# #
# Makefile for Isabelle (ZF) #
# #
#To make the system, cd to this directory and type
# make -f Makefile
#To make the system and test it on standard examples, type
# make -f Makefile test
#Environment variable ISABELLECOMP specifies the compiler.
#Environment variable ISABELLEBIN specifies the destination directory.
#For Poly/ML, ISABELLEBIN must begin with a /
#Makes FOL if this file is ABSENT -- but not
#if it is out of date, since this Makefile does not know its dependencies!
FILES = ROOT.ML zf.thy zf.ML upair.ML subset.ML pair.ML domrange.ML \
func.ML simpdata.ML bool.thy bool.ML \
sum.thy sum.ML qpair.thy qpair.ML mono.ML fixedpt.thy fixedpt.ML \
ind_syntax.ML intr_elim.ML indrule.ML inductive.ML coinductive.ML \
equalities.ML perm.thy perm.ML trancl.thy trancl.ML \
wf.thy wf.ML ord.thy ord.ML nat.thy nat.ML \
epsilon.thy epsilon.ML arith.thy arith.ML univ.thy univ.ML \
quniv.thy quniv.ML constructor.ML datatype.ML \
fin.ML list.ML listfn.thy listfn.ML
#Uses cp rather than make_database because Poly/ML allows only 3 levels
case "$(COMP)" in \
poly*) cp $(BIN)/FOL $(BIN)/ZF;\
echo 'open PolyML; use"ROOT";' | $(COMP) $(BIN)/ZF ;;\
sml*) echo 'use"ROOT.ML"; xML"$(BIN)/ZF" banner;' | $(BIN)/FOL;;\
*) echo Bad value for ISABELLECOMP;;\
cd ../FOL; $(MAKE)
test: ex/ROOT.ML $(BIN)/ZF
case "$(COMP)" in \
poly*) echo 'use"ex/ROOT.ML"; quit();' | $(COMP) $(BIN)/ZF ;;\
sml*) echo 'use"ex/ROOT.ML";' | $(BIN)/ZF;;\
*) echo Bad value for ISABELLECOMP;;\