(* Title: HOL/Multivariate_Analysis/Path_Connected.thy
Author: Robert Himmelmann, TU Muenchen
header {* Continuous paths and path-connected sets *}
theory Path_Connected
imports Convex_Euclidean_Space
subsection {* Paths. *}
definition path :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "path g \<longleftrightarrow> continuous_on {0..1} g"
definition pathstart :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> 'a"
where "pathstart g = g 0"
definition pathfinish :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> 'a"
where "pathfinish g = g 1"
definition path_image :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> 'a set"
where "path_image g = g ` {0 .. 1}"
definition reversepath :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> 'a"
where "reversepath g = (\<lambda>x. g(1 - x))"
definition joinpaths :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> (real \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> 'a"
(infixr "+++" 75)
where "g1 +++ g2 = (\<lambda>x. if x \<le> 1/2 then g1 (2 * x) else g2 (2 * x - 1))"
definition simple_path :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "simple_path g \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<forall>x\<in>{0..1}. \<forall>y\<in>{0..1}. g x = g y \<longrightarrow> x = y \<or> x = 0 \<and> y = 1 \<or> x = 1 \<and> y = 0)"
definition injective_path :: "(real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "injective_path g \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>x\<in>{0..1}. \<forall>y\<in>{0..1}. g x = g y \<longrightarrow> x = y)"
subsection {* Some lemmas about these concepts. *}
lemma injective_imp_simple_path: "injective_path g \<Longrightarrow> simple_path g"
unfolding injective_path_def simple_path_def
by auto
lemma path_image_nonempty: "path_image g \<noteq> {}"
unfolding path_image_def image_is_empty interval_eq_empty
by auto
lemma pathstart_in_path_image[intro]: "pathstart g \<in> path_image g"
unfolding pathstart_def path_image_def
by auto
lemma pathfinish_in_path_image[intro]: "pathfinish g \<in> path_image g"
unfolding pathfinish_def path_image_def
by auto
lemma connected_path_image[intro]: "path g \<Longrightarrow> connected (path_image g)"
unfolding path_def path_image_def
apply (erule connected_continuous_image)
apply (rule convex_connected, rule convex_real_interval)
lemma compact_path_image[intro]: "path g \<Longrightarrow> compact (path_image g)"
unfolding path_def path_image_def
apply (erule compact_continuous_image)
apply (rule compact_interval)
lemma reversepath_reversepath[simp]: "reversepath (reversepath g) = g"
unfolding reversepath_def
by auto
lemma pathstart_reversepath[simp]: "pathstart (reversepath g) = pathfinish g"
unfolding pathstart_def reversepath_def pathfinish_def
by auto
lemma pathfinish_reversepath[simp]: "pathfinish (reversepath g) = pathstart g"
unfolding pathstart_def reversepath_def pathfinish_def
by auto
lemma pathstart_join[simp]: "pathstart (g1 +++ g2) = pathstart g1"
unfolding pathstart_def joinpaths_def pathfinish_def
by auto
lemma pathfinish_join[simp]: "pathfinish (g1 +++ g2) = pathfinish g2"
unfolding pathstart_def joinpaths_def pathfinish_def
by auto
lemma path_image_reversepath[simp]: "path_image (reversepath g) = path_image g"
proof -
have *: "\<And>g. path_image (reversepath g) \<subseteq> path_image g"
unfolding path_image_def subset_eq reversepath_def Ball_def image_iff
apply rule
apply rule
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac x="1 - xa" in bexI)
apply auto
show ?thesis
using *[of g] *[of "reversepath g"]
unfolding reversepath_reversepath
by auto
lemma path_reversepath [simp]: "path (reversepath g) \<longleftrightarrow> path g"
proof -
have *: "\<And>g. path g \<Longrightarrow> path (reversepath g)"
unfolding path_def reversepath_def
apply (rule continuous_on_compose[unfolded o_def, of _ "\<lambda>x. 1 - x"])
apply (intro continuous_on_intros)
apply (rule continuous_on_subset[of "{0..1}"])
apply assumption
apply auto
show ?thesis
using *[of "reversepath g"] *[of g]
unfolding reversepath_reversepath
by (rule iffI)
lemmas reversepath_simps =
path_reversepath path_image_reversepath pathstart_reversepath pathfinish_reversepath
lemma path_join[simp]:
assumes "pathfinish g1 = pathstart g2"
shows "path (g1 +++ g2) \<longleftrightarrow> path g1 \<and> path g2"
unfolding path_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def
proof safe
assume cont: "continuous_on {0..1} (g1 +++ g2)"
have g1: "continuous_on {0..1} g1 \<longleftrightarrow> continuous_on {0..1} ((g1 +++ g2) \<circ> (\<lambda>x. x / 2))"
by (intro continuous_on_cong refl) (auto simp: joinpaths_def)
have g2: "continuous_on {0..1} g2 \<longleftrightarrow> continuous_on {0..1} ((g1 +++ g2) \<circ> (\<lambda>x. x / 2 + 1/2))"
using assms
by (intro continuous_on_cong refl) (auto simp: joinpaths_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def)
show "continuous_on {0..1} g1" and "continuous_on {0..1} g2"
unfolding g1 g2
by (auto intro!: continuous_on_intros continuous_on_subset[OF cont] simp del: o_apply)
assume g1g2: "continuous_on {0..1} g1" "continuous_on {0..1} g2"
have 01: "{0 .. 1} = {0..1/2} \<union> {1/2 .. 1::real}"
by auto
fix x :: real
assume "0 \<le> x" and "x \<le> 1"
then have "x \<in> (\<lambda>x. x * 2) ` {0..1 / 2}"
by (intro image_eqI[where x="x/2"]) auto
note 1 = this
fix x :: real
assume "0 \<le> x" and "x \<le> 1"
then have "x \<in> (\<lambda>x. x * 2 - 1) ` {1 / 2..1}"
by (intro image_eqI[where x="x/2 + 1/2"]) auto
note 2 = this
show "continuous_on {0..1} (g1 +++ g2)"
using assms
unfolding joinpaths_def 01
apply (intro continuous_on_cases closed_atLeastAtMost g1g2[THEN continuous_on_compose2] continuous_on_intros)
apply (auto simp: field_simps pathfinish_def pathstart_def intro!: 1 2)
lemma path_image_join_subset: "path_image (g1 +++ g2) \<subseteq> path_image g1 \<union> path_image g2"
unfolding path_image_def joinpaths_def
by auto
lemma subset_path_image_join:
assumes "path_image g1 \<subseteq> s"
and "path_image g2 \<subseteq> s"
shows "path_image (g1 +++ g2) \<subseteq> s"
using path_image_join_subset[of g1 g2] and assms
by auto
lemma path_image_join:
assumes "pathfinish g1 = pathstart g2"
shows "path_image (g1 +++ g2) = path_image g1 \<union> path_image g2"
apply rule
apply (rule path_image_join_subset)
apply rule
unfolding Un_iff
proof (erule disjE)
fix x
assume "x \<in> path_image g1"
then obtain y where y: "y \<in> {0..1}" "x = g1 y"
unfolding path_image_def image_iff by auto
then show "x \<in> path_image (g1 +++ g2)"
unfolding joinpaths_def path_image_def image_iff
apply (rule_tac x="(1/2) *\<^sub>R y" in bexI)
apply auto
fix x
assume "x \<in> path_image g2"
then obtain y where y: "y \<in> {0..1}" "x = g2 y"
unfolding path_image_def image_iff by auto
then show "x \<in> path_image (g1 +++ g2)"
unfolding joinpaths_def path_image_def image_iff
apply (rule_tac x="(1/2) *\<^sub>R (y + 1)" in bexI)
using assms(1)[unfolded pathfinish_def pathstart_def]
apply (auto simp add: add_divide_distrib)
lemma not_in_path_image_join:
assumes "x \<notin> path_image g1"
and "x \<notin> path_image g2"
shows "x \<notin> path_image (g1 +++ g2)"
using assms and path_image_join_subset[of g1 g2]
by auto
lemma simple_path_reversepath:
assumes "simple_path g"
shows "simple_path (reversepath g)"
using assms
unfolding simple_path_def reversepath_def
apply -
apply (rule ballI)+
apply (erule_tac x="1-x" in ballE)
apply (erule_tac x="1-y" in ballE)
apply auto
lemma simple_path_join_loop:
assumes "injective_path g1"
and "injective_path g2"
and "pathfinish g2 = pathstart g1"
and "path_image g1 \<inter> path_image g2 \<subseteq> {pathstart g1, pathstart g2}"
shows "simple_path (g1 +++ g2)"
unfolding simple_path_def
proof (intro ballI impI)
let ?g = "g1 +++ g2"
note inj = assms(1,2)[unfolded injective_path_def, rule_format]
fix x y :: real
assume xy: "x \<in> {0..1}" "y \<in> {0..1}" "?g x = ?g y"
show "x = y \<or> x = 0 \<and> y = 1 \<or> x = 1 \<and> y = 0"
proof (cases "x \<le> 1/2", case_tac[!] "y \<le> 1/2", unfold not_le)
assume as: "x \<le> 1 / 2" "y \<le> 1 / 2"
then have "g1 (2 *\<^sub>R x) = g1 (2 *\<^sub>R y)"
using xy(3)
unfolding joinpaths_def
by auto
moreover have "2 *\<^sub>R x \<in> {0..1}" "2 *\<^sub>R y \<in> {0..1}"
using xy(1,2) as
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using inj(1)[of "2*\<^sub>R x" "2*\<^sub>R y"]
by auto
assume as: "x > 1 / 2" "y > 1 / 2"
then have "g2 (2 *\<^sub>R x - 1) = g2 (2 *\<^sub>R y - 1)"
using xy(3)
unfolding joinpaths_def
by auto
moreover have "2 *\<^sub>R x - 1 \<in> {0..1}" "2 *\<^sub>R y - 1 \<in> {0..1}"
using xy(1,2) as
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using inj(2)[of "2*\<^sub>R x - 1" "2*\<^sub>R y - 1"] by auto
assume as: "x \<le> 1 / 2" "y > 1 / 2"
then have "?g x \<in> path_image g1" "?g y \<in> path_image g2"
unfolding path_image_def joinpaths_def
using xy(1,2) by auto
moreover have "?g y \<noteq> pathstart g2"
using as(2)
unfolding pathstart_def joinpaths_def
using inj(2)[of "2 *\<^sub>R y - 1" 0] and xy(2)
by (auto simp add: field_simps)
ultimately have *: "?g x = pathstart g1"
using assms(4)
unfolding xy(3)
by auto
then have "x = 0"
unfolding pathstart_def joinpaths_def
using as(1) and xy(1)
using inj(1)[of "2 *\<^sub>R x" 0]
by auto
moreover have "y = 1"
using *
unfolding xy(3) assms(3)[symmetric]
unfolding joinpaths_def pathfinish_def
using as(2) and xy(2)
using inj(2)[of "2 *\<^sub>R y - 1" 1]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
assume as: "x > 1 / 2" "y \<le> 1 / 2"
then have "?g x \<in> path_image g2" and "?g y \<in> path_image g1"
unfolding path_image_def joinpaths_def
using xy(1,2) by auto
moreover have "?g x \<noteq> pathstart g2"
using as(1)
unfolding pathstart_def joinpaths_def
using inj(2)[of "2 *\<^sub>R x - 1" 0] and xy(1)
by (auto simp add: field_simps)
ultimately have *: "?g y = pathstart g1"
using assms(4)
unfolding xy(3)
by auto
then have "y = 0"
unfolding pathstart_def joinpaths_def
using as(2) and xy(2)
using inj(1)[of "2 *\<^sub>R y" 0]
by auto
moreover have "x = 1"
using *
unfolding xy(3)[symmetric] assms(3)[symmetric]
unfolding joinpaths_def pathfinish_def using as(1) and xy(1)
using inj(2)[of "2 *\<^sub>R x - 1" 1]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma injective_path_join:
assumes "injective_path g1"
and "injective_path g2"
and "pathfinish g1 = pathstart g2"
and "path_image g1 \<inter> path_image g2 \<subseteq> {pathstart g2}"
shows "injective_path (g1 +++ g2)"
unfolding injective_path_def
proof (rule, rule, rule)
let ?g = "g1 +++ g2"
note inj = assms(1,2)[unfolded injective_path_def, rule_format]
fix x y
assume xy: "x \<in> {0..1}" "y \<in> {0..1}" "(g1 +++ g2) x = (g1 +++ g2) y"
show "x = y"
proof (cases "x \<le> 1/2", case_tac[!] "y \<le> 1/2", unfold not_le)
assume "x \<le> 1 / 2" and "y \<le> 1 / 2"
then show ?thesis
using inj(1)[of "2*\<^sub>R x" "2*\<^sub>R y"] and xy
unfolding joinpaths_def by auto
assume "x > 1 / 2" and "y > 1 / 2"
then show ?thesis
using inj(2)[of "2*\<^sub>R x - 1" "2*\<^sub>R y - 1"] and xy
unfolding joinpaths_def by auto
assume as: "x \<le> 1 / 2" "y > 1 / 2"
then have "?g x \<in> path_image g1" and "?g y \<in> path_image g2"
unfolding path_image_def joinpaths_def
using xy(1,2)
by auto
then have "?g x = pathfinish g1" and "?g y = pathstart g2"
using assms(4)
unfolding assms(3) xy(3)
by auto
then show ?thesis
using as and inj(1)[of "2 *\<^sub>R x" 1] inj(2)[of "2 *\<^sub>R y - 1" 0] and xy(1,2)
unfolding pathstart_def pathfinish_def joinpaths_def
by auto
assume as:"x > 1 / 2" "y \<le> 1 / 2"
then have "?g x \<in> path_image g2" and "?g y \<in> path_image g1"
unfolding path_image_def joinpaths_def
using xy(1,2)
by auto
then have "?g x = pathstart g2" and "?g y = pathfinish g1"
using assms(4)
unfolding assms(3) xy(3)
by auto
then show ?thesis using as and inj(2)[of "2 *\<^sub>R x - 1" 0] inj(1)[of "2 *\<^sub>R y" 1] and xy(1,2)
unfolding pathstart_def pathfinish_def joinpaths_def
by auto
lemmas join_paths_simps = path_join path_image_join pathstart_join pathfinish_join
subsection {* Reparametrizing a closed curve to start at some chosen point *}
definition shiftpath :: "real \<Rightarrow> (real \<Rightarrow> 'a::topological_space) \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> 'a"
where "shiftpath a f = (\<lambda>x. if (a + x) \<le> 1 then f (a + x) else f (a + x - 1))"
lemma pathstart_shiftpath: "a \<le> 1 \<Longrightarrow> pathstart (shiftpath a g) = g a"
unfolding pathstart_def shiftpath_def by auto
lemma pathfinish_shiftpath:
assumes "0 \<le> a"
and "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
shows "pathfinish (shiftpath a g) = g a"
using assms
unfolding pathstart_def pathfinish_def shiftpath_def
by auto
lemma endpoints_shiftpath:
assumes "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
and "a \<in> {0 .. 1}"
shows "pathfinish (shiftpath a g) = g a"
and "pathstart (shiftpath a g) = g a"
using assms
by (auto intro!: pathfinish_shiftpath pathstart_shiftpath)
lemma closed_shiftpath:
assumes "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
and "a \<in> {0..1}"
shows "pathfinish (shiftpath a g) = pathstart (shiftpath a g)"
using endpoints_shiftpath[OF assms]
by auto
lemma path_shiftpath:
assumes "path g"
and "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
and "a \<in> {0..1}"
shows "path (shiftpath a g)"
proof -
have *: "{0 .. 1} = {0 .. 1-a} \<union> {1-a .. 1}"
using assms(3) by auto
have **: "\<And>x. x + a = 1 \<Longrightarrow> g (x + a - 1) = g (x + a)"
using assms(2)[unfolded pathfinish_def pathstart_def]
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding path_def shiftpath_def *
apply (rule continuous_on_union)
apply (rule closed_real_atLeastAtMost)+
apply (rule continuous_on_eq[of _ "g \<circ> (\<lambda>x. a + x)"])
prefer 3
apply (rule continuous_on_eq[of _ "g \<circ> (\<lambda>x. a - 1 + x)"])
prefer 3
apply (rule continuous_on_intros)+
prefer 2
apply (rule continuous_on_intros)+
apply (rule_tac[1-2] continuous_on_subset[OF assms(1)[unfolded path_def]])
using assms(3) and **
apply auto
apply (auto simp add: field_simps)
lemma shiftpath_shiftpath:
assumes "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
and "a \<in> {0..1}"
and "x \<in> {0..1}"
shows "shiftpath (1 - a) (shiftpath a g) x = g x"
using assms
unfolding pathfinish_def pathstart_def shiftpath_def
by auto
lemma path_image_shiftpath:
assumes "a \<in> {0..1}"
and "pathfinish g = pathstart g"
shows "path_image (shiftpath a g) = path_image g"
proof -
{ fix x
assume as: "g 1 = g 0" "x \<in> {0..1::real}" " \<forall>y\<in>{0..1} \<inter> {x. \<not> a + x \<le> 1}. g x \<noteq> g (a + y - 1)"
then have "\<exists>y\<in>{0..1} \<inter> {x. a + x \<le> 1}. g x = g (a + y)"
proof (cases "a \<le> x")
case False
then show ?thesis
apply (rule_tac x="1 + x - a" in bexI)
using as(1,2) and as(3)[THEN bspec[where x="1 + x - a"]] and assms(1)
apply (auto simp add: field_simps atomize_not)
case True
then show ?thesis
using as(1-2) and assms(1)
apply (rule_tac x="x - a" in bexI)
apply (auto simp add: field_simps)
then show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding shiftpath_def path_image_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def
by (auto simp add: image_iff)
subsection {* Special case of straight-line paths *}
definition linepath :: "'a::real_normed_vector \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> 'a"
where "linepath a b = (\<lambda>x. (1 - x) *\<^sub>R a + x *\<^sub>R b)"
lemma pathstart_linepath[simp]: "pathstart (linepath a b) = a"
unfolding pathstart_def linepath_def
by auto
lemma pathfinish_linepath[simp]: "pathfinish (linepath a b) = b"
unfolding pathfinish_def linepath_def
by auto
lemma continuous_linepath_at[intro]: "continuous (at x) (linepath a b)"
unfolding linepath_def
by (intro continuous_intros)
lemma continuous_on_linepath[intro]: "continuous_on s (linepath a b)"
using continuous_linepath_at
by (auto intro!: continuous_at_imp_continuous_on)
lemma path_linepath[intro]: "path (linepath a b)"
unfolding path_def
by (rule continuous_on_linepath)
lemma path_image_linepath[simp]: "path_image (linepath a b) = closed_segment a b"
unfolding path_image_def segment linepath_def
apply (rule set_eqI)
apply rule
unfolding mem_Collect_eq image_iff
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x="u *\<^sub>R 1" in bexI)
apply auto
lemma reversepath_linepath[simp]: "reversepath (linepath a b) = linepath b a"
unfolding reversepath_def linepath_def
by auto
lemma injective_path_linepath:
assumes "a \<noteq> b"
shows "injective_path (linepath a b)"
proof -
fix x y :: "real"
assume "x *\<^sub>R b + y *\<^sub>R a = x *\<^sub>R a + y *\<^sub>R b"
then have "(x - y) *\<^sub>R a = (x - y) *\<^sub>R b"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with assms have "x = y"
by simp
then show ?thesis
unfolding injective_path_def linepath_def
by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma simple_path_linepath[intro]: "a \<noteq> b \<Longrightarrow> simple_path (linepath a b)"
by (auto intro!: injective_imp_simple_path injective_path_linepath)
subsection {* Bounding a point away from a path *}
lemma not_on_path_ball:
fixes g :: "real \<Rightarrow> 'a::heine_borel"
assumes "path g"
and "z \<notin> path_image g"
shows "\<exists>e > 0. ball z e \<inter> path_image g = {}"
proof -
obtain a where "a \<in> path_image g" "\<forall>y \<in> path_image g. dist z a \<le> dist z y"
using distance_attains_inf[OF _ path_image_nonempty, of g z]
using compact_path_image[THEN compact_imp_closed, OF assms(1)] by auto
then show ?thesis
apply (rule_tac x="dist z a" in exI)
using assms(2)
apply (auto intro!: dist_pos_lt)
lemma not_on_path_cball:
fixes g :: "real \<Rightarrow> 'a::heine_borel"
assumes "path g"
and "z \<notin> path_image g"
shows "\<exists>e>0. cball z e \<inter> (path_image g) = {}"
proof -
obtain e where "ball z e \<inter> path_image g = {}" "e > 0"
using not_on_path_ball[OF assms] by auto
moreover have "cball z (e/2) \<subseteq> ball z e"
using `e > 0` by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
apply (rule_tac x="e/2" in exI)
apply auto
subsection {* Path component, considered as a "joinability" relation (from Tom Hales) *}
definition "path_component s x y \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>g. path g \<and> path_image g \<subseteq> s \<and> pathstart g = x \<and> pathfinish g = y)"
lemmas path_defs = path_def pathstart_def pathfinish_def path_image_def path_component_def
lemma path_component_mem:
assumes "path_component s x y"
shows "x \<in> s" and "y \<in> s"
using assms
unfolding path_defs
by auto
lemma path_component_refl:
assumes "x \<in> s"
shows "path_component s x x"
unfolding path_defs
apply (rule_tac x="\<lambda>u. x" in exI)
using assms
apply (auto intro!: continuous_on_intros)
lemma path_component_refl_eq: "path_component s x x \<longleftrightarrow> x \<in> s"
by (auto intro!: path_component_mem path_component_refl)
lemma path_component_sym: "path_component s x y \<Longrightarrow> path_component s y x"
using assms
unfolding path_component_def
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x="reversepath g" in exI)
apply auto
lemma path_component_trans:
assumes "path_component s x y"
and "path_component s y z"
shows "path_component s x z"
using assms
unfolding path_component_def
apply (elim exE)
apply (rule_tac x="g +++ ga" in exI)
apply (auto simp add: path_image_join)
lemma path_component_of_subset: "s \<subseteq> t \<Longrightarrow> path_component s x y \<Longrightarrow> path_component t x y"
unfolding path_component_def by auto
text {* Can also consider it as a set, as the name suggests. *}
lemma path_component_set:
"{y. path_component s x y} =
{y. (\<exists>g. path g \<and> path_image g \<subseteq> s \<and> pathstart g = x \<and> pathfinish g = y)}"
apply (rule set_eqI)
unfolding mem_Collect_eq
unfolding path_component_def
apply auto
lemma path_component_subset: "{y. path_component s x y} \<subseteq> s"
apply rule
apply (rule path_component_mem(2))
apply auto
lemma path_component_eq_empty: "{y. path_component s x y} = {} \<longleftrightarrow> x \<notin> s"
apply rule
apply (drule equals0D[of _ x])
apply (rule equals0I)
unfolding mem_Collect_eq
apply (drule path_component_mem(1))
using path_component_refl
apply auto
subsection {* Path connectedness of a space *}
definition "path_connected s \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<forall>x\<in>s. \<forall>y\<in>s. \<exists>g. path g \<and> path_image g \<subseteq> s \<and> pathstart g = x \<and> pathfinish g = y)"
lemma path_connected_component: "path_connected s \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>x\<in>s. \<forall>y\<in>s. path_component s x y)"
unfolding path_connected_def path_component_def by auto
lemma path_connected_component_set: "path_connected s \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>x\<in>s. {y. path_component s x y} = s)"
unfolding path_connected_component
apply rule
apply rule
apply rule
apply (rule path_component_subset)
unfolding subset_eq mem_Collect_eq Ball_def
apply auto
subsection {* Some useful lemmas about path-connectedness *}
lemma convex_imp_path_connected:
fixes s :: "'a::real_normed_vector set"
assumes "convex s"
shows "path_connected s"
unfolding path_connected_def
apply rule
apply rule
apply (rule_tac x = "linepath x y" in exI)
unfolding path_image_linepath
using assms [unfolded convex_contains_segment]
apply auto
lemma path_connected_imp_connected:
assumes "path_connected s"
shows "connected s"
unfolding connected_def not_ex
apply rule
apply rule
apply (rule ccontr)
unfolding not_not
apply (elim conjE)
proof -
fix e1 e2
assume as: "open e1" "open e2" "s \<subseteq> e1 \<union> e2" "e1 \<inter> e2 \<inter> s = {}" "e1 \<inter> s \<noteq> {}" "e2 \<inter> s \<noteq> {}"
then obtain x1 x2 where obt:"x1 \<in> e1 \<inter> s" "x2 \<in> e2 \<inter> s"
by auto
then obtain g where g: "path g" "path_image g \<subseteq> s" "pathstart g = x1" "pathfinish g = x2"
using assms[unfolded path_connected_def,rule_format,of x1 x2] by auto
have *: "connected {0..1::real}"
by (auto intro!: convex_connected convex_real_interval)
have "{0..1} \<subseteq> {x \<in> {0..1}. g x \<in> e1} \<union> {x \<in> {0..1}. g x \<in> e2}"
using as(3) g(2)[unfolded path_defs] by blast
moreover have "{x \<in> {0..1}. g x \<in> e1} \<inter> {x \<in> {0..1}. g x \<in> e2} = {}"
using as(4) g(2)[unfolded path_defs]
unfolding subset_eq
by auto
moreover have "{x \<in> {0..1}. g x \<in> e1} \<noteq> {} \<and> {x \<in> {0..1}. g x \<in> e2} \<noteq> {}"
using g(3,4)[unfolded path_defs]
using obt
by (simp add: ex_in_conv [symmetric], metis zero_le_one order_refl)
ultimately show False
using *[unfolded connected_local not_ex, rule_format,
of "{x\<in>{0..1}. g x \<in> e1}" "{x\<in>{0..1}. g x \<in> e2}"]
using continuous_open_in_preimage[OF g(1)[unfolded path_def] as(1)]
using continuous_open_in_preimage[OF g(1)[unfolded path_def] as(2)]
by auto
lemma open_path_component:
fixes s :: "'a::real_normed_vector set"
assumes "open s"
shows "open {y. path_component s x y}"
unfolding open_contains_ball
fix y
assume as: "y \<in> {y. path_component s x y}"
then have "y \<in> s"
apply -
apply (rule path_component_mem(2))
unfolding mem_Collect_eq
apply auto
then obtain e where e: "e > 0" "ball y e \<subseteq> s"
using assms[unfolded open_contains_ball]
by auto
show "\<exists>e > 0. ball y e \<subseteq> {y. path_component s x y}"
apply (rule_tac x=e in exI)
apply (rule,rule `e>0`)
apply rule
unfolding mem_ball mem_Collect_eq
proof -
fix z
assume "dist y z < e"
then show "path_component s x z"
apply (rule_tac path_component_trans[of _ _ y])
apply (rule path_component_of_subset[OF e(2)])
apply (rule convex_imp_path_connected[OF convex_ball, unfolded path_connected_component, rule_format])
using `e > 0` as
apply auto
lemma open_non_path_component:
fixes s :: "'a::real_normed_vector set"
assumes "open s"
shows "open (s - {y. path_component s x y})"
unfolding open_contains_ball
fix y
assume as: "y \<in> s - {y. path_component s x y}"
then obtain e where e: "e > 0" "ball y e \<subseteq> s"
using assms [unfolded open_contains_ball]
by auto
show "\<exists>e>0. ball y e \<subseteq> s - {y. path_component s x y}"
apply (rule_tac x=e in exI)
apply rule
apply (rule `e>0`)
apply rule
apply rule
proof (rule ccontr)
fix z
assume "z \<in> ball y e" "\<not> z \<notin> {y. path_component s x y}"
then have "y \<in> {y. path_component s x y}"
unfolding not_not mem_Collect_eq using `e>0`
apply -
apply (rule path_component_trans, assumption)
apply (rule path_component_of_subset[OF e(2)])
apply (rule convex_imp_path_connected[OF convex_ball, unfolded path_connected_component, rule_format])
apply auto
then show False
using as by auto
qed (insert e(2), auto)
lemma connected_open_path_connected:
fixes s :: "'a::real_normed_vector set"
assumes "open s"
and "connected s"
shows "path_connected s"
unfolding path_connected_component_set
proof (rule, rule, rule path_component_subset, rule)
fix x y
assume "x \<in> s" and "y \<in> s"
show "y \<in> {y. path_component s x y}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "\<not> ?thesis"
moreover have "{y. path_component s x y} \<inter> s \<noteq> {}"
using `x \<in> s` path_component_eq_empty path_component_subset[of s x]
by auto
show False
using `y \<in> s` open_non_path_component[OF assms(1)] open_path_component[OF assms(1)]
using assms(2)[unfolded connected_def not_ex, rule_format,
of"{y. path_component s x y}" "s - {y. path_component s x y}"]
by auto
lemma path_connected_continuous_image:
assumes "continuous_on s f"
and "path_connected s"
shows "path_connected (f ` s)"
unfolding path_connected_def
proof (rule, rule)
fix x' y'
assume "x' \<in> f ` s" "y' \<in> f ` s"
then obtain x y where x: "x \<in> s" and y: "y \<in> s" and x': "x' = f x" and y': "y' = f y"
by auto
from x y obtain g where "path g \<and> path_image g \<subseteq> s \<and> pathstart g = x \<and> pathfinish g = y"
using assms(2)[unfolded path_connected_def] by fast
then show "\<exists>g. path g \<and> path_image g \<subseteq> f ` s \<and> pathstart g = x' \<and> pathfinish g = y'"
unfolding x' y'
apply (rule_tac x="f \<circ> g" in exI)
unfolding path_defs
apply (intro conjI continuous_on_compose continuous_on_subset[OF assms(1)])
apply auto
lemma homeomorphic_path_connectedness:
"s homeomorphic t \<Longrightarrow> path_connected s \<longleftrightarrow> path_connected t"
unfolding homeomorphic_def homeomorphism_def
apply (erule exE|erule conjE)+
apply rule
apply (drule_tac f=f in path_connected_continuous_image)
prefer 3
apply (drule_tac f=g in path_connected_continuous_image)
apply auto
lemma path_connected_empty: "path_connected {}"
unfolding path_connected_def by auto
lemma path_connected_singleton: "path_connected {a}"
unfolding path_connected_def pathstart_def pathfinish_def path_image_def
apply clarify
apply (rule_tac x="\<lambda>x. a" in exI)
apply (simp add: image_constant_conv)
apply (simp add: path_def continuous_on_const)
lemma path_connected_Un:
assumes "path_connected s"
and "path_connected t"
and "s \<inter> t \<noteq> {}"
shows "path_connected (s \<union> t)"
unfolding path_connected_component
proof (rule, rule)
fix x y
assume as: "x \<in> s \<union> t" "y \<in> s \<union> t"
from assms(3) obtain z where "z \<in> s \<inter> t"
by auto
then show "path_component (s \<union> t) x y"
using as and assms(1-2)[unfolded path_connected_component]
apply -
apply (erule_tac[!] UnE)+
apply (rule_tac[2-3] path_component_trans[of _ _ z])
apply (auto simp add:path_component_of_subset [OF Un_upper1] path_component_of_subset[OF Un_upper2])
lemma path_connected_UNION:
assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> path_connected (S i)"
and "\<And>i. i \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> z \<in> S i"
shows "path_connected (\<Union>i\<in>A. S i)"
unfolding path_connected_component
proof clarify
fix x i y j
assume *: "i \<in> A" "x \<in> S i" "j \<in> A" "y \<in> S j"
then have "path_component (S i) x z" and "path_component (S j) z y"
using assms by (simp_all add: path_connected_component)
then have "path_component (\<Union>i\<in>A. S i) x z" and "path_component (\<Union>i\<in>A. S i) z y"
using *(1,3) by (auto elim!: path_component_of_subset [rotated])
then show "path_component (\<Union>i\<in>A. S i) x y"
by (rule path_component_trans)
subsection {* Sphere is path-connected *}
lemma path_connected_punctured_universe:
assumes "2 \<le> DIM('a::euclidean_space)"
shows "path_connected ((UNIV::'a set) - {a})"
proof -
let ?A = "{x::'a. \<exists>i\<in>Basis. x \<bullet> i < a \<bullet> i}"
let ?B = "{x::'a. \<exists>i\<in>Basis. a \<bullet> i < x \<bullet> i}"
have A: "path_connected ?A"
unfolding Collect_bex_eq
proof (rule path_connected_UNION)
fix i :: 'a
assume "i \<in> Basis"
then show "(\<Sum>i\<in>Basis. (a \<bullet> i - 1)*\<^sub>R i) \<in> {x::'a. x \<bullet> i < a \<bullet> i}"
by simp
show "path_connected {x. x \<bullet> i < a \<bullet> i}"
using convex_imp_path_connected [OF convex_halfspace_lt, of i "a \<bullet> i"]
by (simp add: inner_commute)
have B: "path_connected ?B"
unfolding Collect_bex_eq
proof (rule path_connected_UNION)
fix i :: 'a
assume "i \<in> Basis"
then show "(\<Sum>i\<in>Basis. (a \<bullet> i + 1) *\<^sub>R i) \<in> {x::'a. a \<bullet> i < x \<bullet> i}"
by simp
show "path_connected {x. a \<bullet> i < x \<bullet> i}"
using convex_imp_path_connected [OF convex_halfspace_gt, of "a \<bullet> i" i]
by (simp add: inner_commute)
obtain S :: "'a set" where "S \<subseteq> Basis" and "card S = Suc (Suc 0)"
using ex_card[OF assms]
by auto
then obtain b0 b1 :: 'a where "b0 \<in> Basis" and "b1 \<in> Basis" and "b0 \<noteq> b1"
unfolding card_Suc_eq by auto
then have "a + b0 - b1 \<in> ?A \<inter> ?B"
by (auto simp: inner_simps inner_Basis)
then have "?A \<inter> ?B \<noteq> {}"
by fast
with A B have "path_connected (?A \<union> ?B)"
by (rule path_connected_Un)
also have "?A \<union> ?B = {x. \<exists>i\<in>Basis. x \<bullet> i \<noteq> a \<bullet> i}"
unfolding neq_iff bex_disj_distrib Collect_disj_eq ..
also have "\<dots> = {x. x \<noteq> a}"
unfolding euclidean_eq_iff [where 'a='a]
by (simp add: Bex_def)
also have "\<dots> = UNIV - {a}"
by auto
finally show ?thesis .
lemma path_connected_sphere:
assumes "2 \<le> DIM('a::euclidean_space)"
shows "path_connected {x::'a. norm (x - a) = r}"
proof (rule linorder_cases [of r 0])
assume "r < 0"
then have "{x::'a. norm(x - a) = r} = {}"
by auto
then show ?thesis
using path_connected_empty by simp
assume "r = 0"
then show ?thesis
using path_connected_singleton by simp
assume r: "0 < r"
have *: "{x::'a. norm(x - a) = r} = (\<lambda>x. a + r *\<^sub>R x) ` {x. norm x = 1}"
apply (rule set_eqI)
apply rule
unfolding image_iff
apply (rule_tac x="(1/r) *\<^sub>R (x - a)" in bexI)
unfolding mem_Collect_eq norm_scaleR
using r
apply (auto simp add: scaleR_right_diff_distrib)
have **: "{x::'a. norm x = 1} = (\<lambda>x. (1/norm x) *\<^sub>R x) ` (UNIV - {0})"
apply (rule set_eqI)
apply rule
unfolding image_iff
apply (rule_tac x=x in bexI)
unfolding mem_Collect_eq
apply (auto split: split_if_asm)
have "continuous_on (UNIV - {0}) (\<lambda>x::'a. 1 / norm x)"
unfolding field_divide_inverse
by (simp add: continuous_on_intros)
then show ?thesis
unfolding * **
using path_connected_punctured_universe[OF assms]
by (auto intro!: path_connected_continuous_image continuous_on_intros)
lemma connected_sphere: "2 \<le> DIM('a::euclidean_space) \<Longrightarrow> connected {x::'a. norm (x - a) = r}"
using path_connected_sphere path_connected_imp_connected
by auto