Multiset: added the translation Mult(A) => A-||>nat-{0}
(which internalises the `multiset' relation).
FoldSet: weakened the typing conditions of the function f and
(by the way) removed the `locale' declarations.
(* Title: ZF/Induct/FoldSet.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
A "fold" functional for finite sets. For n non-negative we have
fold f e {x1,...,xn} = f x1 (... (f xn e)) where f is at
least left-commutative.
FoldSet = Main +
consts fold_set :: "[i, i, [i,i]=>i, i] => i"
domains "fold_set(A, B, f,e)" <= "Fin(A)*B"
emptyI "e:B ==> <0, e>:fold_set(A, B, f,e)"
consI "[| x:A; x ~:C; <C,y> : fold_set(A, B,f,e); f(x,y):B |]
==> <cons(x,C), f(x,y)>:fold_set(A, B, f, e)"
type_intrs "Fin.intrs"
fold :: "[i, [i,i]=>i, i, i] => i" ("fold[_]'(_,_,_')")
"fold[B](f,e, A) == THE x. <A, x>:fold_set(A, B, f,e)"
setsum :: "[i=>i, i] => i"
"setsum(g, C) == if Finite(C) then
fold[int](%x y. g(x) $+ y, #0, C) else #0"