author wenzelm
Sun, 11 Sep 2011 13:27:22 +0200
changeset 44875 68615b48cc12
parent 44806 3950842bb628
child 45097 d0f851903e55
permissions -rw-r--r--
more README;

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<title>Notes on the Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE</title>


<h2>The Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE (based on Isabelle/Scala)</h2>

The Isabelle/Scala layer that is already part of Isabelle/Pure
provides some general infrastructure for advanced prover interaction
and integration.  The Isabelle/jEdit application serves as an example
for asynchronous proof checking with support for parallel processing.


<li>The original jEdit look-and-feel is generally preserved, although
  some default properties have been changed to accommodate Isabelle
  (e.g. the text area font).</li>

<li>Formal Isabelle/Isar text is checked asynchronously while editing.
  The user is in full command of the editor, and the prover refrains
  from locking portions of the buffer etc.</li>

<li>Prover feedback works via tooltips, syntax highlighting, colors,
  boxes etc. based on semantic markup provided by Isabelle in the

<li>Using the mouse together with the modifier key <tt>C</tt>
(<tt>CONTROL</tt> on Linux or Windows,
  <tt>COMMAND</tt> on Mac OS) exposes additional information.</li>

<li>Dockable panels (e.g. <em>Output</em>) are managed as independent
  windows by jEdit, which also allows multiple instances.</li>


<h2>Isabelle symbols and fonts</h2>


  <li>Isabelle supports infinitely many symbols:<br/>
    α, β, γ, …<br/>
    ∀, ∃, ∨, ∧, ⟶, ⟷, …<br/>
    ≤, ≥, ⊓, ⊔, …<br/>
    ℵ, △, ∇, …<br/>
    <tt>\&lt;foo&gt;</tt>, <tt>\&lt;bar&gt;</tt>, <tt>\&lt;baz&gt;</tt>, …<br/>

  <li>There are some special control symbols to modify the style of a
  <em>single</em> symbol:<br/>
    ⇩ subscript<br/>
    ⇧ superscript<br/>
    ⇣ subscript within identifier<br/>
    ⇡ superscript within identifier<br/>
    ❙ bold face</li>

  <li>A default mapping relates some Isabelle symbols to Unicode points
    (see <tt>$ISABELLE_HOME/etc/symbols</tt> and <tt>$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/symbols</tt>).

  <li>The <em>IsabelleText</em> font ensures that Unicode points are actually
    seen on the screen (or printer).

  <li>Input methods:
      <li>copy/paste from decoded source files</li>
      <li>copy/paste from prover output</li>
      <li>completion provided by Isabelle plugin, e.g.<br/>

      <table border="1">
      <tr><th><b>name</b></th>    <th><b>abbreviation</b></th>  <th><b>symbol</b></th></tr>

      <tr><td>lambda</td>         <td><tt>%</tt></td>           <td>λ</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Rightarrow</td>     <td><tt>=&gt;</tt></td>       <td>⇒</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Longrightarrow</td> <td><tt>==&gt;</tt></td>      <td>⟹</td></tr>

      <tr><td>And</td>            <td><tt>!!</tt></td>          <td>⋀</td></tr>
      <tr><td>equiv</td>          <td><tt>==</tt></td>          <td>≡</td></tr>

      <tr><td>forall</td>         <td><tt>!</tt></td>           <td>∀</td></tr>
      <tr><td>exists</td>         <td><tt>?</tt></td>           <td>∃</td></tr>
      <tr><td>longrightarrow</td> <td><tt>--&gt;</tt></td>      <td>⟶</td></tr>
      <tr><td>and</td>            <td><tt>/\</tt></td>          <td>∧</td></tr>
      <tr><td>or</td>             <td><tt>\/</tt></td>          <td>∨</td></tr>
      <tr><td>not</td>            <td><tt>~ </tt></td>          <td>¬</td></tr>
      <tr><td>noteq</td>          <td><tt>~=</tt></td>          <td>≠</td></tr>
      <tr><td>in</td>             <td><tt>:</tt></td>           <td>∈</td></tr>
      <tr><td>notin</td>          <td><tt>~:</tt></td>          <td>∉</td></tr>

      <tr><td>sub</td>            <td><tt>=_</tt></td>          <td>⇩</td></tr>
      <tr><td>sup</td>            <td><tt>=^</tt></td>          <td>⇧</td></tr>
      <tr><td>isup</td>           <td><tt>-_</tt></td>          <td>⇣</td></tr>
      <tr><td>isub</td>           <td><tt>-^</tt></td>          <td>⇡</td></tr>
      <tr><td>bold</td>           <td><tt>-.</tt></td>          <td>❙</td></tr>


  <li><b>NOTE:</b> The above abbreviations refer to the input method.
    The logical notation provides ASCII alternatives that often
    coincide, but deviate occasionally.

  <li><b>NOTE:</b> Generic jEdit abbreviations or plugins perform similar
    source replacement operations; this works for Isabelle as long
    as the Unicode sequences coincide with the symbol mapping.


<h2>Limitations and workrounds (September 2011)</h2>

  <li>No way to start/stop prover or switch to a different logic.<br/>
  <em>Workaround:</em> Change options and restart editor.</li>

  <li>Incremental reparsing sometimes produces unexpected command
  <em>Workaround:</em> Cut/paste larger parts or reload buffer.</li>

  <li>Odd behavior of some diagnostic commands, notably those starting
  external processes asynchronously (e.g. <tt>thy_deps</tt>).<br/>
  <em>Workaround:</em> Avoid such commands.</li>

  <li>Lack of dependency managed for auxiliary files that contribute
  to a theory ("<b>uses</b>").<br/>
  <em>Workaround:</em> Re-use files manually within the prover.</li>

  <li>Crude management of new Isar commands that are defined within
  the running session.<br/>
  <em>Workaround:</em> Force re-parsing of files using such commands
  via reload menu of jEdit.</li>

  <li>No way to delete document nodes from the overall collection of
  <em>Workaround:</em> Restart whole Isabelle/jEdit session in
  worst-case situation.</li>

  <li>No support for non-local markup, e.g. commands reporting on
  previous commands (proof end on proof head), or markup produced by
  loading external files.</li>

  <li>General lack of various conveniences known from Proof

<h2>Known problems with Mac OS</h2>


<li>The MacOSX plugin for jEdit disrupts regular C-X/C/V operations,
  e.g. between the editor and the Console plugin, which is a standard
  swing text box.  Similar for search boxes etc.</li>

<li>ToggleButton selected state is not rendered if window focus is
  lost, which is probably a genuine feature of the Apple

<li>Font.createFont mangles the font family of non-regular fonts,
  e.g. bold.  IsabelleText font files need to be installed/updated

<li>Missing glyphs are collected from other fonts (like Emacs,
  Firefox).  This is actually an advantage over the Oracle/Sun JVM on
  Windows or Linux, but probably also the deeper reason for the other
  oddities of Apple font management.</li>

<li>The native font renderer of
  (not enabled by default) fails to handle the infinitesimal font size
  of "hidden" text (e.g.  used in Isabelle sub/superscripts).</li>


<h2>Known problems with OpenJDK 1.6.x</h2>


<li>The 2D rendering engine of OpenJDK 1.6.x distorts the appearance
  of the jEdit text area.  Always use official JRE 1.6.x from

<li>jEdit on OpenJDK is generally not supported.</li>


<h2>Known problems with Windows/Cygwin</h2>


<li>Occasional session startup problems when loading a logic image
takes too long (cf. output in "Prover Session / Syslog" panel).</li>

<li>Auxiliary files of a theory (<tt>uses</tt>) cannot be loaded due
to incompatible path notation inherited from MS-DOS.</li>


<h2>Licenses and home sites of contributing systems</h2>


<li>Scala: BSD-style <br/></li>

<li>jEdit: GPL (with special cases) <br/></li>

<li>Lobo/Cobra: GPL and LGPL <br/></li>

