author paulson
Mon, 21 May 2001 14:45:52 +0200
changeset 11317 7f9e4c389318
parent 8123 a71686059be0
child 12536 e9a729259385
permissions -rw-r--r--
X-symbols for set theory

(*  Title:      ZF/AC/AC_Equiv.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Krzysztof Grabczewski

Axioms AC1 -- AC19 come from "Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice, II"
by H. Rubin and J.E. Rubin, 1985.

Axiom AC0 comes from "Axiomatic Set Theory" by P. Suppes, 1972.

Some Isabelle proofs of equivalences of these axioms are formalizations of
proofs presented by the Rubins.  The others are based on the Rubins' proofs,
but slightly changed.

AC_Equiv = CardinalArith + Univ +
           (*NOT "Main" because that theory includes AC!!!*)

(* Well Ordering Theorems *)
  WO1, WO2, WO3, WO5, WO6, WO7, WO8 :: o
  WO4                               :: i => o

(* Axioms of Choice *)  
  AC0, AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7, AC8, AC9,
  AC11, AC12, AC14, AC15, AC17, AC19 :: o
  AC10, AC13              :: i => o
  AC16                    :: [i, i] => o
  AC18                    :: prop       ("AC18")

(* Auxiliary definitions used in definitions *)
  pairwise_disjoint       :: i => o
  sets_of_size_between    :: [i, i, i] => o


(* Well Ordering Theorems *)

  WO1_def "WO1 == \\<forall>A. \\<exists>R. well_ord(A,R)"

  WO2_def "WO2 == \\<forall>A. \\<exists>a. Ord(a) & A eqpoll a"

  WO3_def "WO3 == \\<forall>A. \\<exists>a. Ord(a) & (\\<exists>b. b \\<subseteq> a & A eqpoll b)"

  WO4_def "WO4(m) == \\<forall>A. \\<exists>a f. Ord(a) & domain(f)=a &   
                     (\\<Union>b<a. f`b) = A & (\\<forall>b<a. f`b lepoll m)"

  WO5_def "WO5 == \\<exists>m \\<in> nat. 1 le m & WO4(m)"

  WO6_def "WO6 == \\<forall>A. \\<exists>m \\<in> nat. 1 le m & (\\<exists>a f. Ord(a) & domain(f)=a   
                    & (\\<Union>b<a. f`b) = A & (\\<forall>b<a. f`b lepoll m))"

  WO7_def "WO7 == \\<forall>A. Finite(A) <-> (\\<forall>R. well_ord(A,R) -->   

  WO8_def "WO8 == \\<forall>A. (\\<exists>f. f \\<in> (\\<Pi>X \\<in> A. X)) --> (\\<exists>R. well_ord(A,R))"

(* Axioms of Choice *)  

  AC0_def "AC0 == \\<forall>A. \\<exists>f. f \\<in> (\\<Pi>X \\<in> Pow(A)-{0}. X)"

  AC1_def "AC1 == \\<forall>A. 0\\<notin>A --> (\\<exists>f. f \\<in> (\\<Pi>X \\<in> A. X))"

  AC2_def "AC2 == \\<forall>A. 0\\<notin>A & pairwise_disjoint(A)   
                    --> (\\<exists>C. \\<forall>B \\<in> A. \\<exists>y. B Int C = {y})"

  AC3_def "AC3 == \\<forall>A B. \\<forall>f \\<in> A->B. \\<exists>g. g \\<in> (\\<Pi>x \\<in> {a \\<in> A. f`a\\<noteq>0}. f`x)"

  AC4_def "AC4 == \\<forall>R A B. (R \\<subseteq> A*B --> (\\<exists>f. f \\<in> (\\<Pi>x \\<in> domain(R). R``{x})))"

  AC5_def "AC5 == \\<forall>A B. \\<forall>f \\<in> A->B. \\<exists>g \\<in> range(f)->A.   
                    \\<forall>x \\<in> domain(g). f`(g`x) = x"

  AC6_def "AC6 == \\<forall>A. 0\\<notin>A --> (\\<Pi>B \\<in> A. B)\\<noteq>0"

  AC7_def "AC7 == \\<forall>A. 0\\<notin>A & (\\<forall>B1 \\<in> A. \\<forall>B2 \\<in> A. B1 eqpoll B2)   
                    --> (\\<Pi>B \\<in> A. B)\\<noteq>0"

  AC8_def "AC8 == \\<forall>A. (\\<forall>B \\<in> A. \\<exists>B1 B2. B=<B1,B2> & B1 eqpoll B2)   
                    --> (\\<exists>f. \\<forall>B \\<in> A. f`B \\<in> bij(fst(B),snd(B)))"

  AC9_def "AC9 == \\<forall>A. (\\<forall>B1 \\<in> A. \\<forall>B2 \\<in> A. B1 eqpoll B2) -->   
                    (\\<exists>f. \\<forall>B1 \\<in> A. \\<forall>B2 \\<in> A. f`<B1,B2> \\<in> bij(B1,B2))"

  AC10_def "AC10(n) ==  \\<forall>A. (\\<forall>B \\<in> A. ~Finite(B)) -->   
                    (\\<exists>f. \\<forall>B \\<in> A. (pairwise_disjoint(f`B) &   
                    sets_of_size_between(f`B, 2, succ(n)) & Union(f`B)=B))"

  AC11_def "AC11 == \\<exists>n \\<in> nat. 1 le n & AC10(n)"

  AC12_def "AC12 == \\<forall>A. (\\<forall>B \\<in> A. ~Finite(B)) -->   
            (\\<exists>n \\<in> nat. 1 le n & (\\<exists>f. \\<forall>B \\<in> A. (pairwise_disjoint(f`B) &   
            sets_of_size_between(f`B, 2, succ(n)) & Union(f`B)=B)))"

  AC13_def "AC13(m) == \\<forall>A. 0\\<notin>A --> (\\<exists>f. \\<forall>B \\<in> A. f`B\\<noteq>0 &   
                                          f`B \\<subseteq> B & f`B lepoll m)"

  AC14_def "AC14 == \\<exists>m \\<in> nat. 1 le m & AC13(m)"

  AC15_def "AC15 == \\<forall>A. 0\\<notin>A --> (\\<exists>m \\<in> nat. 1 le m & (\\<exists>f. \\<forall>B \\<in> A.   
                                      f`B\\<noteq>0 & f`B \\<subseteq> B & f`B lepoll m))"

  AC16_def "AC16(n, k)  == \\<forall>A. ~Finite(A) -->   
            (\\<exists>T. T \\<subseteq> {X \\<in> Pow(A). X eqpoll succ(n)} &   
            (\\<forall>X \\<in> {X \\<in> Pow(A). X eqpoll succ(k)}. \\<exists>! Y. Y \\<in> T & X \\<subseteq> Y))"

  AC17_def "AC17 == \\<forall>A. \\<forall>g \\<in> (Pow(A)-{0} -> A) -> Pow(A)-{0}.   
                    \\<exists>f \\<in> Pow(A)-{0} -> A. f`(g`f) \\<in> g`f"

  AC18_def "AC18 == (!!X A B. A\\<noteq>0 & (\\<forall>a \\<in> A. B(a) \\<noteq> 0) -->   
                 ((\\<Inter>a \\<in> A. \\<Union>b \\<in> B(a). X(a,b)) =   
                 (\\<Union>f \\<in> \\<Pi>a \\<in> A. B(a). \\<Inter>a \\<in> A. X(a, f`a))))"

  AC19_def "AC19 == \\<forall>A. A\\<noteq>0 & 0\\<notin>A --> ((\\<Inter>a \\<in> A. \\<Union>b \\<in> a. b) =   
                    (\\<Union>f \\<in> (\\<Pi>B \\<in> A. B). \\<Inter>a \\<in> A. f`a))"

(* Auxiliary definitions used in the above definitions *)

  pairwise_disjoint_def    "pairwise_disjoint(A)   
                            == \\<forall>A1 \\<in> A. \\<forall>A2 \\<in> A. A1 Int A2 \\<noteq> 0 --> A1=A2"

  sets_of_size_between_def "sets_of_size_between(A,m,n)   
                            == \\<forall>B \\<in> A. m lepoll B & B lepoll n"