author haftmann
Thu, 02 Oct 2008 13:07:33 +0200
changeset 28456 7a558c872104
parent 28447 df77ed974a78
child 28593 f087237af65d
permissions -rw-r--r--

\ Further\isanewline
\isakeyword{imports}\ Setup\isanewline
\isamarkupsection{Further issues \label{sec:further}%
\isamarkupsubsection{Further reading%
Do dive deeper into the issue of code generation, you should visit
  the Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual \cite{isabelle-isar-ref} which
  constains exhaustive syntax diagrams.%
When invoking the \hyperlink{command.export-code}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{export{\isacharunderscore}code}}}} command it is possible to leave
  out the \hyperlink{keyword.module-name}{\mbox{\isa{\isakeyword{module{\isacharunderscore}name}}}} part;  then code is distributed over
  different modules, where the module name space roughly is induced
  by the \isa{Isabelle} theory namespace.

  Then sometimes the awkward situation occurs that dependencies between
  definitions introduce cyclic dependencies between modules, which in the
  \isa{Haskell} world leaves you to the mercy of the \isa{Haskell} implementation
  you are using,  while for \isa{SML}/\isa{OCaml} code generation is not possible.

  A solution is to declare module names explicitly.
  Let use assume the three cyclically dependent
  modules are named \emph{A}, \emph{B} and \emph{C}.
  Then, by stating%
\ SML\isanewline
\ \ A\ ABC\isanewline
\ \ B\ ABC\isanewline
\ \ C\ ABC%
we explicitly map all those modules on \emph{ABC},
  resulting in an ad-hoc merge of this three modules
  at serialisation time.%
\isamarkupsubsection{Evaluation oracle%
\isamarkupsubsection{Code antiquotation%
\isamarkupsubsection{Creating new targets%
extending targets, adding targets%
\isamarkupsubsection{Imperative data structures%
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