author wenzelm
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 22:09:45 +0200
changeset 11258 84209fe9fbc9
parent 9920 9734f2717203
permissions -rwxr-xr-x

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Genpage - Webpage Generator.
# Copyright (C) Joe Vaughan <> 1998-1999
# Some portions Copyright (C)  Ronan Waide <> 1999
# Some portions Copyright (C)  Rocco Caputo <> 1999
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


$version = "1.0b3";

# following fix for Mac Perl submitted by Dair Grant <>
# I shoulda thought of this, but I don't have a mac :) Thanks Dair.
# dair, construct a path procedurally
sub build_path

    # Retrieve our parameters
    my $thePath = $_[0];
    my $theItem = $_[1];

    # If we're running on a Mac, munge the path/item/separator
    if ($^O eq "MacOS")
        $thePath =~ s/:$//;     # Strip off trailing ':'
        $theItem =~ s/^:$//;    # Drop theItem == ':'
        $pathDiv  = ":";        # Use Mac separator
        $pathDiv = "/";         # Use Unix separator

    # Return the path to the item
    return($thePath . $pathDiv . $theItem);

# Some handy variables.
$numfiles = 0;
$numcontentfiles = 0;
$numignoredfiles = 0;
$numskippedfiles = 0;
$numcpfiles = 0;
$numdirfiles =0;

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy 'cp';

# Current Working Dir.
$pwd = `pwd`;
chomp ($pwd);

getopts('dt:c:o:fqhi:') || die "Invalid args, use $0 -h for help\n";

# $opt_d is debug flag
# $opt_t is template file. If not set, use standard template.
# $opt_c is content directory. If not set, use standard content dir.
# $opt_o is output dir, if not set, use standard output dir.
# $opt_q sets quiet mode (no stdout output)
# $opt_f sets a force flag - force generation even if output file is present
#        and newer.
# $opt_h runs usage and exits
# dair, build paths procedurally
$opt_t ||= build_path("", "layout") . build_path("", "template.html");
$opt_c ||= build_path("", "content");
$opt_o ||= build_path("", "www");
$opt_f ||= 0;
$opt_d ||= 0;
$opt_q ||= 0;
$opt_h ||= 0;
$opt_i ||= 'CVS|.*,v$';

# dair, build paths procedurally
$opt_t = build_path($pwd, $opt_t);
$opt_c = build_path($pwd, $opt_c);
$opt_o = build_path($pwd, $opt_o);

if ($opt_h) { &usage; }

if (!$opt_q) { 
  print "Genpage, version $version starting run...\n";

if ($opt_d) { print "pwd = $pwd\n"; }

#Swallow template file whole... 
open( TEMPLATE, "<$opt_t" ) || die "Can\'t open template file $opt_t: $!\n";
local $/;
undef $/;
$template = <TEMPLATE>;
close( TEMPLATE );
if (!$opt_q) {print "Using template file: $opt_t\n";}

# Go through files in content dir and if it's a content file then 
# process it otherwise, copy it (and it's dir structure) to the output dir.

# if the output dir doesn't exist, create it.
if (! -d $opt_o)
  mkdir $opt_o, 0755;
  if (!$opt_q) 
      print "Creating output directory: $opt_o\n"; 

if (!$opt_q) 
    print "Processing files:\n"; 

if (! -d $opt_c) { die "Can\'t open content dir\n" }

find( \&process_file, $opt_c );

if (!$opt_q) 
    #numfiles reports one too many...
    print "\nFinished.\n\n";
    print "Run Summary.\n===========\n";
    print "$numfiles total files and directories processed.\n";
    print "$numcontentfiles content files parsed.\n";
    print "$numskippedfiles content files skipped.\n"; 
    print "$numcpfiles files copied.\n"; 
    print "$numdirfiles directories created\n"; 
    print "$numignoredfiles files or directories ignored.\n";


# Process_file the current file.
sub process_file
    if (!$opt_q) 
	print "."; 

    my $filename = $_;
    my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
    (undef,$reldir) = split( $opt_c, $dir);
    if (!defined ($reldir) ) { $reldir = ""; }

    # dair, build paths procedurally
    $outdir  = build_path($opt_o,  $reldir);
    $outfile = build_path($outdir, $filename);
    $infile  = build_path($dir,    $filename);

    # Ignore CVS stuff, ./ etc.
    if ($infile =~ /$opt_i/) {

    # Find returns ./ in each directory... avoid.

    if ($infile =~ /\/.$/) {
    # Ok, If the file is a dir, we create it (if necessary)
    # if it's a content file, we parse it, otherwise, we
    # copy it to the appropriate location.
    if ( -d $infile ) {
      if ($opt_d) { print "Making dir $outfile\n"; };
      mkdir $outfile, 0755 unless -d $outfile;
    if ($filename =~ /^(.*)\.content$/) 

    # dair, build paths procedurally
    $outfile = build_path($outdir, "$1.html");

	if ($opt_d) {print "Parsing: $infile\n Outputing to: $outfile\n";};
	if ($opt_d) { print "Copying: $infile => $outfile\n"; };
    $_ = $filename; # because we broke it...

# Process the tags in the template, substituting in the content file 
# components and other things like inline function definitions and 
# "include" directives
sub process_content
    $inputfile = shift;
    $outputfile = shift;
    my @content = "";
    $temp = $template;

    if ($opt_d) { print "processing $inputfile to $outputfile\n";}

# Make-like check for last modification times to see if it's necessary
# to re-gen this page.

    if ( -f $outputfile) 
	if (!$opt_f && ( -M $outputfile < -M $inputfile)) 
	    if ($opt_d) { 
	      print "skipping $inputfile because $outputfile is newer\n";
    # Read content file
    open( CONTENT, "<$inputfile" ) || die $!;
    @content = <CONTENT>;
    close( CONTENT );


    undef %page;
    undef $tag;
    foreach $line ( @content )
	if ( $line =~ /^\s*\%(.+)\%/ )
	  $tag = $1;
	next if !defined( $tag );
	 $line .= "\n" if $line !~ /\n$/;
	if ( defined( $page{ $tag } ))
	    $page{ $tag } .= $line;
	    $page{ $tag } = $line;
    open( HTML, ">$outputfile" ) || die $1;
    while ($temp =~ /^(.*?)<!--\s*_GP_\s*(.*?)\s*-->(.*)$/s)
	local $replacement = "";
	my ($left, $middle, $right) = ($1, $2, $3);
        if (!defined($replacement = eval ($middle))) 
	    $replacement = "";
	if ($@) {
          $middle =~ s/\s+/ /g;
          print STDERR "error evaluating { $middle }: $@\n";
        else {
          if ($opt_d) {
	    print "evaluation output: $replacement\n";
	$temp = $left . $replacement . $right;
    print HTML $temp;
    close( HTML );

sub include
    my ($file) = shift;
    my ($section) = shift;

    if ($opt_d) { 
      print "include: file = $file\n"; 
    if (!open( INCLUDE, "<$file" )) { 
      return "<!-- include: file not found: $file -->";
    if (defined($section)) {
    undef %incpage;
    undef $inctag;

      @content = <INCLUDE>;
      close (INCLUDE);

      foreach $line ( @content )
	  if ( $line =~ /^\s*\%(.+)\%/ )
	      $inctag = $1; 
	  next if !defined( $inctag );
	  $line .= "\n" if $line !~ /\n$/;

	  if ( defined( $incpage{ $inctag } ))
	      $incpage{ $inctag } .= $line;
	      $incpage{ $inctag } = $line;
      if (defined( $incpage{$section}) ) {
	$inline = $incpage{$section};
      else {
	$inline = "<!-- include: no such section - $section - in $file -->";  
	local $/;
	undef $/;
	$inline = <INCLUDE>;
	close( INCLUDE );
    return "$inline";

sub content
    my $tag = shift;

    if ($opt_d) { print "content: tag = $tag\n"; }
    if (defined( $page{ $tag } ))
	$output = $page { $tag };
	if ($opt_d) { print "content: output = $output\n"; }
	return "$output";
	return "<!-- content: undefined tag: $tag -->";

sub version
    return ( "<a href=\"\">Genpage</a> - Version: $version" );

sub usage
    print <<EOT;
usage: genpage [-dqfh] [-c <content dir>] [-o <output dir>] 
               [-t <template file>] [ -i <ignore regexp> ]

       -d debug mode.     Turn on debugging (very verbose!)
       -q quiet mode.     Don't print anything while running.
       -f force mode.     Force the parsing of content files.
       -h help.           Print this help text.
       -c <content dir>   The directory where your content tree exists.
                          Defaults to ./content.
       -o <output dir>    The directory to put the output website.
                          Defaults to ./www
       -t <template file> The template to use to generate the site.
                          Defaults to ./layout/template.html
       -i <ignore regexp> Regular expression telling genpage to ignore certain
                          files or directories. defaults to "CVS|.*,v$"

       Genpage $version Copyright (C) Joe Vaughan <joev\> 1999
       This program is released under the terms of the GNU Public License
       Please read the accompanying COPYING file for details.

       For detailed instructions on how to use Genpage, please consult the 
       accompanying documentation. If you have questions, comments or 
       suggestions for Genpage please contact the author.