(* Title: Pure/attribute.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Theorem tags and attributes.
type tag
type tthm
type 'a attribute
signature ATTRIBUTE =
val thm_of: tthm -> thm
val tthm_of: thm -> tthm
val none: 'a -> 'a * 'b attribute list
val no_attrs: 'a * 'b -> ('a * ('b * tag list)) * 'c attribute list
val no_attrss: 'a * 'b list -> ('a * ('b * tag list) list) * 'c attribute list
val fail: string -> string -> 'a
val apply: ('a * tthm) * 'a attribute list -> ('a * tthm)
val applys: ('a * tthm list) * 'a attribute list -> ('a * tthm list)
val pretty_tthm: tthm -> Pretty.T
val tag: tag -> 'a attribute
val untag: tag -> 'a attribute
val lemma: tag
val assumption: tag
val internal: tag
val tag_lemma: 'a attribute
val tag_assumption: 'a attribute
val tag_internal: 'a attribute
structure Attribute: ATTRIBUTE =
(** tags and attributes **)
type tag = string * string list;
type tthm = thm * tag list;
type 'a attribute = 'a * tthm -> 'a * tthm;
fun thm_of (thm, _) = thm;
fun tthm_of thm = (thm, []);
fun none x = (x, []);
fun no_attrs (x, y) = ((x, (y, [])), []);
fun no_attrss (x, ys) = ((x, map (rpair []) ys), []);
(* apply attributes *)
exception FAIL of string * string;
fun fail name msg = raise FAIL (name, msg);
(* FIXME error (!!?), push up the warning (??) *)
fun warn_failed (name, msg) =
warning ("Failed invocation of " ^ quote name ^ " attribute: " ^ msg);
fun apply (x_th, []) = x_th
| apply (x_th, f :: fs) = apply (f x_th handle FAIL info => (warn_failed info; x_th), fs);
fun applys ((x, []), _) = (x, [])
| applys ((x, th :: ths), atts) =
val (x', th') = apply ((x, th), atts);
val (x'', ths') = applys ((x', ths), atts);
in (x'', th' :: ths') end;
(* display tagged theorems *)
fun pretty_tag (name, args) = Pretty.strs (name :: args);
val pretty_tags = Pretty.list "[" "]" o map pretty_tag;
fun pretty_tthm (thm, []) = Pretty.quote (Display.pretty_thm thm)
| pretty_tthm (thm, tags) = Pretty.block
[Pretty.quote (Display.pretty_thm thm), Pretty.brk 1, pretty_tags tags];
(* basic attributes *)
fun tag tg (x, (thm, tags)) = (x, (thm, if tg mem tags then tags else tags @ [tg]));
fun untag tg (x, (thm, tags)) = (x, (thm, tags \ tg));
val lemma = ("lemma", []);
val assumption = ("assumption", []);
val internal = ("internal", []);
fun tag_lemma x = tag lemma x;
fun tag_assumption x = tag assumption x;
fun tag_internal x = tag internal x;
structure BasicAttribute: BASIC_ATTRIBUTE = Attribute;
open BasicAttribute;