moved after method.ML;
moved FINDGOAL/HEADGOAL to method.ML;
moved type method to method.ML;
prepare attributes here;
tuned various interfaces (cf. isar_thy.ML);
(* Title: Pure/Isar/proof.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
The Isar/VM proof language interpreter.
signature PROOF =
type context
type method
type state
exception STATE of string * state
val init: theory -> state
val context_of: state -> context
val theory_of: state -> theory
val sign_of: state -> theory (*obsolete*)
val map_context: (context -> context) -> state -> state
val warn_extra_tfrees: state -> state -> state
val put_thms: string * thm list -> state -> state
val reset_thms: string -> state -> state
val the_facts: state -> thm list
val the_fact: state -> thm
val thisN: string
val get_goal: state -> context * (thm list * thm)
val goal_facts: (state -> thm list) -> state -> state
val is_chain: state -> bool
val assert_forward: state -> state
val assert_forward_or_chain: state -> state
val assert_backward: state -> state
val assert_no_chain: state -> state
val enter_forward: state -> state
val level: state -> int
val show_main_goal: bool ref
val verbose: bool ref
val pretty_state: int -> state -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_goals: bool -> state -> Pretty.T list
val refine: Method.text -> state -> state Seq.seq
val refine_end: Method.text -> state -> state Seq.seq
val match_bind: (string list * string) list -> state -> state
val match_bind_i: (term list * term) list -> state -> state
val let_bind: (string list * string) list -> state -> state
val let_bind_i: (term list * term) list -> state -> state
val simple_note_thms: string -> thm list -> state -> state
val note_thmss: ((bstring * Attrib.src list) *
(thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list -> state -> state
val note_thmss_i: ((bstring * context attribute list) *
(thm list * context attribute list) list) list -> state -> state
val from_thmss: ((thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list -> state -> state
val from_thmss_i: ((thm list * context attribute list) list) list -> state -> state
val with_thmss: ((thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list -> state -> state
val with_thmss_i: ((thm list * context attribute list) list) list -> state -> state
val using_thmss: ((thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list -> state -> state
val using_thmss_i: ((thm list * context attribute list) list) list -> state -> state
val fix: (string list * string option) list -> state -> state
val fix_i: (string list * typ option) list -> state -> state
val assm: ProofContext.exporter
-> ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val assm_i: ProofContext.exporter
-> ((string * context attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val assume:
((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val assume_i: ((string * context attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val presume:
((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val presume_i: ((string * context attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val def: string * Attrib.src list -> string * (string * string list) -> state -> state
val def_i: string * context attribute list -> string * (term * term list) -> state -> state
val invoke_case: string * string option list * Attrib.src list -> state -> state
val invoke_case_i: string * string option list * context attribute list -> state -> state
val chain: state -> state
val from_facts: thm list -> state -> state
val multi_theorem: string -> (thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory) ->
(cterm list -> context -> context -> thm -> thm) ->
(xstring * (Attrib.src list * Attrib.src list list)) option ->
bstring * Attrib.src list -> Locale.element Locale.elem_expr list
-> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-> theory -> state
val multi_theorem_i: string -> (thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory) ->
(cterm list -> context -> context -> thm -> thm) ->
(string * (Attrib.src list * Attrib.src list list)) option
-> bstring * theory attribute list
-> Locale.element_i Locale.elem_expr list
-> ((bstring * theory attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-> theory -> state
val show: (bool -> state -> state) -> (thm list -> state -> state Seq.seq) -> bool
-> ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-> bool -> state -> state
val show_i: (bool -> state -> state) -> (thm list -> state -> state Seq.seq) -> bool
-> ((string * context attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-> bool -> state -> state
val have: (thm list -> state -> state Seq.seq) -> bool
-> ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val have_i: (thm list -> state -> state Seq.seq) -> bool
-> ((string * context attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-> state -> state
val at_bottom: state -> bool
val local_qed: bool -> Method.text option
-> (context -> string * (string * thm list) list -> unit) *
(context -> thm -> unit) -> state -> state Seq.seq
val global_qed: bool -> Method.text option
-> state -> (theory * context) * ((string * string) * (string * thm list) list)
val proof: Method.text option -> state -> state Seq.seq
val local_terminal_proof: Method.text * Method.text option
-> (context -> string * (string * thm list) list -> unit) *
(context -> thm -> unit) -> state -> state Seq.seq
val local_default_proof: (context -> string * (string * thm list) list -> unit) *
(context -> thm -> unit) -> state -> state Seq.seq
val local_immediate_proof: (context -> string * (string * thm list) list -> unit) *
(context -> thm -> unit) -> state -> state Seq.seq
val local_done_proof: (context -> string * (string * thm list) list -> unit) *
(context -> thm -> unit) -> state -> state Seq.seq
val global_terminal_proof: Method.text * Method.text option
-> state -> (theory * context) * ((string * string) * (string * thm list) list)
val global_default_proof: state ->
(theory * context) * ((string * string) * (string * thm list) list)
val global_immediate_proof: state ->
(theory * context) * ((string * string) * (string * thm list) list)
val global_done_proof: state ->
(theory * context) * ((string * string) * (string * thm list) list)
val defer: int option -> state -> state Seq.seq
val prefer: int -> state -> state Seq.seq
val apply: Method.text -> state -> state Seq.seq
val apply_end: Method.text -> state -> state Seq.seq
val begin_block: state -> state
val next_block: state -> state
val end_block: state -> state Seq.seq
structure Proof: PROOF =
type context = ProofContext.context;
type method = Method.method;
(** proof state **)
(* type goal *)
datatype kind =
Theorem of {kind: string,
theory_spec: (bstring * theory attribute list) * theory attribute list list,
locale_spec: (string * (Attrib.src list * Attrib.src list list)) option,
view: cterm list * cterm list, (* target view and includes view *)
export: cterm list -> context -> context -> thm -> thm} |
(* exporter to be used in finish_global *)
Show of context attribute list list |
Have of context attribute list list;
fun kind_name _ (Theorem {kind = s, theory_spec = ((a, _), _),
locale_spec = NONE, ...}) = s ^ (if a = "" then "" else " " ^ a)
| kind_name thy (Theorem {kind = s, theory_spec = ((a, _), _),
locale_spec = SOME (name, _), ...}) =
s ^ " (in " ^ Locale.extern thy name ^ ")" ^ (if a = "" then "" else " " ^ a)
| kind_name _ (Show _) = "show"
| kind_name _ (Have _) = "have";
type goal =
(kind * (*result kind*)
string list * (*result names*)
term list list) * (*result statements*)
(thm list * (*use facts*)
thm); (*goal: subgoals ==> statement*)
(* type mode *)
datatype mode = Forward | Chain | Backward;
val mode_name = (fn Forward => "state" | Chain => "chain" | Backward => "prove");
(* datatype state *)
datatype node =
Node of
{context: context,
facts: thm list option,
mode: mode,
goal: (goal * (after_qed * bool)) option}
and state =
State of
node * (*current node*)
node list (*parent nodes wrt. block structure*)
and after_qed =
AfterQed of
(thm list -> state -> state Seq.seq) * (*after local qed*)
(thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory); (*after global qed*)
fun make_node (context, facts, mode, goal) =
Node {context = context, facts = facts, mode = mode, goal = goal};
exception STATE of string * state;
fun err_malformed name state =
raise STATE (name ^ ": internal error -- malformed proof state", state);
fun map_current f (State (Node {context, facts, mode, goal}, nodes)) =
State (make_node (f (context, facts, mode, goal)), nodes);
fun init thy =
State (make_node (ProofContext.init thy, NONE, Forward, NONE), []);
(** basic proof state operations **)
(* context *)
fun context_of (State (Node {context, ...}, _)) = context;
val theory_of = ProofContext.theory_of o context_of;
val sign_of = theory_of;
fun map_context f = map_current (fn (ctxt, facts, mode, goal) => (f ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
fun map_context_result f (state as State (Node {context, facts, mode, goal}, nodes)) =
let val (context', result) = f context
in (State (make_node (context', facts, mode, goal), nodes), result) end;
val warn_extra_tfrees = map_context o ProofContext.warn_extra_tfrees o context_of;
val add_binds_i = map_context o ProofContext.add_binds_i;
val auto_bind_goal = map_context o ProofContext.auto_bind_goal;
val auto_bind_facts = map_context o ProofContext.auto_bind_facts;
val put_thms = map_context o ProofContext.put_thms;
val put_thmss = map_context o ProofContext.put_thmss;
val reset_thms = map_context o ProofContext.reset_thms;
val get_case = ProofContext.get_case o context_of;
(* facts *)
fun the_facts (State (Node {facts = SOME facts, ...}, _)) = facts
| the_facts state = raise STATE ("No current facts available", state);
fun the_fact state =
(case the_facts state of
[thm] => thm
| _ => raise STATE ("Single fact expected", state));
fun assert_facts state = (the_facts state; state);
fun get_facts (State (Node {facts, ...}, _)) = facts;
val thisN = "this";
fun put_facts facts state =
|> map_current (fn (ctxt, _, mode, goal) => (ctxt, facts, mode, goal))
|> (case facts of NONE => reset_thms thisN | SOME ths => put_thms (thisN, ths));
val reset_facts = put_facts NONE;
fun these_factss more_facts (state, named_factss) =
state |> put_facts (SOME (List.concat (map snd named_factss) @ more_facts));
(* goal *)
fun find i (state as State (Node {goal = SOME goal, ...}, _)) = (context_of state, (i, goal))
| find i (State (Node {goal = NONE, ...}, node :: nodes)) =
find (i + 1) (State (node, nodes))
| find _ (state as State (_, [])) = raise STATE ("No goal present", state);
in val find_goal = find 0 end;
fun get_goal state =
let val (ctxt, (_, ((_, x), _))) = find_goal state
in (ctxt, x) end;
fun put_goal goal = map_current (fn (ctxt, facts, mode, _) => (ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
fun map_goal f g (State (Node {context, facts, mode, goal = SOME goal}, nodes)) =
State (make_node (f context, facts, mode, SOME (g goal)), nodes)
| map_goal f g (State (nd, node :: nodes)) =
let val State (node', nodes') = map_goal f g (State (node, nodes))
in map_context f (State (nd, node' :: nodes')) end
| map_goal _ _ state = state;
fun goal_facts get state =
|> map_goal I (fn ((result, (_, thm)), f) => ((result, (get state, thm)), f));
fun use_facts state =
|> goal_facts the_facts
|> reset_facts;
(* mode *)
fun get_mode (State (Node {mode, ...}, _)) = mode;
fun put_mode mode = map_current (fn (ctxt, facts, _, goal) => (ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
val enter_forward = put_mode Forward;
val enter_forward_chain = put_mode Chain;
val enter_backward = put_mode Backward;
fun assert_mode pred state =
let val mode = get_mode state in
if pred mode then state
else raise STATE ("Illegal application of proof command in "
^ quote (mode_name mode) ^ " mode", state)
fun is_chain state = get_mode state = Chain;
val assert_forward = assert_mode (equal Forward);
val assert_forward_or_chain = assert_mode (equal Forward orf equal Chain);
val assert_backward = assert_mode (equal Backward);
val assert_no_chain = assert_mode (not_equal Chain);
(* blocks *)
fun level (State (_, nodes)) = length nodes;
fun open_block (State (node, nodes)) = State (node, node :: nodes);
fun new_block state =
|> open_block
|> put_goal NONE;
fun close_block (state as State (_, node :: nodes)) = State (node, nodes)
| close_block state = raise STATE ("Unbalanced block parentheses", state);
(** pretty_state **)
val show_main_goal = ref false;
val verbose = ProofContext.verbose;
val pretty_goals_local = Display.pretty_goals_aux o ProofContext.pp;
fun pretty_facts _ _ NONE = []
| pretty_facts s ctxt (SOME ths) =
[Pretty.big_list (s ^ "this:") (map (ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt) ths), Pretty.str ""];
fun pretty_state nr (state as State (Node {context = ctxt, facts, mode, goal = _}, nodes)) =
val ref (_, _, begin_goal) = Display.current_goals_markers;
fun levels_up 0 = ""
| levels_up 1 = ", 1 level up"
| levels_up i = ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ " levels up";
fun subgoals 0 = ""
| subgoals 1 = ", 1 subgoal"
| subgoals n = ", " ^ string_of_int n ^ " subgoals";
fun prt_names names =
(case filter_out (equal "") names of [] => ""
| nms => " " ^ enclose "(" ")" (space_implode " and " (Library.take (7, nms) @
(if length nms > 7 then ["..."] else []))));
fun prt_goal (_, (i, (((kind, names, _), (goal_facts, thm)), _))) =
pretty_facts "using " ctxt
(if mode <> Backward orelse null goal_facts then NONE else SOME goal_facts) @
[Pretty.str ("goal (" ^ kind_name (theory_of state) kind ^ prt_names names ^
levels_up (i div 2) ^ subgoals (Thm.nprems_of thm) ^ "):")] @
pretty_goals_local ctxt begin_goal (true, ! show_main_goal) (! Display.goals_limit) thm;
val ctxt_prts =
if ! verbose orelse mode = Forward then ProofContext.pretty_context ctxt
else if mode = Backward then ProofContext.pretty_asms ctxt
else [];
val prts =
[Pretty.str ("proof (" ^ mode_name mode ^ "): step " ^ string_of_int nr ^
(if ! verbose then ", depth " ^ string_of_int (length nodes div 2 - 1)
else "")), Pretty.str ""] @
(if null ctxt_prts then [] else ctxt_prts @ [Pretty.str ""]) @
(if ! verbose orelse mode = Forward then
(pretty_facts "" ctxt facts @ prt_goal (find_goal state))
else if mode = Chain then pretty_facts "picking " ctxt facts
else prt_goal (find_goal state))
in prts end;
fun pretty_goals main state =
let val (ctxt, (_, ((_, (_, thm)), _))) = find_goal state
in pretty_goals_local ctxt "" (false, main) (! Display.goals_limit) thm end;
(** proof steps **)
(* refine goal *)
fun goalN i = "goal" ^ string_of_int i;
fun goals st = map goalN (1 upto Thm.nprems_of st);
fun no_goal_cases st = map (rpair NONE) (goals st);
fun goal_cases st =
RuleCases.make true NONE (Thm.theory_of_thm st, Thm.prop_of st) (goals st);
fun check_theory thy state =
if subthy (thy, theory_of state) then state
else raise STATE ("Bad theory of method result: " ^ Context.str_of_thy thy, state);
fun apply_method current_context meth_fun state =
val (goal_ctxt, (_, ((result, (facts, st)), x))) = find_goal state;
val meth = meth_fun (if current_context then context_of state else goal_ctxt);
Method.apply meth facts st |> (fn (st', meth_cases) =>
|> check_theory (Thm.theory_of_thm st')
|> map_goal
(ProofContext.add_cases (no_goal_cases st @ goal_cases st' @ meth_cases))
(K ((result, (facts, st')), x)))
fun apply_text cc text state =
val thy = theory_of state;
fun eval (Method.Basic m) = apply_method cc m
| eval (Method.Source src) = apply_method cc (Method.method thy src)
| eval (Method.Then txts) = Seq.EVERY (map eval txts)
| eval (Method.Orelse txts) = Seq.FIRST (map eval txts)
| eval (Method.Try txt) = Seq.TRY (eval txt)
| eval (Method.Repeat1 txt) = Seq.REPEAT1 (eval txt);
in eval text state end;
val refine = apply_text true;
val refine_end = apply_text false;
(* export results *)
fun refine_tac rule =
Tactic.norm_hhf_tac THEN' Tactic.rtac rule THEN_ALL_NEW (SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
if can Logic.dest_goal (Logic.strip_assums_concl goal) then
Tactic.etac Drule.triv_goal i
else all_tac));
fun export_goal inner print_rule raw_rule state =
val (outer, (_, ((result, (facts, thm)), x))) = find_goal state;
val exp_tac = ProofContext.export true inner outer;
fun exp_rule rule =
val _ = print_rule outer rule;
val thmq = FINDGOAL (refine_tac rule) thm;
in (fn th => map_goal I (K ((result, (facts, th)), x)) state) thmq end;
in raw_rule |> exp_tac |> (Seq.flat o exp_rule) end;
fun export_goals inner print_rule raw_rules =
Seq.EVERY (map (export_goal inner print_rule) raw_rules);
fun transfer_facts inner_state state =
(case get_facts inner_state of
NONE => Seq.single (reset_facts state)
| SOME thms =>
val exp_tac = ProofContext.export false (context_of inner_state) (context_of state);
val thmqs = map exp_tac thms;
in (fn ths => put_facts (SOME ths) state) (Seq.commute thmqs) end);
(* prepare result *)
fun prep_result state ts raw_th =
val ctxt = context_of state;
fun err msg = raise STATE (msg, state);
val ngoals = Thm.nprems_of raw_th;
val _ =
if ngoals = 0 then ()
else (err (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
(pretty_goals_local ctxt "" (true, !show_main_goal) (! Display.goals_limit) raw_th @
[Pretty.str (string_of_int ngoals ^ " unsolved goal(s)!")]))));
val {hyps, thy, ...} = Thm.rep_thm raw_th;
val tsig = Sign.tsig_of thy;
val casms = List.concat (map #1 (ProofContext.assumptions_of (context_of state)));
val bad_hyps = Library.gen_rems Term.aconv (hyps, map Thm.term_of casms);
val th = raw_th RS Drule.rev_triv_goal;
val ths = Drule.conj_elim_precise (length ts) th
handle THM _ => err "Main goal structure corrupted";
conditional (not (null bad_hyps)) (fn () => err ("Additional hypotheses:\n" ^
cat_lines (map (ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt) bad_hyps)));
conditional (exists (not o Pattern.matches tsig) (ts ~~ map Thm.prop_of ths)) (fn () =>
err ("Proved a different theorem: " ^ Pretty.string_of (ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt th)));
(*** structured proof commands ***)
(** context elements **)
(* bindings *)
fun gen_bind f args state =
|> assert_forward
|> map_context (f args)
|> reset_facts;
val match_bind = gen_bind (ProofContext.match_bind false);
val match_bind_i = gen_bind (ProofContext.match_bind_i false);
val let_bind = gen_bind (ProofContext.match_bind true);
val let_bind_i = gen_bind (ProofContext.match_bind_i true);
(* fixes *)
fun gen_fix fix_ctxt args state =
|> assert_forward
|> map_context (fix_ctxt args)
|> reset_facts;
val fix = gen_fix ProofContext.fix;
val fix_i = gen_fix ProofContext.fix_i;
(* assumptions *)
fun gen_assume asm prep_att exp args state =
|> assert_forward
|> map_context_result (asm exp (Attrib.map_specs (prep_att (theory_of state)) args))
|> these_factss [];
val assm = gen_assume ProofContext.assume Attrib.local_attribute;
val assm_i = gen_assume ProofContext.assume_i (K I);
val assume = assm ProofContext.export_assume;
val assume_i = assm_i ProofContext.export_assume;
val presume = assm ProofContext.export_presume;
val presume_i = assm_i ProofContext.export_presume;
(* local definitions *)
fun gen_def fix prep_att prep_term prep_pats
(raw_name, raw_atts) (x, (raw_rhs, raw_pats)) state =
val _ = assert_forward state;
val thy = theory_of state;
val ctxt = context_of state;
val rhs = prep_term ctxt raw_rhs;
val T = Term.fastype_of rhs;
val pats = prep_pats T (ProofContext.declare_term rhs ctxt) raw_pats;
val lhs = ProofContext.bind_skolem ctxt [x] (Free (x, T));
val name = if raw_name = "" then Thm.def_name x else raw_name;
val atts = map (prep_att thy) raw_atts;
|> fix [([x], NONE)]
|> match_bind_i [(pats, rhs)]
|> assm_i ProofContext.export_def [((name, atts), [(Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs), ([], []))])]
val def = gen_def fix Attrib.local_attribute ProofContext.read_term ProofContext.read_term_pats;
val def_i = gen_def fix_i (K I) ProofContext.cert_term ProofContext.cert_term_pats;
(** facts **)
(* forward chaining *)
fun chain state =
|> assert_forward
|> assert_facts
|> enter_forward_chain;
fun from_facts facts state =
|> put_facts (SOME facts)
|> chain;
(* note / from / with *)
fun no_result args = map (pair ("", [])) args;
fun gen_thmss note_ctxt more_facts opt_chain prep_atts args state =
|> assert_forward
|> map_context_result (note_ctxt (Attrib.map_facts (prep_atts (theory_of state)) args))
|> these_factss (more_facts state)
|> opt_chain;
val note_thmss = gen_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss (K []) I Attrib.local_attribute;
val note_thmss_i = gen_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss_i (K []) I (K I);
fun simple_note_thms name thms = note_thmss_i [((name, []), [(thms, [])])];
val from_thmss =
gen_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss (K []) chain Attrib.local_attribute o no_result;
val from_thmss_i = gen_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss_i (K []) chain (K I) o no_result;
val with_thmss =
gen_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss the_facts chain Attrib.local_attribute o no_result;
val with_thmss_i = gen_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss_i the_facts chain (K I) o no_result;
(* using *)
fun gen_using_thmss note prep_atts args state =
|> assert_backward
|> map_context_result (note (Attrib.map_facts (prep_atts (theory_of state)) (no_result args)))
|> (fn (st, named_facts) =>
let val (_, (_, ((result, (facts, thm)), x))) = find_goal st;
in st |> map_goal I (K ((result, (facts @ List.concat (map snd named_facts), thm)), x)) end);
val using_thmss = gen_using_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss Attrib.local_attribute;
val using_thmss_i = gen_using_thmss ProofContext.note_thmss_i (K I);
(* case *)
fun gen_invoke_case prep_att (name, xs, raw_atts) state =
val atts = map (prep_att (theory_of state)) raw_atts;
val (state', (lets, asms)) =
map_context_result (ProofContext.apply_case (get_case state name xs)) state;
val assumptions = asms |> map (fn (a, ts) =>
((NameSpace.qualified name a, atts), map (rpair ([], [])) ts));
|> add_binds_i lets
|> map_context (ProofContext.no_base_names o ProofContext.qualified_names)
|> assume_i assumptions
|> map_context (ProofContext.restore_naming (context_of state))
|> `the_facts |-> simple_note_thms name
val invoke_case = gen_invoke_case Attrib.local_attribute;
val invoke_case_i = gen_invoke_case (K I);
(** goals **)
(* setup goals *)
val rule_contextN = "rule_context";
fun setup_goal opt_block prepp autofix kind after_qed pr names raw_propp state =
val (state', (propss, gen_binds)) =
|> assert_forward_or_chain
|> enter_forward
|> opt_block
|> map_context_result (fn ctxt => prepp (ctxt, raw_propp));
val thy' = theory_of state';
val AfterQed (after_local, after_global) = after_qed;
val after_qed' = AfterQed (fn res => after_local res o map_context gen_binds, after_global);
val props = List.concat propss;
val cprop = Thm.cterm_of thy' (Logic.mk_conjunction_list props);
val goal = Drule.mk_triv_goal cprop;
val tvars = foldr Term.add_term_tvars [] props;
val vars = foldr Term.add_term_vars [] props;
if null tvars then ()
else raise STATE ("Goal statement contains illegal schematic type variable(s): " ^
commas (map (Syntax.string_of_vname o #1) tvars), state);
if null vars then ()
else warning ("Goal statement contains unbound schematic variable(s): " ^
commas (map (ProofContext.string_of_term (context_of state')) vars));
|> map_context (autofix props)
|> put_goal (SOME (((kind, names, propss), ([], goal)), (after_qed', pr)))
|> map_context (ProofContext.add_cases
(if length props = 1 then
RuleCases.make true NONE (Thm.theory_of_thm goal, Thm.prop_of goal) [rule_contextN]
else [(rule_contextN, NONE)]))
|> auto_bind_goal props
|> (if is_chain state then use_facts else reset_facts)
|> new_block
|> enter_backward
fun global_goal prep_att prep kind after_global export raw_locale (name, atts) elems concl thy =
val prep_atts = map (prep_att thy);
val init_state = init thy;
val (opt_name, view, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, propp) =
prep ( fst raw_locale) elems (map snd concl) (context_of init_state);
|> open_block
|> map_context (K locale_ctxt)
|> open_block
|> map_context (K elems_ctxt)
|> setup_goal I ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i ProofContext.fix_frees
(Theorem {kind = kind,
theory_spec = ((name, prep_atts atts), map (prep_atts o snd o fst) concl),
locale_spec = (case raw_locale of NONE => NONE | SOME (_, x) => SOME (the opt_name, x)),
view = view,
export = export})
(AfterQed (K Seq.single, after_global))
true (map (fst o fst) concl) propp
fun local_goal' prep_att prepp kind (check: bool -> state -> state)
after_local pr raw_args int state =
let val args = Attrib.map_specs (prep_att (theory_of state)) raw_args in
|> setup_goal open_block prepp (K I) (kind (map (snd o fst) args))
(AfterQed (after_local, K I)) pr (map (fst o fst) args) (map snd args)
|> warn_extra_tfrees state
|> check int
fun local_goal prep_att prepp kind f pr args =
local_goal' prep_att prepp kind (K I) f pr args false;
val multi_theorem = global_goal Attrib.global_attribute Locale.read_context_statement;
val multi_theorem_i = global_goal (K I) Locale.cert_context_statement;
val show = local_goal' Attrib.local_attribute ProofContext.bind_propp Show;
val show_i = local_goal' (K I) ProofContext.bind_propp_i Show;
val have = local_goal Attrib.local_attribute ProofContext.bind_propp Have;
val have_i = local_goal (K I) ProofContext.bind_propp_i Have;
(** conclusions **)
(* current goal *)
fun current_goal (State (Node {context, goal = SOME goal, ...}, _)) = (context, goal)
| current_goal state = raise STATE ("No current goal!", state);
fun assert_current_goal true (state as State (Node {goal = NONE, ...}, _)) =
raise STATE ("No goal in this block!", state)
| assert_current_goal false (state as State (Node {goal = SOME _, ...}, _)) =
raise STATE ("Goal present in this block!", state)
| assert_current_goal _ state = state;
fun assert_bottom b (state as State (_, nodes)) =
let val bot = (length nodes <= 2) in
if b andalso not bot then raise STATE ("Not at bottom of proof!", state)
else if not b andalso bot then raise STATE ("Already at bottom of proof!", state)
else state
val at_bottom = can (assert_bottom true o close_block);
fun end_proof bot state =
|> assert_forward
|> close_block
|> assert_bottom bot
|> assert_current_goal true
|> goal_facts (K []);
(* local_qed *)
fun finish_local (print_result, print_rule) state =
val (goal_ctxt, (((kind, names, tss), (_, raw_thm)), (AfterQed (after_local, _), pr))) =
current_goal state;
val outer_state = state |> close_block;
val outer_ctxt = context_of outer_state;
val ts = List.concat tss;
val results = prep_result state ts raw_thm;
val resultq =
results |> map (ProofContext.export false goal_ctxt outer_ctxt)
|> Seq.commute |> (Library.unflat tss);
val (attss, opt_solve) =
(case kind of
Show attss => (attss,
export_goals goal_ctxt (if pr then print_rule else (K (K ()))) results)
| Have attss => (attss, Seq.single)
| _ => err_malformed "finish_local" state);
conditional pr (fn () => print_result goal_ctxt
(kind_name (theory_of state) kind, names ~~ Library.unflat tss results));
|> auto_bind_facts (ProofContext.generalize goal_ctxt outer_ctxt ts)
|> (fn st => (fn res =>
note_thmss_i ((names ~~ attss) ~~ map (single o Thm.no_attributes) res) st) resultq)
|> (Seq.flat o opt_solve)
|> (Seq.flat o (after_local results))
fun local_qed asm opt_text print state =
|> end_proof false
|> refine (Method.finish_text asm opt_text)
|> (Seq.flat o (finish_local print));
(* global_qed *)
fun check_result msg state sq =
(case Seq.pull sq of
NONE => raise STATE (msg, state)
| SOME res => Seq.cons res);
fun finish_global state =
val (goal_ctxt, (((kind, names, tss), (_, raw_thm)), (AfterQed (_, after_global), _))) =
current_goal state;
val locale_ctxt = context_of (state |> close_block);
val theory_ctxt = context_of (state |> close_block |> close_block);
val {kind = k, theory_spec = ((name, atts), attss),
locale_spec, view = (target_view, elems_view), export} =
(case kind of Theorem x => x | _ => err_malformed "finish_global" state);
val locale_name = fst locale_spec;
val ts = List.concat tss;
val locale_results = map (export elems_view goal_ctxt locale_ctxt)
(prep_result state ts raw_thm);
val results = map (Drule.strip_shyps_warning o
export target_view locale_ctxt theory_ctxt) locale_results;
val (theory', results') =
theory_of state
|> (case locale_spec of NONE => I
| SOME (loc, (loc_atts, loc_attss)) => fn thy =>
if length names <> length loc_attss then
raise THEORY ("Bad number of locale attributes", [thy])
else (thy, locale_ctxt)
|> Locale.add_thmss k loc ((names ~~ Library.unflat tss locale_results) ~~ loc_attss)
|> (fn ((thy', ctxt'), res) =>
if name = "" andalso null loc_atts then thy'
else (thy', ctxt')
|> (#1 o #1 o Locale.add_thmss k loc [((name, List.concat (map #2 res)), loc_atts)])))
|> Locale.smart_note_thmss k locale_name
((names ~~ attss) ~~ map (single o Thm.no_attributes) (Library.unflat tss results))
|> (fn (thy, res) => (thy, res)
|>> (#1 o Locale.smart_note_thmss k locale_name
[((name, atts), [(List.concat (map #2 res), [])])]));
in ((after_global (locale_results, results) theory', locale_ctxt), ((k, name), results')) end;
fun global_qeds asm opt_text =
end_proof true
#> refine (Method.finish_text asm opt_text)
#> finish_global
|> Seq.DETERM; (*backtracking may destroy theory!*)
fun global_qed asm opt_text state =
|> global_qeds asm opt_text
|> check_result "Failed to finish proof" state
|> Seq.hd;
(* structured proof steps *)
fun proof opt_text state =
|> assert_backward
|> refine (if_none opt_text Method.default_text)
|> (goal_facts (K []))
|> enter_forward;
fun local_terminal_proof (text, opt_text) pr =
Seq.THEN (proof (SOME text), local_qed true opt_text pr);
val local_default_proof = local_terminal_proof (Method.default_text, NONE);
val local_immediate_proof = local_terminal_proof (Method.this_text, NONE);
fun local_done_proof pr = Seq.THEN (proof (SOME Method.done_text), local_qed false NONE pr);
fun global_term_proof asm (text, opt_text) state =
|> proof (SOME text)
|> check_result "Terminal proof method failed" state
|> (Seq.flat o (global_qeds asm opt_text))
|> check_result "Failed to finish proof (after successful terminal method)" state
|> Seq.hd;
val global_terminal_proof = global_term_proof true;
val global_default_proof = global_terminal_proof (Method.default_text, NONE);
val global_immediate_proof = global_terminal_proof (Method.this_text, NONE);
val global_done_proof = global_term_proof false (Method.done_text, NONE);
(* unstructured proof steps *)
fun defer i = assert_no_chain #> refine (Method.Basic (K (Method.defer i)));
fun prefer i = assert_no_chain #> refine (Method.Basic (K (Method.prefer i)));
fun apply text =
#> refine text
#> (goal_facts (K []));
fun apply_end text =
#> refine_end text;
(** blocks **)
fun begin_block state =
|> assert_forward
|> new_block
|> open_block;
fun next_block state =
|> assert_forward
|> close_block
|> new_block
|> reset_facts;
fun end_block state =
|> assert_forward
|> close_block
|> assert_current_goal false
|> close_block
|> transfer_facts state;