author wenzelm
Sun, 23 Feb 2014 14:39:51 +0100
changeset 55687 78c83cd477c1
parent 55674 8a213ab0e78a
child 55692 19e8b00684f7
permissions -rw-r--r--
clarified completion names; tuned signature;

/*  Title:      Pure/General/completion.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Semantic completion within the formal context (reported names).
Syntactic completion of keywords and symbols, with abbreviations
(based on language context).  */

package isabelle

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import scala.math.Ordering

object Completion
  /** semantic completion **/

  object Names
    object Info
      def unapply(info: Text.Markup): Option[Names] = match {
          case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.COMPLETION,
              (Markup.TOTAL, Properties.Value.Int(total)) :: names), _) =>
            Some(Names(info.range, total,
          case _ => None

  sealed case class Names(range: Text.Range, total: Int, names: List[String])

  /** syntactic completion **/

  /* language context */

  object Context
    val outer = Context("", true, false)
    val inner = Context(Markup.Language.UNKNOWN, true, false)
    val ML_outer = Context(Markup.Language.ML, false, false)
    val ML_inner = Context(Markup.Language.ML, true, true)

  sealed case class Context(language: String, symbols: Boolean, antiquotes: Boolean)
    def is_outer: Boolean = language == ""

  /* result */

  sealed case class Item(
    original: String,
    name: String,
    replacement: String,
    move: Int,
    immediate: Boolean)
  { override def toString: String = name }

  sealed case class Result(original: String, unique: Boolean, items: List[Item])

  /* init */

  val empty: Completion = new Completion()
  def init(): Completion = empty.add_symbols()

  /** persistent history **/

  private val COMPLETION_HISTORY = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/completion_history")

  object History
    val empty: History = new History()

    def load(): History =
      def ignore_error(msg: String): Unit =
        System.err.println("### Ignoring bad content of file " + COMPLETION_HISTORY +
          (if (msg == "") "" else "\n" + msg))

      val content =
        if (COMPLETION_HISTORY.is_file) {
          try {
            import XML.Decode._
            list(pair(Symbol.decode_string, int))(
          catch {
            case ERROR(msg) => ignore_error(msg); Nil
            case _: XML.Error => ignore_error(""); Nil
        else Nil
      (empty /: content)(_ + _)

  final class History private(rep: SortedMap[String, Int] = SortedMap.empty)
    override def toString: String = rep.mkString("Completion.History(", ",", ")")

    def frequency(name: String): Int = rep.getOrElse(name, 0)

    def + (entry: (String, Int)): History =
      val (name, freq) = entry
      new History(rep + (name -> (frequency(name) + freq)))

    def ordering: Ordering[Item] =
      new Ordering[Item] {
        def compare(item1: Item, item2: Item): Int =
          frequency( compare frequency( match {
            case 0 => compare
            case ord => - ord

    def save()
          import XML.Encode._
          YXML.string_of_body(list(pair(Symbol.encode_string, int))(rep.toList))

  class History_Variable
    private var history = History.empty
    def value: History = synchronized { history }

    def load()
      val h = History.load()
      synchronized { history = h }

    def update(item: Item, freq: Int = 1): Unit = synchronized {
      history = history + ( -> freq)

  /** word parsers **/

  private object Word_Parsers extends RegexParsers
    override val whiteSpace = "".r

    private def reverse_symbol: Parser[String] = """>[A-Za-z0-9_']+\^?<\\""".r
    private def reverse_symb: Parser[String] = """[A-Za-z0-9_']{2,}\^?<\\""".r
    private def escape: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z0-9_']+\\""".r

    private val word_regex = "[a-zA-Z0-9_']+".r
    private def word: Parser[String] = word_regex
    private def word3: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z0-9_']{3,}""".r

    def is_word(s: CharSequence): Boolean =

    def read(explicit: Boolean, in: CharSequence): Option[String] =
      val parse_word = if (explicit) word else word3
      val reverse_in = new Library.Reverse(in)
      parse((reverse_symbol | reverse_symb | escape | parse_word) ^^ (_.reverse), reverse_in) match {
        case Success(result, _) => Some(result)
        case _ => None

  /* abbreviations */

  private val caret = '\007'
  private val antiquote = "@{"
  private val default_abbrs =
    Map("@{" -> "@{\007}", "`" -> "\\<open>\007\\<close>")

final class Completion private(
  keywords: Set[String] = Set.empty,
  words_lex: Scan.Lexicon = Scan.Lexicon.empty,
  words_map: Multi_Map[String, String] = Multi_Map.empty,
  abbrevs_lex: Scan.Lexicon = Scan.Lexicon.empty,
  abbrevs_map: Multi_Map[String, (String, String)] = Multi_Map.empty)
  /* adding stuff */

  def + (keyword: String, replace: String): Completion =
    new Completion(
      keywords + keyword,
      words_lex + keyword,
      words_map + (keyword -> replace),

  def + (keyword: String): Completion = this + (keyword, keyword)

  private def add_symbols(): Completion =
    val words =
      (for ((x, _) <- Symbol.names.toList) yield (x, x)) :::
      (for ((x, y) <- Symbol.names.toList) yield ("\\" + y, x)) :::
      (for ((x, y) <- Symbol.abbrevs.toList if Completion.Word_Parsers.is_word(y)) yield (y, x))

    val symbol_abbrs =
      (for ((x, y) <- Symbol.abbrevs.iterator if !Completion.Word_Parsers.is_word(y))
        yield (y, x)).toList

    val abbrs =
      for ((a, b) <- symbol_abbrs ::: Completion.default_abbrs.toList)
        yield (a.reverse, (a, b))

    new Completion(
      words_lex ++,
      words_map ++ words,
      abbrevs_lex ++,
      abbrevs_map ++ abbrs)

  /* complete */

  def complete(
    history: Completion.History,
    decode: Boolean,
    explicit: Boolean,
    text: CharSequence,
    context: Completion.Context): Option[Completion.Result] =
    val abbrevs_result =
      Scan.Parsers.parse(Scan.Parsers.literal(abbrevs_lex), new Library.Reverse(text)) match {
        case Scan.Parsers.Success(reverse_a, _) =>
          val abbrevs = abbrevs_map.get_list(reverse_a)
          abbrevs match {
            case Nil => None
            case (a, _) :: _ =>
              val ok =
                if (a == Completion.antiquote) context.antiquotes
                else context.symbols || Completion.default_abbrs.isDefinedAt(a)
              if (ok) Some((a, else None
        case _ => None

    val words_result =
      abbrevs_result orElse {, text) match {
          case Some(word) =>
            val completions =
              for {
                s <- words_lex.completions(word)
                if (if (keywords(s)) context.is_outer else context.symbols)
                r <- words_map.get_list(s)
              } yield r
            if (completions.isEmpty) None
            else Some(word, completions)
          case None => None

    words_result match {
      case Some((word, cs)) =>
        val ds = (if (decode) else cs).filter(_ != word)
        if (ds.isEmpty) None
        else {
          val immediate =
            !Completion.Word_Parsers.is_word(word) &&
            Character.codePointCount(word, 0, word.length) > 1
          val items =
   => {
              val (s1, s2) =
                space_explode(Completion.caret, s) match {
                  case List(s1, s2) => (s1, s2)
                  case _ => (s, "")
              Completion.Item(word, s, s1 + s2, - s2.length, explicit || immediate)
          Some(Completion.Result(word, cs.length == 1, items.sorted(history.ordering)))
      case None => None