
from \<Upsilon>_l[OF lp] tnU smU numbound0_I[where bs="bs" and b="x" and b'="a"] xs1 tx1 have xs: "a \<le> ?N a s / real_of_int m" and tx: "a \<ge> ?N a t / real_of_int n" by auto
from tnU have Mne: "?M \<noteq> {}" by auto
hence Une: "?U \<noteq> {}" by simp
let ?l = "Min ?M"
let ?u = "Max ?M"
have linM: "?l \<in> ?M" using fM Mne by simp
have uinM: "?u \<in> ?M" using fM Mne by simp
have tnM: "?N a t / real_of_int n \<in> ?M" using tnU by auto
have smM: "?N a s / real_of_int m \<in> ?M" using smU by auto
have lM: "\<forall> t\<in> ?M. ?l \<le> t" using Mne fM by auto
have Mu: "\<forall> t\<in> ?M. t \<le> ?u" using Mne fM by auto
have "?l \<le> ?N a t / real_of_int n" using tnM Mne by simp hence lx: "?l \<le> a" using tx by simp
have "?N a s / real_of_int m \<le> ?u" using smM Mne by simp hence xu: "a \<le> ?u" using xs by simp
from finite_set_intervals2[where P="\<lambda> x. ?I x p",OF pa lx xu linM uinM fM lM Mu]
have "(\<exists> s\<in> ?M. ?I s p) \<or>
(\<exists> t1\<in> ?M. \<exists> t2 \<in> ?M. (\<forall> y. t1 < y \<and> y < t2 \<longrightarrow> y \<notin> ?M) \<and> t1 < a \<and> a < t2 \<and> ?I a p)" .
moreover { fix u assume um: "u\<in> ?M" and pu: "?I u p"
hence "\<exists> (tu,nu) \<in> ?U. u = ?N a tu / real_of_int nu" by auto
then obtain "tu" "nu" where tuU: "(tu,nu) \<in> ?U" and tuu:"u= ?N a tu / real_of_int nu" by blast
have "(u + u) / 2 = u" by auto with pu tuu
have "?I (((?N a tu / real_of_int nu) + (?N a tu / real_of_int nu)) / 2) p" by simp
with tuU have ?thesis by blast}
assume "\<exists> t1\<in> ?M. \<exists> t2 \<in> ?M. (\<forall> y. t1 < y \<and> y < t2 \<longrightarrow> y \<notin> ?M) \<and> t1 < a \<and> a < t2 \<and> ?I a p"
then obtain t1 and t2 where t1M: "t1 \<in> ?M" and t2M: "t2\<in> ?M"
and noM: "\<forall> y. t1 < y \<and> y < t2 \<longrightarrow> y \<notin> ?M" and t1x: "t1 < a" and xt2: "a < t2" and px: "?I a p"
by blast
from t1M have "\<exists> (t1u,t1n) \<in> ?U. t1 = ?N a t1u / real_of_int t1n" by auto
then obtain "t1u" "t1n" where t1uU: "(t1u,t1n) \<in> ?U" and t1u: "t1 = ?N a t1u / real_of_int t1n" by blast
from t2M have "\<exists> (t2u,t2n) \<in> ?U. t2 = ?N a t2u / real_of_int t2n" by auto
then obtain "t2u" "t2n" where t2uU: "(t2u,t2n) \<in> ?U" and t2u: "t2 = ?N a t2u / real_of_int t2n" by blast
from t1x xt2 have t1t2: "t1 < t2" by simp
let ?u = "(t1 + t2) / 2"
from less_half_sum[OF t1t2] gt_half_sum[OF t1t2] have t1lu: "t1 < ?u" and ut2: "?u < t2" by auto
from lin_dense[OF lp noM t1x xt2 px t1lu ut2] have "?I ?u p" .
with t1uU t2uU t1u t2u have ?thesis by blast}
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
then obtain "l" "n" "s" "m" where lnU: "(l,n) \<in> ?U" and smU:"(s,m) \<in> ?U"
and pu: "?I ((?N a l / real_of_int n + ?N a s / real_of_int m) / 2) p" by blast
from lnU smU \<Upsilon>_l[OF lp] have nbl: "numbound0 l" and nbs: "numbound0 s" by auto
from numbound0_I[OF nbl, where bs="bs" and b="a" and b'="x"]
numbound0_I[OF nbs, where bs="bs" and b="a" and b'="x"] pu
have "?I ((?N x l / real_of_int n + ?N x s / real_of_int m) / 2) p" by simp
with lnU smU
show ?thesis by auto
(* The Ferrante - Rackoff Theorem *)
theorem fr_eq:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "(\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p) = ((Ifm (x#bs) (minusinf p)) \<or> (Ifm (x#bs) (plusinf p)) \<or> (\<exists> (t,n) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). \<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). Ifm ((((Inum (x#bs) t)/ real_of_int n + (Inum (x#bs) s) / real_of_int m) /2)#bs) p))"
(is "(\<exists> x. ?I x p) = (?M \<or> ?P \<or> ?F)" is "?E = ?D")
assume px: "\<exists> x. ?I x p"
have "?M \<or> ?P \<or> (\<not> ?M \<and> \<not> ?P)" by blast
moreover {assume "?M \<or> ?P" hence "?D" by blast}
moreover {assume nmi: "\<not> ?M" and npi: "\<not> ?P"
from rinf_\<Upsilon>[OF lp nmi npi] have "?F" using px by blast hence "?D" by blast}
ultimately show "?D" by blast
assume "?D"
moreover {assume m:"?M" from rminusinf_ex[OF lp m] have "?E" .}
moreover {assume p: "?P" from rplusinf_ex[OF lp p] have "?E" . }
moreover {assume f:"?F" hence "?E" by blast}
ultimately show "?E" by blast
lemma fr_eq_\<upsilon>:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
shows "(\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p) = ((Ifm (x#bs) (minusinf p)) \<or> (Ifm (x#bs) (plusinf p)) \<or> (\<exists> (t,k) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). \<exists> (s,l) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). Ifm (x#bs) (\<upsilon> p (Add(Mul l t) (Mul k s) , 2*k*l))))"
(is "(\<exists> x. ?I x p) = (?M \<or> ?P \<or> ?F)" is "?E = ?D")
assume px: "\<exists> x. ?I x p"
have "?M \<or> ?P \<or> (\<not> ?M \<and> \<not> ?P)" by blast
moreover {assume "?M \<or> ?P" hence "?D" by blast}
moreover {assume nmi: "\<not> ?M" and npi: "\<not> ?P"
let ?f ="\<lambda> (t,n). Inum (x#bs) t / real_of_int n"
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
{fix t n s m assume "(t,n)\<in> set (\<Upsilon> p)" and "(s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p)"
with \<Upsilon>_l[OF lp] have tnb: "numbound0 t" and np:"real_of_int n > 0" and snb: "numbound0 s" and mp:"real_of_int m > 0"
by auto
let ?st = "Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)"
from np mp have mnp: "real_of_int (2*n*m) > 0" by (simp add: mult.commute)
from tnb snb have st_nb: "numbound0 ?st" by simp
have st: "(?N t / real_of_int n + ?N s / real_of_int m)/2 = ?N ?st / real_of_int (2*n*m)"
using mnp mp np by (simp add: algebra_simps add_divide_distrib)
from \<upsilon>_I[OF lp mnp st_nb, where x="x" and bs="bs"]
have "?I x (\<upsilon> p (?st,2*n*m)) = ?I ((?N t / real_of_int n + ?N s / real_of_int m) /2) p" by (simp only: st[symmetric])}
with rinf_\<Upsilon>[OF lp nmi npi px] have "?F" by blast hence "?D" by blast}
ultimately show "?D" by blast
assume "?D"
moreover {assume m:"?M" from rminusinf_ex[OF lp m] have "?E" .}
moreover {assume p: "?P" from rplusinf_ex[OF lp p] have "?E" . }
moreover {fix t k s l assume "(t,k) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p)" and "(s,l) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p)"
and px:"?I x (\<upsilon> p (Add (Mul l t) (Mul k s), 2*k*l))"
with \<Upsilon>_l[OF lp] have tnb: "numbound0 t" and np:"real_of_int k > 0" and snb: "numbound0 s" and mp:"real_of_int l > 0" by auto
let ?st = "Add (Mul l t) (Mul k s)"
from np mp have mnp: "real_of_int (2*k*l) > 0" by (simp add: mult.commute)
from tnb snb have st_nb: "numbound0 ?st" by simp
from \<upsilon>_I[OF lp mnp st_nb, where bs="bs"] px have "?E" by auto}
ultimately show "?E" by blast
text\<open>The overall Part\<close>
lemma real_ex_int_real01:
shows "(\<exists> (x::real). P x) = (\<exists> (i::int) (u::real). 0\<le> u \<and> u< 1 \<and> P (real_of_int i + u))"
fix x
assume Px: "P x"
let ?i = "floor x"
let ?u = "x - real_of_int ?i"
have "x = real_of_int ?i + ?u" by simp
hence "P (real_of_int ?i + ?u)" using Px by simp
moreover have "real_of_int ?i \<le> x" using of_int_floor_le by simp hence "0 \<le> ?u" by arith
moreover have "?u < 1" using real_of_int_floor_add_one_gt[where r="x"] by arith
ultimately show "(\<exists> (i::int) (u::real). 0\<le> u \<and> u< 1 \<and> P (real_of_int i + u))" by blast
fun exsplitnum :: "num \<Rightarrow> num" where
"exsplitnum (C c) = (C c)"
| "exsplitnum (Bound 0) = Add (Bound 0) (Bound 1)"
| "exsplitnum (Bound n) = Bound (n+1)"
| "exsplitnum (Neg a) = Neg (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplitnum (Add a b) = Add (exsplitnum a) (exsplitnum b) "
| "exsplitnum (Sub a b) = Sub (exsplitnum a) (exsplitnum b) "
| "exsplitnum (Mul c a) = Mul c (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplitnum (Floor a) = Floor (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplitnum (CN 0 c a) = CN 0 c (Add (Mul c (Bound 1)) (exsplitnum a))"
| "exsplitnum (CN n c a) = CN (n+1) c (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplitnum (CF c s t) = CF c (exsplitnum s) (exsplitnum t)"
fun exsplit :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"exsplit (Lt a) = Lt (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (Le a) = Le (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (Gt a) = Gt (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (Ge a) = Ge (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (Eq a) = Eq (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (NEq a) = NEq (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (Dvd i a) = Dvd i (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (NDvd i a) = NDvd i (exsplitnum a)"
| "exsplit (And p q) = And (exsplit p) (exsplit q)"
| "exsplit (Or p q) = Or (exsplit p) (exsplit q)"
| "exsplit (Imp p q) = Imp (exsplit p) (exsplit q)"
| "exsplit (Iff p q) = Iff (exsplit p) (exsplit q)"
| "exsplit (NOT p) = NOT (exsplit p)"
| "exsplit p = p"
lemma exsplitnum:
"Inum (x#y#bs) (exsplitnum t) = Inum ((x+y) #bs) t"
by(induct t rule: exsplitnum.induct) (simp_all add: algebra_simps)
lemma exsplit:
assumes qfp: "qfree p"
shows "Ifm (x#y#bs) (exsplit p) = Ifm ((x+y)#bs) p"
using qfp exsplitnum[where x="x" and y="y" and bs="bs"]
by(induct p rule: exsplit.induct) simp_all
lemma splitex:
assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "(Ifm bs (E p)) = (\<exists> (i::int). Ifm (real_of_int i#bs) (E (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) (exsplit p))))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
have "?rhs = (\<exists> (i::int). \<exists> x. 0\<le> x \<and> x < 1 \<and> Ifm (x#(real_of_int i)#bs) (exsplit p))"
by (simp add: myless[of _ "1"] myless[of _ "0"] ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (i::int). \<exists> x. 0\<le> x \<and> x < 1 \<and> Ifm ((real_of_int i + x) #bs) p)"
by (simp only: exsplit[OF qf] ac_simps)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) p)"
by (simp only: real_ex_int_real01[where P="\<lambda> x. Ifm (x#bs) p"])
finally show ?thesis by simp
(* Implement the right hand sides of Cooper's theorem and Ferrante and Rackoff. *)
definition ferrack01 :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"ferrack01 p \<equiv> (let p' = rlfm(And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p);
U = remdups(map simp_num_pair
(map (\<lambda> ((t,n),(s,m)). (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s) , 2*n*m))
(alluopairs (\<Upsilon> p'))))
in decr (evaldjf (\<upsilon> p') U ))"
lemma fr_eq_01:
assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "(\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p)) = (\<exists> (t,n) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> (rlfm (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p))). \<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> (rlfm (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p))). Ifm (x#bs) (\<upsilon> (rlfm (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p)) (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s), 2*n*m)))"
(is "(\<exists> x. ?I x ?q) = ?F")
let ?rq = "rlfm ?q"
let ?M = "?I x (minusinf ?rq)"
let ?P = "?I x (plusinf ?rq)"
have MF: "?M = False"
apply (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def numgcd_def rsplit_def ge_def lt_def conj_def disj_def)
by (cases "rlfm p = And (Ge (CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))", simp_all)
have PF: "?P = False" apply (simp add: Let_def reducecoeff_def numgcd_def rsplit_def ge_def lt_def conj_def disj_def)
by (cases "rlfm p = And (Ge (CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))", simp_all)
have "(\<exists> x. ?I x ?q ) =
((?I x (minusinf ?rq)) \<or> (?I x (plusinf ?rq )) \<or> (\<exists> (t,n) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> ?rq). \<exists> (s,m) \<in> set (\<Upsilon> ?rq ). ?I x (\<upsilon> ?rq (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s), 2*n*m))))"
(is "(\<exists> x. ?I x ?q) = (?M \<or> ?P \<or> ?F)" is "?E = ?D")
assume "\<exists> x. ?I x ?q"
then obtain x where qx: "?I x ?q" by blast
hence xp: "0\<le> x" and x1: "x< 1" and px: "?I x p"
by (auto simp add: rsplit_def lt_def ge_def rlfm_I[OF qf])
from qx have "?I x ?rq "
by (simp add: rsplit_def lt_def ge_def rlfm_I[OF qf xp x1])
hence lqx: "?I x ?rq " using simpfm[where p="?rq" and bs="x#bs"] by auto
from qf have qfq:"isrlfm ?rq"
by (auto simp add: rsplit_def lt_def ge_def rlfm_I[OF qf xp x1])
with lqx fr_eq_\<upsilon>[OF qfq] show "?M \<or> ?P \<or> ?F" by blast
assume D: "?D"
let ?U = "set (\<Upsilon> ?rq )"
from MF PF D have "?F" by auto
then obtain t n s m where aU:"(t,n) \<in> ?U" and bU:"(s,m)\<in> ?U" and rqx: "?I x (\<upsilon> ?rq (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s), 2*n*m))" by blast
from qf have lrq:"isrlfm ?rq"using rlfm_l[OF qf]
by (auto simp add: rsplit_def lt_def ge_def)
from aU bU \<Upsilon>_l[OF lrq] have tnb: "numbound0 t" and np:"real_of_int n > 0" and snb: "numbound0 s" and mp:"real_of_int m > 0" by (auto simp add: split_def)
let ?st = "Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)"
from tnb snb have stnb: "numbound0 ?st" by simp
from np mp have mnp: "real_of_int (2*n*m) > 0" by (simp add: mult.commute)
from conjunct1[OF \<upsilon>_I[OF lrq mnp stnb, where bs="bs" and x="x"], symmetric] rqx
have "\<exists> x. ?I x ?rq" by auto
thus "?E"
using rlfm_I[OF qf] by (auto simp add: rsplit_def lt_def ge_def)
with MF PF show ?thesis by blast
lemma \<Upsilon>_cong_aux:
assumes Ul: "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> set U. numbound0 t \<and> n >0"
shows "((\<lambda> (t,n). Inum (x#bs) t /real_of_int n) ` (set (map (\<lambda> ((t,n),(s,m)). (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s) , 2*n*m)) (alluopairs U)))) = ((\<lambda> ((t,n),(s,m)). (Inum (x#bs) t /real_of_int n + Inum (x#bs) s /real_of_int m)/2) ` (set U \<times> set U))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
fix t n s m
assume "((t,n),(s,m)) \<in> set (alluopairs U)"
hence th: "((t,n),(s,m)) \<in> (set U \<times> set U)"
using alluopairs_set1[where xs="U"] by blast
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
let ?st= "Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)"
from Ul th have mnz: "m \<noteq> 0" by auto
from Ul th have nnz: "n \<noteq> 0" by auto
have st: "(?N t / real_of_int n + ?N s / real_of_int m)/2 = ?N ?st / real_of_int (2*n*m)"
using mnz nnz by (simp add: algebra_simps add_divide_distrib)
thus "(real_of_int m * Inum (x # bs) t + real_of_int n * Inum (x # bs) s) /
(2 * real_of_int n * real_of_int m)
\<in> (\<lambda>((t, n), s, m).
(Inum (x # bs) t / real_of_int n + Inum (x # bs) s / real_of_int m) / 2) `
(set U \<times> set U)"using mnz nnz th
apply (auto simp add: th add_divide_distrib algebra_simps split_def image_def)
by (rule_tac x="(s,m)" in bexI,simp_all)
(rule_tac x="(t,n)" in bexI,simp_all add: mult.commute)
fix t n s m
assume tnU: "(t,n) \<in> set U" and smU:"(s,m) \<in> set U"
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
let ?st= "Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)"
from Ul smU have mnz: "m \<noteq> 0" by auto
from Ul tnU have nnz: "n \<noteq> 0" by auto
have st: "(?N t / real_of_int n + ?N s / real_of_int m)/2 = ?N ?st / real_of_int (2*n*m)"
using mnz nnz by (simp add: algebra_simps add_divide_distrib)
let ?P = "\<lambda> (t',n') (s',m'). (Inum (x # bs) t / real_of_int n + Inum (x # bs) s / real_of_int m)/2 = (Inum (x # bs) t' / real_of_int n' + Inum (x # bs) s' / real_of_int m')/2"
have Pc:"\<forall> a b. ?P a b = ?P b a"
by auto
from Ul alluopairs_set1 have Up:"\<forall> ((t,n),(s,m)) \<in> set (alluopairs U). n \<noteq> 0 \<and> m \<noteq> 0" by blast
from alluopairs_ex[OF Pc, where xs="U"] tnU smU
have th':"\<exists> ((t',n'),(s',m')) \<in> set (alluopairs U). ?P (t',n') (s',m')"
by blast
then obtain t' n' s' m' where ts'_U: "((t',n'),(s',m')) \<in> set (alluopairs U)"
and Pts': "?P (t',n') (s',m')" by blast
from ts'_U Up have mnz': "m' \<noteq> 0" and nnz': "n'\<noteq> 0" by auto
let ?st' = "Add (Mul m' t') (Mul n' s')"
have st': "(?N t' / real_of_int n' + ?N s' / real_of_int m')/2 = ?N ?st' / real_of_int (2*n'*m')"
using mnz' nnz' by (simp add: algebra_simps add_divide_distrib)
from Pts' have
"(Inum (x # bs) t / real_of_int n + Inum (x # bs) s / real_of_int m)/2 = (Inum (x # bs) t' / real_of_int n' + Inum (x # bs) s' / real_of_int m')/2" by simp
also have "\<dots> = ((\<lambda>(t, n). Inum (x # bs) t / real_of_int n) ((\<lambda>((t, n), s, m). (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s), 2 * n * m)) ((t',n'),(s',m'))))" by (simp add: st')
finally show "(Inum (x # bs) t / real_of_int n + Inum (x # bs) s / real_of_int m) / 2
\<in> (\<lambda>(t, n). Inum (x # bs) t / real_of_int n) `
(\<lambda>((t, n), s, m). (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s), 2 * n * m)) `
set (alluopairs U)"
using ts'_U by blast
lemma \<Upsilon>_cong:
assumes lp: "isrlfm p"
and UU': "((\<lambda> (t,n). Inum (x#bs) t /real_of_int n) ` U') = ((\<lambda> ((t,n),(s,m)). (Inum (x#bs) t /real_of_int n + Inum (x#bs) s /real_of_int m)/2) ` (U \<times> U))" (is "?f ` U' = ?g ` (U\<times>U)")
and U: "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> U. numbound0 t \<and> n > 0"
and U': "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> U'. numbound0 t \<and> n > 0"
shows "(\<exists> (t,n) \<in> U. \<exists> (s,m) \<in> U. Ifm (x#bs) (\<upsilon> p (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s),2*n*m))) = (\<exists> (t,n) \<in> U'. Ifm (x#bs) (\<upsilon> p (t,n)))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then obtain t n s m where tnU: "(t,n) \<in> U" and smU:"(s,m) \<in> U" and
Pst: "Ifm (x#bs) (\<upsilon> p (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s),2*n*m))" by blast
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
from tnU smU U have tnb: "numbound0 t" and np: "n > 0"
and snb: "numbound0 s" and mp:"m > 0" by auto
let ?st= "Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)"
from np mp have mnp: "real_of_int (2*n*m) > 0"
by (simp add: mult.commute of_int_mult[symmetric] del: of_int_mult)
from tnb snb have stnb: "numbound0 ?st" by simp
have st: "(?N t / real_of_int n + ?N s / real_of_int m)/2 = ?N ?st / real_of_int (2*n*m)"
using mp np by (simp add: algebra_simps add_divide_distrib)
from tnU smU UU' have "?g ((t,n),(s,m)) \<in> ?f ` U'" by blast
hence "\<exists> (t',n') \<in> U'. ?g ((t,n),(s,m)) = ?f (t',n')"
by auto (rule_tac x="(a,b)" in bexI, auto)
then obtain t' n' where tnU': "(t',n') \<in> U'" and th: "?g ((t,n),(s,m)) = ?f (t',n')" by blast
from U' tnU' have tnb': "numbound0 t'" and np': "real_of_int n' > 0" by auto
from \<upsilon>_I[OF lp mnp stnb, where bs="bs" and x="x"] Pst
have Pst2: "Ifm (Inum (x # bs) (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)) / real_of_int (2 * n * m) # bs) p" by simp
from conjunct1[OF \<upsilon>_I[OF lp np' tnb', where bs="bs" and x="x"], symmetric] th[simplified split_def fst_conv snd_conv,symmetric] Pst2[simplified st[symmetric]]
have "Ifm (x # bs) (\<upsilon> p (t', n')) " by (simp only: st)
then show ?rhs using tnU' by auto
assume ?rhs
then obtain t' n' where tnU': "(t',n') \<in> U'" and Pt': "Ifm (x # bs) (\<upsilon> p (t', n'))"
by blast
from tnU' UU' have "?f (t',n') \<in> ?g ` (U\<times>U)" by blast
hence "\<exists> ((t,n),(s,m)) \<in> (U\<times>U). ?f (t',n') = ?g ((t,n),(s,m))"
by auto (rule_tac x="(a,b)" in bexI, auto)
then obtain t n s m where tnU: "(t,n) \<in> U" and smU:"(s,m) \<in> U" and
th: "?f (t',n') = ?g((t,n),(s,m)) "by blast
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
from tnU smU U have tnb: "numbound0 t" and np: "n > 0"
and snb: "numbound0 s" and mp:"m > 0" by auto
let ?st= "Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)"
from np mp have mnp: "real_of_int (2*n*m) > 0"
by (simp add: mult.commute of_int_mult[symmetric] del: of_int_mult)
from tnb snb have stnb: "numbound0 ?st" by simp
have st: "(?N t / real_of_int n + ?N s / real_of_int m)/2 = ?N ?st / real_of_int (2*n*m)"
using mp np by (simp add: algebra_simps add_divide_distrib)
from U' tnU' have tnb': "numbound0 t'" and np': "real_of_int n' > 0" by auto
from \<upsilon>_I[OF lp np' tnb', where bs="bs" and x="x",simplified th[simplified split_def fst_conv snd_conv] st] Pt'
have Pst2: "Ifm (Inum (x # bs) (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s)) / real_of_int (2 * n * m) # bs) p" by simp
with \<upsilon>_I[OF lp mnp stnb, where x="x" and bs="bs"] tnU smU show ?lhs by blast
lemma ferrack01:
assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "((\<exists> x. Ifm (x#bs) (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p)) = (Ifm bs (ferrack01 p))) \<and> qfree (ferrack01 p)" (is "(?lhs = ?rhs) \<and> _")
let ?I = "\<lambda> x p. Ifm (x#bs) p"
fix x
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (x#bs) t"
let ?q = "rlfm (And (And (Ge(CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) p)"
let ?U = "\<Upsilon> ?q"
let ?Up = "alluopairs ?U"
let ?g = "\<lambda> ((t,n),(s,m)). (Add (Mul m t) (Mul n s) , 2*n*m)"
let ?S = "map ?g ?Up"
let ?SS = "map simp_num_pair ?S"
let ?Y = "remdups ?SS"
let ?f= "(\<lambda> (t,n). ?N t / real_of_int n)"
let ?h = "\<lambda> ((t,n),(s,m)). (?N t/real_of_int n + ?N s/ real_of_int m) /2"
let ?F = "\<lambda> p. \<exists> a \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). \<exists> b \<in> set (\<Upsilon> p). ?I x (\<upsilon> p (?g(a,b)))"
let ?ep = "evaldjf (\<upsilon> ?q) ?Y"
from rlfm_l[OF qf] have lq: "isrlfm ?q"
by (simp add: rsplit_def lt_def ge_def conj_def disj_def Let_def reducecoeff_def numgcd_def)
from alluopairs_set1[where xs="?U"] have UpU: "set ?Up \<le> (set ?U \<times> set ?U)" by simp
from \<Upsilon>_l[OF lq] have U_l: "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> set ?U. numbound0 t \<and> n > 0" .
from U_l UpU
have "\<forall> ((t,n),(s,m)) \<in> set ?Up. numbound0 t \<and> n> 0 \<and> numbound0 s \<and> m > 0" by auto
hence Snb: "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> set ?S. numbound0 t \<and> n > 0 "
by (auto)
have Y_l: "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> set ?Y. numbound0 t \<and> n > 0"
{ fix t n assume tnY: "(t,n) \<in> set ?Y"
hence "(t,n) \<in> set ?SS" by simp
hence "\<exists> (t',n') \<in> set ?S. simp_num_pair (t',n') = (t,n)"
by (auto simp add: split_def simp del: map_map)
(rule_tac x="((aa,ba),(ab,bb))" in bexI, simp_all)
then obtain t' n' where tn'S: "(t',n') \<in> set ?S" and tns: "simp_num_pair (t',n') = (t,n)" by blast
from tn'S Snb have tnb: "numbound0 t'" and np: "n' > 0" by auto
from simp_num_pair_l[OF tnb np tns]
have "numbound0 t \<and> n > 0" . }
thus ?thesis by blast
have YU: "(?f ` set ?Y) = (?h ` (set ?U \<times> set ?U))"
from simp_num_pair_ci[where bs="x#bs"] have
"\<forall>x. (?f o simp_num_pair) x = ?f x" by auto
hence th: "?f o simp_num_pair = ?f" using ext by blast
have "(?f ` set ?Y) = ((?f o simp_num_pair) ` set ?S)" by (simp add: image_comp comp_assoc)
also have "\<dots> = (?f ` set ?S)" by (simp add: th)
also have "\<dots> = ((?f o ?g) ` set ?Up)"
by (simp only: set_map o_def image_comp)
also have "\<dots> = (?h ` (set ?U \<times> set ?U))"
using \<Upsilon>_cong_aux[OF U_l, where x="x" and bs="bs", simplified set_map image_comp] by blast
finally show ?thesis .
have "\<forall> (t,n) \<in> set ?Y. bound0 (\<upsilon> ?q (t,n))"
{ fix t n assume tnY: "(t,n) \<in> set ?Y"
with Y_l have tnb: "numbound0 t" and np: "real_of_int n > 0" by auto
from \<upsilon>_I[OF lq np tnb]
have "bound0 (\<upsilon> ?q (t,n))" by simp}
thus ?thesis by blast
hence ep_nb: "bound0 ?ep" using evaldjf_bound0[where xs="?Y" and f="\<upsilon> ?q"]
by auto
from fr_eq_01[OF qf, where bs="bs" and x="x"] have "?lhs = ?F ?q"
by (simp only: split_def fst_conv snd_conv)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (t,n) \<in> set ?Y. ?I x (\<upsilon> ?q (t,n)))" using \<Upsilon>_cong[OF lq YU U_l Y_l]
by (simp only: split_def fst_conv snd_conv)
also have "\<dots> = (Ifm (x#bs) ?ep)"
using evaldjf_ex[where ps="?Y" and bs = "x#bs" and f="\<upsilon> ?q",symmetric]
by (simp only: split_def prod.collapse)
also have "\<dots> = (Ifm bs (decr ?ep))" using decr[OF ep_nb] by blast
finally have lr: "?lhs = ?rhs" by (simp only: ferrack01_def Let_def)
from decr_qf[OF ep_nb] have "qfree (ferrack01 p)" by (simp only: Let_def ferrack01_def)
with lr show ?thesis by blast
lemma cp_thm':
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)"
and up: "d_\<beta> p 1" and dd: "d_\<delta> p d" and dp: "d > 0"
shows "(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1 .. d}. Ifm (real_of_int j#bs) (minusinf p)) \<or> (\<exists> j\<in> {1.. d}. \<exists> b\<in> (Inum (real_of_int i#bs)) ` set (\<beta> p). Ifm ((b+real_of_int j)#bs) p))"
using cp_thm[OF lp up dd dp] by auto
definition unit :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm \<times> num list \<times> int" where
"unit p \<equiv> (let p' = zlfm p ; l = \<zeta> p' ; q = And (Dvd l (CN 0 1 (C 0))) (a_\<beta> p' l); d = \<delta> q;
B = remdups (map simpnum (\<beta> q)) ; a = remdups (map simpnum (\<alpha> q))
in if length B \<le> length a then (q,B,d) else (mirror q, a,d))"
lemma unit: assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "\<And> q B d. unit p = (q,B,d) \<Longrightarrow>
((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) =
(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) q)) \<and>
(Inum (real_of_int i#bs)) ` set B = (Inum (real_of_int i#bs)) ` set (\<beta> q) \<and>
d_\<beta> q 1 \<and> d_\<delta> q d \<and> d >0 \<and> iszlfm q (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) \<and> (\<forall> b\<in> set B. numbound0 b)"
fix q B d
assume qBd: "unit p = (q,B,d)"
let ?thes = "((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = (\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) q)) \<and>
Inum (real_of_int i#bs) ` set B = Inum (real_of_int i#bs) ` set (\<beta> q) \<and>
d_\<beta> q 1 \<and> d_\<delta> q d \<and> 0 < d \<and> iszlfm q (real_of_int i # bs) \<and> (\<forall> b\<in> set B. numbound0 b)"
let ?I = "\<lambda> (x::int) p. Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p"
let ?p' = "zlfm p"
let ?l = "\<zeta> ?p'"
let ?q = "And (Dvd ?l (CN 0 1 (C 0))) (a_\<beta> ?p' ?l)"
let ?d = "\<delta> ?q"
let ?B = "set (\<beta> ?q)"
let ?B'= "remdups (map simpnum (\<beta> ?q))"
let ?A = "set (\<alpha> ?q)"
let ?A'= "remdups (map simpnum (\<alpha> ?q))"
from conjunct1[OF zlfm_I[OF qf, where bs="bs"]]
have pp': "\<forall> i. ?I i ?p' = ?I i p" by auto
from iszlfm_gen[OF conjunct2[OF zlfm_I[OF qf, where bs="bs" and i="i"]]]
have lp': "\<forall> (i::int). iszlfm ?p' (real_of_int i#bs)" by simp
hence lp'': "iszlfm ?p' (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)" by simp
from lp' \<zeta>[where p="?p'" and bs="bs"] have lp: "?l >0" and dl: "d_\<beta> ?p' ?l" by auto
from a_\<beta>_ex[where p="?p'" and l="?l" and bs="bs", OF lp'' dl lp] pp'
have pq_ex:"(\<exists> (x::int). ?I x p) = (\<exists> x. ?I x ?q)" by (simp add: int_rdvd_iff)
from lp'' lp a_\<beta>[OF lp'' dl lp] have lq:"iszlfm ?q (real_of_int i#bs)" and uq: "d_\<beta> ?q 1"
by (auto simp add: isint_def)
from \<delta>[OF lq] have dp:"?d >0" and dd: "d_\<delta> ?q ?d" by blast+
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) t"
have "?N ` set ?B' = ((?N o simpnum) ` ?B)" by (simp add:image_comp)
also have "\<dots> = ?N ` ?B" using simpnum_ci[where bs="real_of_int i #bs"] by auto
finally have BB': "?N ` set ?B' = ?N ` ?B" .
have "?N ` set ?A' = ((?N o simpnum) ` ?A)" by (simp add:image_comp)
also have "\<dots> = ?N ` ?A" using simpnum_ci[where bs="real_of_int i #bs"] by auto
finally have AA': "?N ` set ?A' = ?N ` ?A" .
from \<beta>_numbound0[OF lq] have B_nb:"\<forall> b\<in> set ?B'. numbound0 b"
by simp
from \<alpha>_l[OF lq] have A_nb: "\<forall> b\<in> set ?A'. numbound0 b"
by simp
{ assume "length ?B' \<le> length ?A'"
hence q:"q=?q" and "B = ?B'" and d:"d = ?d"
using qBd by (auto simp add: Let_def unit_def)
with BB' B_nb have b: "?N ` (set B) = ?N ` set (\<beta> q)"
and bn: "\<forall>b\<in> set B. numbound0 b" by simp+
with pq_ex dp uq dd lq q d have ?thes by simp }
{ assume "\<not> (length ?B' \<le> length ?A')"
hence q:"q=mirror ?q" and "B = ?A'" and d:"d = ?d"
using qBd by (auto simp add: Let_def unit_def)
with AA' mirror_\<alpha>_\<beta>[OF lq] A_nb have b:"?N ` (set B) = ?N ` set (\<beta> q)"
and bn: "\<forall>b\<in> set B. numbound0 b" by simp+
from mirror_ex[OF lq] pq_ex q
have pqm_eq:"(\<exists> (x::int). ?I x p) = (\<exists> (x::int). ?I x q)" by simp
from lq uq q mirror_d_\<beta> [where p="?q" and bs="bs" and a="real_of_int i"]
have lq': "iszlfm q (real_of_int i#bs)" and uq: "d_\<beta> q 1" by auto
from \<delta>[OF lq'] mirror_\<delta>[OF lq] q d have dq:"d_\<delta> q d " by auto
from pqm_eq b bn uq lq' dp dq q dp d have ?thes by simp
ultimately show ?thes by blast
(* Cooper's Algorithm *)
definition cooper :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"cooper p \<equiv>
(let (q,B,d) = unit p; js = [1..d];
mq = simpfm (minusinf q);
md = evaldjf (\<lambda> j. simpfm (subst0 (C j) mq)) js
in if md = T then T else
(let qd = evaldjf (\<lambda> t. simpfm (subst0 t q))
(remdups (map (\<lambda> (b,j). simpnum (Add b (C j)))
[(b,j). b\<leftarrow>B,j\<leftarrow>js]))
in decr (disj md qd)))"
lemma cooper: assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = (Ifm bs (cooper p))) \<and> qfree (cooper p)"
(is "(?lhs = ?rhs) \<and> _")
let ?I = "\<lambda> (x::int) p. Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p"
let ?q = "fst (unit p)"
let ?B = "fst (snd(unit p))"
let ?d = "snd (snd (unit p))"
let ?js = "[1..?d]"
let ?mq = "minusinf ?q"
let ?smq = "simpfm ?mq"
let ?md = "evaldjf (\<lambda> j. simpfm (subst0 (C j) ?smq)) ?js"
fix i
let ?N = "\<lambda> t. Inum (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) t"
let ?bjs = "[(b,j). b\<leftarrow>?B,j\<leftarrow>?js]"
let ?sbjs = "map (\<lambda> (b,j). simpnum (Add b (C j))) ?bjs"
let ?qd = "evaldjf (\<lambda> t. simpfm (subst0 t ?q)) (remdups ?sbjs)"
have qbf:"unit p = (?q,?B,?d)" by simp
from unit[OF qf qbf] have pq_ex: "(\<exists>(x::int). ?I x p) = (\<exists> (x::int). ?I x ?q)" and
B:"?N ` set ?B = ?N ` set (\<beta> ?q)" and
uq:"d_\<beta> ?q 1" and dd: "d_\<delta> ?q ?d" and dp: "?d > 0" and
lq: "iszlfm ?q (real_of_int i#bs)" and
Bn: "\<forall> b\<in> set ?B. numbound0 b" by auto
from zlin_qfree[OF lq] have qfq: "qfree ?q" .
from simpfm_qf[OF minusinf_qfree[OF qfq]] have qfmq: "qfree ?smq".
have jsnb: "\<forall> j \<in> set ?js. numbound0 (C j)" by simp
hence "\<forall> j\<in> set ?js. bound0 (subst0 (C j) ?smq)"
by (auto simp only: subst0_bound0[OF qfmq])
hence th: "\<forall> j\<in> set ?js. bound0 (simpfm (subst0 (C j) ?smq))"
by auto
from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] have mdb: "bound0 ?md" by simp
from Bn jsnb have "\<forall> (b,j) \<in> set ?bjs. numbound0 (Add b (C j))"
by simp
hence "\<forall> (b,j) \<in> set ?bjs. numbound0 (simpnum (Add b (C j)))"
using simpnum_numbound0 by blast
hence "\<forall> t \<in> set ?sbjs. numbound0 t" by simp
hence "\<forall> t \<in> set (remdups ?sbjs). bound0 (subst0 t ?q)"
using subst0_bound0[OF qfq] by auto
hence th': "\<forall> t \<in> set (remdups ?sbjs). bound0 (simpfm (subst0 t ?q))"
using simpfm_bound0 by blast
from evaldjf_bound0 [OF th'] have qdb: "bound0 ?qd" by simp
from mdb qdb
have mdqdb: "bound0 (disj ?md ?qd)" by (simp only: disj_def, cases "?md=T \<or> ?qd=T", simp_all)
from trans [OF pq_ex cp_thm'[OF lq uq dd dp]] B
have "?lhs = (\<exists> j\<in> {1.. ?d}. ?I j ?mq \<or> (\<exists> b\<in> ?N ` set ?B. Ifm ((b+ real_of_int j)#bs) ?q))" by auto
also have "\<dots> = ((\<exists> j\<in> set ?js. ?I j ?smq) \<or> (\<exists> (b,j) \<in> (?N ` set ?B \<times> set ?js). Ifm ((b+ real_of_int j)#bs) ?q))" by auto
also have "\<dots>= ((\<exists> j\<in> set ?js. ?I j ?smq) \<or> (\<exists> t \<in> (\<lambda> (b,j). ?N (Add b (C j))) ` set ?bjs. Ifm (t #bs) ?q))" by simp
also have "\<dots>= ((\<exists> j\<in> set ?js. ?I j ?smq) \<or> (\<exists> t \<in> (\<lambda> (b,j). ?N (simpnum (Add b (C j)))) ` set ?bjs. Ifm (t #bs) ?q))" by (simp only: simpnum_ci)
also have "\<dots>= ((\<exists> j\<in> set ?js. ?I j ?smq) \<or> (\<exists> t \<in> set ?sbjs. Ifm (?N t #bs) ?q))"
by (auto simp add: split_def)
also have "\<dots> = ((\<exists> j\<in> set ?js. (\<lambda> j. ?I i (simpfm (subst0 (C j) ?smq))) j) \<or> (\<exists> t \<in> set (remdups ?sbjs). (\<lambda> t. ?I i (simpfm (subst0 t ?q))) t))"
by (simp only: simpfm subst0_I[OF qfq] Inum.simps subst0_I[OF qfmq] set_remdups)
also have "\<dots> = ((?I i (evaldjf (\<lambda> j. simpfm (subst0 (C j) ?smq)) ?js)) \<or> (?I i (evaldjf (\<lambda> t. simpfm (subst0 t ?q)) (remdups ?sbjs))))" by (simp only: evaldjf_ex)
finally have mdqd: "?lhs = (?I i (disj ?md ?qd))" by simp
hence mdqd2: "?lhs = (Ifm bs (decr (disj ?md ?qd)))" using decr [OF mdqdb] by simp
{assume mdT: "?md = T"
hence cT:"cooper p = T"
by (simp only: cooper_def unit_def split_def Let_def if_True) simp
from mdT mdqd have lhs:"?lhs" by auto
from mdT have "?rhs" by (simp add: cooper_def unit_def split_def)
with lhs cT have ?thesis by simp }
{assume mdT: "?md \<noteq> T" hence "cooper p = decr (disj ?md ?qd)"
by (simp only: cooper_def unit_def split_def Let_def if_False)
with mdqd2 decr_qf[OF mdqdb] have ?thesis by simp }
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma DJcooper:
assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = (Ifm bs (DJ cooper p))) \<and> qfree (DJ cooper p)"
from cooper have cqf: "\<forall> p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (cooper p)" by blast
from DJ_qf[OF cqf] qf have thqf:"qfree (DJ cooper p)" by blast
have "Ifm bs (DJ cooper p) = (\<exists> q\<in> set (disjuncts p). Ifm bs (cooper q))"
by (simp add: DJ_def evaldjf_ex)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> q \<in> set(disjuncts p). \<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) q)"
using cooper disjuncts_qf[OF qf] by blast
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p)" by (induct p rule: disjuncts.induct, auto)
finally show ?thesis using thqf by blast
(* Redy and Loveland *)
lemma \<sigma>_\<rho>_cong: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)" and tt': "Inum (a#bs) t = Inum (a#bs) t'"
shows "Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t,c)) = Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma>_\<rho> p (t',c))"
using lp
by (induct p rule: iszlfm.induct, auto simp add: tt')
lemma \<sigma>_cong: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)" and tt': "Inum (a#bs) t = Inum (a#bs) t'"
shows "Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c t) = Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c t')"
by (simp add: \<sigma>_def tt' \<sigma>_\<rho>_cong[OF lp tt'])
lemma \<rho>_cong: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)"
and RR: "(\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` R = (\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` set (\<rho> p)"
shows "(\<exists> (e,c) \<in> R. \<exists> j\<in> {1.. c*(\<delta> p)}. Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))) = (\<exists> (e,c) \<in> set (\<rho> p). \<exists> j\<in> {1.. c*(\<delta> p)}. Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j))))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
let ?d = "\<delta> p"
assume ?lhs then obtain e c j where ecR: "(e,c) \<in> R" and jD:"j \<in> {1 .. c*?d}"
and px: "Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))" (is "?sp c e j") by blast
from ecR have "(Inum (a#bs) e,c) \<in> (\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` R" by auto
hence "(Inum (a#bs) e,c) \<in> (\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` set (\<rho> p)" using RR by simp
hence "\<exists> (e',c') \<in> set (\<rho> p). Inum (a#bs) e = Inum (a#bs) e' \<and> c = c'" by auto
then obtain e' c' where ecRo:"(e',c') \<in> set (\<rho> p)" and ee':"Inum (a#bs) e = Inum (a#bs) e'"
and cc':"c = c'" by blast
from ee' have tt': "Inum (a#bs) (Add e (C j)) = Inum (a#bs) (Add e' (C j))" by simp
from \<sigma>_cong[OF lp tt', where c="c"] px have px':"?sp c e' j" by simp
from ecRo jD px' show ?rhs apply (auto simp: cc')
by (rule_tac x="(e', c')" in bexI,simp_all)
(rule_tac x="j" in bexI, simp_all add: cc'[symmetric])
let ?d = "\<delta> p"
assume ?rhs then obtain e c j where ecR: "(e,c) \<in> set (\<rho> p)" and jD:"j \<in> {1 .. c*?d}"
and px: "Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))" (is "?sp c e j") by blast
from ecR have "(Inum (a#bs) e,c) \<in> (\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` set (\<rho> p)" by auto
hence "(Inum (a#bs) e,c) \<in> (\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` R" using RR by simp
hence "\<exists> (e',c') \<in> R. Inum (a#bs) e = Inum (a#bs) e' \<and> c = c'" by auto
then obtain e' c' where ecRo:"(e',c') \<in> R" and ee':"Inum (a#bs) e = Inum (a#bs) e'"
and cc':"c = c'" by blast
from ee' have tt': "Inum (a#bs) (Add e (C j)) = Inum (a#bs) (Add e' (C j))" by simp
from \<sigma>_cong[OF lp tt', where c="c"] px have px':"?sp c e' j" by simp
from ecRo jD px' show ?lhs apply (auto simp: cc')
by (rule_tac x="(e', c')" in bexI,simp_all)
(rule_tac x="j" in bexI, simp_all add: cc'[symmetric])
lemma rl_thm':
assumes lp: "iszlfm p (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)"
and R: "(\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` R = (\<lambda>(b,k). (Inum (a#bs) b,k)) ` set (\<rho> p)"
shows "(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1 .. \<delta> p}. Ifm (real_of_int j#bs) (minusinf p)) \<or> (\<exists> (e,c) \<in> R. \<exists> j\<in> {1.. c*(\<delta> p)}. Ifm (a#bs) (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))))"
using rl_thm[OF lp] \<rho>_cong[OF iszlfm_gen[OF lp, rule_format, where y="a"] R] by simp
definition chooset :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm \<times> ((num\<times>int) list) \<times> int" where
"chooset p \<equiv> (let q = zlfm p ; d = \<delta> q;
B = remdups (map (\<lambda> (t,k). (simpnum t,k)) (\<rho> q)) ;
a = remdups (map (\<lambda> (t,k). (simpnum t,k)) (\<alpha>_\<rho> q))
in if length B \<le> length a then (q,B,d) else (mirror q, a,d))"
lemma chooset: assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "\<And> q B d. chooset p = (q,B,d) \<Longrightarrow>
((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) =
(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) q)) \<and>
((\<lambda>(t,k). (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t,k)) ` set B = (\<lambda>(t,k). (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t,k)) ` set (\<rho> q)) \<and>
(\<delta> q = d) \<and> d >0 \<and> iszlfm q (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) \<and> (\<forall> (e,c)\<in> set B. numbound0 e \<and> c>0)"
fix q B d
assume qBd: "chooset p = (q,B,d)"
let ?thes = "((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) =
(\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) q)) \<and> ((\<lambda>(t,k). (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t,k)) ` set B = (\<lambda>(t,k). (Inum (real_of_int i#bs) t,k)) ` set (\<rho> q)) \<and>
(\<delta> q = d) \<and> d >0 \<and> iszlfm q (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) \<and> (\<forall> (e,c)\<in> set B. numbound0 e \<and> c>0)"
let ?I = "\<lambda> (x::int) p. Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p"
let ?q = "zlfm p"
let ?d = "\<delta> ?q"
let ?B = "set (\<rho> ?q)"
let ?f = "\<lambda> (t,k). (simpnum t,k)"
let ?B'= "remdups (map ?f (\<rho> ?q))"
let ?A = "set (\<alpha>_\<rho> ?q)"
let ?A'= "remdups (map ?f (\<alpha>_\<rho> ?q))"
from conjunct1[OF zlfm_I[OF qf, where bs="bs"]]
have pp': "\<forall> i. ?I i ?q = ?I i p" by auto
hence pq_ex:"(\<exists> (x::int). ?I x p) = (\<exists> x. ?I x ?q)" by simp
from iszlfm_gen[OF conjunct2[OF zlfm_I[OF qf, where bs="bs" and i="i"]], rule_format, where y="real_of_int i"]
have lq: "iszlfm ?q (real_of_int (i::int)#bs)" .
from \<delta>[OF lq] have dp:"?d >0" by blast
let ?N = "\<lambda> (t,c). (Inum (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) t,c)"
have "?N ` set ?B' = ((?N o ?f) ` ?B)" by (simp add: split_def image_comp)
also have "\<dots> = ?N ` ?B"
by(simp add: split_def image_comp simpnum_ci[where bs="real_of_int i #bs"] image_def)
finally have BB': "?N ` set ?B' = ?N ` ?B" .
have "?N ` set ?A' = ((?N o ?f) ` ?A)" by (simp add: split_def image_comp)
also have "\<dots> = ?N ` ?A" using simpnum_ci[where bs="real_of_int i #bs"]
by(simp add: split_def image_comp simpnum_ci[where bs="real_of_int i #bs"] image_def)
finally have AA': "?N ` set ?A' = ?N ` ?A" .
from \<rho>_l[OF lq] have B_nb:"\<forall> (e,c)\<in> set ?B'. numbound0 e \<and> c > 0"
by (simp add: split_def)
from \<alpha>_\<rho>_l[OF lq] have A_nb: "\<forall> (e,c)\<in> set ?A'. numbound0 e \<and> c > 0"
by (simp add: split_def)
{assume "length ?B' \<le> length ?A'"
hence q:"q=?q" and "B = ?B'" and d:"d = ?d"
using qBd by (auto simp add: Let_def chooset_def)
with BB' B_nb have b: "?N ` (set B) = ?N ` set (\<rho> q)"
and bn: "\<forall>(e,c)\<in> set B. numbound0 e \<and> c > 0" by auto
with pq_ex dp lq q d have ?thes by simp}
{assume "\<not> (length ?B' \<le> length ?A')"
hence q:"q=mirror ?q" and "B = ?A'" and d:"d = ?d"
using qBd by (auto simp add: Let_def chooset_def)
with AA' mirror_\<alpha>_\<rho>[OF lq] A_nb have b:"?N ` (set B) = ?N ` set (\<rho> q)"
and bn: "\<forall>(e,c)\<in> set B. numbound0 e \<and> c > 0" by auto
from mirror_ex[OF lq] pq_ex q
have pqm_eq:"(\<exists> (x::int). ?I x p) = (\<exists> (x::int). ?I x q)" by simp
from lq q mirror_l [where p="?q" and bs="bs" and a="real_of_int i"]
have lq': "iszlfm q (real_of_int i#bs)" by auto
from mirror_\<delta>[OF lq] pqm_eq b bn lq' dp q dp d have ?thes by simp
ultimately show ?thes by blast
definition stage :: "fm \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> (num \<times> int) \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"stage p d \<equiv> (\<lambda> (e,c). evaldjf (\<lambda> j. simpfm (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))) [1..c*d])"
lemma stage:
shows "Ifm bs (stage p d (e,c)) = (\<exists> j\<in>{1 .. c*d}. Ifm bs (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j))))"
by (unfold stage_def split_def ,simp only: evaldjf_ex simpfm) simp
lemma stage_nb: assumes lp: "iszlfm p (a#bs)" and cp: "c >0" and nb:"numbound0 e"
shows "bound0 (stage p d (e,c))"
let ?f = "\<lambda> j. simpfm (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j)))"
have th: "\<forall> j\<in> set [1..c*d]. bound0 (?f j)"
fix j
from nb have nb':"numbound0 (Add e (C j))" by simp
from simpfm_bound0[OF \<sigma>_nb[OF lp nb', where k="c"]]
show "bound0 (simpfm (\<sigma> p c (Add e (C j))))" .
from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] show ?thesis by (unfold stage_def split_def) simp
definition redlove :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"redlove p \<equiv>
(let (q,B,d) = chooset p;
mq = simpfm (minusinf q);
md = evaldjf (\<lambda> j. simpfm (subst0 (C j) mq)) [1..d]
in if md = T then T else
(let qd = evaldjf (stage q d) B
in decr (disj md qd)))"
lemma redlove: assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = (Ifm bs (redlove p))) \<and> qfree (redlove p)"
(is "(?lhs = ?rhs) \<and> _")
let ?I = "\<lambda> (x::int) p. Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p"
let ?q = "fst (chooset p)"
let ?B = "fst (snd(chooset p))"
let ?d = "snd (snd (chooset p))"
let ?js = "[1..?d]"
let ?mq = "minusinf ?q"
let ?smq = "simpfm ?mq"
let ?md = "evaldjf (\<lambda> j. simpfm (subst0 (C j) ?smq)) ?js"
fix i
let ?N = "\<lambda> (t,k). (Inum (real_of_int (i::int)#bs) t,k)"
let ?qd = "evaldjf (stage ?q ?d) ?B"
have qbf:"chooset p = (?q,?B,?d)" by simp
from chooset[OF qf qbf] have pq_ex: "(\<exists>(x::int). ?I x p) = (\<exists> (x::int). ?I x ?q)" and
B:"?N ` set ?B = ?N ` set (\<rho> ?q)" and dd: "\<delta> ?q = ?d" and dp: "?d > 0" and
lq: "iszlfm ?q (real_of_int i#bs)" and
Bn: "\<forall> (e,c)\<in> set ?B. numbound0 e \<and> c > 0" by auto
from zlin_qfree[OF lq] have qfq: "qfree ?q" .
from simpfm_qf[OF minusinf_qfree[OF qfq]] have qfmq: "qfree ?smq".
have jsnb: "\<forall> j \<in> set ?js. numbound0 (C j)" by simp
hence "\<forall> j\<in> set ?js. bound0 (subst0 (C j) ?smq)"
by (auto simp only: subst0_bound0[OF qfmq])
hence th: "\<forall> j\<in> set ?js. bound0 (simpfm (subst0 (C j) ?smq))"
by auto
from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] have mdb: "bound0 ?md" by simp
from Bn stage_nb[OF lq] have th:"\<forall> x \<in> set ?B. bound0 (stage ?q ?d x)" by auto
from evaldjf_bound0[OF th] have qdb: "bound0 ?qd" .
from mdb qdb
have mdqdb: "bound0 (disj ?md ?qd)" by (simp only: disj_def, cases "?md=T \<or> ?qd=T", simp_all)
from trans [OF pq_ex rl_thm'[OF lq B]] dd
have "?lhs = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1.. ?d}. ?I j ?mq) \<or> (\<exists> (e,c)\<in> set ?B. \<exists> j\<in> {1 .. c*?d}. Ifm (real_of_int i#bs) (\<sigma> ?q c (Add e (C j)))))" by auto
also have "\<dots> = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1.. ?d}. ?I j ?smq) \<or> (\<exists> (e,c)\<in> set ?B. ?I i (stage ?q ?d (e,c) )))"
by (simp add: stage split_def)
also have "\<dots> = ((\<exists> j\<in> {1 .. ?d}. ?I i (subst0 (C j) ?smq)) \<or> ?I i ?qd)"
by (simp add: evaldjf_ex subst0_I[OF qfmq])
finally have mdqd:"?lhs = (?I i ?md \<or> ?I i ?qd)" by (simp only: evaldjf_ex set_upto simpfm)
also have "\<dots> = (?I i (disj ?md ?qd))" by simp
also have "\<dots> = (Ifm bs (decr (disj ?md ?qd)))" by (simp only: decr [OF mdqdb])
finally have mdqd2: "?lhs = (Ifm bs (decr (disj ?md ?qd)))" .
{assume mdT: "?md = T"
hence cT:"redlove p = T" by (simp add: redlove_def Let_def chooset_def split_def)
from mdT have lhs:"?lhs" using mdqd by simp
from mdT have "?rhs" by (simp add: redlove_def chooset_def split_def)
with lhs cT have ?thesis by simp }
{assume mdT: "?md \<noteq> T" hence "redlove p = decr (disj ?md ?qd)"
by (simp add: redlove_def chooset_def split_def Let_def)
with mdqd2 decr_qf[OF mdqdb] have ?thesis by simp }
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma DJredlove:
assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "((\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p) = (Ifm bs (DJ redlove p))) \<and> qfree (DJ redlove p)"
from redlove have cqf: "\<forall> p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (redlove p)" by blast
from DJ_qf[OF cqf] qf have thqf:"qfree (DJ redlove p)" by blast
have "Ifm bs (DJ redlove p) = (\<exists> q\<in> set (disjuncts p). Ifm bs (redlove q))"
by (simp add: DJ_def evaldjf_ex)
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> q \<in> set(disjuncts p). \<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) q)"
using redlove disjuncts_qf[OF qf] by blast
also have "\<dots> = (\<exists> (x::int). Ifm (real_of_int x#bs) p)" by (induct p rule: disjuncts.induct, auto)
finally show ?thesis using thqf by blast
lemma exsplit_qf: assumes qf: "qfree p"
shows "qfree (exsplit p)"
using qf by (induct p rule: exsplit.induct, auto)
definition mircfr :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"mircfr = DJ cooper o ferrack01 o simpfm o exsplit"
definition mirlfr :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"mirlfr = DJ redlove o ferrack01 o simpfm o exsplit"
lemma mircfr: "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree (mircfr p) \<and> Ifm bs (mircfr p) = Ifm bs (E p)"
proof(clarsimp simp del: Ifm.simps)
fix bs p
assume qf: "qfree p"
show "qfree (mircfr p)\<and>(Ifm bs (mircfr p) = Ifm bs (E p))" (is "_ \<and> (?lhs = ?rhs)")
let ?es = "(And (And (Ge (CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) (simpfm (exsplit p)))"
have "?rhs = (\<exists> (i::int). \<exists> x. Ifm (x#real_of_int i#bs) ?es)"
using splitex[OF qf] by simp
with ferrack01[OF simpfm_qf[OF exsplit_qf[OF qf]]] have th1: "?rhs = (\<exists> (i::int). Ifm (real_of_int i#bs) (ferrack01 (simpfm (exsplit p))))" and qf':"qfree (ferrack01 (simpfm (exsplit p)))" by simp+
with DJcooper[OF qf'] show ?thesis by (simp add: mircfr_def)
lemma mirlfr: "\<forall> bs p. qfree p \<longrightarrow> qfree(mirlfr p) \<and> Ifm bs (mirlfr p) = Ifm bs (E p)"
proof(clarsimp simp del: Ifm.simps)
fix bs p
assume qf: "qfree p"
show "qfree (mirlfr p)\<and>(Ifm bs (mirlfr p) = Ifm bs (E p))" (is "_ \<and> (?lhs = ?rhs)")
let ?es = "(And (And (Ge (CN 0 1 (C 0))) (Lt (CN 0 1 (C (- 1))))) (simpfm (exsplit p)))"
have "?rhs = (\<exists> (i::int). \<exists> x. Ifm (x#real_of_int i#bs) ?es)"
using splitex[OF qf] by simp
with ferrack01[OF simpfm_qf[OF exsplit_qf[OF qf]]] have th1: "?rhs = (\<exists> (i::int). Ifm (real_of_int i#bs) (ferrack01 (simpfm (exsplit p))))" and qf':"qfree (ferrack01 (simpfm (exsplit p)))" by simp+
with DJredlove[OF qf'] show ?thesis by (simp add: mirlfr_def)
definition mircfrqe:: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"mircfrqe p = qelim (prep p) mircfr"
definition mirlfrqe:: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
"mirlfrqe p = qelim (prep p) mirlfr"
theorem mircfrqe: "(Ifm bs (mircfrqe p) = Ifm bs p) \<and> qfree (mircfrqe p)"
using qelim_ci[OF mircfr] prep by (auto simp add: mircfrqe_def)
theorem mirlfrqe: "(Ifm bs (mirlfrqe p) = Ifm bs p) \<and> qfree (mirlfrqe p)"
using qelim_ci[OF mirlfr] prep by (auto simp add: mirlfrqe_def)
"problem1 = A (And (Le (Sub (Floor (Bound 0)) (Bound 0))) (Le (Add (Bound 0) (Floor (Neg (Bound 0))))))"
"problem2 = A (Iff (Eq (Add (Floor (Bound 0)) (Floor (Neg (Bound 0))))) (Eq (Sub (Floor (Bound 0)) (Bound 0))))"
"problem3 = A (And (Le (Sub (Floor (Bound 0)) (Bound 0))) (Le (Add (Bound 0) (Floor (Neg (Bound 0))))))"
"problem4 = E (And (Ge (Sub (Bound 1) (Bound 0))) (Eq (Add (Floor (Bound 1)) (Floor (Neg (Bound 0))))))"
ML_val \<open>@{code mircfrqe} @{code problem1}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mirlfrqe} @{code problem1}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mircfrqe} @{code problem2}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mirlfrqe} @{code problem2}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mircfrqe} @{code problem3}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mirlfrqe} @{code problem3}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mircfrqe} @{code problem4}\<close>
ML_val \<open>@{code mirlfrqe} @{code problem4}\<close>
(*code_reflect Mir
functions mircfrqe mirlfrqe
file "mir.ML"*)
oracle mirfr_oracle = \<open>
val mk_C = @{code C} o @{code int_of_integer};
val mk_Dvd = @{code Dvd} o apfst @{code int_of_integer};
val mk_Bound = @{code Bound} o @{code nat_of_integer};
fun num_of_term vs (t as Free (xn, xT)) = (case AList.lookup (op =) vs t
of NONE => error "Variable not found in the list!"
| SOME n => mk_Bound n)
| num_of_term vs @{term "of_int (0::int)"} = mk_C 0
| num_of_term vs @{term "of_int (1::int)"} = mk_C 1
| num_of_term vs @{term "0::real"} = mk_C 0
| num_of_term vs @{term "1::real"} = mk_C 1
| num_of_term vs @{term "- 1::real"} = mk_C (~ 1)
| num_of_term vs (Bound i) = mk_Bound i
| num_of_term vs (@{term "uminus :: real \<Rightarrow> real"} $ t') = @{code Neg} (num_of_term vs t')
| num_of_term vs (@{term "op + :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Add} (num_of_term vs t1, num_of_term vs t2)
| num_of_term vs (@{term "op - :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Sub} (num_of_term vs t1, num_of_term vs t2)
| num_of_term vs (@{term "op * :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"} $ t1 $ t2) =
(case (num_of_term vs t1)
of @{code C} i => @{code Mul} (i, num_of_term vs t2)
| _ => error "num_of_term: unsupported Multiplication")
| num_of_term vs (@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> int"} $ t')) =
mk_C (HOLogic.dest_num t')
| num_of_term vs (@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "- numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> int"} $ t')) =
mk_C (~ (HOLogic.dest_num t'))
| num_of_term vs (@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "floor :: real \<Rightarrow> int"} $ t')) =
@{code Floor} (num_of_term vs t')
| num_of_term vs (@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "ceiling :: real \<Rightarrow> int"} $ t')) =
@{code Neg} (@{code Floor} (@{code Neg} (num_of_term vs t')))
| num_of_term vs (@{term "numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> real"} $ t') =
mk_C (HOLogic.dest_num t')
| num_of_term vs (@{term "- numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> real"} $ t') =
mk_C (~ (HOLogic.dest_num t'))
| num_of_term vs t = error ("num_of_term: unknown term " ^ Syntax.string_of_term @{context} t);
fun fm_of_term vs @{term True} = @{code T}
| fm_of_term vs @{term False} = @{code F}
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "op < :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Lt} (@{code Sub} (num_of_term vs t1, num_of_term vs t2))
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "op \<le> :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Le} (@{code Sub} (num_of_term vs t1, num_of_term vs t2))
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "op = :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Eq} (@{code Sub} (num_of_term vs t1, num_of_term vs t2))
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "op rdvd"} $ (@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> int"} $ t1)) $ t2) =
mk_Dvd (HOLogic.dest_num t1, num_of_term vs t2)
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "op rdvd"} $ (@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "- numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> int"} $ t1)) $ t2) =
mk_Dvd (~ (HOLogic.dest_num t1), num_of_term vs t2)
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "op = :: bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Iff} (fm_of_term vs t1, fm_of_term vs t2)
| fm_of_term vs (@{term HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code And} (fm_of_term vs t1, fm_of_term vs t2)
| fm_of_term vs (@{term HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Or} (fm_of_term vs t1, fm_of_term vs t2)
| fm_of_term vs (@{term HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2) =
@{code Imp} (fm_of_term vs t1, fm_of_term vs t2)
| fm_of_term vs (@{term "Not"} $ t') =
@{code NOT} (fm_of_term vs t')
| fm_of_term vs (Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (xn, xT, p)) =
@{code E} (fm_of_term (map (fn (v, n) => (v, n + 1)) vs) p)
| fm_of_term vs (Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (xn, xT, p)) =
@{code A} (fm_of_term (map (fn (v, n) => (v, n + 1)) vs) p)
| fm_of_term vs t = error ("fm_of_term : unknown term " ^ Syntax.string_of_term @{context} t);
fun term_of_num vs (@{code C} i) = @{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $
HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.intT (@{code integer_of_int} i)
| term_of_num vs (@{code Bound} n) =
val m = @{code integer_of_nat} n;
in fst (the (find_first (fn (_, q) => m = q) vs)) end
| term_of_num vs (@{code Neg} (@{code Floor} (@{code Neg} t'))) =
@{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "ceiling :: real \<Rightarrow> int"} $ term_of_num vs t')
| term_of_num vs (@{code Neg} t') = @{term "uminus :: real \<Rightarrow> real"} $ term_of_num vs t'
| term_of_num vs (@{code Add} (t1, t2)) = @{term "op + :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"} $
term_of_num vs t1 $ term_of_num vs t2
| term_of_num vs (@{code Sub} (t1, t2)) = @{term "op - :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"} $
term_of_num vs t1 $ term_of_num vs t2
| term_of_num vs (@{code Mul} (i, t2)) = @{term "op * :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"} $
term_of_num vs (@{code C} i) $ term_of_num vs t2
| term_of_num vs (@{code Floor} t) = @{term "of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> real"} $ (@{term "floor :: real \<Rightarrow> int"} $ term_of_num vs t)
| term_of_num vs (@{code CN} (n, i, t)) = term_of_num vs (@{code Add} (@{code Mul} (i, @{code Bound} n), t))
| term_of_num vs (@{code CF} (c, t, s)) = term_of_num vs (@{code Add} (@{code Mul} (c, @{code Floor} t), s));
fun term_of_fm vs @{code T} = @{term True}
| term_of_fm vs @{code F} = @{term False}
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Lt} t) =
@{term "op < :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ term_of_num vs t $ @{term "0::real"}
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Le} t) =
@{term "op \<le> :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ term_of_num vs t $ @{term "0::real"}
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Gt} t) =
@{term "op < :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ @{term "0::real"} $ term_of_num vs t
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Ge} t) =
@{term "op \<le> :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ @{term "0::real"} $ term_of_num vs t
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Eq} t) =
@{term "op = :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ term_of_num vs t $ @{term "0::real"}
| term_of_fm vs (@{code NEq} t) =
term_of_fm vs (@{code NOT} (@{code Eq} t))
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Dvd} (i, t)) =
@{term "op rdvd"} $ term_of_num vs (@{code C} i) $ term_of_num vs t
| term_of_fm vs (@{code NDvd} (i, t)) =
term_of_fm vs (@{code NOT} (@{code Dvd} (i, t)))
| term_of_fm vs (@{code NOT} t') =
HOLogic.Not $ term_of_fm vs t'
| term_of_fm vs (@{code And} (t1, t2)) =
HOLogic.conj $ term_of_fm vs t1 $ term_of_fm vs t2
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Or} (t1, t2)) =
HOLogic.disj $ term_of_fm vs t1 $ term_of_fm vs t2
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Imp} (t1, t2)) =
HOLogic.imp $ term_of_fm vs t1 $ term_of_fm vs t2
| term_of_fm vs (@{code Iff} (t1, t2)) =
@{term "op = :: bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"} $ term_of_fm vs t1 $ term_of_fm vs t2;
fn (ctxt, t) =>
val fs = Misc_Legacy.term_frees t;
val vs = map_index swap fs;
(*If quick_and_dirty then run without proof generation as oracle*)
val qe = if Config.get ctxt quick_and_dirty then @{code mircfrqe} else @{code mirlfrqe};
val t' = term_of_fm vs (qe (fm_of_term vs t));
in Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (t, t'))) end
lemmas iff_real_of_int = of_int_eq_iff [where 'a = real, symmetric]
of_int_less_iff [where 'a = real, symmetric]
of_int_le_iff [where 'a = real, symmetric]
ML_file "mir_tac.ML"
method_setup mir = \<open>
Scan.lift (Args.mode "no_quantify") >>
(fn q => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (Mir_Tac.mir_tac ctxt (not q)))
\<close> "decision procedure for MIR arithmetic"
lemma "\<forall>x::real. (\<lfloor>x\<rfloor> = \<lceil>x\<rceil> \<longleftrightarrow> (x = real_of_int \<lfloor>x\<rfloor>))"
by mir
lemma "\<forall>x::real. real_of_int (2::int)*x - (real_of_int (1::int)) < real_of_int \<lfloor>x\<rfloor> + real_of_int \<lceil>x\<rceil> \<and> real_of_int \<lfloor>x\<rfloor> + real_of_int \<lceil>x\<rceil> \<le> real_of_int (2::int)*x + (real_of_int (1::int))"
by mir
lemma "\<forall>x::real. 2*\<lfloor>x\<rfloor> \<le> \<lfloor>2*x\<rfloor> \<and> \<lfloor>2*x\<rfloor> \<le> 2*\<lfloor>x+1\<rfloor>"
by mir
lemma "\<forall>x::real. \<exists>y \<le> x. (\<lfloor>x\<rfloor> = \<lceil>y\<rceil>)"
by mir
lemma "\<forall>(x::real) (y::real). \<lfloor>x\<rfloor> = \<lfloor>y\<rfloor> \<longrightarrow> 0 \<le> abs (y - x) \<and> abs (y - x) \<le> 1"
by mir