(* Title: Pure/General/input.ML
Author: Makarius
Generic input with position information.
signature INPUT =
type source
val is_delimited: source -> bool
val text_of: source -> Symbol_Pos.text
val pos_of: source -> Position.T
val range_of: source -> Position.range
val source: bool -> Symbol_Pos.text -> Position.range -> source
val empty: source
val string: string -> source
val cartouche_content: Symbol_Pos.T list -> source
val reset_pos: source -> source
val source_explode: source -> Symbol_Pos.T list
val source_content_range: source -> string * Position.range
val source_content: source -> string * Position.T
val string_of: source -> string
val equal_content: source * source -> bool
structure Input: INPUT =
abstype source = Source of {delimited: bool, text: Symbol_Pos.text, range: Position.range}
(* source *)
fun is_delimited (Source {delimited, ...}) = delimited;
fun text_of (Source {text, ...}) = text;
fun pos_of (Source {range = (pos, _), ...}) = pos;
fun range_of (Source {range, ...}) = range;
fun source delimited text range =
Source {delimited = delimited, text = text, range = range};
val empty = source false "" Position.no_range;
fun string text = source true text Position.no_range;
fun cartouche_content syms =
val range = Symbol_Pos.range syms;
val (text, _) = Symbol_Pos.implode_range range (Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content syms);
in source true text range end;
fun reset_pos (Source {delimited, text, ...}) = source delimited text Position.no_range;
(* content *)
fun source_explode (Source {text, range = (pos, _), ...}) =
Symbol_Pos.explode (text, pos);
fun source_content_range source =
let val syms = source_explode source
in (Symbol_Pos.content syms, Symbol_Pos.range syms) end;
val source_content = source_content_range #> apsnd #1;
val string_of = source_explode #> Symbol_Pos.content;
val equal_content = (op =) o apply2 string_of;