Added HOL-ZF to Isabelle.
(* Title: HOL/AxClasses/Group.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
theory Group imports Main begin
subsection {* Monoids and Groups *}
times :: "'a => 'a => 'a" (infixl "[*]" 70)
invers :: "'a => 'a"
one :: 'a
axclass monoid < type
assoc: "(x [*] y) [*] z = x [*] (y [*] z)"
left_unit: "one [*] x = x"
right_unit: "x [*] one = x"
axclass semigroup < type
assoc: "(x [*] y) [*] z = x [*] (y [*] z)"
axclass group < semigroup
left_unit: "one [*] x = x"
left_inverse: "invers x [*] x = one"
axclass agroup < group
commute: "x [*] y = y [*] x"
subsection {* Abstract reasoning *}
theorem group_right_inverse: "x [*] invers x = (one::'a::group)"
proof -
have "x [*] invers x = one [*] (x [*] invers x)"
by (simp only: group_class.left_unit)
also have "... = one [*] x [*] invers x"
by (simp only: semigroup_class.assoc)
also have "... = invers (invers x) [*] invers x [*] x [*] invers x"
by (simp only: group_class.left_inverse)
also have "... = invers (invers x) [*] (invers x [*] x) [*] invers x"
by (simp only: semigroup_class.assoc)
also have "... = invers (invers x) [*] one [*] invers x"
by (simp only: group_class.left_inverse)
also have "... = invers (invers x) [*] (one [*] invers x)"
by (simp only: semigroup_class.assoc)
also have "... = invers (invers x) [*] invers x"
by (simp only: group_class.left_unit)
also have "... = one"
by (simp only: group_class.left_inverse)
finally show ?thesis .
theorem group_right_unit: "x [*] one = (x::'a::group)"
proof -
have "x [*] one = x [*] (invers x [*] x)"
by (simp only: group_class.left_inverse)
also have "... = x [*] invers x [*] x"
by (simp only: semigroup_class.assoc)
also have "... = one [*] x"
by (simp only: group_right_inverse)
also have "... = x"
by (simp only: group_class.left_unit)
finally show ?thesis .
subsection {* Abstract instantiation *}
instance monoid < semigroup
proof intro_classes
fix x y z :: "'a::monoid"
show "x [*] y [*] z = x [*] (y [*] z)"
by (rule monoid_class.assoc)
instance group < monoid
proof intro_classes
fix x y z :: "'a::group"
show "x [*] y [*] z = x [*] (y [*] z)"
by (rule semigroup_class.assoc)
show "one [*] x = x"
by (rule group_class.left_unit)
show "x [*] one = x"
by (rule group_right_unit)
subsection {* Concrete instantiation *}
defs (overloaded)
times_bool_def: "x [*] y == x ~= (y::bool)"
inverse_bool_def: "invers x == x::bool"
unit_bool_def: "one == False"
instance bool :: agroup
proof (intro_classes,
unfold times_bool_def inverse_bool_def unit_bool_def)
fix x y z
show "((x ~= y) ~= z) = (x ~= (y ~= z))" by blast
show "(False ~= x) = x" by blast
show "(x ~= x) = False" by blast
show "(x ~= y) = (y ~= x)" by blast
subsection {* Lifting and Functors *}
defs (overloaded)
times_prod_def: "p [*] q == (fst p [*] fst q, snd p [*] snd q)"
instance * :: (semigroup, semigroup) semigroup
proof (intro_classes, unfold times_prod_def)
fix p q r :: "'a::semigroup * 'b::semigroup"
"(fst (fst p [*] fst q, snd p [*] snd q) [*] fst r,
snd (fst p [*] fst q, snd p [*] snd q) [*] snd r) =
(fst p [*] fst (fst q [*] fst r, snd q [*] snd r),
snd p [*] snd (fst q [*] fst r, snd q [*] snd r))"
by (simp add: semigroup_class.assoc)