author wenzelm
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 21:23:33 +0100
changeset 29758 7a3b5bbed313
parent 28779 698960f08652
child 29893 defab1c6a6b5
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed rudiments of glossary;

(* $Id$ *)

theory Misc
imports Main

chapter {* Other commands *}

section {* Inspecting the context *}

text {*
    @{command_def "print_commands"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "print_theory"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "print_methods"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "print_attributes"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "print_theorems"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "find_theorems"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "thm_deps"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "print_facts"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "print_binds"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\

    'print\_theory' ( '!'?)

    'find\_theorems' (('(' (nat)? ('with\_dups')? ')')?) (criterion *)
    criterion: ('-'?) ('name' ':' nameref | 'intro' | 'elim' | 'dest' |
      'simp' ':' term | term)
    'thm\_deps' thmrefs

  These commands print certain parts of the theory and proof context.
  Note that there are some further ones available, such as for the set
  of rules declared for simplifications.

  \item @{command "print_commands"} prints Isabelle's outer theory
  syntax, including keywords and command.
  \item @{command "print_theory"} prints the main logical content of
  the theory context; the ``@{text "!"}'' option indicates extra

  \item @{command "print_methods"} prints all proof methods
  available in the current theory context.
  \item @{command "print_attributes"} prints all attributes
  available in the current theory context.
  \item @{command "print_theorems"} prints theorems resulting from
  the last command.
  \item @{command "find_theorems"}~@{text criteria} retrieves facts
  from the theory or proof context matching all of given search
  criteria.  The criterion @{text "name: p"} selects all theorems
  whose fully qualified name matches pattern @{text p}, which may
  contain ``@{text "*"}'' wildcards.  The criteria @{text intro},
  @{text elim}, and @{text dest} select theorems that match the
  current goal as introduction, elimination or destruction rules,
  respectively.  The criterion @{text "simp: t"} selects all rewrite
  rules whose left-hand side matches the given term.  The criterion
  term @{text t} selects all theorems that contain the pattern @{text
  t} -- as usual, patterns may contain occurrences of the dummy
  ``@{text _}'', schematic variables, and type constraints.
  Criteria can be preceded by ``@{text "-"}'' to select theorems that
  do \emph{not} match. Note that giving the empty list of criteria
  yields \emph{all} currently known facts.  An optional limit for the
  number of printed facts may be given; the default is 40.  By
  default, duplicates are removed from the search result. Use
  @{text with_dups} to display duplicates.
  \item @{command "thm_deps"}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}
  visualizes dependencies of facts, using Isabelle's graph browser
  tool (see also \cite{isabelle-sys}).
  \item @{command "print_facts"} prints all local facts of the
  current context, both named and unnamed ones.
  \item @{command "print_binds"} prints all term abbreviations
  present in the context.


section {* History commands \label{sec:history} *}

text {*
    @{command_def "undo"}^{{ * }{ * }} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow> any"} \\
    @{command_def "linear_undo"}^{{ * }{ * }} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow> any"} \\
    @{command_def "kill"}^{{ * }{ * }} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow> any"} \\

  The Isabelle/Isar top-level maintains a two-stage history, for
  theory and proof state transformation.  Basically, any command can
  be undone using @{command "undo"}, excluding mere diagnostic
  elements.  Note that a theorem statement with a \emph{finished}
  proof is treated as a single unit by @{command "undo"}.  In
  contrast, the variant @{command "linear_undo"} admits to step back
  into the middle of a proof.  The @{command "kill"} command aborts
  the current history node altogether, discontinuing a proof or even
  the whole theory.  This operation is \emph{not} undo-able.

    History commands should never be used with user interfaces such as
    Proof~General \cite{proofgeneral,Aspinall:TACAS:2000}, which takes
    care of stepping forth and back itself.  Interfering by manual
    @{command "undo"}, @{command "linear_undo"}, or even @{command
    "kill"} commands would quickly result in utter confusion.

section {* System commands *}

text {*
    @{command_def "cd"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "pwd"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
    @{command_def "use_thy"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\

    ('cd' | 'use\_thy' | 'update\_thy') name


  \item @{command "cd"}~@{text path} changes the current directory
  of the Isabelle process.

  \item @{command "pwd"} prints the current working directory.

  \item @{command "use_thy"}~@{text A} preload theory @{text A}.
  These system commands are scarcely used when working interactively,
  since loading of theories is done automatically as required.

