Subject: Announcing Isabelle2016-1To: is now available.This version introduces significant changes over Isabelle2016: see the NEWSfile for further details. Some notable points:* Improved Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE: more support for formal text structure, more visual feedback.* The Isabelle/ML IDE can load Isabelle/Pure into itself.* Improved Isar proof and specification elements.* HOL codatatype specifications: new commands for corecursive functions.* HOL tools: new Argo SMT solver, experimental Nunchaku model finder.* HOL library: improved HOL-Number_Theory and HOL-Library, especially theory Multiset.* Reorganization of HOL-Probability versus and HOL-Analysis, with many new theorems ported from HOL-Light.* Improved management of Poly/ML 5.6 processes and cumulative heap files.You may get Isabelle2016-1 from the following mirror sites: Cambridge (UK) Munich (Germany) Sydney (Australia) Potsdam, NY (USA)