author wenzelm
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 00:33:02 +0100
changeset 35431 8758fe1fc9f8
parent 35416 d8d7d1b785af
child 35547 991a6af75978
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup type translations;

(*  Title:      HOL/Bali/Decl.thy
    Author:     David von Oheimb and Norbert Schirmer
header {* Field, method, interface, and class declarations, whole Java programs

theory Decl
imports Term Table (** order is significant, because of clash for "var" **)

text {*
\item clarification and correction of some aspects of the package/access concept
  (Also submitted as bug report to the Java Bug Database:
   Bug Id: 4485402 and Bug Id: 4493343
\item the only field and method modifiers are static and the access modifiers
\item no constructors, which may be simulated by new + suitable methods
\item there is just one global initializer per class, which can simulate all 

\item no throws clause
\item a void method is replaced by one that returns Unit (of dummy type Void)

\item no interface fields

\item every class has an explicit superclass (unused for Object)
\item the (standard) methods of Object and of standard exceptions are not 

\item no main method

subsection {* Modifier*}

subsubsection {* Access modifier *}

datatype acc_modi (* access modifier *)
         = Private | Package | Protected | Public 

text {* 
We can define a linear order for the access modifiers. With Private yielding the
most restrictive access and public the most liberal access policy:
  Private < Package < Protected < Public
instantiation acc_modi :: linorder

  less_acc_def: "a < b
      \<longleftrightarrow> (case a of
             Private    \<Rightarrow> (b=Package \<or> b=Protected \<or> b=Public)
           | Package    \<Rightarrow> (b=Protected \<or> b=Public)
           | Protected  \<Rightarrow> (b=Public)
           | Public     \<Rightarrow> False)"

  le_acc_def: "(a :: acc_modi) \<le> b \<longleftrightarrow> a < b \<or> a = b"

instance proof
  fix x y z::acc_modi
  show "(x < y) = (x \<le> y \<and> \<not> y \<le> x)"
    by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split add: acc_modi.split) 
  show "x \<le> x"               \<spacespace>\<spacespace>    -- reflexivity
    by (auto simp add: le_acc_def)
  assume "x \<le> y" "y \<le> z"           -- transitivity 
  thus "x \<le> z"
    by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split add: acc_modi.split)
  assume "x \<le> y" "y \<le> x"           -- antisymmetry
  thus "x = y"
  proof -
    have "\<forall> x y. x < (y::acc_modi) \<and> y < x \<longrightarrow> False"
      by (auto simp add: less_acc_def split add: acc_modi.split)
    with prems show ?thesis
      by (unfold le_acc_def) iprover
  fix x y:: acc_modi
  show  "x \<le> y \<or> y \<le> x"   
  by (auto simp add: less_acc_def le_acc_def split add: acc_modi.split)

lemma acc_modi_top [simp]: "Public \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a = Public"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_top1 [simp, intro!]: "a \<le> Public"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_le_Public: 
"a \<le> Public \<Longrightarrow> a=Private \<or> a = Package \<or> a=Protected \<or> a=Public"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_bottom: "a \<le> Private \<Longrightarrow> a = Private"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_Private_le: 
"Private \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a=Private \<or> a = Package \<or> a=Protected \<or> a=Public"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_Package_le: 
  "Package \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a = Package \<or> a=Protected \<or> a=Public"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.split)

lemma acc_modi_le_Package: 
  "a \<le> Package \<Longrightarrow> a=Private \<or> a = Package"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_Protected_le: 
  "Protected \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a=Protected \<or> a=Public"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemma acc_modi_le_Protected: 
  "a \<le> Protected  \<Longrightarrow> a=Private \<or> a = Package \<or> a = Protected"
by (auto simp add: le_acc_def less_acc_def split: acc_modi.splits)

lemmas acc_modi_le_Dests = acc_modi_top           acc_modi_le_Public
                           acc_modi_Private_le    acc_modi_bottom
                           acc_modi_Package_le    acc_modi_le_Package
                           acc_modi_Protected_le  acc_modi_le_Protected

lemma acc_modi_Package_le_cases 
 [consumes 1,case_names Package Protected Public]:
 "Package \<le> m \<Longrightarrow> ( m = Package \<Longrightarrow> P m) \<Longrightarrow> (m=Protected \<Longrightarrow> P m) \<Longrightarrow> 
   (m=Public \<Longrightarrow> P m) \<Longrightarrow> P m"
by (auto dest: acc_modi_Package_le)

subsubsection {* Static Modifier *}
types stat_modi = bool (* modifier: static *)

subsection {* Declaration (base "class" for member,interface and class
 declarations *}

record decl =
        access :: acc_modi

  (type) "decl" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi\<rparr>"
  (type) "decl" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"

subsection {* Member (field or method)*}
record  member = decl +
         static :: stat_modi

  (type) "member" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,static::bool\<rparr>"
  (type) "member" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,static::bool,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"

subsection {* Field *}

record field = member +
        type :: ty
  (type) "field" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi, static::bool, type::ty\<rparr>"
  (type) "field" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi, static::bool, type::ty,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"

        fdecl           (* field declaration, cf. 8.3 *)
        = "vname \<times> field"

  (type) "fdecl" <= (type) "vname \<times> field"

subsection  {* Method *}

record mhead = member +     (* method head (excluding signature) *)
        pars ::"vname list" (* parameter names *)
        resT ::ty           (* result type *)

record mbody =                      (* method body *)
        lcls::  "(vname \<times> ty) list" (* local variables *)
        stmt:: stmt                 (* the body statement *)

record methd = mhead + (* method in a class *)

types mdecl = "sig \<times> methd"  (* method declaration in a class *)

  (type) "mhead" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi, static::bool, 
                      pars::vname list, resT::ty\<rparr>"
  (type) "mhead" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi, static::bool, 
                      pars::vname list, resT::ty,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
  (type) "mbody" <= (type) "\<lparr>lcls::(vname \<times> ty) list,stmt::stmt\<rparr>"
  (type) "mbody" <= (type) "\<lparr>lcls::(vname \<times> ty) list,stmt::stmt,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"      
  (type) "methd" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi, static::bool, 
                      pars::vname list, resT::ty,mbody::mbody\<rparr>"
  (type) "methd" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi, static::bool, 
                      pars::vname list, resT::ty,mbody::mbody,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
  (type) "mdecl" <= (type) "sig \<times> methd"

definition mhead :: "methd \<Rightarrow> mhead" where
  "mhead m \<equiv> \<lparr>access=access m, static=static m, pars=pars m, resT=resT m\<rparr>"

lemma access_mhead [simp]:"access (mhead m) = access m"
by (simp add: mhead_def)

lemma static_mhead [simp]:"static (mhead m) = static m"
by (simp add: mhead_def)

lemma pars_mhead [simp]:"pars (mhead m) = pars m"
by (simp add: mhead_def)

lemma resT_mhead [simp]:"resT (mhead m) = resT m"
by (simp add: mhead_def)

text {* To be able to talk uniformaly about field and method declarations we
introduce the notion of a member declaration (e.g. useful to define 
accessiblity ) *}

datatype memberdecl = fdecl fdecl | mdecl mdecl

datatype memberid = fid vname | mid sig

class has_memberid =
  fixes memberid :: "'a \<Rightarrow> memberid"

instantiation memberdecl :: has_memberid

  "memberid m \<equiv> (case m of
                    fdecl (vn,f)  \<Rightarrow> fid vn
                  | mdecl (sig,m) \<Rightarrow> mid sig)"

instance ..


lemma memberid_fdecl_simp[simp]: "memberid (fdecl (vn,f)) = fid vn"
by (simp add: memberdecl_memberid_def)

lemma memberid_fdecl_simp1: "memberid (fdecl f) = fid (fst f)"
by (cases f) (simp add: memberdecl_memberid_def)

lemma memberid_mdecl_simp[simp]: "memberid (mdecl (sig,m)) = mid sig"
by (simp add: memberdecl_memberid_def)

lemma memberid_mdecl_simp1: "memberid (mdecl m) = mid (fst m)"
by (cases m) (simp add: memberdecl_memberid_def)

instantiation * :: (type, has_memberid) has_memberid

  "memberid p \<equiv> memberid (snd p)"

instance ..


lemma memberid_pair_simp[simp]: "memberid (c,m) = memberid m"
by (simp add: pair_memberid_def)

lemma memberid_pair_simp1: "memberid p  = memberid (snd p)"
by (simp add: pair_memberid_def)

definition is_field :: "qtname \<times> memberdecl \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"is_field m \<equiv> \<exists> declC f. m=(declC,fdecl f)"
lemma is_fieldD: "is_field m \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> declC f. m=(declC,fdecl f)"
by (simp add: is_field_def)

lemma is_fieldI: "is_field (C,fdecl f)"
by (simp add: is_field_def)

definition is_method :: "qtname \<times> memberdecl \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"is_method membr \<equiv> \<exists> declC m. membr=(declC,mdecl m)"
lemma is_methodD: "is_method membr \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> declC m. membr=(declC,mdecl m)"
by (simp add: is_method_def)

lemma is_methodI: "is_method (C,mdecl m)"
by (simp add: is_method_def)

subsection {* Interface *}

record  ibody = decl +  --{* interface body *}
          imethods :: "(sig \<times> mhead) list" --{* method heads *}

record  iface = ibody + --{* interface *}
         isuperIfs:: "qtname list" --{* superinterface list *}
        idecl           --{* interface declaration, cf. 9.1 *}
        = "qtname \<times> iface"

  (type) "ibody" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,imethods::(sig \<times> mhead) list\<rparr>"
  (type) "ibody" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,imethods::(sig \<times> mhead) list,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
  (type) "iface" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,imethods::(sig \<times> mhead) list,
                      isuperIfs::qtname list\<rparr>"
  (type) "iface" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,imethods::(sig \<times> mhead) list,
                      isuperIfs::qtname list,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
  (type) "idecl" <= (type) "qtname \<times> iface"

definition ibody :: "iface \<Rightarrow> ibody" where
  "ibody i \<equiv> \<lparr>access=access i,imethods=imethods i\<rparr>"

lemma access_ibody [simp]: "(access (ibody i)) = access i"
by (simp add: ibody_def)

lemma imethods_ibody [simp]: "(imethods (ibody i)) = imethods i"
by (simp add: ibody_def)

subsection  {* Class *}
record cbody = decl +          --{* class body *}
         cfields:: "fdecl list" 
         methods:: "mdecl list"
         init   :: "stmt"       --{* initializer *}

record "class" = cbody +           --{* class *}
        super   :: "qtname"      --{* superclass *}
        superIfs:: "qtname list" --{* implemented interfaces *}
        cdecl           --{* class declaration, cf. 8.1 *}
        = "qtname \<times> class"

  (type) "cbody" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,cfields::fdecl list,
                      methods::mdecl list,init::stmt\<rparr>"
  (type) "cbody" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,cfields::fdecl list,
                      methods::mdecl list,init::stmt,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
  (type) "class" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,cfields::fdecl list,
                      methods::mdecl list,init::stmt,
                      super::qtname,superIfs::qtname list\<rparr>"
  (type) "class" <= (type) "\<lparr>access::acc_modi,cfields::fdecl list,
                      methods::mdecl list,init::stmt,
                      super::qtname,superIfs::qtname list,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
  (type) "cdecl" <= (type) "qtname \<times> class"

definition cbody :: "class \<Rightarrow> cbody" where
  "cbody c \<equiv> \<lparr>access=access c, cfields=cfields c,methods=methods c,init=init c\<rparr>"

lemma access_cbody [simp]:"access (cbody c) = access c"
by (simp add: cbody_def)

lemma cfields_cbody [simp]:"cfields (cbody c) = cfields c"
by (simp add: cbody_def)

lemma methods_cbody [simp]:"methods (cbody c) = methods c"
by (simp add: cbody_def)

lemma init_cbody [simp]:"init (cbody c) = init c"
by (simp add: cbody_def)

section "standard classes"


  Object_mdecls  ::  "mdecl list" --{* methods of Object *}
  SXcpt_mdecls   ::  "mdecl list" --{* methods of SXcpts *}
  ObjectC ::         "cdecl"      --{* declaration  of root      class   *}
  SXcptC  ::"xname \<Rightarrow> cdecl"      --{* declarations of throwable classes *}


ObjectC_def:"ObjectC  \<equiv> (Object,\<lparr>access=Public,cfields=[],methods=Object_mdecls,
SXcptC_def:"SXcptC xn\<equiv> (SXcpt xn,\<lparr>access=Public,cfields=[],methods=SXcpt_mdecls,
                                   super=if xn = Throwable then Object 
                                                           else SXcpt Throwable,

lemma ObjectC_neq_SXcptC [simp]: "ObjectC \<noteq> SXcptC xn"
by (simp add: ObjectC_def SXcptC_def Object_def SXcpt_def)

lemma SXcptC_inject [simp]: "(SXcptC xn = SXcptC xm) = (xn = xm)"
by (simp add: SXcptC_def)

definition standard_classes :: "cdecl list" where
         "standard_classes \<equiv> [ObjectC, SXcptC Throwable,
                SXcptC NullPointer, SXcptC OutOfMemory, SXcptC ClassCast,
                SXcptC NegArrSize , SXcptC IndOutBound, SXcptC ArrStore]"

section "programs"

record prog =
        ifaces ::"idecl list"
        "classes"::"cdecl list"

     (type) "prog" <= (type) "\<lparr>ifaces::idecl list,classes::cdecl list\<rparr>"
     (type) "prog" <= (type) "\<lparr>ifaces::idecl list,classes::cdecl list,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"

  iface :: "prog  \<Rightarrow> (qtname, iface) table"
  where "iface G I == table_of (ifaces G) I"

  "class" :: "prog  \<Rightarrow> (qtname, class) table"
  where "class G C == table_of (classes G) C"

  is_iface :: "prog  \<Rightarrow> qtname  \<Rightarrow> bool"
  where "is_iface G I == iface G I \<noteq> None"

  is_class :: "prog  \<Rightarrow> qtname  \<Rightarrow> bool"
  where "is_class G C == class G C \<noteq> None"

section "is type"

  is_type :: "prog \<Rightarrow>     ty \<Rightarrow> bool"
  isrtype :: "prog \<Rightarrow> ref_ty \<Rightarrow> bool"

primrec "is_type G (PrimT pt)  = True"
        "is_type G (RefT  rt)  = isrtype G rt"
        "isrtype G (NullT    ) = True"
        "isrtype G (IfaceT tn) = is_iface G tn"
        "isrtype G (ClassT tn) = is_class G tn"
        "isrtype G (ArrayT T ) = is_type  G T"

lemma type_is_iface: "is_type G (Iface I) \<Longrightarrow> is_iface G I"
by auto

lemma type_is_class: "is_type G (Class C) \<Longrightarrow>  is_class G C"
by auto

section "subinterface and subclass relation, in anticipation of TypeRel.thy"

  subint1  :: "prog \<Rightarrow> (qtname \<times> qtname) set" --{* direct subinterface *}
  subcls1  :: "prog \<Rightarrow> (qtname \<times> qtname) set" --{* direct subclass     *}

  subint1_def: "subint1 G \<equiv> {(I,J). \<exists>i\<in>iface G I: J\<in>set (isuperIfs i)}"
  subcls1_def: "subcls1 G \<equiv> {(C,D). C\<noteq>Object \<and> (\<exists>c\<in>class G C: super c = D)}"

  subcls1_syntax :: "prog => [qtname, qtname] => bool" ("_|-_<:C1_" [71,71,71] 70)
  where "G|-C <:C1 D == (C,D) \<in> subcls1 G"

  subclseq_syntax :: "prog => [qtname, qtname] => bool" ("_|-_<=:C _"[71,71,71] 70)
  where "G|-C <=:C D == (C,D) \<in>(subcls1 G)^*" (* cf. 8.1.3 *)

  subcls_syntax :: "prog => [qtname, qtname] => bool" ("_|-_<:C _"[71,71,71] 70)
  where "G|-C <:C D == (C,D) \<in>(subcls1 G)^+"

notation (xsymbols)
  subcls1_syntax  ("_\<turnstile>_\<prec>\<^sub>C1_"  [71,71,71] 70) and
  subclseq_syntax  ("_\<turnstile>_\<preceq>\<^sub>C _"  [71,71,71] 70) and
  subcls_syntax  ("_\<turnstile>_\<prec>\<^sub>C _"  [71,71,71] 70)

lemma subint1I: "\<lbrakk>iface G I = Some i; J \<in> set (isuperIfs i)\<rbrakk> 
                 \<Longrightarrow> (I,J) \<in> subint1 G" 
apply (simp add: subint1_def)

lemma subcls1I:"\<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; C \<noteq> Object\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (C,(super c)) \<in> subcls1 G"
apply (simp add: subcls1_def)

lemma subint1D: "(I,J)\<in>subint1 G\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>i\<in>iface G I: J\<in>set (isuperIfs i)"
by (simp add: subint1_def)

lemma subcls1D: 
  "(C,D)\<in>subcls1 G \<Longrightarrow> C\<noteq>Object \<and> (\<exists>c. class G C = Some c \<and> (super c = D))"
apply (simp add: subcls1_def)
apply auto

lemma subint1_def2:  
  "subint1 G = (SIGMA I: {I. is_iface G I}. set (isuperIfs (the (iface G I))))"
apply (unfold subint1_def)
apply auto

lemma subcls1_def2: 
  "subcls1 G = 
     (SIGMA C: {C. is_class G C}. {D. C\<noteq>Object \<and> super (the(class G C))=D})"
apply (unfold subcls1_def)
apply auto

lemma subcls_is_class:
"\<lbrakk>G\<turnstile>C \<prec>\<^sub>C D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> c. class G C = Some c"
by (auto simp add: subcls1_def dest: tranclD)

lemma no_subcls1_Object:"G\<turnstile>Object\<prec>\<^sub>C1 D \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (auto simp add: subcls1_def)

lemma no_subcls_Object: "G\<turnstile>Object\<prec>\<^sub>C D \<Longrightarrow> P"
apply (erule trancl_induct)
apply (auto intro: no_subcls1_Object)

section "well-structured programs"

definition ws_idecl :: "prog \<Rightarrow> qtname \<Rightarrow> qtname list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
 "ws_idecl G I si \<equiv> \<forall>J\<in>set si.  is_iface G J   \<and> (J,I)\<notin>(subint1 G)^+"
definition ws_cdecl :: "prog \<Rightarrow> qtname \<Rightarrow> qtname \<Rightarrow> bool" where
 "ws_cdecl G C sc \<equiv> C\<noteq>Object \<longrightarrow> is_class G sc \<and> (sc,C)\<notin>(subcls1 G)^+"
definition ws_prog  :: "prog \<Rightarrow> bool" where
 "ws_prog G \<equiv> (\<forall>(I,i)\<in>set (ifaces  G). ws_idecl G I (isuperIfs i)) \<and> 
              (\<forall>(C,c)\<in>set (classes G). ws_cdecl G C (super c))"

lemma ws_progI: 
"\<lbrakk>\<forall>(I,i)\<in>set (ifaces G). \<forall>J\<in>set (isuperIfs i). is_iface G J \<and> 
                                                (J,I) \<notin> (subint1 G)^+; 
  \<forall>(C,c)\<in>set (classes G). C\<noteq>Object \<longrightarrow> is_class G (super c) \<and> 
                                        ((super c),C) \<notin> (subcls1 G)^+  
 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ws_prog G"
apply (unfold ws_prog_def ws_idecl_def ws_cdecl_def)
apply (erule_tac conjI)
apply blast

lemma ws_prog_ideclD: 
"\<lbrakk>iface G I = Some i; J\<in>set (isuperIfs i); ws_prog G\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  
  is_iface G J \<and> (J,I)\<notin>(subint1 G)^+"
apply (unfold ws_prog_def ws_idecl_def)
apply clarify
apply (drule_tac map_of_SomeD)
apply auto

lemma ws_prog_cdeclD: 
"\<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; C\<noteq>Object; ws_prog G\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  
  is_class G (super c) \<and> (super c,C)\<notin>(subcls1 G)^+"
apply (unfold ws_prog_def ws_cdecl_def)
apply clarify
apply (drule_tac map_of_SomeD)
apply auto

section "well-foundedness"

lemma finite_is_iface: "finite {I. is_iface G I}"
apply (fold dom_def)
apply (rule_tac finite_dom_map_of)

lemma finite_is_class: "finite {C. is_class G C}"
apply (fold dom_def)
apply (rule_tac finite_dom_map_of)

lemma finite_subint1: "finite (subint1 G)"
apply (subst subint1_def2)
apply (rule finite_SigmaI)
apply (rule finite_is_iface)
apply (simp (no_asm))

lemma finite_subcls1: "finite (subcls1 G)"
apply (subst subcls1_def2)
apply (rule finite_SigmaI)
apply (rule finite_is_class)
apply (rule_tac B = "{super (the (class G C))}" in finite_subset)
apply  auto

lemma subint1_irrefl_lemma1: 
  "ws_prog G \<Longrightarrow> (subint1 G)^-1 \<inter> (subint1 G)^+ = {}"
apply (force dest: subint1D ws_prog_ideclD conjunct2)

lemma subcls1_irrefl_lemma1: 
  "ws_prog G \<Longrightarrow> (subcls1 G)^-1 \<inter> (subcls1 G)^+ = {}"
apply (force dest: subcls1D ws_prog_cdeclD conjunct2)

lemmas subint1_irrefl_lemma2 = subint1_irrefl_lemma1 [THEN irrefl_tranclI']
lemmas subcls1_irrefl_lemma2 = subcls1_irrefl_lemma1 [THEN irrefl_tranclI']

lemma subint1_irrefl: "\<lbrakk>(x, y) \<in> subint1 G; ws_prog G\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y"
apply (rule irrefl_trancl_rD)
apply (rule subint1_irrefl_lemma2)
apply auto

lemma subcls1_irrefl: "\<lbrakk>(x, y) \<in> subcls1 G; ws_prog G\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y"
apply (rule irrefl_trancl_rD)
apply (rule subcls1_irrefl_lemma2)
apply auto

lemmas subint1_acyclic = subint1_irrefl_lemma2 [THEN acyclicI, standard]
lemmas subcls1_acyclic = subcls1_irrefl_lemma2 [THEN acyclicI, standard]

lemma wf_subint1: "ws_prog G \<Longrightarrow> wf ((subint1 G)\<inverse>)"
by (auto intro: finite_acyclic_wf_converse finite_subint1 subint1_acyclic)

lemma wf_subcls1: "ws_prog G \<Longrightarrow> wf ((subcls1 G)\<inverse>)"
by (auto intro: finite_acyclic_wf_converse finite_subcls1 subcls1_acyclic)

lemma subint1_induct: 
  "\<lbrakk>ws_prog G; \<And>x. \<forall>y. (x, y) \<in> subint1 G \<longrightarrow> P y \<Longrightarrow> P x\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P a"
apply (frule wf_subint1)
apply (erule wf_induct)
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: converse_iff)
apply blast

lemma subcls1_induct [consumes 1]:
  "\<lbrakk>ws_prog G; \<And>x. \<forall>y. (x, y) \<in> subcls1 G \<longrightarrow> P y \<Longrightarrow> P x\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P a"
apply (frule wf_subcls1)
apply (erule wf_induct)
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: converse_iff)
apply blast

lemma ws_subint1_induct: 
 "\<lbrakk>is_iface G I; ws_prog G; \<And>I i. \<lbrakk>iface G I = Some i \<and> 
   (\<forall>J \<in> set (isuperIfs i). (I,J)\<in>subint1 G \<and> P J \<and> is_iface G J)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P I
  \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P I"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (rule subint1_induct)
apply  assumption
apply (simp (no_asm)) 
apply safe
apply (blast dest: subint1I ws_prog_ideclD)

lemma ws_subcls1_induct: "\<lbrakk>is_class G C; ws_prog G;  
  \<And>C c. \<lbrakk>class G C = Some c;  
 (C \<noteq> Object \<longrightarrow> (C,(super c))\<in>subcls1 G \<and> 
                  P (super c) \<and> is_class G (super c))\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C
 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (rule subcls1_induct)
apply  assumption
apply (simp (no_asm)) 
apply safe
apply (fast dest: subcls1I ws_prog_cdeclD)

lemma ws_class_induct [consumes 2, case_names Object Subcls]:
"\<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; ws_prog G; 
  \<And> co. class G Object = Some co \<Longrightarrow> P Object; 
  \<And>  C c. \<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; C \<noteq> Object; P (super c)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C
 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C"
proof -
  assume clsC: "class G C = Some c"
  and    init: "\<And> co. class G Object = Some co \<Longrightarrow> P Object"
  and    step: "\<And>   C c. \<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; C \<noteq> Object; P (super c)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C"
  assume ws: "ws_prog G"
  then have "is_class G C \<Longrightarrow> P C"  
  proof (induct rule: subcls1_induct)
    fix C
    assume   hyp:"\<forall> S. G\<turnstile>C \<prec>\<^sub>C1 S \<longrightarrow> is_class G S \<longrightarrow> P S"
       and iscls:"is_class G C"
    show "P C"
    proof (cases "C=Object")
      case True with iscls init show "P C" by auto
      case False with ws step hyp iscls 
      show "P C" by (auto dest: subcls1I ws_prog_cdeclD)
  with clsC show ?thesis by simp

lemma ws_class_induct' [consumes 2, case_names Object Subcls]:
"\<lbrakk>is_class G C; ws_prog G; 
  \<And> co. class G Object = Some co \<Longrightarrow> P Object; 
  \<And> C c. \<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; C \<noteq> Object; P (super c)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C
 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C"
by (auto intro: ws_class_induct)

lemma ws_class_induct'' [consumes 2, case_names Object Subcls]:
"\<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; ws_prog G; 
  \<And> co. class G Object = Some co \<Longrightarrow> P Object co; 
  \<And>  C c sc. \<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; class G (super c) = Some sc;
            C \<noteq> Object; P (super c) sc\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C c
 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C c"
proof -
  assume clsC: "class G C = Some c"
  and    init: "\<And> co. class G Object = Some co \<Longrightarrow> P Object co"
  and    step: "\<And> C c sc . \<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; class G (super c) = Some sc;
                             C \<noteq> Object; P (super c) sc\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P C c"
  assume ws: "ws_prog G"
  then have "\<And> c. class G C = Some c\<Longrightarrow> P C c"  
  proof (induct rule: subcls1_induct)
    fix C c
    assume   hyp:"\<forall> S. G\<turnstile>C \<prec>\<^sub>C1 S \<longrightarrow> (\<forall> s. class G S = Some s \<longrightarrow> P S s)"
       and iscls:"class G C = Some c"
    show "P C c"
    proof (cases "C=Object")
      case True with iscls init show "P C c" by auto
      case False
      with ws iscls obtain sc where
        sc: "class G (super c) = Some sc"
        by (auto dest: ws_prog_cdeclD)
      from iscls False have "G\<turnstile>C \<prec>\<^sub>C1 (super c)" by (rule subcls1I)
      with False ws step hyp iscls sc
      show "P C c" 
        by (auto)  
  with clsC show "P C c" by auto

lemma ws_interface_induct [consumes 2, case_names Step]:
  assumes is_if_I: "is_iface G I" and 
               ws: "ws_prog G" and
          hyp_sub: "\<And>I i. \<lbrakk>iface G I = Some i; 
                            \<forall> J \<in> set (isuperIfs i).
                                 (I,J)\<in>subint1 G \<and> P J \<and> is_iface G J\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P I"
  shows "P I"
proof -
  from is_if_I ws 
  show "P I"
  proof (rule ws_subint1_induct)
    fix I i
    assume hyp: "iface G I = Some i \<and>
                (\<forall>J\<in>set (isuperIfs i). (I,J) \<in>subint1 G \<and> P J \<and> is_iface G J)"
    then have if_I: "iface G I = Some i"
      by blast
    show "P I"
    proof (cases "isuperIfs i")
      case Nil
      with if_I hyp_sub 
      show "P I" 
        by auto
      case (Cons hd tl)
      with hyp if_I hyp_sub 
      show "P I" 
        by auto

section "general recursion operators for the interface and class hiearchies"

  iface_rec  :: "prog \<times> qtname \<Rightarrow>   \<spacespace>  (qtname \<Rightarrow> iface \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a"
  class_rec  :: "prog \<times> qtname \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> (qtname \<Rightarrow> class \<Rightarrow> 'a     \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a"

recdef iface_rec "same_fst ws_prog (\<lambda>G. (subint1 G)^-1)" 
"iface_rec (G,I) = 
  (\<lambda>f. case iface G I of 
         None \<Rightarrow> undefined 
       | Some i \<Rightarrow> if ws_prog G 
                      then f I i 
                               ((\<lambda>J. iface_rec (G,J) f)`set (isuperIfs i))
                      else undefined)"
(hints recdef_wf: wf_subint1 intro: subint1I)
declare iface_rec.simps [simp del]

lemma iface_rec: 
"\<lbrakk>iface G I = Some i; ws_prog G\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 
 iface_rec (G,I) f = f I i ((\<lambda>J. iface_rec (G,J) f)`set (isuperIfs i))"
apply (subst iface_rec.simps)
apply simp

recdef class_rec "same_fst ws_prog (\<lambda>G. (subcls1 G)^-1)"
"class_rec(G,C) = 
  (\<lambda>t f. case class G C of 
           None \<Rightarrow> undefined 
         | Some c \<Rightarrow> if ws_prog G 
                        then f C c 
                                 (if C = Object then t 
                                                else class_rec (G,super c) t f)
                        else undefined)"
(hints recdef_wf: wf_subcls1 intro: subcls1I)
declare class_rec.simps [simp del]

lemma class_rec: "\<lbrakk>class G C = Some c; ws_prog G\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  
 class_rec (G,C) t f = 
   f C c (if C = Object then t else class_rec (G,super c) t f)"
apply (rule class_rec.simps [THEN trans [THEN fun_cong [THEN fun_cong]]])
apply simp

definition imethds :: "prog \<Rightarrow> qtname \<Rightarrow> (sig,qtname \<times> mhead) tables" where
  --{* methods of an interface, with overriding and inheritance, cf. 9.2 *}
"imethds G I 
  \<equiv> iface_rec (G,I)  
              (\<lambda>I i ts. (Un_tables ts) \<oplus>\<oplus> 
                        (Option.set \<circ> table_of (map (\<lambda>(s,m). (s,I,m)) (imethods i))))"
