* HOL/List: new function list_update written xs[i:=v] that updates the i-th
list position. May also be iterated as in xs[i:=a,j:=b,...].
(* Title: Cube/cube
ID: $Id$
Author: Tobias Nipkow
Copyright 1990 University of Cambridge
For cube.thy. The systems of the Lambda-cube that extend simple types
open Cube;
val simple = [s_b,strip_s,strip_b,app,lam_ss,pi_ss];
val L2_thy = extend_theory Cube.thy "L2" ([],[],[],[],[],[],None)
("pi_bs", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):* |] ==> Prod(A,B):*"),
("lam_bs", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):* |] \
\ ==> Abs(A,f) : Prod(A,B)")
val lam_bs = get_axiom L2_thy "lam_bs";
val pi_bs = get_axiom L2_thy "pi_bs";
val L2 = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs];
val Lomega_thy = extend_theory Cube.thy "Lomega" ([],[],[],[],[],[],None)
("pi_bb", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] ==> Prod(A,B):[]"),
("lam_bb", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] \
\ ==> Abs(A,f) : Prod(A,B)")
val lam_bb = get_axiom Lomega_thy "lam_bb";
val pi_bb = get_axiom Lomega_thy "pi_bb";
val Lomega = simple @ [lam_bb,pi_bb];
val LOmega_thy = merge_theories(L2_thy,Lomega_thy);
val LOmega = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs,lam_bb,pi_bb];
val LP_thy = extend_theory Cube.thy "LP" ([],[],[],[],[],[],None)
("pi_sb", "[| A:*; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] ==> Prod(A,B):[]"),
("lam_sb", "[| A:*; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] \
\ ==> Abs(A,f) : Prod(A,B)")
val lam_sb = get_axiom LP_thy "lam_sb";
val pi_sb = get_axiom LP_thy "pi_sb";
val LP = simple @ [lam_sb,pi_sb];
val LP2_thy = merge_theories(L2_thy,LP_thy);
val LP2 = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs,lam_sb,pi_sb];
val LPomega_thy = merge_theories(LP_thy,Lomega_thy);
val LPomega = simple @ [lam_bb,pi_bb,lam_sb,pi_sb];
val CC_thy = merge_theories(L2_thy,LPomega_thy);
val CC = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs,lam_bb,pi_bb,lam_sb,pi_sb];