author lcp
Fri, 17 Sep 1993 16:16:38 +0200
changeset 6 8ce8c4d13d4d
parent 0 a5a9c433f639
child 14 1c0926788772
permissions -rw-r--r--
Installation of new simplifier for ZF. Deleted all congruence rules not involving local assumptions. NB the congruence rules for Sigma and Pi (dependent type constructions) cause difficulties and are not used by default.

(*  Title: 	ZF/func
    ID:         $Id$
    Author: 	Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1991  University of Cambridge

Functions in Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory

(*** The Pi operator -- dependent function space ***)

val prems = goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def]
    "[| f <= Sigma(A,B);  !!x. x:A ==> EX! y. <x,y>: f |] ==> \
\     f: Pi(A,B)";  
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [CollectI,PowI,ballI,impI]) 1));
val PiI = result();

(**Two "destruct" rules for Pi **)

val [major] = goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def] "f: Pi(A,B) ==> f <= Sigma(A,B)";  
by (rtac (major RS CollectE) 1);
by (etac PowD 1);
val fun_is_rel = result();

val major::prems = goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def]
    "[| f: Pi(A,B);  a:A |] ==> EX! y. <a,y>: f";  
by (rtac (major RS CollectE) 1);
by (etac bspec 1);
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
val fun_unique_Pair = result();

val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f: Pi(A,B); \
\       [| f <= Sigma(A,B);  ALL x:A. EX! y. <x,y>: f |] ==> P \
\    |] ==> P";  
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[ballI,fun_is_rel,fun_unique_Pair]) 1));
val PiE = result();

val prems = goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def]
    "[| A=A';  !!x. x:A' ==> B(x)=B'(x) |] ==> Pi(A,B) = Pi(A',B')";
by (simp_tac (FOL_ss addsimps prems addcongs [Sigma_cong]) 1);
val Pi_cong = result();

(*Weaking one function type to another*)
goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def] "!!f. [| f: A->B;  B<=D |] ==> f: A->D";
by (safe_tac ZF_cs);
by (set_mp_tac 1);
by (fast_tac ZF_cs 1);
val fun_weaken_type = result();

(*Empty function spaces*)
goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def] "Pi(0,A) = {0}";
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs [equalityI]) 1);
val Pi_empty1 = result();

goalw ZF.thy [Pi_def] "!!A a. a:A ==> A->0 = 0";
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs [equalityI]) 1);
val Pi_empty2 = result();

(*** Function Application ***)

goal ZF.thy "!!a b f. [| <a,b>: f;  <a,c>: f;  f: Pi(A,B) |] ==> b=c";
by (etac PiE 1);
by (etac (bspec RS ex1_equalsE) 1);
by (etac (subsetD RS SigmaD1) 1);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
val apply_equality2 = result();

goalw ZF.thy [apply_def] "!!a b f. [| <a,b>: f;  f: Pi(A,B) |] ==> f`a = b";
by (rtac the_equality 1);
by (rtac apply_equality2 2);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
val apply_equality = result();

val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f: Pi(A,B);   c: f;   !!x. [| x:A;  c = <x,f`x> |] ==> P  \
\    |] ==> P";
by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
by (etac (fun_is_rel RS subsetD RS SigmaE) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
by (hyp_subst_tac 1);
by (etac (apply_equality RS ssubst) 1);
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
by (rtac refl 1);
val memberPiE = result();

(*Conclusion is flexible -- use res_inst_tac or else apply_funtype below!*)
goal ZF.thy "!!f. [| f: Pi(A,B);  a:A |] ==> f`a : B(a)"; 
by (rtac (fun_unique_Pair RS ex1E) 1);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
by (rtac (fun_is_rel RS subsetD RS SigmaE2) 1);
by (etac (apply_equality RS ssubst) 3);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
val apply_type = result();

(*This version is acceptable to the simplifier*)
goal ZF.thy "!!f. [| f: A->B;  a:A |] ==> f`a : B"; 
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [apply_type] 1));
val apply_funtype = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!f. [| f: Pi(A,B);  a:A |] ==> <a,f`a>: f";
by (rtac (fun_unique_Pair RS ex1E) 1);
by (resolve_tac [apply_equality RS ssubst] 3);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
val apply_Pair = result();

val [major] = goal ZF.thy
    "f: Pi(A,B) ==> <a,b>: f <-> a:A & f`a = b";
by (rtac (major RS PiE) 1);
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addSIs [major RS apply_Pair, 
			    major RSN (2,apply_equality)]) 1);
val apply_iff = result();

(*Refining one Pi type to another*)
val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f: Pi(A,C);  !!x. x:A ==> f`x : B(x) |] ==> f : Pi(A,B)";
by (rtac (subsetI RS PiI) 1);
by (eresolve_tac (prems RL [memberPiE]) 1);
by (etac ssubst 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[SigmaI,fun_unique_Pair]) 1));
val Pi_type = result();

(** Elimination of membership in a function **)

goal ZF.thy "!!a A. [| <a,b> : f;  f: Pi(A,B) |] ==> a : A";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [fun_is_rel RS subsetD RS SigmaD1] 1));
val domain_type = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!b B a. [| <a,b> : f;  f: Pi(A,B) |] ==> b : B(a)";
by (etac (fun_is_rel RS subsetD RS SigmaD2) 1);
by (assume_tac 1);
val range_type = result();

val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| <a,b>: f;  f: Pi(A,B);       \
\       [| a:A;  b:B(a);  f`a = b |] ==> P  \
\    |] ==> P";
by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,domain_type,range_type,apply_equality] 1));
val Pair_mem_PiE = result();

(*** Lambda Abstraction ***)

goalw ZF.thy [lam_def] "!!A b. a:A ==> <a,b(a)> : (lam x:A. b(x))";  
by (etac RepFunI 1);
val lamI = result();

val major::prems = goalw ZF.thy [lam_def]
    "[| p: (lam x:A. b(x));  !!x.[| x:A; p=<x,b(x)> |] ==> P  \
\    |] ==>  P";  
by (rtac (major RS RepFunE) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
val lamE = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!a b c. [| <a,c>: (lam x:A. b(x)) |] ==> c = b(a)";  
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,lamE,Pair_inject,ssubst] 1));
val lamD = result();

val prems = goalw ZF.thy [lam_def]
    "[| !!x. x:A ==> b(x): B(x) |] ==> (lam x:A.b(x)) : Pi(A,B)";  
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs (PiI::prems)) 1);
val lam_type = result();

goal ZF.thy "(lam x:A.b(x)) : A -> {b(x). x:A}";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [refl,lam_type,RepFunI] 1));
val lam_funtype = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!a A. a : A ==> (lam x:A.b(x)) ` a = b(a)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [apply_equality,lam_funtype,lamI] 1));
val beta = result();

(*congruence rule for lambda abstraction*)
val prems = goalw ZF.thy [lam_def] 
    "[| A=A';  !!x. x:A' ==> b(x)=b'(x) |] ==> Lambda(A,b) = Lambda(A',b')";
by (simp_tac (FOL_ss addsimps prems addcongs [RepFun_cong]) 1);
val lam_cong = result();

val [major] = goal ZF.thy
    "(!!x. x:A ==> EX! y. Q(x,y)) ==> EX f. ALL x:A. Q(x, f`x)";
by (res_inst_tac [("x", "lam x: A. THE y. Q(x,y)")] exI 1);
by (rtac ballI 1);
by (rtac (beta RS ssubst) 1);
by (assume_tac 1);
by (etac (major RS theI) 1);
val lam_theI = result();

(** Extensionality **)

val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f : Pi(A,B);  g: Pi(C,D);  A<=C; \
\       !!x. x:A ==> f`x = g`x       |] ==> f<=g";
by (rtac subsetI 1);
by (eresolve_tac (prems RL [memberPiE]) 1);
by (etac ssubst 1);
by (resolve_tac (prems RL [ssubst]) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[apply_Pair,subsetD]) 1));
val fun_subset = result();

val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f : Pi(A,B);  g: Pi(A,D);  \
\       !!x. x:A ==> f`x = g`x       |] ==> f=g";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ (prems RL [sym]) @
		      [subset_refl,equalityI,fun_subset]) 1));
val fun_extension = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!f A B. f : Pi(A,B) ==> (lam x:A. f`x) = f";
by (rtac fun_extension 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [lam_type,apply_type,beta] 1));
val eta = result();

(*Every element of Pi(A,B) may be expressed as a lambda abstraction!*)
val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f: Pi(A,B);        \
\       !!b. [| ALL x:A. b(x):B(x);  f = (lam x:A.b(x)) |] ==> P   \
\    |] ==> P";
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
by (rtac (eta RS sym) 2);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[ballI,apply_type]) 1));
val Pi_lamE = result();

(*** properties of "restrict" ***)

goalw ZF.thy [restrict_def,lam_def]
    "!!f A. [| f: Pi(C,B);  A<=C |] ==> restrict(f,A) <= f";
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs [apply_Pair]) 1);
val restrict_subset = result();

val prems = goalw ZF.thy [restrict_def]
    "[| !!x. x:A ==> f`x: B(x) |] ==> restrict(f,A) : Pi(A,B)";  
by (rtac lam_type 1);
by (eresolve_tac prems 1);
val restrict_type = result();

val [pi,subs] = goal ZF.thy 
    "[| f: Pi(C,B);  A<=C |] ==> restrict(f,A) : Pi(A,B)";  
by (rtac (pi RS apply_type RS restrict_type) 1);
by (etac (subs RS subsetD) 1);
val restrict_type2 = result();

goalw ZF.thy [restrict_def] "!!a A. a : A ==> restrict(f,A) ` a = f`a";
by (etac beta 1);
val restrict = result();

(*NOT SAFE as a congruence rule for the simplifier!  Can cause it to fail!*)
val prems = goalw ZF.thy [restrict_def]
    "[| A=B;  !!x. x:B ==> f`x=g`x |] ==> restrict(f,A) = restrict(g,B)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[lam_cong]) 1));
val restrict_eqI = result();

goalw ZF.thy [restrict_def] "domain(restrict(f,C)) = C";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [equalityI,subsetI,domainI,lamI] 1
     ORELSE eresolve_tac [domainE,lamE,Pair_inject,ssubst] 1));
val domain_restrict = result();

val [prem] = goalw ZF.thy [restrict_def]
    "A<=C ==> restrict(lam x:C. b(x), A) = (lam x:A. b(x))";
by (rtac (refl RS lam_cong) 1);
be (prem RS subsetD RS beta) 1;	(*easier than calling simp_tac*)
val restrict_lam_eq = result();

(*** Unions of functions ***)

(** The Union of a set of COMPATIBLE functions is a function **)
val [ex_prem,disj_prem] = goal ZF.thy
    "[| ALL x:S. EX C D. x:C->D; \
\       !!x y. [| x:S;  y:S |] ==> x<=y | y<=x  |] ==>  \
\    Union(S) : domain(Union(S)) -> range(Union(S))";
val premE = ex_prem RS bspec RS exE;
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [exE,PiE,premE] 1 
     ORELSE ares_tac [PiI, ballI RS rel_Union, exI] 1));
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,domainE,UnionE,exE] 1 
     ORELSE ares_tac [allI,impI,ex1I,UnionI] 1));
by (res_inst_tac [ ("x1","B") ] premE 1);
by (res_inst_tac [ ("x1","Ba") ] premE 2);
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,exE] 1));
by (eresolve_tac [disj_prem RS disjE] 1);
by (DEPTH_SOLVE (set_mp_tac 1
		 ORELSE eresolve_tac [asm_rl, apply_equality2] 1));
val fun_Union = result();

(** The Union of 2 disjoint functions is a function **)

val prems = goal ZF.thy
    "[| f: A->B;  g: C->D;  A Int C = 0  |] ==>  \
\    (f Un g) : (A Un C) -> (B Un D)";
     (*Contradiction if A Int C = 0, a:A, a:B*)
val [disjoint] = prems RL ([IntI] RLN (2, [equals0D]));
by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
by (rtac PiI 1);
(*solve subgoal 2 first!!*)
by (DEPTH_SOLVE_1 (eresolve_tac [UnE, Pair_mem_PiE, sym, disjoint] 2
       INTLEAVE ares_tac [ex1I, apply_Pair RS UnI1, apply_Pair RS UnI2] 2));
by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,UnE,rel_Un,PiE] 1));
val fun_disjoint_Un = result();

goal ZF.thy
    "!!f g a. [| a:A;  f: A->B;  g: C->D;  A Int C = 0 |] ==>  \
\             (f Un g)`a = f`a";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [apply_equality,UnI1,apply_Pair,
		      fun_disjoint_Un] 1));
val fun_disjoint_apply1 = result();

goal ZF.thy
    "!!f g c. [| c:C;  f: A->B;  g: C->D;  A Int C = 0 |] ==>  \
\             (f Un g)`c = g`c";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [apply_equality,UnI2,apply_Pair,
		      fun_disjoint_Un] 1));
val fun_disjoint_apply2 = result();

(** Domain and range of a function/relation **)

val [major] = goal ZF.thy "f : Pi(A,B) ==> domain(f)=A";
by (rtac equalityI 1);
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs [major RS apply_Pair]) 2);
by (rtac (major RS PiE) 1);
by (fast_tac ZF_cs 1);
val domain_of_fun = result();

val [major] = goal ZF.thy "f : Pi(A,B) ==> f : A->range(f)";
by (rtac (major RS Pi_type) 1);
by (etac (major RS apply_Pair RS rangeI) 1);
val range_of_fun = result();

(*** Extensions of functions ***)

(*Singleton function -- in the underlying form of singletons*)
goal ZF.thy "Upair(<a,b>,<a,b>) : Upair(a,a) -> Upair(b,b)";
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs [PiI]) 1);
val fun_single_lemma = result();

goalw ZF.thy [cons_def]
    "!!f A B. [| f: A->B;  ~c:A |] ==> cons(<c,b>,f) : cons(c,A) -> cons(b,B)";
by (rtac (fun_single_lemma RS fun_disjoint_Un) 1);
by (assume_tac 1);
by (rtac equals0I 1);
by (fast_tac ZF_cs 1);
val fun_extend = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!f A B. [| f: A->B;  a:A;  ~ c:A |] ==> cons(<c,b>,f)`a = f`a";
by (rtac (apply_Pair RS consI2 RS apply_equality) 1);
by (rtac fun_extend 3);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
val fun_extend_apply1 = result();

goal ZF.thy "!!f A B. [| f: A->B;  ~ c:A |] ==> cons(<c,b>,f)`c = b";
by (rtac (consI1 RS apply_equality) 1);
by (rtac fun_extend 1);
by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
val fun_extend_apply2 = result();

(*The empty function*)
goal ZF.thy "0: 0->A";
by (fast_tac (ZF_cs addIs [PiI]) 1);
val fun_empty = result();

(*The singleton function*)
goal ZF.thy "{<a,b>} : {a} -> cons(b,C)";
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [fun_extend,fun_empty,notI] 1 ORELSE etac emptyE 1));
val fun_single = result();