author wenzelm
Fri, 21 May 2004 21:24:22 +0200
changeset 14787 724ce6e574e3
parent 12619 ddfe8083fef2
child 14894 d23f6b505e9a
permissions -rw-r--r--
adapted tsig interface;

% $Id$

\chapter{Standard Isabelle symbols}\label{app:symbols}

Isabelle supports an infinite number of non-ASCII symbols, which are
represented in source text as \verb,\<,$name$\verb,>, (where $name$ may be any
identifier).  It is left to front-end tools how to present these symbols to
the user.  The collection of predefined standard symbols given below is
available by default for Isabelle document output, due to appropriate
definitions of \verb,\isasym,$name$ for each \verb,\<,$name$\verb,>, in the
\verb,isabellesym.sty, file.  Most of these symbols are displayed properly in
Proof~General if used with the X-Symbol package.

Moreover, any single symbol (or ASCII character) may be prefixed by
\verb,\<^sup>, for superscript and \verb,\<^sub>, for subscript, such as
\verb,A\<^sup>\<star>, for \isa{A\isactrlsup{\isasymstar}}.  Most symbols (and
all ASCII characters) may be printed in bold by prefixing \verb,\<^bold>,,
such as \verb,\<^bold>\<alpha>, for \isa{\isactrlbold{\isasymalpha}}.  Note
that super- and subscripts may \emph{not} be combined with bold style.

Further details of Isabelle document preparation are covered in


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