author fleury <>
Fri, 20 May 2016 07:54:54 +0200
changeset 63102 71059cf60658
parent 61611 a9c0572109af
child 64461 be149db8207a
permissions -rw-r--r--
better handling of veriT's 'unknown' status

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_systems.ML
    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen

Setup SMT solvers.

signature SMT_SYSTEMS =
  val cvc4_extensions: bool Config.T
  val z3_extensions: bool Config.T

structure SMT_Systems: SMT_SYSTEMS =

(* helper functions *)

fun make_avail name () = getenv (name ^ "_SOLVER") <> ""

fun make_command name () = [getenv (name ^ "_SOLVER")]

fun outcome_of unsat sat unknown solver_name line =
  if String.isPrefix unsat line then SMT_Solver.Unsat
  else if String.isPrefix sat line then SMT_Solver.Sat
  else if String.isPrefix unknown line then SMT_Solver.Unknown
  else raise SMT_Failure.SMT (SMT_Failure.Other_Failure ("Solver " ^ quote solver_name ^
    " failed -- enable tracing using the " ^ quote (Config.name_of SMT_Config.trace) ^
    " option for details"))

fun is_blank_or_error_line "" = true
  | is_blank_or_error_line s = String.isPrefix "(error " s

fun on_first_line test_outcome solver_name lines =
    val split_first = (fn [] => ("", []) | l :: ls => (l, ls))
    val (l, ls) = split_first (snd (take_prefix is_blank_or_error_line lines))
  in (test_outcome solver_name l, ls) end

fun on_first_non_unsupported_line test_outcome solver_name lines =
  on_first_line test_outcome solver_name (filter (curry (op <>) "unsupported") lines)

(* CVC3 *)

  fun cvc3_options ctxt = [
    "-seed", string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.random_seed),
    "-lang", "smt2",
    "-timeout", string_of_int (Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.timeout))]

val cvc3: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "cvc3",
  class = K SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC,
  avail = make_avail "CVC3",
  command = make_command "CVC3",
  options = cvc3_options,
  smt_options = [],
  default_max_relevant = 400 (* FUDGE *),
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown"),
  parse_proof = NONE,
  replay = NONE }


(* CVC4 *)

val cvc4_extensions = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding cvc4_extensions} (K false)

  fun cvc4_options ctxt = [
    "--random-seed=" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.random_seed),
    "--tlimit", string_of_int (Real.ceil (1000.0 * Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.timeout))]

  fun select_class ctxt =
    if Config.get ctxt cvc4_extensions then CVC4_Interface.smtlib_cvc4C
    else SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC

val cvc4: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "cvc4",
  class = select_class,
  avail = make_avail "CVC4",
  command = make_command "CVC4",
  options = cvc4_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-unsat-cores", "true")],
  default_max_relevant = 400 (* FUDGE *),
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown"),
  parse_proof = SOME (K CVC4_Proof_Parse.parse_proof),
  replay = NONE }


(* veriT *)

val veriT: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "verit",
  class = K SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC,
  avail = make_avail "VERIT",
  command = make_command "VERIT",
  options = (fn ctxt => [
    "--max-time=" ^ string_of_int (Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.timeout))]),
  smt_options = [(":produce-proofs", "true")],
  default_max_relevant = 200 (* FUDGE *),
  outcome = on_first_non_unsupported_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown"),
  parse_proof = SOME (K VeriT_Proof_Parse.parse_proof),
  replay = NONE }

(* Z3 *)

val z3_extensions = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding z3_extensions} (K false)

  fun z3_options ctxt =
    ["smt.random_seed=" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.random_seed),
     "-T:" ^ string_of_int (Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt SMT_Config.timeout)),

  fun select_class ctxt =
    if Config.get ctxt z3_extensions then Z3_Interface.smtlib_z3C else SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC

val z3: SMT_Solver.solver_config = {
  name = "z3",
  class = select_class,
  avail = make_avail "Z3",
  command = make_command "Z3",
  options = z3_options,
  smt_options = [(":produce-proofs", "true")],
  default_max_relevant = 350 (* FUDGE *),
  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown"),
  parse_proof = SOME Z3_Replay.parse_proof,
  replay = SOME Z3_Replay.replay }


(* overall setup *)

val _ = Theory.setup (
  SMT_Solver.add_solver cvc3 #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver cvc4 #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver veriT #>
  SMT_Solver.add_solver z3)
