author wenzelm
Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:28:19 +0200
changeset 54310 6ddeb83eb67a
parent 53872 6e69f9ca8f1c
child 54325 2c4155003352
permissions -rw-r--r--
clarified remove_overlay: always flush in order to make sure that apply_query can make a fresh start with the same arguments (see also 6e69f9ca8f1c) -- NB: print functions are idempotent;

/*  Title:      Pure/PIDE/query_operation.scala
    Author:     Makarius

One-shot query operations via asynchronous print functions and temporary
document overlays.

package isabelle

import scala.actors.Actor._

object Query_Operation
  object Status extends Enumeration
    val WAITING = Value("waiting")
    val RUNNING = Value("running")
    val FINISHED = Value("finished")
    val REMOVED = Value("removed")

class Query_Operation[Editor_Context](
  editor: Editor[Editor_Context],
  editor_context: Editor_Context,
  operation_name: String,
  consume_status: Query_Operation.Status.Value => Unit,
  consume_output: (Document.Snapshot, Command.Results, XML.Body) => Unit)
  private val instance = Document_ID.make().toString

  /* implicit state -- owned by Swing thread */

  private var current_location: Option[Command] = None
  private var current_query: List[String] = Nil
  private var current_update_pending = false
  private var current_output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil
  private var current_status = Query_Operation.Status.REMOVED
  private var current_exec_id = Document_ID.none

  private def reset_state()
    current_location = None
    current_query = Nil
    current_update_pending = false
    current_output = Nil
    current_status = Query_Operation.Status.REMOVED
    current_exec_id = Document_ID.none

  private def remove_overlay()
    current_location match {
      case None =>
      case Some(command) =>
        editor.remove_overlay(command, operation_name, instance :: current_query)

  /* content update */

  private def content_update()

    /* snapshot */

    val (snapshot, state, removed) =
      current_location match {
        case Some(cmd) =>
          val snapshot = editor.node_snapshot(cmd.node_name)
          val state = snapshot.state.command_state(snapshot.version, cmd)
          val removed = !snapshot.version.nodes(cmd.node_name).commands.contains(cmd)
          (snapshot, state, removed)
        case None =>
          (Document.Snapshot.init, Command.empty.init_state, true)

    val results =
      (for {
        (_, elem @ XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.RESULT, props), _)) <- state.results.entries
        if props.contains((Markup.INSTANCE, instance))
      } yield elem).toList

    /* output */

    val new_output =
      for {
        XML.Elem(_, List(XML.Elem(markup, body))) <- results
        if Markup.messages.contains(
      } yield XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.message(,, body)

    /* status */

    def get_status(name: String, status: Query_Operation.Status.Value)
        : Option[Query_Operation.Status.Value] =
      results.collectFirst({ case XML.Elem(_, List(elem: XML.Elem)) if == name => status })

    val new_status =
      if (removed) Query_Operation.Status.REMOVED
        get_status(Markup.FINISHED, Query_Operation.Status.FINISHED) orElse
        get_status(Markup.RUNNING, Query_Operation.Status.RUNNING) getOrElse

    if (new_status == Query_Operation.Status.RUNNING)
        case XML.Elem(Markup(_, Position.Id(id)), List(elem: XML.Elem))
        if == Markup.RUNNING => id
      }).foreach(id => current_exec_id = id)

    /* state update */

    if (current_output != new_output || current_status != new_status) {
      if (snapshot.is_outdated)
        current_update_pending = true
      else {
        current_update_pending = false
        if (current_output != new_output && !removed) {
          current_output = new_output
          consume_output(snapshot, state.results, new_output)
        if (current_status != new_status) {
          current_status = new_status
          if (new_status == Query_Operation.Status.REMOVED)

  /* query operations */

  def cancel_query(): Unit =
    Swing_Thread.require { editor.session.cancel_exec(current_exec_id) }

  def apply_query(query: List[String])

    editor.current_node_snapshot(editor_context) match {
      case Some(snapshot) =>
        consume_output(Document.Snapshot.init, Command.Results.empty, Nil)
        editor.current_command(editor_context, snapshot) match {
          case Some(command) =>
            current_location = Some(command)
            current_query = query
            current_status = Query_Operation.Status.WAITING
            editor.insert_overlay(command, operation_name, instance :: query)
          case None =>
      case None =>

  def locate_query()

    for {
      command <- current_location
      snapshot = editor.node_snapshot(command.node_name)
      link <- editor.hyperlink_command(snapshot, command)
    } link.follow(editor_context)

  /* main actor */

  private val main_actor = actor {
    loop {
      react {
        case changed: Session.Commands_Changed =>
          current_location match {
            case Some(command)
            if current_update_pending ||
              (current_status != Query_Operation.Status.REMOVED &&
                changed.commands.contains(command)) =>
              Swing_Thread.later { content_update() }
            case _ =>
        case bad =>
          java.lang.System.err.println("Query_Operation: ignoring bad message " + bad)

  def activate() {
    editor.session.commands_changed += main_actor

  def deactivate() {
    editor.session.commands_changed -= main_actor