/* Title: Pure/Admin/component_windows_app.scala
Author: Makarius
Build Isabelle windows_app component from GNU binutils and launch4j.
package isabelle
object Component_Windows_App {
/* resources */
def tool_platform(): String = {
require(Platform.is_unix, "Linux or macOS platform required")
def launch4j_jar(): Path =
Path.explode("windows_app/" + tool_platform() + "/launch4j.jar")
val sfx_name = "7zsd_All_x64.sfx"
val sfx_path: Path = Path.basic("windows_app") + Path.basic(sfx_name)
/* build windows_app */
val default_launch4j_url =
val default_binutils_url =
val default_sfx_url =
def build_windows_app(
launch4j_url: String = default_launch4j_url,
binutils_url: String = default_binutils_url,
sfx_url: String = default_sfx_url,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
target_dir: Path = Path.current
): Unit = {
Isabelle_System.require_command("7z", test = "")
val platform_name = tool_platform()
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build") { tmp_dir =>
val download_tar = tmp_dir + Path.basic("download.tar.gz")
/* component */
val component_dir = Components.Directory(tmp_dir + Path.basic("windows_app")).create()
val platform_dir =
Isabelle_System.make_directory(component_dir.path + Path.basic(platform_name))
val platform_bin_dir = platform_dir + Path.basic("bin")
/* launch4j */
Isabelle_System.download_file(launch4j_url, download_tar, progress = progress)
Isabelle_System.extract(download_tar, platform_dir, strip = true)
/* GNU binutils */
Isabelle_System.download_file(binutils_url, download_tar, progress = progress)
Isabelle_System.extract(download_tar, tmp_dir, strip = true)
progress.echo("Building GNU binutils for " + platform_name + " ...")
val build_script =
List("""./configure --prefix="$PWD/target" --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32""",
"make", "make install")
Isabelle_System.bash(build_script.mkString(" && "), cwd = tmp_dir,
progress_stdout = progress.echo(_, verbose = true),
progress_stderr = progress.echo(_, verbose = true)).check
for (name <- List("ld", "windres")) {
tmp_dir + Path.explode("target/bin") + Path.basic("x86_64-w64-mingw32-" + name),
platform_bin_dir + Path.basic(name))
/* 7zip sfx module */
val sfx_archive_name = Url.get_base_name(sfx_url).get
tmp_dir + Path.basic(sfx_archive_name), progress = progress)
Isabelle_System.bash("7z x " + Bash.string(sfx_archive_name), cwd = tmp_dir).check
Isabelle_System.copy_file(tmp_dir + Path.basic(sfx_name), component_dir.path)
/* README */
"""Auxiliary parts for Isabelle as Windows application
* Application launcher: http://launch4j.sourceforge.net
* Platform binaries "ld" and "windres" from GNU binutils:
""" + binutils_url + build_script.mkString("\n\n ", "\n ", "") + """
* Self-extracting installer:
""" + sfx_url + """
See also Isabelle/Admin/Windows/.
""" + Date.Format.date(Date.now()) + "\n")
/* component archive */
val component_archive =
Isabelle_System.make_directory(target_dir) +
Path.basic("windows_app-" + Date.Format.alt_date(Date.now())).tar.gz
"-czf " + File.bash_path(component_archive) + " windows_app", dir = tmp_dir).check
progress.echo("Component archive " + component_archive)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool =
"build windows_app component from GNU binutils and launch4j",
{ args =>
var target_dir = Path.current
var launch4j_url = default_launch4j_url
var binutils_url = default_binutils_url
var sfx_url = default_sfx_url
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle component_windows_app [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-B build GNU binutils from sources
-D DIR target directory (default ".")
-U URL download URL for launch4j, default:
""" + default_launch4j_url + """
-V URL download URL for GNU binutils, default:
""" + default_binutils_url + """
-W URL download URL for 7zip sfx module, default:
""" + default_sfx_url + """
-v verbose
Build Isabelle windows_app component from GNU binutils and launch4j.
"D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
"U:" -> (arg => launch4j_url = arg),
"V:" -> (arg => binutils_url = arg),
"W:" -> (arg => sfx_url = arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
build_windows_app(launch4j_url = launch4j_url, binutils_url = binutils_url,
sfx_url = sfx_url, progress = progress, target_dir = target_dir)