(* Title: Pure/Isar/object_logic.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Specifics about common object-logics.
signature OBJECT_LOGIC =
val add_judgment: bstring * string * mixfix -> theory -> theory
val add_judgment_i: bstring * typ * mixfix -> theory -> theory
val judgment_name: Sign.sg -> string
val is_judgment: Sign.sg -> term -> bool
val drop_judgment: Sign.sg -> term -> term
val fixed_judgment: Sign.sg -> string -> term
val assert_propT: Sign.sg -> term -> term
val declare_atomize: theory attribute
val declare_rulify: theory attribute
val atomize_term: Sign.sg -> term -> term
val atomize_thm: thm -> thm
val atomize_rule: Sign.sg -> cterm -> thm
val atomize_tac: int -> tactic
val full_atomize_tac: int -> tactic
val atomize_goal: int -> thm -> thm
val rulify: thm -> thm
val rulify_no_asm: thm -> thm
val rule_format: 'a attribute
val rule_format_no_asm: 'a attribute
val setup: (theory -> theory) list
structure ObjectLogic: OBJECT_LOGIC =
(** object-logic theory data **)
(* data kind 'Pure/object-logic' *)
structure ObjectLogicDataArgs =
val name = "Pure/object-logic";
type T = string option * (thm list * thm list);
val empty = (None, ([], [Drule.norm_hhf_eq]));
val copy = I;
val prep_ext = I;
fun merge_judgment (Some x, Some y) =
if x = y then Some x else error "Attempt to merge different object-logics"
| merge_judgment (j1, j2) = if is_some j1 then j1 else j2;
fun merge ((judgment1, (atomize1, rulify1)), (judgment2, (atomize2, rulify2))) =
(merge_judgment (judgment1, judgment2),
(Drule.merge_rules (atomize1, atomize2), Drule.merge_rules (rulify1, rulify2)));
fun print _ _ = ();
structure ObjectLogicData = TheoryDataFun(ObjectLogicDataArgs);
(** generic treatment of judgments -- with a single argument only **)
(* add_judgment(_i) *)
fun new_judgment name (None, rules) = (Some name, rules)
| new_judgment _ (Some _, _) = error "Attempt to redeclare object-logic judgment";
fun add_final name thy =
val typ = case Sign.const_type (sign_of thy) name of
Some T => T
| None => error "Internal error in ObjectLogic.gen_add_judgment";
Theory.add_finals_i false [Const(name,typ)] thy
fun gen_add_judgment add_consts (name, T, syn) thy =
val fullname = Sign.full_name (Theory.sign_of thy) name;
|> add_consts [(name, T, syn)]
|> add_final fullname
|> ObjectLogicData.map (new_judgment fullname)
val add_judgment = gen_add_judgment Theory.add_consts;
val add_judgment_i = gen_add_judgment Theory.add_consts_i;
(* term operations *)
fun judgment_name sg =
(case ObjectLogicData.get_sg sg of
(Some name, _) => name
| _ => raise TERM ("Unknown object-logic judgment", []));
fun is_judgment sg (Const (c, _) $ _) = c = judgment_name sg
| is_judgment _ _ = false;
fun drop_judgment sg (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, drop_judgment sg t)
| drop_judgment sg (tm as (Const (c, _) $ t)) =
if (c = judgment_name sg handle TERM _ => false) then t else tm
| drop_judgment _ tm = tm;
fun fixed_judgment sg x =
let (*be robust wrt. low-level errors*)
val c = judgment_name sg;
val aT = TFree ("'a", logicS);
val T =
if_none (Sign.const_type sg c) (aT --> propT)
|> Term.map_type_tvar (fn ((x, _), S) => TFree (x, S));
val U = Term.domain_type T handle Match => aT;
in Const (c, T) $ Free (x, U) end;
fun assert_propT sg t =
let val T = Term.fastype_of t
in if T = propT then t else Const (judgment_name sg, T --> propT) $ t end;
(** treatment of meta-level connectives **)
(* maintain rules *)
val get_atomize = #1 o #2 o ObjectLogicData.get_sg;
val get_rulify = #2 o #2 o ObjectLogicData.get_sg;
val add_atomize = ObjectLogicData.map o Library.apsnd o Library.apfst o Drule.add_rule;
val add_rulify = ObjectLogicData.map o Library.apsnd o Library.apsnd o Drule.add_rule;
fun declare_atomize (thy, th) = (add_atomize th thy, th);
fun declare_rulify (thy, th) = (add_rulify th thy, th);
(* atomize *)
fun rewrite_prems_tac rews i = PRIMITIVE (MetaSimplifier.fconv_rule
(MetaSimplifier.goals_conv (Library.equal i)
(MetaSimplifier.goals_conv (K true) (Tactic.rewrite true rews)))));
fun atomize_term sg =
drop_judgment sg o MetaSimplifier.rewrite_term sg (get_atomize sg) [];
fun atomize_rule sg = Tactic.rewrite true (get_atomize sg);
(*Convert a natural-deduction rule into a formula (probably in FOL)*)
fun atomize_thm th =
rewrite_rule (get_atomize (Thm.sign_of_thm th)) th;
fun atomize_tac i st =
if Logic.has_meta_prems (Thm.prop_of st) i then
(rewrite_prems_tac (get_atomize (Thm.sign_of_thm st)) i) st
else all_tac st;
fun full_atomize_tac i st =
rewrite_goal_tac (get_atomize (Thm.sign_of_thm st)) i st;
fun atomize_goal i st =
(case Seq.pull (atomize_tac i st) of None => st | Some (st', _) => st');
(* rulify *)
fun gen_rulify full thm =
Tactic.simplify full (get_rulify (Thm.sign_of_thm thm)) thm
|> Drule.gen_all |> Drule.strip_shyps_warning |> Drule.zero_var_indexes;
val rulify = gen_rulify true;
val rulify_no_asm = gen_rulify false;
fun rule_format x = Drule.rule_attribute (fn _ => rulify) x;
fun rule_format_no_asm x = Drule.rule_attribute (fn _ => rulify_no_asm) x;
(** theory setup **)
val setup = [ObjectLogicData.init];