author urbanc
Mon, 08 Oct 2007 05:23:47 +0200
changeset 24895 7cbb842aa99e
permissions -rw-r--r--
added two new example files

(* $Id$ *)

theory VC_NonCompatible
imports "../Nominal" 

text {* 
  We show here two examples where using the variable  
  convention carelessly in rule inductions, we end 
  up with faulty lemmas. The point is that the examples
  are not variable-convention compatible and therefore
  in the nominal package one is protected from such
  bogus reasoning.

text {* 
  We define alpha-equated lambda-terms as usual. 
atom_decl name 

nominal_datatype lam = 
    Var "name"
  | App "lam" "lam"
  | Lam "\<guillemotleft>name\<guillemotright>lam" ("Lam [_]._" [100,100] 100)

text {*
  The inductive relation "unbind" unbinds the top-most  
  binders of a lambda-term; this relation is obviously  
  not a function, since it does not respect alpha-      
  equivalence. However as a relation unbind is ok and     
  a similar relation has been used in our formalisation 
  of the algorithm W.
  unbind :: "lam \<Rightarrow> name list \<Rightarrow> lam \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<mapsto> _,_" [60,60,60] 60)
  u_var: "(Var a) \<mapsto> [],(Var a)"
| u_app: "(App t1 t2) \<mapsto> [],(App t1 t2)"
| u_lam: "t\<mapsto>xs,t' \<Longrightarrow> (Lam [x].t) \<mapsto> (x#xs),t'"

text {* Unbind is equivariant ...*}
equivariance unbind

text {*
  ... but it is not variable-convention compatible (see Urban, 
  Berghofer, Norrish [2007] for more details). This condition 
  requires for rule u_lam, that the binder x is not a free variable 
  in the rule's conclusion. Beacuse this condition is not satisfied, 
  Isabelle will not derive a strong induction principle for unbind 
  - that means Isabelle does not allow us to use the variable 
  convention in induction proofs involving unbind. We can, however,  
  force Isabelle to derive the strengthening induction principle. 
nominal_inductive unbind

text {*
  We can show that %x.%x. x unbinds to [x,x],x and 
  also to [z,y],y (though the proof for the second 
  is a bit clumsy).                                
lemma unbind_lambda_lambda1: 
  shows "Lam [x].Lam [x].(Var x)\<mapsto>[x,x],(Var x)"
by (auto intro: unbind.intros)

lemma unbind_lambda_lambda2: 
  shows "Lam [x].Lam [x].(Var x)\<mapsto>[y,z],(Var z)"
proof -
  have "Lam [x].Lam [x].(Var x) = Lam [y].Lam [z].(Var z)" 
    by (auto simp add: lam.inject alpha calc_atm abs_fresh fresh_atm)
  have "Lam [y].Lam [z].(Var z) \<mapsto> [y,z],(Var z)"
    by (auto intro: unbind.intros)
  show "Lam [x].Lam [x].(Var x)\<mapsto>[y,z],(Var z)" by simp

text {*
  The function 'bind' takes a list of names and abstracts 
  away these names in a given lambda-term.                                     
  bind :: "name list \<Rightarrow> lam \<Rightarrow> lam"
  "bind [] t = t"
| "bind (x#xs) t = Lam [x].(bind xs t)"

text {*
  Although not necessary for our main argument below, we can 
  easily prove that bind undoes the unbinding.               
lemma bind_unbind:
  assumes a: "t \<mapsto> xs,t'"
  shows "t = bind xs t'"
using a by (induct) (auto)

text {*
  The next lemma shows that if x is a free variable in t 
  and x does not occur in xs, then x is a free variable  
  in bind xs t. In the nominal tradition we formulate    
  'is a free variable in' as 'is not fresh for'.         
lemma free_variable:
  fixes x::"name"
  assumes a: "\<not>(x\<sharp>t)" and b: "x\<sharp>xs"
  shows "\<not>(x\<sharp>bind xs t)"
using a b
by (induct xs)
   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons abs_fresh fresh_atm)

text {*
  Now comes the faulty lemma. It is derived using the     
  variable convention, that means using the strong induction 
  principle we 'proved' above by using sorry. This faulty    
  lemma states that if t unbinds to x::xs and t', and x is a 
  free variable in t', then it is also a free variable in    
  bind xs t'. We show this lemma by assuming that the binder 
  x is fresh w.r.t. to the xs unbound previously.            
lemma faulty1:
  assumes a: "t\<mapsto>(x#xs),t'"
  shows "\<not>(x\<sharp>t') \<Longrightarrow> \<not>(x\<sharp>bind xs t')"
using a
by (nominal_induct t xs'\<equiv>"x#xs" t' avoiding: xs rule: unbind.strong_induct)
   (simp_all add: free_variable)

text {*
  Obviously the faulty lemma does not hold for the case 
  Lam [x].Lam [x].(Var x) \<mapsto> [x,x],(Var x).             
lemma false1:
  shows "False"
proof -
  have "Lam [x].Lam [x].(Var x)\<mapsto>[x,x],(Var x)" 
  and  "\<not>(x\<sharp>Var x)" by (simp_all add: unbind_lambda_lambda1 fresh_atm)
  then have "\<not>(x\<sharp>(bind [x] (Var x)))" by (rule faulty1)
  have "x\<sharp>(bind [x] (Var x))" by (simp add: abs_fresh)
  show "False" by simp
text {* 
  The next example is slightly simpler, but looks more
  contrived than unbind. This example just strips off
  the top-most binders from lambdas. 

  strip :: "lam \<Rightarrow> lam \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<rightarrow> _" [60,60] 60)
  s_var: "(Var a) \<rightarrow> (Var a)"
| s_app: "(App t1 t2) \<rightarrow> (App t1 t2)"
| s_lam: "t \<rightarrow> t' \<Longrightarrow> (Lam [x].t) \<rightarrow> t'"

text {* 
  The relation is equivariant but we have to use again 
  sorry to derive a strong induction principle.
equivariance strip

nominal_inductive strip

text {*
  The faulty lemma shows that a variable that is fresh
  for a term is also fresh for the term after striping.
lemma faulty2:
  fixes x::"name"
  assumes a: "t \<rightarrow> t'"
  shows "x\<sharp>t \<Longrightarrow> x\<sharp>t'"
using a
by (nominal_induct t t'\<equiv>t' avoiding: t' rule: strip.strong_induct)
   (auto simp add: abs_fresh)

text {*
  Obviously %x.x is an counter example to this lemma.
lemma false2:
  shows "False"
proof -
  have "Lam [x].(Var x) \<rightarrow> (Var x)" by (auto intro: strip.intros)
  have "x\<sharp>Lam [x].(Var x)" by (simp add: abs_fresh)
  ultimately have "x\<sharp>(Var x)" by (simp only: faulty2)
  then show "False" by (simp add: fresh_atm)