(* Title: HOLCF/Cont.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Franz Regensburger
Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Lemmas for Cont.thy
open Cont;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* access to definition *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "contlubI" thy [contlub]
"! Y. chain(Y) --> f(lub(range(Y))) = lub(range(%i. f(Y(i))))==>\
\ contlub(f)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goalw "contlubE" thy [contlub]
" contlub(f)==>\
\ ! Y. chain(Y) --> f(lub(range(Y))) = lub(range(%i. f(Y(i))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goalw "contI" thy [cont]
"! Y. chain(Y) --> range(% i. f(Y(i))) <<| f(lub(range(Y))) ==> cont(f)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goalw "contE" thy [cont]
"cont(f) ==> ! Y. chain(Y) --> range(% i. f(Y(i))) <<| f(lub(range(Y)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goalw "monofunI" thy [monofun]
"! x y. x << y --> f(x) << f(y) ==> monofun(f)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goalw "monofunE" thy [monofun]
"monofun(f) ==> ! x y. x << y --> f(x) << f(y)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* the main purpose of cont.thy is to show: *)
(* monofun(f) & contlub(f) <==> cont(f) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* monotone functions map chains to chains *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "ch2ch_monofun" thy
"[| monofun(f); chain(Y) |] ==> chain(%i. f(Y(i)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac chainI 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(etac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1),
(etac (chainE RS spec) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* monotone functions map upper bound to upper bounds *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "ub2ub_monofun" thy
"[| monofun(f); range(Y) <| u|] ==> range(%i. f(Y(i))) <| f(u)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac ub_rangeI 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(etac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1),
(etac (ub_rangeE RS spec) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* left to right: monofun(f) & contlub(f) ==> cont(f) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "monocontlub2cont" thy [cont]
"[|monofun(f);contlub(f)|] ==> cont(f)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac thelubE 1),
(etac ch2ch_monofun 1),
(atac 1),
(etac (contlubE RS spec RS mp RS sym) 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* first a lemma about binary chains *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "binchain_cont" thy
"[| cont(f); x << y |] ==> range(%i. f(if i = 0 then x else y)) <<| f(y)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac subst 1),
(etac (contE RS spec RS mp) 2),
(etac bin_chain 2),
(res_inst_tac [("y","y")] arg_cong 1),
(etac (lub_bin_chain RS thelubI) 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* right to left: cont(f) ==> monofun(f) & contlub(f) *)
(* part1: cont(f) ==> monofun(f *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "cont2mono" thy [monofun]
"cont(f) ==> monofun(f)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","if 0 = 0 then x else y")] subst 1),
(rtac (binchain_cont RS is_ub_lub) 2),
(atac 2),
(atac 2),
(Simp_tac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* right to left: cont(f) ==> monofun(f) & contlub(f) *)
(* part2: cont(f) ==> contlub(f) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "cont2contlub" thy [contlub]
"cont(f) ==> contlub(f)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (thelubI RS sym) 1),
(etac (contE RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* monotone functions map finite chains to finite chains *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "monofun_finch2finch" thy [finite_chain_def]
"[| monofun f; finite_chain Y |] ==> finite_chain (%n. f (Y n))"
(fn prems =>
cut_facts_tac prems 1,
safe_tac HOL_cs,
fast_tac (HOL_cs addSEs [ch2ch_monofun]) 1,
fast_tac (HOL_cs addss (HOL_ss addsimps [max_in_chain_def])) 1
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* The same holds for continuous functions *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
bind_thm ("cont_finch2finch", cont2mono RS monofun_finch2finch);
(* [| cont ?f; finite_chain ?Y |] ==> finite_chain (%n. ?f (?Y n)) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* The following results are about a curried function that is monotone *)
(* in both arguments *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "ch2ch_MF2L" thy
"[|monofun(MF2); chain(F)|] ==> chain(%i. MF2 (F i) x)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac (ch2ch_monofun RS ch2ch_fun) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "ch2ch_MF2R" thy
"[|monofun(MF2(f)); chain(Y)|] ==> chain(%i. MF2 f (Y i))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac ch2ch_monofun 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "ch2ch_MF2LR" thy
"[|monofun(MF2); !f. monofun(MF2(f)); chain(F); chain(Y)|] ==> \
\ chain(%i. MF2(F(i))(Y(i)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac chainI 1),
(strip_tac 1 ),
(rtac trans_less 1),
(etac (ch2ch_MF2L RS chainE RS spec) 1),
(atac 1),
((rtac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(etac (chainE RS spec) 1)
qed_goal "ch2ch_lubMF2R" thy
\ !f. monofun(MF2(f)::('b::po=>'c::cpo));\
\ chain(F);chain(Y)|] ==> \
\ chain(%j. lub(range(%i. MF2 (F j) (Y i))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac (lub_mono RS allI RS chainI) 1),
((rtac ch2ch_MF2R 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(atac 1),
((rtac ch2ch_MF2R 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(atac 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (chainE RS spec) 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "ch2ch_lubMF2L" thy
\ !f. monofun(MF2(f)::('b::po=>'c::cpo));\
\ chain(F);chain(Y)|] ==> \
\ chain(%i. lub(range(%j. MF2 (F j) (Y i))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac (lub_mono RS allI RS chainI) 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (chainE RS spec) 1),
((rtac ch2ch_MF2R 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "lub_MF2_mono" thy
\ !f. monofun(MF2(f)::('b::po=>'c::cpo));\
\ chain(F)|] ==> \
\ monofun(% x. lub(range(% j. MF2 (F j) (x))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac lub_mono 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1),
(strip_tac 1),
((rtac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "ex_lubMF2" thy
\ !f. monofun(MF2(f)::('b::po=>'c::cpo));\
\ chain(F); chain(Y)|] ==> \
\ lub(range(%j. lub(range(%i. MF2(F j) (Y i))))) =\
\ lub(range(%i. lub(range(%j. MF2(F j) (Y i)))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac antisym_less 1),
(rtac (ub_rangeI RSN (2,is_lub_thelub)) 1),
(etac ch2ch_lubMF2R 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac lub_mono 1),
((rtac ch2ch_MF2R 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(atac 1),
(etac ch2ch_lubMF2L 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac is_ub_thelub 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac (ub_rangeI RSN (2,is_lub_thelub)) 1),
(etac ch2ch_lubMF2L 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac lub_mono 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1),
(etac ch2ch_lubMF2R 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac is_ub_thelub 1),
((rtac ch2ch_MF2R 1) THEN (etac spec 1)),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "diag_lubMF2_1" thy
\ !f. monofun(MF2(f)::('b::po=>'c::cpo));\
\ chain(FY);chain(TY)|] ==>\
\ lub(range(%i. lub(range(%j. MF2(FY(j))(TY(i)))))) =\
\ lub(range(%i. MF2(FY(i))(TY(i))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac antisym_less 1),
(rtac (ub_rangeI RSN (2,is_lub_thelub)) 1),
(etac ch2ch_lubMF2L 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(strip_tac 1 ),
(rtac lub_mono3 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(etac ch2ch_MF2LR 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(rtac allI 1),
(res_inst_tac [("m","i"),("n","ia")] nat_less_cases 1),
(res_inst_tac [("x","ia")] exI 1),
(rtac (chain_mono RS mp) 1),
(etac allE 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2R 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(hyp_subst_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("x","ia")] exI 1),
(rtac refl_less 1),
(res_inst_tac [("x","i")] exI 1),
(rtac (chain_mono RS mp) 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(rtac lub_mono 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2LR 1),
(REPEAT(atac 1)),
(etac ch2ch_lubMF2L 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(strip_tac 1 ),
(rtac is_ub_thelub 1),
(etac ch2ch_MF2L 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "diag_lubMF2_2" thy
\ !f. monofun(MF2(f)::('b::po=>'c::cpo));\
\ chain(FY);chain(TY)|] ==>\
\ lub(range(%j. lub(range(%i. MF2(FY(j))(TY(i)))))) =\
\ lub(range(%i. MF2(FY(i))(TY(i))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(rtac ex_lubMF2 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(etac diag_lubMF2_1 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1))
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* The following results are about a curried function that is continuous *)
(* in both arguments *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "contlub_CF2" thy
"[|cont(CF2);!f. cont(CF2(f));chain(FY);chain(TY)|] ==>\
\ CF2(lub(range(FY)))(lub(range(TY))) = lub(range(%i. CF2(FY(i))(TY(i))))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(stac ((hd prems) RS cont2contlub RS contlubE RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1),
(stac thelub_fun 1),
(rtac ((hd prems) RS cont2mono RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(rtac (((hd (tl prems)) RS spec RS cont2contlub) RS contlubE RS spec RS mp RS ext RS arg_cong RS arg_cong) 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac diag_lubMF2_2 1),
(etac cont2mono 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(etac allE 1),
(etac cont2mono 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1))
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* The following results are about application for functions in 'a=>'b *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "monofun_fun_fun" thy
"f1 << f2 ==> f1(x) << f2(x)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac (less_fun RS iffD1 RS spec) 1)
qed_goal "monofun_fun_arg" thy
"[|monofun(f); x1 << x2|] ==> f(x1) << f(x2)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "monofun_fun" thy
"[|monofun(f1); monofun(f2); f1 << f2; x1 << x2|] ==> f1(x1) << f2(x2)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac trans_less 1),
(etac monofun_fun_arg 1),
(atac 1),
(etac monofun_fun_fun 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* The following results are about the propagation of monotonicity and *)
(* continuity *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "mono2mono_MF1L" thy
"[|monofun(c1)|] ==> monofun(%x. c1 x y)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(etac (monofun_fun_arg RS monofun_fun_fun) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "cont2cont_CF1L" thy
"[|cont(c1)|] ==> cont(%x. c1 x y)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac monocontlub2cont 1),
(etac (cont2mono RS mono2mono_MF1L) 1),
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac ((hd prems) RS cont2contlub RS
contlubE RS spec RS mp RS ssubst) 1),
(atac 1),
(stac thelub_fun 1),
(rtac ch2ch_monofun 1),
(etac cont2mono 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac refl 1)
(********* Note "(%x.%y.c1 x y) = c1" ***********)
qed_goal "mono2mono_MF1L_rev" thy
"!y. monofun(%x. c1 x y) ==> monofun(c1)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac (less_fun RS iffD2) 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac ((hd prems) RS spec RS monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "cont2cont_CF1L_rev" thy
"!y. cont(%x. c1 x y) ==> cont(c1)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac monocontlub2cont 1),
(rtac (cont2mono RS allI RS mono2mono_MF1L_rev ) 1),
(etac spec 1),
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac ext 1),
(stac thelub_fun 1),
(rtac (cont2mono RS allI RS mono2mono_MF1L_rev RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(etac spec 1),
(atac 1),
((hd prems) RS spec RS cont2contlub RS contlubE RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* What D.A.Schmidt calls continuity of abstraction *)
(* never used here *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "contlub_abstraction" thy
"[|chain(Y::nat=>'a);!y. cont(%x.(c::'a::cpo=>'b::cpo=>'c::cpo) x y)|] ==>\
\ (%y. lub(range(%i. c (Y i) y))) = (lub(range(%i.%y. c (Y i) y)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(rtac (cont2contlub RS contlubE RS spec RS mp) 2),
(atac 3),
(etac cont2cont_CF1L_rev 2),
(rtac ext 1),
(rtac (cont2contlub RS contlubE RS spec RS mp RS sym) 1),
(etac spec 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "mono2mono_app" thy
"[|monofun(ft);!x. monofun(ft(x));monofun(tt)|] ==>\
\ monofun(%x.(ft(x))(tt(x)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac monofunI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("f1.0","ft(x)"),("f2.0","ft(y)")] monofun_fun 1),
(etac spec 1),
(etac spec 1),
(etac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1),
(etac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "cont2contlub_app" thy
"[|cont(ft);!x. cont(ft(x));cont(tt)|] ==> contlub(%x.(ft(x))(tt(x)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac contlubI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("f3","tt")] (contlubE RS spec RS mp RS ssubst) 1),
(etac cont2contlub 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac contlub_CF2 1),
(REPEAT (atac 1)),
(etac (cont2mono RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
(atac 1)
qed_goal "cont2cont_app" thy
"[|cont(ft);!x. cont(ft(x));cont(tt)|] ==>\
\ cont(%x.(ft(x))(tt(x)))"
(fn prems =>
(rtac monocontlub2cont 1),
(rtac mono2mono_app 1),
(rtac cont2mono 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac cont2mono 1),
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac spec 1),
(rtac cont2mono 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(rtac cont2contlub_app 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1)
bind_thm ("cont2cont_app2", allI RSN (2,cont2cont_app));
(* [| cont ?ft; !!x. cont (?ft x); cont ?tt |] ==> *)
(* cont (%x. ?ft x (?tt x)) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* The identity function is continuous *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "cont_id" thy "cont(% x. x)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac contI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(etac thelubE 1),
(rtac refl 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* constant functions are continuous *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "cont_const" thy [cont] "cont(%x. c)"
(fn prems =>
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac is_lubI 1),
(rtac conjI 1),
(rtac ub_rangeI 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac refl_less 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(dtac ub_rangeE 1),
(etac spec 1)
qed_goal "cont2cont_app3" thy
"[|cont(f);cont(t) |] ==> cont(%x. f(t(x)))"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac cont2cont_app2 1),
(rtac cont_const 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* A non-emptyness result for Cfun *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goal "CfunI" thy "?x:Collect cont"
(fn prems =>
(rtac CollectI 1),
(rtac cont_const 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* some properties of flat *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
qed_goalw "flatdom2monofun" thy [monofun]
"f UU = UU ==> monofun (f::'a::flat=>'b::pcpo)"
(fn prems =>
cut_facts_tac prems 1,
strip_tac 1,
dtac (ax_flat RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1,
fast_tac ((HOL_cs addss (simpset() addsimps [minimal]))) 1
Goal "monofun f ==> cont(f::'a::chfin=>'b::pcpo)";
by (rtac monocontlub2cont 1);
by ( atac 1);
by (rtac contlubI 1);
by (strip_tac 1);
by (ftac chfin2finch 1);
by (rtac antisym_less 1);
by ( force_tac (HOL_cs addIs [is_ub_thelub,ch2ch_monofun],
HOL_ss addsimps [finite_chain_def,maxinch_is_thelub]) 1);
by (dtac (monofun_finch2finch COMP swap_prems_rl) 1);
by ( atac 1);
by (asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps [finite_chain_def]) 1);
by (etac conjE 1);
by (etac exE 1);
by (asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps [maxinch_is_thelub]) 1);
by (etac (monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 1);
by (etac is_ub_thelub 1);
qed "chfindom_monofun2cont";
bind_thm ("flatdom_strict2cont",flatdom2monofun RS chfindom_monofun2cont);
(* f UU = UU ==> cont (f::'a=>'b::pcpo)" *)