author wenzelm
Fri, 29 Oct 2010 22:07:48 +0200
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proper signature constraint for ML structure; explicit theory setup, which is customary outside Pure; formal @{binding} instead of;

(*  ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Alexander Krauss, Technische Universitaet Muenchen

header {* Case study: Unification Algorithm *}

theory Unification
imports Main

text {* 
  This is a formalization of a first-order unification
  algorithm. It uses the new "function" package to define recursive
  functions, which allows a better treatment of nested recursion. 

  This is basically a modernized version of a previous formalization
  by Konrad Slind (see: HOL/Subst/Unify.thy), which itself builds on
  previous work by Paulson and Manna \& Waldinger (for details, see

  Unlike that formalization, where the proofs of termination and
  some partial correctness properties are intertwined, we can prove
  partial correctness and termination separately.

subsection {* Basic definitions *}

datatype 'a trm = 
  Var 'a 
  | Const 'a
  | App "'a trm" "'a trm" (infix "\<cdot>" 60)

  'a subst = "('a \<times> 'a trm) list"

text {* Applying a substitution to a variable: *}

fun assoc :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> 'b"
  "assoc x d [] = d"
| "assoc x d ((p,q)#t) = (if x = p then q else assoc x d t)"

text {* Applying a substitution to a term: *}

fun apply_subst :: "'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a subst \<Rightarrow> 'a trm" (infixl "\<triangleleft>" 60)
  "(Var v) \<triangleleft> s = assoc v (Var v) s"
| "(Const c) \<triangleleft> s = (Const c)"
| "(M \<cdot> N) \<triangleleft> s = (M \<triangleleft> s) \<cdot> (N \<triangleleft> s)"

text {* Composition of substitutions: *}

  "compose" :: "'a subst \<Rightarrow> 'a subst \<Rightarrow> 'a subst" (infixl "\<bullet>" 80)
  "[] \<bullet> bl = bl"
| "((a,b) # al) \<bullet> bl = (a, b \<triangleleft> bl) # (al \<bullet> bl)"

text {* Equivalence of substitutions: *}

definition eqv (infix "=\<^sub>s" 50)
  "s1 =\<^sub>s s2 \<equiv> \<forall>t. t \<triangleleft> s1 = t \<triangleleft> s2" 

subsection {* Basic lemmas *}

lemma apply_empty[simp]: "t \<triangleleft> [] = t"
by (induct t) auto

lemma compose_empty[simp]: "\<sigma> \<bullet> [] = \<sigma>"
by (induct \<sigma>) auto

lemma apply_compose[simp]: "t \<triangleleft> (s1 \<bullet> s2) = t \<triangleleft> s1 \<triangleleft> s2"
proof (induct t)
  case App thus ?case by simp
  case Const thus ?case by simp
  case (Var v) thus ?case
  proof (induct s1)
    case Nil show ?case by simp
    case (Cons p s1s) thus ?case by (cases p, simp)

lemma eqv_refl[intro]: "s =\<^sub>s s"
  by (auto simp:eqv_def)

lemma eqv_trans[trans]: "\<lbrakk>s1 =\<^sub>s s2; s2 =\<^sub>s s3\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s1 =\<^sub>s s3"
  by (auto simp:eqv_def)

lemma eqv_sym[sym]: "\<lbrakk>s1 =\<^sub>s s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s2 =\<^sub>s s1"
  by (auto simp:eqv_def)

lemma eqv_intro[intro]: "(\<And>t. t \<triangleleft> \<sigma> = t \<triangleleft> \<theta>) \<Longrightarrow> \<sigma> =\<^sub>s \<theta>"
  by (auto simp:eqv_def)

lemma eqv_dest[dest]: "s1 =\<^sub>s s2 \<Longrightarrow> t \<triangleleft> s1 = t \<triangleleft> s2"
  by (auto simp:eqv_def)

lemma compose_eqv: "\<lbrakk>\<sigma> =\<^sub>s \<sigma>'; \<theta> =\<^sub>s \<theta>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<sigma> \<bullet> \<theta>) =\<^sub>s (\<sigma>' \<bullet> \<theta>')"
  by (auto simp:eqv_def)

lemma compose_assoc: "(a \<bullet> b) \<bullet> c =\<^sub>s a \<bullet> (b \<bullet> c)"
  by auto

subsection {* Specification: Most general unifiers *}

  "Unifier \<sigma> t u \<equiv> (t\<triangleleft>\<sigma> = u\<triangleleft>\<sigma>)"

  "MGU \<sigma> t u \<equiv> Unifier \<sigma> t u \<and> (\<forall>\<theta>. Unifier \<theta> t u 
  \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>\<gamma>. \<theta> =\<^sub>s \<sigma> \<bullet> \<gamma>))"

lemma MGUI[intro]:
  "\<lbrakk>t \<triangleleft> \<sigma> = u \<triangleleft> \<sigma>; \<And>\<theta>. t \<triangleleft> \<theta> = u \<triangleleft> \<theta> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>\<gamma>. \<theta> =\<^sub>s \<sigma> \<bullet> \<gamma>\<rbrakk>
  \<Longrightarrow> MGU \<sigma> t u"
  by (simp only:Unifier_def MGU_def, auto)

lemma MGU_sym[sym]:
  "MGU \<sigma> s t \<Longrightarrow> MGU \<sigma> t s"
  by (auto simp:MGU_def Unifier_def)

subsection {* The unification algorithm *}

text {* Occurs check: Proper subterm relation *}

fun occ :: "'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a trm \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "occ u (Var v) = False"
| "occ u (Const c) = False"
| "occ u (M \<cdot> N) = (u = M \<or> u = N \<or> occ u M \<or> occ u N)"

text {* The unification algorithm: *}

function unify :: "'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a subst option"
  "unify (Const c) (M \<cdot> N)   = None"
| "unify (M \<cdot> N)   (Const c) = None"
| "unify (Const c) (Var v)   = Some [(v, Const c)]"
| "unify (M \<cdot> N)   (Var v)   = (if (occ (Var v) (M \<cdot> N)) 
                                        then None
                                        else Some [(v, M \<cdot> N)])"
| "unify (Var v)   M         = (if (occ (Var v) M) 
                                        then None
                                        else Some [(v, M)])"
| "unify (Const c) (Const d) = (if c=d then Some [] else None)"
| "unify (M \<cdot> N) (M' \<cdot> N') = (case unify M M' of
                                    None \<Rightarrow> None |
                                    Some \<theta> \<Rightarrow> (case unify (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>) (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>)
                                      of None \<Rightarrow> None |
                                         Some \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> Some (\<theta> \<bullet> \<sigma>)))"
  by pat_completeness auto

declare unify.psimps[simp]

subsection {* Partial correctness *}

text {* Some lemmas about occ and MGU: *}

lemma subst_no_occ: "\<not>occ (Var v) t \<Longrightarrow> Var v \<noteq> t
  \<Longrightarrow> t \<triangleleft> [(v,s)] = t"
by (induct t) auto

lemma MGU_Var[intro]: 
  assumes no_occ: "\<not>occ (Var v) t"
  shows "MGU [(v,t)] (Var v) t"
proof (intro MGUI exI)
  show "Var v \<triangleleft> [(v,t)] = t \<triangleleft> [(v,t)]" using no_occ
    by (cases "Var v = t", auto simp:subst_no_occ)
  fix \<theta> assume th: "Var v \<triangleleft> \<theta> = t \<triangleleft> \<theta>" 
  show "\<theta> =\<^sub>s [(v,t)] \<bullet> \<theta>" 
    fix s show "s \<triangleleft> \<theta> = s \<triangleleft> [(v,t)] \<bullet> \<theta>" using th 
      by (induct s) auto

declare MGU_Var[symmetric, intro]

lemma MGU_Const[simp]: "MGU [] (Const c) (Const d) = (c = d)"
  unfolding MGU_def Unifier_def
  by auto
text {* If unification terminates, then it computes most general unifiers: *}

lemma unify_partial_correctness:
  assumes "unify_dom (M, N)"
  assumes "unify M N = Some \<sigma>"
  shows "MGU \<sigma> M N"
using assms
proof (induct M N arbitrary: \<sigma>)
  case (7 M N M' N' \<sigma>) -- "The interesting case"

  then obtain \<theta>1 \<theta>2 
    where "unify M M' = Some \<theta>1"
    and "unify (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) = Some \<theta>2"
    and \<sigma>: "\<sigma> = \<theta>1 \<bullet> \<theta>2"
    and MGU_inner: "MGU \<theta>1 M M'" 
    and MGU_outer: "MGU \<theta>2 (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1)"
    by (auto split:option.split_asm)

  show ?case
    from MGU_inner and MGU_outer
    have "M \<triangleleft> \<theta>1 = M' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1" 
      and "N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1 \<triangleleft> \<theta>2 = N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1 \<triangleleft> \<theta>2"
      unfolding MGU_def Unifier_def
      by auto
    thus "M \<cdot> N \<triangleleft> \<sigma> = M' \<cdot> N' \<triangleleft> \<sigma>" unfolding \<sigma>
      by simp
    fix \<sigma>' assume "M \<cdot> N \<triangleleft> \<sigma>' = M' \<cdot> N' \<triangleleft> \<sigma>'"
    hence "M \<triangleleft> \<sigma>' = M' \<triangleleft> \<sigma>'"
      and Ns: "N \<triangleleft> \<sigma>' = N' \<triangleleft> \<sigma>'" by auto

    with MGU_inner obtain \<delta>
      where eqv: "\<sigma>' =\<^sub>s \<theta>1 \<bullet> \<delta>"
      unfolding MGU_def Unifier_def
      by auto

    from Ns have "N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1 \<triangleleft> \<delta> = N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1 \<triangleleft> \<delta>"
      by (simp add:eqv_dest[OF eqv])

    with MGU_outer obtain \<rho>
      where eqv2: "\<delta> =\<^sub>s \<theta>2 \<bullet> \<rho>"
      unfolding MGU_def Unifier_def
      by auto
    have "\<sigma>' =\<^sub>s \<sigma> \<bullet> \<rho>" unfolding \<sigma>
      by (rule eqv_intro, auto simp:eqv_dest[OF eqv] eqv_dest[OF eqv2])
    thus "\<exists>\<gamma>. \<sigma>' =\<^sub>s \<sigma> \<bullet> \<gamma>" ..
qed (auto split:split_if_asm) -- "Solve the remaining cases automatically"

subsection {* Properties used in termination proof *}

text {* The variables of a term: *}

fun vars_of:: "'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a set"
  "vars_of (Var v) = { v }"
| "vars_of (Const c) = {}"
| "vars_of (M \<cdot> N) = vars_of M \<union> vars_of N"

lemma vars_of_finite[intro]: "finite (vars_of t)"
  by (induct t) simp_all

text {* Elimination of variables by a substitution: *}

  "elim \<sigma> v \<equiv> \<forall>t. v \<notin> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<sigma>)"

lemma elim_intro[intro]: "(\<And>t. v \<notin> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<sigma>)) \<Longrightarrow> elim \<sigma> v"
  by (auto simp:elim_def)

lemma elim_dest[dest]: "elim \<sigma> v \<Longrightarrow> v \<notin> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<sigma>)"
  by (auto simp:elim_def)

lemma elim_eqv: "\<sigma> =\<^sub>s \<theta> \<Longrightarrow> elim \<sigma> x = elim \<theta> x"
  by (auto simp:elim_def eqv_def)

text {* Replacing a variable by itself yields an identity subtitution: *}

lemma var_self[intro]: "[(v, Var v)] =\<^sub>s []"
  fix t show "t \<triangleleft> [(v, Var v)] = t \<triangleleft> []"
    by (induct t) simp_all

lemma var_same: "([(v, t)] =\<^sub>s []) = (t = Var v)"
  assume t_v: "t = Var v"
  thus "[(v, t)] =\<^sub>s []"
    by auto
  assume id: "[(v, t)] =\<^sub>s []"
  show "t = Var v"
  proof -
    have "t = Var v \<triangleleft> [(v, t)]" by simp
    also from id have "\<dots> = Var v \<triangleleft> []" ..
    finally show ?thesis by simp

text {* A lemma about occ and elim *}

lemma remove_var:
  assumes [simp]: "v \<notin> vars_of s"
  shows "v \<notin> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> [(v, s)])"
  by (induct t) simp_all

lemma occ_elim: "\<not>occ (Var v) t 
  \<Longrightarrow> elim [(v,t)] v \<or> [(v,t)] =\<^sub>s []"
proof (induct t)
  case (Var x)
  show ?case
  proof cases
    assume "v = x"
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add:var_same)
    assume neq: "v \<noteq> x"
    have "elim [(v, Var x)] v"
      by (auto intro!:remove_var simp:neq)
    thus ?thesis ..
  case (Const c)
  have "elim [(v, Const c)] v"
    by (auto intro!:remove_var)
  thus ?case ..
  case (App M N)
  hence ih1: "elim [(v, M)] v \<or> [(v, M)] =\<^sub>s []"
    and ih2: "elim [(v, N)] v \<or> [(v, N)] =\<^sub>s []"
    and nonocc: "Var v \<noteq> M" "Var v \<noteq> N"
    by auto

  from nonocc have "\<not> [(v,M)] =\<^sub>s []"
    by (simp add:var_same)
  with ih1 have "elim [(v, M)] v" by blast
  hence "v \<notin> vars_of (Var v \<triangleleft> [(v,M)])" ..
  hence not_in_M: "v \<notin> vars_of M" by simp

  from nonocc have "\<not> [(v,N)] =\<^sub>s []"
    by (simp add:var_same)
  with ih2 have "elim [(v, N)] v" by blast
  hence "v \<notin> vars_of (Var v \<triangleleft> [(v,N)])" ..
  hence not_in_N: "v \<notin> vars_of N" by simp

  have "elim [(v, M \<cdot> N)] v"
    fix t 
    show "v \<notin> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> [(v, M \<cdot> N)])"
    proof (induct t)
      case (Var x) thus ?case by (simp add: not_in_M not_in_N)
    qed auto
  thus ?case ..

text {* The result of a unification never introduces new variables: *}

lemma unify_vars: 
  assumes "unify_dom (M, N)"
  assumes "unify M N = Some \<sigma>"
  shows "vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<sigma>) \<subseteq> vars_of M \<union> vars_of N \<union> vars_of t"
  (is "?P M N \<sigma> t")
using assms
proof (induct M N arbitrary:\<sigma> t)
  case (3 c v) 
  hence "\<sigma> = [(v, Const c)]" by simp
  thus ?case by (induct t) auto
  case (4 M N v) 
  hence "\<not>occ (Var v) (M\<cdot>N)" by (cases "occ (Var v) (M\<cdot>N)", auto)
  with 4 have "\<sigma> = [(v, M\<cdot>N)]" by simp
  thus ?case by (induct t) auto
  case (5 v M)
  hence "\<not>occ (Var v) M" by (cases "occ (Var v) M", auto)
  with 5 have "\<sigma> = [(v, M)]" by simp
  thus ?case by (induct t) auto
  case (7 M N M' N' \<sigma>)
  then obtain \<theta>1 \<theta>2 
    where "unify M M' = Some \<theta>1"
    and "unify (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) = Some \<theta>2"
    and \<sigma>: "\<sigma> = \<theta>1 \<bullet> \<theta>2"
    and ih1: "\<And>t. ?P M M' \<theta>1 t"
    and ih2: "\<And>t. ?P (N\<triangleleft>\<theta>1) (N'\<triangleleft>\<theta>1) \<theta>2 t"
    by (auto split:option.split_asm)

  show ?case
    fix v assume a: "v \<in> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<sigma>)"
    show "v \<in> vars_of (M \<cdot> N) \<union> vars_of (M' \<cdot> N') \<union> vars_of t"
    proof (cases "v \<notin> vars_of M \<and> v \<notin> vars_of M'
        \<and> v \<notin> vars_of N \<and> v \<notin> vars_of N'")
      case True
      with ih1 have l:"\<And>t. v \<in> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) \<Longrightarrow> v \<in> vars_of t"
        by auto
      from a and ih2[where t="t \<triangleleft> \<theta>1"]
      have "v \<in> vars_of (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) \<union> vars_of (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) 
        \<or> v \<in> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<theta>1)" unfolding \<sigma>
        by auto
      hence "v \<in> vars_of t"
        assume "v \<in> vars_of (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) \<union> vars_of (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1)"
        with True show ?thesis by (auto dest:l)
        assume "v \<in> vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<theta>1)" 
        thus ?thesis by (rule l)
      thus ?thesis by auto
    qed auto
qed (auto split: split_if_asm)

text {* The result of a unification is either the identity
substitution or it eliminates a variable from one of the terms: *}

lemma unify_eliminates: 
  assumes "unify_dom (M, N)"
  assumes "unify M N = Some \<sigma>"
  shows "(\<exists>v\<in>vars_of M \<union> vars_of N. elim \<sigma> v) \<or> \<sigma> =\<^sub>s []"
  (is "?P M N \<sigma>")
using assms
proof (induct M N arbitrary:\<sigma>)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case 2 thus ?case by simp
  case (3 c v)
  have no_occ: "\<not> occ (Var v) (Const c)" by simp
  with 3 have "\<sigma> = [(v, Const c)]" by simp
  with occ_elim[OF no_occ]
  show ?case by auto
  case (4 M N v)
  hence no_occ: "\<not>occ (Var v) (M\<cdot>N)" by (cases "occ (Var v) (M\<cdot>N)", auto)
  with 4 have "\<sigma> = [(v, M\<cdot>N)]" by simp
  with occ_elim[OF no_occ]
  show ?case by auto 
  case (5 v M) 
  hence no_occ: "\<not>occ (Var v) M" by (cases "occ (Var v) M", auto)
  with 5 have "\<sigma> = [(v, M)]" by simp
  with occ_elim[OF no_occ]
  show ?case by auto 
  case (6 c d) thus ?case
    by (cases "c = d") auto
  case (7 M N M' N' \<sigma>)
  then obtain \<theta>1 \<theta>2 
    where "unify M M' = Some \<theta>1"
    and "unify (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) = Some \<theta>2"
    and \<sigma>: "\<sigma> = \<theta>1 \<bullet> \<theta>2"
    and ih1: "?P M M' \<theta>1"
    and ih2: "?P (N\<triangleleft>\<theta>1) (N'\<triangleleft>\<theta>1) \<theta>2"
    by (auto split:option.split_asm)

  from `unify_dom (M \<cdot> N, M' \<cdot> N')`
  have "unify_dom (M, M')"
    by (rule accp_downward) (rule unify_rel.intros)
  hence no_new_vars: 
    "\<And>t. vars_of (t \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) \<subseteq> vars_of M \<union> vars_of M' \<union> vars_of t"
    by (rule unify_vars) (rule `unify M M' = Some \<theta>1`)

  from ih2 show ?case 
    assume "\<exists>v\<in>vars_of (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) \<union> vars_of (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1). elim \<theta>2 v"
    then obtain v 
      where "v\<in>vars_of (N \<triangleleft> \<theta>1) \<union> vars_of (N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>1)"
      and el: "elim \<theta>2 v" by auto
    with no_new_vars show ?thesis unfolding \<sigma> 
      by (auto simp:elim_def)
    assume empty[simp]: "\<theta>2 =\<^sub>s []"

    have "\<sigma> =\<^sub>s (\<theta>1 \<bullet> [])" unfolding \<sigma>
      by (rule compose_eqv) auto
    also have "\<dots> =\<^sub>s \<theta>1" by auto
    finally have "\<sigma> =\<^sub>s \<theta>1" .

    from ih1 show ?thesis
      assume "\<exists>v\<in>vars_of M \<union> vars_of M'. elim \<theta>1 v"
      with elim_eqv[OF `\<sigma> =\<^sub>s \<theta>1`]
      show ?thesis by auto
      note `\<sigma> =\<^sub>s \<theta>1`
      also assume "\<theta>1 =\<^sub>s []"
      finally show ?thesis ..

subsection {* Termination proof *}

termination unify
  let ?R = "measures [\<lambda>(M,N). card (vars_of M \<union> vars_of N),
                           \<lambda>(M, N). size M]"
  show "wf ?R" by simp

  fix M N M' N' 
  show "((M, M'), (M \<cdot> N, M' \<cdot> N')) \<in> ?R" -- "Inner call"
    by (rule measures_lesseq) (auto intro: card_mono)

  fix \<theta>                                   -- "Outer call"
  assume inner: "unify_dom (M, M')"
    "unify M M' = Some \<theta>"

  from unify_eliminates[OF inner]
  show "((N \<triangleleft> \<theta>, N' \<triangleleft> \<theta>), (M \<cdot> N, M' \<cdot> N')) \<in>?R"
    -- {* Either a variable is eliminated \ldots *}
    assume "(\<exists>v\<in>vars_of M \<union> vars_of M'. elim \<theta> v)"
    then obtain v 
      where "elim \<theta> v" 
      and "v\<in>vars_of M \<union> vars_of M'" by auto
    with unify_vars[OF inner]
    have "vars_of (N\<triangleleft>\<theta>) \<union> vars_of (N'\<triangleleft>\<theta>)
      \<subset> vars_of (M\<cdot>N) \<union> vars_of (M'\<cdot>N')"
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by (auto intro!: measures_less intro: psubset_card_mono)
    -- {* Or the substitution is empty *}
    assume "\<theta> =\<^sub>s []"
    hence "N \<triangleleft> \<theta> = N" 
      and "N' \<triangleleft> \<theta> = N'" by auto
    thus ?thesis 
       by (auto intro!: measures_less intro: psubset_card_mono)

declare unify.psimps[simp del]
