author clasohm
Fri, 03 Mar 1995 12:04:16 +0100
changeset 924 806721cfbf46
child 965 24eef3860714
permissions -rw-r--r--
new version of HOL/IMP with curried function application

(*  Title: 	HOL/IMP/Com.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author: 	Heiko Loetzbeyer & Robert Sandner, TUM
    Copyright   1994 TUM

Arithmetic expressions, Boolean expressions, Commands

And their Operational semantics

Com = Arith +

(** Arithmetic expressions **)
types loc
      state = "loc => nat"
      n2n = "nat => nat"
      n2n2n = "nat => nat => nat"

arities loc :: term

  aexp = N (nat)
       | X (loc)
       | Op1 (n2n, aexp)
       | Op2 (n2n2n, aexp, aexp)

(** Evaluation of arithmetic expressions **)
consts  evala    :: "(aexp*state*nat)set"
       "@evala"  :: "[aexp,state,nat] => bool"	("<_,_>/ -a-> _"  [0,0,50] 50)
    "<ae,sig> -a-> n" == "<ae,sig,n> : evala"
inductive "evala"
    N   "<N(n),s> -a-> n"
    X  	"<X(x),s> -a-> s(x)"
    Op1 "<e,s> -a-> n ==> <Op1 f e,s> -a-> f(n)"
    Op2 "[| <e0,s> -a-> n0;  <e1,s>  -a-> n1 |] \
\           ==> <Op2 f e0 e1,s> -a-> f n0 n1"

types n2n2b = "[nat,nat] => bool"

(** Boolean expressions **)

  bexp = true
       | false
       | ROp  (n2n2b, aexp, aexp)
       | noti (bexp)
       | andi (bexp,bexp)	(infixl 60)
       | ori  (bexp,bexp)	(infixl 60)

(** Evaluation of boolean expressions **)
consts evalb	:: "(bexp*state*bool)set"	
       "@evalb" :: "[bexp,state,bool] => bool"	("<_,_>/ -b-> _"  [0,0,50] 50)

    "<be,sig> -b-> b" == "<be,sig,b> : evalb"

inductive "evalb"
 intrs (*avoid clash with ML constructors true, false*)
    tru   "<true,s> -b-> True"
    fls   "<false,s> -b-> False"
    ROp   "[| <a0,s> -a-> n0; <a1,s> -a-> n1 |] \
\	   ==> <ROp f a0 a1,s> -b-> f n0 n1"
    noti  "<b,s> -b-> w ==> <noti(b),s> -b-> (~w)"
    andi  "[| <b0,s> -b-> w0; <b1,s> -b-> w1 |] \
\          ==> <b0 andi b1,s> -b-> (w0 & w1)"
    ori   "[| <b0,s> -b-> w0; <b1,s> -b-> w1 |] \
\	    ==> <b0 ori b1,s> -b-> (w0 | w1)"

(** Commands **)

  com = skip
      | ":="   (loc,aexp)	 (infixl  60)
      | semic  (com,com)	 ("_; _"  [60, 60] 10)
      | whileC (bexp,com)	 ("while _ do _"  60)
      | ifC    (bexp, com, com)	 ("ifc _ then _ else _"  60)

(** Execution of commands **)
consts  evalc    :: "(com*state*state)set"
        "@evalc" :: "[com,state,state] => bool"  ("<_,_>/ -c-> _" [0,0,50] 50)
	"assign" :: "[state,nat,loc] => state"   ("_[_'/_]"       [95,0,0] 95)

       "<ce,sig> -c-> s" == "<ce,sig,s> : evalc"

	assign_def	"s[m/x] == (%y. if (y=x) m (s y))"

inductive "evalc"
    skip    "<skip,s> -c-> s"

    assign  "<a,s> -a-> m ==> <x := a,s> -c-> s[m/x]"

    semi    "[| <c0,s> -c-> s2; <c1,s2> -c-> s1 |] \
\            ==> <c0 ; c1, s> -c-> s1"

    ifcTrue "[| <b,s> -b-> True; <c0,s> -c-> s1 |] \
\            ==> <ifc b then c0 else c1, s> -c-> s1"

    ifcFalse "[| <b,s> -b-> False; <c1,s> -c-> s1 |] \
\             ==> <ifc b then c0 else c1, s> -c-> s1"

    whileFalse "<b, s> -b-> False ==> <while b do c,s> -c-> s"

    whileTrue  "[| <b,s> -b-> True; <c,s> -c-> s2; \
\                  <while b do c, s2> -c-> s1 |] \
\               ==> <while b do c, s> -c-> s1 "