author wenzelm
Wed, 09 Aug 2006 00:12:38 +0200
changeset 20366 867696dc64fc
parent 19305 5c16895d548b
child 22114 560c5b5dda1c
permissions -rw-r--r--
global goals/qeds: after_qed operates on Proof.context (potentially local_theory); theorem/interpretation: slightly more uniform treatment of after_qeds; theorem conclusion: proper fix_frees;

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/antiquote.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Text with antiquotations of inner items (terms, types etc.).

signature ANTIQUOTE =
  exception ANTIQUOTE_FAIL of (string * Position.T) * exn
  datatype antiquote = Text of string | Antiq of string * Position.T
  val is_antiq: antiquote -> bool
  val antiquotes_of: string * Position.T -> antiquote list

structure Antiquote: ANTIQUOTE =

(* datatype antiquote *)

exception ANTIQUOTE_FAIL of (string * Position.T) * exn;

datatype antiquote =
  Text of string |
  Antiq of string * Position.T;

fun is_antiq (Text _) = false
  | is_antiq (Antiq _) = true;

(* scan_antiquote *)


structure T = OuterLex;

val scan_txt =
  T.scan_blank ||
  T.keep_line ($$ "@" --| Scan.ahead (~$$ "{")) ||
  T.keep_line ( (fn s => s <> "@" andalso Symbol.not_sync s andalso Symbol.not_eof s));

fun escape "\\" = "\\\\"
  | escape "\"" = "\\\""
  | escape s = s;

val quote_escape = Library.quote o implode o map escape o Symbol.explode;

val scan_ant =
  T.scan_blank ||
  T.scan_string >> quote_escape ||
  T.keep_line ( (fn s => s <> "}" andalso Symbol.not_sync s andalso Symbol.not_eof s));

val scan_antiq =
  T.keep_line ($$ "@" -- $$ "{") |--
    T.!!! "missing closing brace of antiquotation"
      (Scan.repeat scan_ant >> implode) --| T.keep_line ($$ "}");


fun scan_antiquote (pos, ss) = (pos, ss) |>
  (Scan.repeat1 scan_txt >> (Text o implode) ||
    scan_antiq >> (fn s => Antiq (s, pos)));


(* antiquotes_of *)

fun antiquotes_of (s, pos) =
  (case Scan.error (Scan.finite' Symbol.stopper (Scan.repeat scan_antiquote))
      (pos, Symbol.explode s) of
    (xs, (_, [])) => xs
  | (_, (pos', ss)) => error ("Malformed quotation/antiquotation text at: " ^
      quote (Symbol.beginning 10 ss) ^ Position.str_of pos'));
