author skalberg
Thu, 03 Mar 2005 12:43:01 +0100
changeset 15570 8d8c70b41bab
parent 15531 08c8dad8e399
child 16973 b2a894562b8f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Move towards standard functions.

(*  Title:      Provers/Arith/extract_common_term.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   2000  University of Cambridge

Extract common terms in balanced expressions:

     i + u + j ~~ i' + u + j'  ==  u + (i + j) ~~ u + (i' + j')
     i + u     ~~ u            ==  u + i       ~~ u + 0

where ~~ is an appropriate balancing operation (e.g. =, <=, <, -) and 0 is a 
suitable identity for +.

This massaged formula is then simplified in a user-specified way.

  (*abstract syntax*)
  val mk_sum: typ -> term list -> term
  val dest_sum: term -> term list
  val mk_bal: term * term -> term
  val dest_bal: term -> term * term
  val find_first: term -> term list -> term list
  (*proof tools*)
  val prove_conv: tactic list -> -> 
                  thm list -> string list -> term * term -> thm option
  val norm_tac: tactic                (*proves the result*)
  val simplify_meta_eq: thm -> thm    (*simplifies the result*)

functor ExtractCommonTermFun(Data: EXTRACT_COMMON_TERM_DATA):
  val proc: -> simpset -> term -> thm option

(*Store the term t in the table*)
fun update_by_coeff (tab, t) = Termtab.update ((t, ()), tab);

(*a left-to-right scan of terms1, seeking a term u that is also in terms2*)
fun find_common (terms1,terms2) =
  let val tab2 = Library.foldl update_by_coeff (Termtab.empty, terms2)
      fun seek [] = raise TERM("find_common", []) 
	| seek (u::terms) =
	      if isSome (Termtab.lookup (tab2, u)) then u
	      else seek terms
  in  seek terms1 end;

(*the simplification procedure*)
fun proc sg ss t =
      val hyps = prems_of_ss ss;
      (*first freeze any Vars in the term to prevent flex-flex problems*)
      val (t', xs) = Term.adhoc_freeze_vars t;
      val (t1,t2) = Data.dest_bal t' 
      val terms1 = Data.dest_sum t1
      and terms2 = Data.dest_sum t2
      val u = find_common (terms1,terms2)
      val terms1' = Data.find_first u terms1
      and terms2' = Data.find_first u terms2
      and T = Term.fastype_of u
      val reshape = 
	    Data.prove_conv [Data.norm_tac] sg hyps xs
		 Data.mk_bal (Data.mk_sum T (u::terms1'), 
		              Data.mk_sum T (u::terms2')))
  in Data.simplify_meta_eq reshape
  handle TERM _ => NONE
       | TYPE _ => NONE;   (*Typically (if thy doesn't include Numeral)
			     Undeclared type constructor "Numeral.bin"*)
