author lcp
Fri, 17 Sep 1993 16:16:38 +0200
changeset 6 8ce8c4d13d4d
parent 0 a5a9c433f639
child 14 1c0926788772
permissions -rw-r--r--
Installation of new simplifier for ZF. Deleted all congruence rules not involving local assumptions. NB the congruence rules for Sigma and Pi (dependent type constructions) cause difficulties and are not used by default.

(*  Title: 	ZF/ind-syntax.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author: 	Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge

Abstract Syntax functions for Inductive Definitions

fun flatten_typ sign T = 
    let val {syn,...} = Sign.rep_sg sign 
    in  Pretty.str_of (Syntax.pretty_typ syn T)
fun flatten_term sign t = Pretty.str_of (Sign.pretty_term sign t);

(*Add constants to a theory*)
infix addconsts;
fun thy addconsts const_decs = 
    extend_theory thy (space_implode "_" (flat (map #1 const_decs)) 
		       ^ "_Theory")
		  ([], [], [], [], const_decs, None) [];

(*Make a definition, lhs==rhs, checking that vars on lhs contain *)
fun mk_defpair sign (lhs,rhs) = 
  let val Const(name,_) = head_of lhs
      val dummy = assert (term_vars rhs subset term_vars lhs
		       term_frees rhs subset term_frees lhs
		       term_tvars rhs subset term_tvars lhs
		       term_tfrees rhs subset term_tfrees lhs)
	          ("Extra variables on RHS in definition of " ^ name)
  in  (name ^ "_def",
       flatten_term sign (Logic.mk_equals (lhs,rhs)))

fun lookup_const sign a = Symtab.lookup(#const_tab (Sign.rep_sg sign), a);

(*export to Pure/library?  *)
fun assert_all pred l msg_fn = 
  let fun asl [] = ()
	| asl (x::xs) = if pred x then asl xs
	                else error (msg_fn x)
  in  asl l  end;

(** Abstract syntax definitions for FOL and ZF **)

val iT = Type("i",[])
and oT = Type("o",[]);

fun ap t u = t$u;
fun app t (u1,u2) = t $ u1 $ u2;

(*Given u expecting arguments of types [T1,...,Tn], create term of 
  type T1*...*Tn => i using split*)
fun ap_split split u [ ]   = Abs("null", iT, u)
  | ap_split split u [_]   = u
  | ap_split split u [_,_] = split $ u
  | ap_split split u (T::Ts) = 
      split $ (Abs("v", T, ap_split split (u $ Bound(length Ts - 2)) Ts));

val conj = Const("op &", [oT,oT]--->oT)
and disj = Const("op |", [oT,oT]--->oT)
and imp = Const("op -->", [oT,oT]--->oT);

val eq_const = Const("op =", [iT,iT]--->oT);

val mem_const = Const("op :", [iT,iT]--->oT);

val exists_const = Const("Ex", [iT-->oT]--->oT);
fun mk_exists (Free(x,T),P) = exists_const $ (absfree (x,T,P));

val all_const = Const("All", [iT-->oT]--->oT);
fun mk_all (Free(x,T),P) = all_const $ (absfree (x,T,P));

(*Creates All(%v.v:A --> P(v)) rather than Ball(A,P) *)
fun mk_all_imp (A,P) = 
    all_const $ Abs("v", iT, imp $ (mem_const $ Bound 0 $ A) $ (P $ Bound 0));

val Part_const = Const("Part", [iT,iT-->iT]--->iT);

val Collect_const = Const("Collect", [iT,iT-->oT]--->iT);
fun mk_Collect (a,D,t) = Collect_const $ D $ absfree(a, iT, t);

val Trueprop = Const("Trueprop",oT-->propT);
fun mk_tprop P = Trueprop $ P;
fun dest_tprop (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = P;

(*** Tactic for folding constructor definitions ***)

(*The depth of injections in a constructor function*)
fun inject_depth (Const _ $ t) = 1 + inject_depth t
  | inject_depth t             = 0;

val rhs_of_thm = #2 o Logic.dest_equals o #prop o rep_thm;

(*There are critical pairs!  E.g. K == Inl(0),  S == Inr(Inl(0))
  Folds longest definitions first to avoid folding subexpressions of an rhs.*)
fun fold_con_tac defs =
  let val keylist = make_keylist (inject_depth o rhs_of_thm) defs;
      val keys = distinct (sort op> (map #2 keylist));
      val deflists = map (keyfilter keylist) keys
  in  EVERY (map fold_tac deflists)  end;

(*Prove a goal stated as a term, with exception handling*)
fun prove_term sign defs (P,tacsf) = 
    let val ct = Sign.cterm_of sign P
    in  prove_goalw_cterm defs ct tacsf
	handle e => (writeln ("Exception in proof of\n" ^
			       Sign.string_of_cterm ct); 
		     raise e)

(*Read an assumption in the given theory*)
fun assume_read thy a = assume (Sign.read_cterm (sign_of thy) (a,propT));

(*Make distinct individual variables a1, a2, a3, ..., an. *)
fun mk_frees a [] = []
  | mk_frees a (T::Ts) = Free(a,T) :: mk_frees (bump_string a) Ts;

(*Used by intr-elim.ML and in individual datatype definitions*)
val basic_monos = [subset_refl, imp_refl, disj_mono, conj_mono, 
		   ex_mono, Collect_mono, Part_mono, in_mono];

fun rule_concl rl = 
  let val Const("op :",_) $ t $ X = dest_tprop (Logic.strip_imp_concl rl)
  in (t,X) end
  handle _ => error "Conclusion of rule should be a set membership";

(*For deriving cases rules.  CollectD2 discards the domain, which is redundant;
  read_instantiate replaces a propositional variable by a formula variable*)
val equals_CollectD = 
    read_instantiate [("W","?Q")]
        (make_elim (equalityD1 RS subsetD RS CollectD2));

(*From HOL/ex/meson.ML: raises exception if no rules apply -- unlike RL*)
fun tryres (th, rl::rls) = (th RS rl handle THM _ => tryres(th,rls))
  | tryres (th, []) = raise THM("tryres", 0, [th]);

fun gen_make_elim elim_rls rl = 
      standard (tryres (rl, elim_rls @ [revcut_rl]));

(** For constructor.ML **)

(*Avoids duplicate definitions by removing constants already declared mixfix*)
fun remove_mixfixes None decs = decs
  | remove_mixfixes (Some sext) decs =
      let val mixtab = Symtab.st_of_declist(Syntax.constants sext, Symtab.null)
	  fun is_mix c = case Symtab.lookup(mixtab,c) of
			     None=>false | Some _ => true
      in  map (fn (cs,styp)=> (filter_out is_mix cs, styp)) decs

fun ext_constants None        = []
  | ext_constants (Some sext) = Syntax.constants sext;

(*Could go to FOL, but it's hardly general*)
val [def] = goal IFOL.thy "a==b ==> a=c <-> c=b";
by (rewtac def);
by (rtac iffI 1);
by (REPEAT (etac sym 1));
val def_swap_iff = result();

val def_trans = prove_goal IFOL.thy "[| f==g;  g(a)=b |] ==> f(a)=b"
  (fn [rew,prem] => [ rewtac rew, rtac prem 1 ]);