explicit separation of signed and unsigned numerals using existing lexical categories num and xnum
(* Title: HOL/Lifting_Product.thy
Author: Brian Huffman and Ondrej Kuncar
header {* Setup for Lifting/Transfer for the product type *}
theory Lifting_Product
imports Lifting Basic_BNFs
(* The following lemma can be deleted when product is added to FP sugar *)
lemma prod_pred_inject [simp]:
"pred_prod P1 P2 (a, b) = (P1 a \<and> P2 b)"
unfolding pred_prod_def fun_eq_iff prod_set_simps by blast
subsection {* Transfer rules for the Transfer package *}
interpretation lifting_syntax .
lemma Pair_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(A ===> B ===> rel_prod A B) Pair Pair"
unfolding rel_fun_def rel_prod_def by simp
lemma fst_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(rel_prod A B ===> A) fst fst"
unfolding rel_fun_def rel_prod_def by simp
lemma snd_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(rel_prod A B ===> B) snd snd"
unfolding rel_fun_def rel_prod_def by simp
lemma case_prod_transfer [transfer_rule]:
"((A ===> B ===> C) ===> rel_prod A B ===> C) case_prod case_prod"
unfolding rel_fun_def rel_prod_def by simp
lemma curry_transfer [transfer_rule]:
"((rel_prod A B ===> C) ===> A ===> B ===> C) curry curry"
unfolding curry_def by transfer_prover
lemma map_prod_transfer [transfer_rule]:
"((A ===> C) ===> (B ===> D) ===> rel_prod A B ===> rel_prod C D)
map_prod map_prod"
unfolding map_prod_def [abs_def] by transfer_prover
lemma rel_prod_transfer [transfer_rule]:
"((A ===> B ===> op =) ===> (C ===> D ===> op =) ===>
rel_prod A C ===> rel_prod B D ===> op =) rel_prod rel_prod"
unfolding rel_fun_def by auto