(* Title: Pure/General/rat.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen
Canonical implementation of exact rational numbers.
signature RAT =
type rat
exception DIVZERO
val zero: rat
val rat_of_int: int -> rat
val rat_of_intinf: IntInf.int -> rat
val rat_of_quotient: IntInf.int * IntInf.int -> rat
val quotient_of_rat: rat -> IntInf.int * IntInf.int
val string_of_rat: rat -> string
val eq: rat * rat -> bool
val le: rat * rat -> bool
val lt: rat * rat -> bool
val ord: rat * rat -> order
val add: rat * rat -> rat
val mult: rat * rat -> rat
val neg: rat -> rat
val inv: rat -> rat
val ge0: rat -> bool
val gt0: rat -> bool
val roundup: rat -> rat
val rounddown: rat -> rat
structure Rat: RAT =
(*keep them normalized!*)
datatype rat = Rat of bool * IntInf.int * IntInf.int;
exception DIVZERO;
val zero = Rat (true, 0, 1);
fun rat_of_intinf i =
if i < 0
then Rat (false, ~i, 1)
else Rat (true, i, 1);
fun rat_of_int i = rat_of_intinf (IntInf.fromInt i);
fun norm (a, 0, q) =
Rat (true, 0, 1)
| norm (a, p, q) =
val absp = abs p
val m = gcd (absp, q)
in Rat(a = (0 <= p), absp div m, q div m) end;
fun common (p1, q1, p2, q2) =
let val q' = lcm (q1, q2)
in (p1 * (q' div q1), p2 * (q' div q2), q') end
fun rat_of_quotient (p, 0) =
| rat_of_quotient (p, q) =
norm (0 <= q, p, abs q);
fun quotient_of_rat (Rat (a, p, q)) = (if a then p else ~p, q);
fun string_of_rat r =
let val (p, q) = quotient_of_rat r
in IntInf.toString p ^ "/" ^ IntInf.toString q end;
fun eq (Rat (false, _, _), Rat (true, _, _)) = false
| eq (Rat (true, _, _), Rat (false, _, _)) = false
| eq (Rat (_, p1, q1), Rat (_, p2, q2)) = p1 = p2 andalso q1 = q2
fun le (Rat (false, _, _), Rat (true, _, _)) = true
| le (Rat (true, _, _), Rat (false, _, _)) = false
| le (Rat (a, p1, q1), Rat (_, p2, q2)) =
let val (r1, r2, _) = common (p1, q1, p2, q2)
in if a then r1 <= r2 else r2 <= r1 end;
fun lt (Rat (false, _, _), Rat (true, _, _)) = true
| lt (Rat (true, _, _), Rat (false, _, _)) = false
| lt (Rat (a, p1, q1), Rat (_, p2, q2)) =
let val (r1, r2, _) = common (p1, q1, p2, q2)
in if a then r1 <= r2 else r2 <= r1 end;
fun ord (Rat (false, _, _), Rat (true, _, _)) = LESS
| ord (Rat (true, _, _), Rat (false, _, _)) = GREATER
| ord (Rat (a, p1, q1), Rat (_, p2, q2)) =
let val (r1, r2, _) = common (p1, q1, p2, q2)
in if a then IntInf.compare (r1, r2) else IntInf.compare (r2, r1) end;
fun add (Rat (a1, p1, q1), Rat(a2, p2, q2)) =
val (r1, r2, den) = common (p1, q1, p2, q2)
val num = (if a1 then r1 else ~r1) + (if a2 then r2 else ~r2)
in norm (true, num, den) end;
fun mult (Rat (a1, p1, q1), Rat (a2, p2, q2)) =
norm (a1=a2, p1*p2, q1*q2);
fun neg (r as Rat (_, 0, _)) = r
| neg (Rat (b, p, q)) =
Rat (not b, p, q);
fun inv (Rat (a, 0, q)) =
| inv (Rat (a, p, q)) =
Rat (a, q, p)
fun ge0 (Rat (a, _, _)) = a;
fun gt0 (Rat (a, p, _)) = a andalso p > 0;
fun roundup (r as Rat (_, _, 1)) = r
| roundup (Rat (a, p, q)) =
fun round true q = Rat (true, q+1, 1)
| round false 0 = Rat (true, 0 ,1)
| round false q = Rat (false, q, 1)
in round a (p div q) end;
fun rounddown (r as Rat (_, _, 1)) = r
| rounddown (Rat (a, p, q)) =
fun round true q = Rat (true, q, 1)
| round false q = Rat (false, q+1, 1)
in round a (p div q) end;