replaced File.check by specific File.check_file, File.check_dir;
clarified File.full_path -- include parts of former Thy_Load.get_file;
simplified Thy_Load.check_file -- do not read/digest yet;
merged Thy_Load.check_thy/deps_thy -- always read text and parse header;
clarified -- NB: partial Path.explode outside of args parser combinator;
Thy_Info.check_deps etc.: exactly once;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# eproof - run E and translate its output into TSTP format
# Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
# This script is a port of a Bash script with the same name coming with
# E 1.0-004 (written by Stephan Schulz).
use File::Basename qw/ dirname /;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
use English;
# E executables
my $edir = dirname($0);
my $eprover = "$edir/eprover";
my $epclextract = "$edir/epclextract";
# build E command from given commandline arguments
my $format = "";
my $timelimit = 2000000000; # effectively unlimited
my $eprover_cmd = "'$eprover'";
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (m/--cpu-limit=([0-9]+)/) {
$timelimit = $1;
if (m/--tstp-out/) {
$format = $_;
else {
$eprover_cmd = "$eprover_cmd '$_'";
$eprover_cmd = "$eprover_cmd -l4 -R -o- --pcl-terms-compressed --pcl-compact";
# run E, redirecting output into a temporary file
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
my $r = system "$eprover_cmd > '$filename'";
exit ($r >> 8) if $r != 0;
# analyze E output
my @lines = <$fh>;
my $content = join "", @lines[-60 .. -1];
# Note: Like the original eproof, we only look at the last 60 lines.
if ($content =~ m/Total time\s*:\s*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
$timelimit = int($timelimit - $1 - 1);
if ($content =~ m/No proof found!/) {
print "# Problem is satisfiable (or invalid), " .
"generating saturation derivation\n";
elsif ($content =~ m/Proof found!/) {
print "# Problem is unsatisfiable (or provable), " .
"constructing proof object\n";
elsif ($content =~ m/Watchlist is empty!/) {
print "# All watchlist clauses generated, constructing derivation\n";
else {
print "# Cannot determine problem status\n";
exit $r;
else {
print "# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit\n";
exit $r;
# translate E output
foreach (@lines) {
print if (m/# SZS status/ or m/"# Failure"/);
$r = system ("exec bash -c \"ulimit -S -t $timelimit; " .
"'$epclextract' $format -f --competition-framing '$filename'\"");
# Note: Setting the user time is not supported on Cygwin, i.e., ulimit fails
# and prints and error message. How could we then limit the execution time?
exit ($r >> 8);