(* Title: Tools/WWW_Find/html_unicode.ML
Author: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
Based on Pure/Thy/html.ML
by Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
HTML presentation elements that use unicode code points.
signature HTML_UNICODE =
val print_mode: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
structure HTML_Unicode: HTML_UNICODE =
(** HTML print modes **)
(* mode *)
val htmlunicodeN = "HTMLUnicode";
fun print_mode f x = Print_Mode.with_modes [htmlunicodeN, Symbol.xsymbolsN] f x;
(* symbol output *)
val sym_width_lookup = Symtab.make
[("\<Longleftarrow>", 2),
("\<longleftarrow>", 2),
("\<Longrightarrow>", 2),
("\<longrightarrow>", 2),
("\<longleftrightarrow>", 2),
("\<^bsub>", 0),
("\<^esub>", 0),
("\<^bsup>", 0),
("\<^esup>", 0)];
fun sym_width s =
(case Symtab.lookup sym_width_lookup s of
NONE => 1
| SOME w => w);
fun output_sym s =
if Symbol.is_raw s then (1, Symbol.decode_raw s)
(case UnicodeSymbols.symbol_to_unicode s of
SOME x => (sym_width s, "&#" ^ string_of_int x ^ ";") (* numeric entities *)
(* SOME x => (sym_width s, UnicodeSymbols.utf8 [x]) (* utf-8 *) *)
| NONE => (size s, XML.text s));
fun output_sub s = apsnd (enclose "<sub>" "</sub>") (output_sym s);
fun output_sup s = apsnd (enclose "<sup>" "</sup>") (output_sym s);
fun output_syms ("\<^sub>" :: s :: ss) = output_sub s :: output_syms ss
| output_syms ("\<^sup>" :: s :: ss) = output_sup s :: output_syms ss
| output_syms (s :: ss) = output_sym s :: output_syms ss
| output_syms [] = [];
fun output_width str =
if not (exists_string (fn s => s = "\\" orelse s = "<" orelse s = ">" orelse s = "&") str)
then Output.default_output str
let val (syms, width) = fold_map (fn (w, s) => fn width => (s, w + width))
(output_syms (Symbol.explode str)) 0
in (implode syms, width) end;
val output = #1 o output_width;
val _ = Output.add_mode htmlunicodeN output_width Symbol.encode_raw;
(* common markup *)
fun span s = ("<span class=" ^ quote (XML.text s) ^ ">", "</span>");
val _ = Markup.add_mode htmlunicodeN (fn (name, _) => span name);