(* Title: ZF/ex/primrec.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
Primitive Recursive Functions
Proof adopted from
Nora Szasz,
A Machine Checked Proof that Ackermann's Function is not Primitive Recursive,
In: Huet & Plotkin, eds., Logical Environments (CUP, 1993), 317-338.
See also E. Mendelson, Introduction to Mathematical Logic.
(Van Nostrand, 1964), page 250, exercise 11.
Primrec0 = ListFn +
SC :: "i"
CONST :: "i=>i"
PROJ :: "i=>i"
COMP :: "[i,i]=>i"
PREC :: "[i,i]=>i"
primrec :: "i"
ACK :: "i=>i"
ack :: "[i,i]=>i"
"ack(x,y)" == "ACK(x) ` [y]"
SC_def "SC == lam l:list(nat).list_case(0, %x xs.succ(x), l)"
CONST_def "CONST(k) == lam l:list(nat).k"
PROJ_def "PROJ(i) == lam l:list(nat). list_case(0, %x xs.x, drop(i,l))"
COMP_def "COMP(g,fs) == lam l:list(nat). g ` map(%f. f`l, fs)"
(*Note that g is applied first to PREC(f,g)`y and then to y!*)
PREC_def "PREC(f,g) == \
\ lam l:list(nat). list_case(0, \
\ %x xs. rec(x, f`xs, %y r. g ` Cons(r, Cons(y, xs))), l)"
ACK_def "ACK(i) == rec(i, SC, \
\ %z r. PREC (CONST (r`[1]), COMP(r,[PROJ(0)])))"