(* Title: ZF/ex/term
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
Terms over a given alphabet -- function applications; illustrates list functor
(essentially the same type as in Trees & Forests)
writeln"File ZF/ex/term-fn.";
open TermFn;
(*** term_rec -- by Vset recursion ***)
(*Lemma: map works correctly on the underlying list of terms*)
val [major,ordi] = goal ListFn.thy
"[| l: list(A); Ord(i) |] ==> \
\ rank(l)<i --> map(%z. (lam x:Vset(i).h(x)) ` z, l) = map(h,l)";
by (rtac (major RS List.induct) 1);
by (simp_tac list_ss 1);
by (rtac impI 1);
by (forward_tac [rank_Cons1 RS lt_trans] 1);
by (dtac (rank_Cons2 RS lt_trans) 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [ordi, VsetI]) 1);
val map_lemma = result();
(*Typing premise is necessary to invoke map_lemma*)
val [prem] = goal TermFn.thy
"ts: list(A) ==> \
\ term_rec(Apply(a,ts), d) = d(a, ts, map (%z. term_rec(z,d), ts))";
by (rtac (term_rec_def RS def_Vrec RS trans) 1);
by (rewrite_goals_tac Term.con_defs);
val term_rec_ss = ZF_ss addsimps [Ord_rank, rank_pair2, prem RS map_lemma];
by (simp_tac term_rec_ss 1);
val term_rec = result();
(*Slightly odd typing condition on r in the second premise!*)
val major::prems = goal TermFn.thy
"[| t: term(A); \
\ !!x zs r. [| x: A; zs: list(term(A)); \
\ r: list(UN t:term(A). C(t)) |] \
\ ==> d(x, zs, r): C(Apply(x,zs)) \
\ |] ==> term_rec(t,d) : C(t)";
by (rtac (major RS Term.induct) 1);
by (forward_tac [list_CollectD] 1);
by (rtac (term_rec RS ssubst) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
by (etac List.induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [term_rec])));
by (etac CollectE 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [ConsI, UN_I] 1));
val term_rec_type = result();
val [rew,tslist] = goal TermFn.thy
"[| !!t. j(t)==term_rec(t,d); ts: list(A) |] ==> \
\ j(Apply(a,ts)) = d(a, ts, map(%Z.j(Z), ts))";
by (rewtac rew);
by (rtac (tslist RS term_rec) 1);
val def_term_rec = result();
val prems = goal TermFn.thy
"[| t: term(A); \
\ !!x zs r. [| x: A; zs: list(term(A)); r: list(C) |] \
\ ==> d(x, zs, r): C \
\ |] ==> term_rec(t,d) : C";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (term_rec_type::prems) 1));
by (etac (subset_refl RS UN_least RS list_mono RS subsetD) 1);
val term_rec_simple_type = result();
(** term_map **)
val term_map = standard (term_map_def RS def_term_rec);
val prems = goalw TermFn.thy [term_map_def]
"[| t: term(A); !!x. x: A ==> f(x): B |] ==> term_map(f,t) : term(B)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([term_rec_simple_type, ApplyI] @ prems) 1));
val term_map_type = result();
val [major] = goal TermFn.thy
"t: term(A) ==> term_map(f,t) : term({f(u). u:A})";
by (rtac (major RS term_map_type) 1);
by (etac RepFunI 1);
val term_map_type2 = result();
(** term_size **)
val term_size = standard (term_size_def RS def_term_rec);
goalw TermFn.thy [term_size_def] "!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_size(t) : nat";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [term_rec_simple_type, list_add_type, nat_succI] 1));
val term_size_type = result();
(** reflect **)
val reflect = standard (reflect_def RS def_term_rec);
goalw TermFn.thy [reflect_def] "!!t A. t: term(A) ==> reflect(t) : term(A)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [term_rec_simple_type, rev_type, ApplyI] 1));
val reflect_type = result();
(** preorder **)
val preorder = standard (preorder_def RS def_term_rec);
goalw TermFn.thy [preorder_def]
"!!t A. t: term(A) ==> preorder(t) : list(A)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [term_rec_simple_type, ConsI, flat_type] 1));
val preorder_type = result();
(** Term simplification **)
val term_typechecks =
[ApplyI, term_map_type, term_map_type2, term_size_type, reflect_type,
(*map_type2 and term_map_type2 instantiate variables*)
val term_ss = list_ss
addsimps [term_rec, term_map, term_size, reflect, preorder]
setsolver type_auto_tac (list_typechecks@term_typechecks);
(** theorems about term_map **)
goal TermFn.thy "!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_map(%u.u, t) = t";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [map_ident]) 1);
val term_map_ident = result();
goal TermFn.thy
"!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_map(f, term_map(g,t)) = term_map(%u.f(g(u)), t)";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [map_compose]) 1);
val term_map_compose = result();
goal TermFn.thy
"!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_map(f, reflect(t)) = reflect(term_map(f,t))";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [rev_map_distrib RS sym, map_compose]) 1);
val term_map_reflect = result();
(** theorems about term_size **)
goal TermFn.thy
"!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_size(term_map(f,t)) = term_size(t)";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [map_compose]) 1);
val term_size_term_map = result();
goal TermFn.thy "!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_size(reflect(t)) = term_size(t)";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [rev_map_distrib RS sym, map_compose,
list_add_rev]) 1);
val term_size_reflect = result();
goal TermFn.thy "!!t A. t: term(A) ==> term_size(t) = length(preorder(t))";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [length_flat, map_compose]) 1);
val term_size_length = result();
(** theorems about reflect **)
goal TermFn.thy "!!t A. t: term(A) ==> reflect(reflect(t)) = t";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [rev_map_distrib, map_compose,
map_ident, rev_rev_ident]) 1);
val reflect_reflect_ident = result();
(** theorems about preorder **)
goal TermFn.thy
"!!t A. t: term(A) ==> preorder(term_map(f,t)) = map(f, preorder(t))";
by (etac term_induct_eqn 1);
by (asm_simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [map_compose, map_flat]) 1);
val preorder_term_map = result();
(** preorder(reflect(t)) = rev(postorder(t)) **)
writeln"Reached end of file.";