author wenzelm
Sun, 05 Jul 2020 11:06:09 +0200
changeset 71999 720b72513ae5
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child 80105 2fa018321400
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(*  Author:     Bernhard Haeupler

This theory is about of the relative completeness of the ring
method.  As long as the reified atomic polynomials of type pol are
in normal form, the ring method is complete.

section \<open>Proof of the relative completeness of method comm-ring\<close>

theory Commutative_Ring_Complete
  imports Commutative_Ring

text \<open>Formalization of normal form\<close>
fun isnorm :: "pol \<Rightarrow> bool"
    "isnorm (Pc c) \<longleftrightarrow> True"
  | "isnorm (Pinj i (Pc c)) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
  | "isnorm (Pinj i (Pinj j Q)) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
  | "isnorm (Pinj 0 P) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
  | "isnorm (Pinj i (PX Q1 j Q2)) \<longleftrightarrow> isnorm (PX Q1 j Q2)"
  | "isnorm (PX P 0 Q) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
  | "isnorm (PX (Pc c) i Q) \<longleftrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0 \<and> isnorm Q"
  | "isnorm (PX (PX P1 j (Pc c)) i Q) \<longleftrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0 \<and> isnorm (PX P1 j (Pc c)) \<and> isnorm Q"
  | "isnorm (PX P i Q) \<longleftrightarrow> isnorm P \<and> isnorm Q"

subsection \<open>Some helpful lemmas\<close>

lemma norm_Pinj_0_False: "isnorm (Pinj 0 P) = False"
  by (cases P) auto

lemma norm_PX_0_False: "isnorm (PX (Pc 0) i Q) = False"
  by (cases i) auto

lemma norm_Pinj: "isnorm (Pinj i Q) \<Longrightarrow> isnorm Q"
  by (cases i) (simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False norm_PX_0_False, cases Q, auto)

lemma norm_PX2: "isnorm (PX P i Q) \<Longrightarrow> isnorm Q"
  apply (cases i)
   apply auto
  apply (cases P)
    apply auto
  subgoal for \<dots> pol2 by (cases pol2) auto

lemma norm_PX1: "isnorm (PX P i Q) \<Longrightarrow> isnorm P"
  apply (cases i)
   apply auto
  apply (cases P)
    apply auto
  subgoal for \<dots> pol2 by (cases pol2) auto

lemma mkPinj_cn: "y \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> isnorm Q \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (mkPinj y Q)"
  apply (auto simp add: mkPinj_def norm_Pinj_0_False split: pol.split)
   apply (rename_tac nat a, case_tac nat, auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
   apply (rename_tac pol a, case_tac pol, auto)
  apply (case_tac y, auto)

lemma norm_PXtrans:
  assumes A: "isnorm (PX P x Q)"
    and "isnorm Q2"
  shows "isnorm (PX P x Q2)"
proof (cases P)
  case (PX p1 y p2)
  with assms show ?thesis
    apply (cases x)
     apply auto
    apply (cases p2)
      apply auto
  case Pc
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases x) auto
  case Pinj
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases x) auto

lemma norm_PXtrans2:
  assumes "isnorm (PX P x Q)"
    and "isnorm Q2"
  shows "isnorm (PX P (Suc (n + x)) Q2)"
proof (cases P)
  case (PX p1 y p2)
  with assms show ?thesis
    apply (cases x)
     apply auto
    apply (cases p2)
      apply auto
  case Pc
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases x) auto
  case Pinj
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases x) auto

text \<open>\<open>mkPX\<close> conserves normalizedness (\<open>_cn\<close>)\<close>
lemma mkPX_cn:
  assumes "x \<noteq> 0"
    and "isnorm P"
    and "isnorm Q"
  shows "isnorm (mkPX P x Q)"
proof (cases P)
  case (Pc c)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases x) (auto simp add: mkPinj_cn mkPX_def)
  case (Pinj i Q)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases x) (auto simp add: mkPinj_cn mkPX_def)
  case (PX P1 y P2)
  with assms have Y0: "y > 0"
    by (cases y) auto
  from assms PX have "isnorm P1" "isnorm P2"
    by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of P1 y P2] norm_PX2[of P1 y P2])
  from assms PX Y0 show ?thesis
    apply (cases x)
     apply (auto simp add: mkPX_def norm_PXtrans2[of P1 y _ Q _])
    apply (cases P2)
      apply auto

text \<open>\<open>add\<close> conserves normalizedness\<close>
lemma add_cn: "isnorm P \<Longrightarrow> isnorm Q \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (P \<langle>+\<rangle> Q)"
proof (induct P Q rule: add.induct)
  case 1
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 c i P2)
  then show ?case
    apply (cases P2)
      apply simp_all
    apply (cases i)
     apply simp_all
  case (3 i P2 c)
  then show ?case
    apply (cases P2)
      apply simp_all
    apply (cases i)
     apply simp_all
  case (4 c P2 i Q2)
  then have "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
    by (auto simp only: norm_PX1[of P2 i Q2] norm_PX2[of P2 i Q2])
  with 4 show ?case
    apply (cases i)
     apply simp
    apply (cases P2)
      apply auto
    subgoal for \<dots> pol2 by (cases pol2) auto
  case (5 P2 i Q2 c)
  then have "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
    by (auto simp only: norm_PX1[of P2 i Q2] norm_PX2[of P2 i Q2])
  with 5 show ?case
    apply (cases i)
     apply simp
    apply (cases P2)
      apply auto
    subgoal for \<dots> pol2 by (cases pol2) auto
  case (6 x P2 y Q2)
  then have Y0: "y > 0"
    by (cases y) (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
  with 6 have X0: "x > 0"
    by (cases x) (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
  consider "x < y" | "x = y" | "x > y" by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case xy: 1
    then obtain d where y: "y = d + x"
      by atomize_elim arith
    from 6 have *: "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_Pinj[of _ Q2])
    from 6 xy y have "isnorm (Pinj d Q2)"
      by (cases d, simp, cases Q2, auto)
    with 6 X0 y * show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPinj_cn)
    case xy: 2
    from 6 have "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_Pinj[of _ Q2])
    with xy 6 Y0 show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPinj_cn)
    case xy: 3
    then obtain d where x: "x = d + y"
      by atomize_elim arith
    from 6 have *: "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_Pinj[of _ Q2])
    from 6 xy x have "isnorm (Pinj d P2)"
      by (cases d) (simp, cases P2, auto)
    with xy 6 Y0 * x show ?thesis by (simp add: mkPinj_cn)
  case (7 x P2 Q2 y R)
  consider "x = 0" | "x = 1" | d where "x = Suc (Suc d)"
    by atomize_elim arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    with 7 show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    case x: 2
    from 7 have "isnorm R" "isnorm P2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_PX2[of Q2 y R])
    with 7 x have "isnorm (R \<langle>+\<rangle> P2)"
      by simp
    with 7 x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: norm_PXtrans[of Q2 y _])
    case x: 3
    with 7 have NR: "isnorm R" "isnorm P2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_PX2[of Q2 y R])
    with 7 x have "isnorm (Pinj (x - 1) P2)"
      by (cases P2) auto
    with 7 x NR have "isnorm (R \<langle>+\<rangle> Pinj (x - 1) P2)"
      by simp
    with \<open>isnorm (PX Q2 y R)\<close> x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: norm_PXtrans[of Q2 y _])
  case (8 Q2 y R x P2)
  consider "x = 0" | "x = 1" | "x > 1"
    by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    with 8 show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    case x: 2
    with 8 have "isnorm R" "isnorm P2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_PX2[of Q2 y R])
    with 8 x have "isnorm (R \<langle>+\<rangle> P2)"
      by simp
    with 8 x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: norm_PXtrans[of Q2 y _])
    case x: 3
    then obtain d where x: "x = Suc (Suc d)" by atomize_elim arith
    with 8 have NR: "isnorm R" "isnorm P2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_PX2[of Q2 y R])
    with 8 x have "isnorm (Pinj (x - 1) P2)"
      by (cases P2) auto
    with 8 x NR have "isnorm (R \<langle>+\<rangle> Pinj (x - 1) P2)"
      by simp
    with \<open>isnorm (PX Q2 y R)\<close> x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: norm_PXtrans[of Q2 y _])
  case (9 P1 x P2 Q1 y Q2)
  then have Y0: "y > 0" by (cases y) auto
  with 9 have X0: "x > 0" by (cases x) auto
  with 9 have NP1: "isnorm P1" and NP2: "isnorm P2"
    by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of P1 _ P2] norm_PX2[of P1 _ P2])
  with 9 have NQ1: "isnorm Q1" and NQ2: "isnorm Q2"
    by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of Q1 _ Q2] norm_PX2[of Q1 _ Q2])
  consider "y < x" | "x = y" | "x < y" by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case xy: 1
    then obtain d where x: "x = d + y"
      by atomize_elim arith
    have "isnorm (PX P1 d (Pc 0))"
    proof (cases P1)
      case (PX p1 y p2)
      with 9 xy x show ?thesis
        by (cases d) (simp, cases p2, auto)
      case Pc
      with 9 xy x show ?thesis
        by (cases d) auto
      case Pinj
      with 9 xy x show ?thesis
        by (cases d) auto
    with 9 NQ1 NP1 NP2 NQ2 xy x have "isnorm (P2 \<langle>+\<rangle> Q2)" "isnorm (PX P1 (x - y) (Pc 0) \<langle>+\<rangle> Q1)"
      by auto
    with Y0 xy x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)
    case xy: 2
    with 9 NP1 NP2 NQ1 NQ2 have "isnorm (P2 \<langle>+\<rangle> Q2)" "isnorm (P1 \<langle>+\<rangle> Q1)"
      by auto
    with xy Y0 show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)
    case xy: 3
    then obtain d where y: "y = d + x"
      by atomize_elim arith
    have "isnorm (PX Q1 d (Pc 0))"
    proof (cases Q1)
      case (PX p1 y p2)
      with 9 xy y show ?thesis
        by (cases d) (simp, cases p2, auto)
      case Pc
      with 9 xy y show ?thesis
        by (cases d) auto
      case Pinj
      with 9 xy y show ?thesis
        by (cases d) auto
    with 9 NQ1 NP1 NP2 NQ2 xy y have "isnorm (P2 \<langle>+\<rangle> Q2)" "isnorm (PX Q1 (y - x) (Pc 0) \<langle>+\<rangle> P1)"
      by auto
    with X0 xy y show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)

text \<open>\<open>mul\<close> concerves normalizedness\<close>
lemma mul_cn: "isnorm P \<Longrightarrow> isnorm Q \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (P \<langle>*\<rangle> Q)"
proof (induct P Q rule: mul.induct)
  case 1
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 c i P2)
  then show ?case
    apply (cases P2)
      apply simp_all
    apply (cases i)
     apply (simp_all add: mkPinj_cn)
  case (3 i P2 c)
  then show ?case
    apply (cases P2)
      apply simp_all
    apply (cases i)
     apply (simp_all add: mkPinj_cn)
  case (4 c P2 i Q2)
  then have "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
    by (auto simp only: norm_PX1[of P2 i Q2] norm_PX2[of P2 i Q2])
  with 4 show ?case
    apply (cases "c = 0")
     apply simp_all
    apply (cases "i = 0")
     apply (simp_all add: mkPX_cn)
  case (5 P2 i Q2 c)
  then have "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
    by (auto simp only: norm_PX1[of P2 i Q2] norm_PX2[of P2 i Q2])
  with 5 show ?case
    apply (cases "c = 0")
     apply simp_all
    apply (cases "i = 0")
     apply (simp_all add: mkPX_cn)
  case (6 x P2 y Q2)
  consider "x < y" | "x = y" | "x > y" by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case xy: 1
    then obtain d where y: "y = d + x"
      by atomize_elim arith
    from 6 have *: "x > 0"
      by (cases x) (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    from 6 have **: "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_Pinj[of _ Q2])
    from 6 xy y have "isnorm (Pinj d Q2)"
      apply (cases d)
       apply simp
      apply (cases Q2)
        apply auto
    with 6 * ** y show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPinj_cn)
    case xy: 2
    from 6 have *: "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_Pinj[of _ Q2])
    from 6 have **: "y > 0"
      by (cases y) (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    with 6 xy * ** show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPinj_cn)
    case xy: 3
    then obtain d where x: "x = d + y"
      by atomize_elim arith
    from 6 have *: "y > 0"
      by (cases y) (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    from 6 have **: "isnorm P2" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_Pinj[of _ Q2])
    from 6 xy x have "isnorm (Pinj d P2)"
      apply (cases d)
      apply simp
      apply (cases P2)
      apply auto
    with 6 xy * ** x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPinj_cn)
  case (7 x P2 Q2 y R)
  then have Y0: "y > 0" by (cases y) auto
  consider "x = 0" | "x = 1" | d where "x = Suc (Suc d)"
    by atomize_elim arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    with 7 show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    case x: 2
    from 7 have "isnorm R" "isnorm P2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_PX2[of Q2 y R])
    with 7 x have "isnorm (R \<langle>*\<rangle> P2)" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of Q2 y R])
    with 7 x Y0 show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)
    case x: 3
    from 7 have *: "isnorm R" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_PX2[of Q2 y R] norm_PX1[of Q2 y R])
    from 7 x have "isnorm (Pinj (x - 1) P2)"
      by (cases P2) auto
    with 7 x * have "isnorm (R \<langle>*\<rangle> Pinj (x - 1) P2)" "isnorm (Pinj x P2 \<langle>*\<rangle> Q2)"
      by auto
    with Y0 x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)
  case (8 Q2 y R x P2)
  then have Y0: "y > 0"
    by (cases y) auto
  consider "x = 0" | "x = 1" | d where "x = Suc (Suc d)"
    by atomize_elim arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    with 8 show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj_0_False)
    case x: 2
    from 8 have "isnorm R" "isnorm P2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_Pinj[of _ P2] norm_PX2[of Q2 y R])
    with 8 x have "isnorm (R \<langle>*\<rangle> P2)" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of Q2 y R])
    with 8 x Y0 show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)
    case x: 3
    from 8 have *: "isnorm R" "isnorm Q2"
      by (auto simp add: norm_PX2[of Q2 y R] norm_PX1[of Q2 y R])
    from 8 x have "isnorm (Pinj (x - 1) P2)"
      by (cases P2) auto
    with 8 x * have "isnorm (R \<langle>*\<rangle> Pinj (x - 1) P2)" "isnorm (Pinj x P2 \<langle>*\<rangle> Q2)"
      by auto
    with Y0 x show ?thesis
      by (simp add: mkPX_cn)
  case (9 P1 x P2 Q1 y Q2)
  from 9 have X0: "x > 0" by (cases x) auto
  from 9 have Y0: "y > 0" by (cases y) auto
  from 9 have *: "isnorm P1" "isnorm P2"
    by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of P1 x P2] norm_PX2[of P1 x P2])
  from 9 have "isnorm Q1" "isnorm Q2"
    by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of Q1 y Q2] norm_PX2[of Q1 y Q2])
  with 9 * have "isnorm (P1 \<langle>*\<rangle> Q1)" "isnorm (P2 \<langle>*\<rangle> Q2)"
    "isnorm (P1 \<langle>*\<rangle> mkPinj 1 Q2)" "isnorm (Q1 \<langle>*\<rangle> mkPinj 1 P2)"
    by (auto simp add: mkPinj_cn)
  with 9 X0 Y0 have
    "isnorm (mkPX (P1 \<langle>*\<rangle> Q1) (x + y) (P2 \<langle>*\<rangle> Q2))"
    "isnorm (mkPX (P1 \<langle>*\<rangle> mkPinj (Suc 0) Q2) x (Pc 0))"
    "isnorm (mkPX (Q1 \<langle>*\<rangle> mkPinj (Suc 0) P2) y (Pc 0))"
    by (auto simp add: mkPX_cn)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: add_cn)

text \<open>neg conserves normalizedness\<close>
lemma neg_cn: "isnorm P \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (neg P)"
proof (induct P)
  case Pc
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Pinj i P2)
  then have "isnorm P2"
    by (simp add: norm_Pinj[of i P2])
  with Pinj show ?case
    by (cases P2) (auto, cases i, auto)
  case (PX P1 x P2) note PX1 = this
  from PX have "isnorm P2" "isnorm P1"
    by (auto simp add: norm_PX1[of P1 x P2] norm_PX2[of P1 x P2])
  with PX show ?case
  proof (cases P1)
    case (PX p1 y p2)
    with PX1 show ?thesis
      by (cases x) (auto, cases p2, auto)
    case Pinj
    with PX1 show ?thesis
      by (cases x) auto
  qed (cases x, auto)

text \<open>sub conserves normalizedness\<close>
lemma sub_cn: "isnorm p \<Longrightarrow> isnorm q \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (p \<langle>-\<rangle> q)"
  by (simp add: sub_def add_cn neg_cn)

text \<open>sqr conserves normalizizedness\<close>
lemma sqr_cn: "isnorm P \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (sqr P)"
proof (induct P)
  case Pc
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Pinj i Q)
  then show ?case
    apply (cases Q)
      apply (auto simp add: mkPX_cn mkPinj_cn)
    apply (cases i)
     apply (auto simp add: mkPX_cn mkPinj_cn)
  case (PX P1 x P2)
  then have "x + x \<noteq> 0" "isnorm P2" "isnorm P1"
    by (cases x) (use PX in \<open>auto simp add: norm_PX1[of P1 x P2] norm_PX2[of P1 x P2]\<close>)
  with PX have "isnorm (mkPX (Pc (1 + 1) \<langle>*\<rangle> P1 \<langle>*\<rangle> mkPinj (Suc 0) P2) x (Pc 0))"
    and "isnorm (mkPX (sqr P1) (x + x) (sqr P2))"
    by (auto simp add: add_cn mkPX_cn mkPinj_cn mul_cn)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp add: add_cn mkPX_cn mkPinj_cn mul_cn)

text \<open>\<open>pow\<close> conserves normalizedness\<close>
lemma pow_cn: "isnorm P \<Longrightarrow> isnorm (pow n P)"
proof (induct n arbitrary: P rule: less_induct)
  case (less k)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "k = 0")
    case True
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    then have K2: "k div 2 < k"
      by (cases k) auto
    from less have "isnorm (sqr P)"
      by (simp add: sqr_cn)
    with less False K2 show ?thesis
      by (cases "even k") (auto simp add: mul_cn elim: evenE oddE)
