author wenzelm
Tue, 31 May 2005 11:53:33 +0200
changeset 16142 8eead5356ccb
parent 16141 1e2bed9c06f7
child 16344 a52fe1277902
permissions -rw-r--r--
added short_names, unique_names options;

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/attrib.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Symbolic theorem attributes.

signature BASIC_ATTRIB =
  val print_attributes: theory -> unit
  val Attribute: bstring -> (Args.src -> theory attribute) * (Args.src -> ProofContext.context attribute)
    -> string -> unit

signature ATTRIB =
  include BASIC_ATTRIB
  type src
  exception ATTRIB_FAIL of (string * Position.T) * exn
  val intern: -> xstring -> string
  val intern_src: -> src -> src
  val global_attribute_i: theory -> src -> theory attribute
  val global_attribute: theory -> src -> theory attribute
  val local_attribute_i: theory -> src -> ProofContext.context attribute
  val local_attribute: theory -> src -> ProofContext.context attribute
  val context_attribute_i: ProofContext.context -> Args.src -> ProofContext.context attribute
  val context_attribute: ProofContext.context -> Args.src -> ProofContext.context attribute
  val undef_global_attribute: theory attribute
  val undef_local_attribute: ProofContext.context attribute
  val crude_closure: ProofContext.context -> src -> src
  val add_attributes: (bstring * ((src -> theory attribute) *
      (src -> ProofContext.context attribute)) * string) list -> theory -> theory
  val global_thm: theory * Args.T list -> thm * (theory * Args.T list)
  val global_thms: theory * Args.T list -> thm list * (theory * Args.T list)
  val global_thmss: theory * Args.T list -> thm list * (theory * Args.T list)
  val local_thm: ProofContext.context * Args.T list -> thm * (ProofContext.context * Args.T list)
  val local_thms: ProofContext.context * Args.T list -> thm list * (ProofContext.context * Args.T list)
  val local_thmss: ProofContext.context * Args.T list -> thm list * (ProofContext.context * Args.T list)
  val syntax: ('a * Args.T list -> 'a attribute * ('a * Args.T list)) -> src -> 'a attribute
  val no_args: 'a attribute -> src -> 'a attribute
  val add_del_args: 'a attribute -> 'a attribute -> src -> 'a attribute
  val attribute: (theory attribute * ProofContext.context attribute) -> src

structure Attrib: ATTRIB =

type src = Args.src;

(** attributes theory data **)

(* data kind 'Isar/attributes' *)

structure AttributesDataArgs =
  val name = "Isar/attributes";
  type T =
    {space: NameSpace.T,
       ((((src -> theory attribute) * (src -> ProofContext.context attribute))
         * string) * stamp) Symtab.table};

  val empty = {space = NameSpace.empty, attrs = Symtab.empty};
  val copy = I;
  val prep_ext = I;

  fun merge ({space = space1, attrs = attrs1}, {space = space2, attrs = attrs2}) =
    {space = NameSpace.merge (space1, space2),
      attrs = Symtab.merge eq_snd (attrs1, attrs2) handle Symtab.DUPS dups =>
        error ("Attempt to merge different versions of attributes " ^ commas_quote dups)};

  fun print _ {space, attrs} =
      fun prt_attr (name, ((_, comment), _)) = Pretty.block
        [Pretty.str (name ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str comment];
      [Pretty.big_list "attributes:" (map prt_attr (NameSpace.extern_table space attrs))]
      |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln

structure AttributesData = TheoryDataFun(AttributesDataArgs);
val _ = Context.add_setup [AttributesData.init];
val print_attributes = AttributesData.print;

(* interning *)

val intern = NameSpace.intern o #space o AttributesData.get_sg;
val intern_src = Args.map_name o intern;

(* get global / local attributes *)

exception ATTRIB_FAIL of (string * Position.T) * exn;

fun gen_attribute which thy =
    val {attrs, ...} = AttributesData.get thy;

    fun attr src =
        val ((name, _), pos) = Args.dest_src src;
        (case Symtab.lookup (attrs, name) of
          NONE => error ("Unknown attribute: " ^ quote name ^ Position.str_of pos)
        | SOME ((p, _), _) => transform_failure (curry ATTRIB_FAIL (name, pos)) (which p src))
  in attr end;

val global_attribute_i = gen_attribute fst;
fun global_attribute thy = global_attribute_i thy o intern_src (Theory.sign_of thy);

val local_attribute_i = gen_attribute snd;
fun local_attribute thy = local_attribute_i thy o intern_src (Theory.sign_of thy);

val context_attribute_i = local_attribute_i o ProofContext.theory_of;
val context_attribute = local_attribute o ProofContext.theory_of;

val undef_global_attribute: theory attribute =
  fn _ => error "attribute undefined in theory context";

val undef_local_attribute: ProofContext.context attribute =
  fn _ => error "attribute undefined in proof context";

(* crude_closure *)

(*Produce closure without knowing facts in advance! The following
  should work reasonably well for attribute parsers that do not peek
  at the thm structure.*)

fun crude_closure ctxt src =
 (try (transform_error (fn () => context_attribute_i ctxt src (ctxt, Drule.asm_rl))) ();
  Args.closure src);

(* add_attributes *)

fun add_attributes raw_attrs thy =
    val sg = Theory.sign_of thy;
    val new_attrs = raw_attrs |> map (fn (name, (f, g), comment) =>
      (Sign.full_name sg name, (((f, g), comment), stamp ())));

    val {space, attrs} = AttributesData.get thy;
    val space' = fold (Sign.declare_name sg) (map fst new_attrs) space;
    val attrs' = Symtab.extend (attrs, new_attrs) handle Symtab.DUPS dups =>
      error ("Duplicate declaration of attributes(s) " ^ commas_quote dups);
  in thy |> AttributesData.put {space = space', attrs = attrs'} end;

(*implicit version*)
fun Attribute name att cmt = Context.>> (add_attributes [(name, att, cmt)]);

(** attribute parsers **)

(* tags *)

fun tag x = Scan.lift ( -- Scan.repeat x;

(* theorems *)

fun gen_thm theory_of attrib get pick = Scan.depend (fn st =>
  Scan.ahead -- Args.named_fact (fn name => get st (name, NONE)) --
  Scan.option Args.thm_sel -- Args.opt_attribs (intern (Theory.sign_of (theory_of st)))
  >> (fn (((name, fact), sel), srcs) =>
      val ths = PureThy.select_thm (name, sel) fact;
      val atts = map (attrib (theory_of st)) srcs;
      val (st', ths') = Thm.applys_attributes ((st, ths), atts);
    in (st', pick name ths') end));

val global_thm = gen_thm I global_attribute_i PureThy.get_thms PureThy.single_thm;
val global_thms = gen_thm I global_attribute_i PureThy.get_thms (K I);
val global_thmss = Scan.repeat global_thms >> List.concat;

val local_thm =
  gen_thm ProofContext.theory_of local_attribute_i ProofContext.get_thms PureThy.single_thm;
val local_thms =
  gen_thm ProofContext.theory_of local_attribute_i ProofContext.get_thms (K I);
val local_thmss = Scan.repeat local_thms >> List.concat;

(** attribute syntax **)

fun syntax scan src (st, th) =
  let val (st', f) = Args.syntax "attribute" scan src st
  in f (st', th) end;

fun no_args x = syntax (Scan.succeed x);

fun add_del_args add del x = syntax
  (Scan.lift (Args.add >> K add || Args.del >> K del || Scan.succeed add)) x;

(** Pure attributes **)

(* tags *)

fun gen_tagged x = syntax (tag >> Drule.tag) x;
fun gen_untagged x = syntax (Scan.lift >> Drule.untag) x;

(* COMP *)

fun comp (i, B) (x, A) = (x, Drule.compose_single (A, i, B));

fun gen_COMP thm = syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.bracks Args.nat) 1) -- thm >> comp);
val COMP_global = gen_COMP global_thm;
val COMP_local = gen_COMP local_thm;

(* THEN, which corresponds to RS *)

fun resolve (i, B) (x, A) = (x, A RSN (i, B));

fun gen_THEN thm = syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.bracks Args.nat) 1) -- thm >> resolve);
val THEN_global = gen_THEN global_thm;
val THEN_local = gen_THEN local_thm;

(* OF *)

fun apply Bs (x, A) = (x, Bs MRS A);

val OF_global = syntax (global_thmss >> apply);
val OF_local = syntax (local_thmss >> apply);

(* read_instantiate: named instantiation of type and term variables *)


fun is_tvar (x, _) = (case Symbol.explode x of "'" :: _ => true | _ => false);

fun error_var msg xi = error (msg ^ Syntax.string_of_vname xi);

fun the_sort sorts xi = the (sorts xi)
  handle Option.Option => error_var "No such type variable in theorem: " xi;

fun the_type types xi = the (types xi)
  handle Option.Option => error_var "No such variable in theorem: " xi;

fun unify_types sign types ((unifier, maxidx), (xi, u)) =
    val T = the_type types xi;
    val U = Term.fastype_of u;
    val maxidx' = Int.max (maxidx, Int.max (#2 xi, Term.maxidx_of_term u));
    Type.unify (Sign.tsig_of sign) (unifier, maxidx') (T, U)
      handle Type.TUNIFY => error_var "Incompatible type for instantiation of " xi

fun typ_subst env = apsnd (Term.typ_subst_TVars env);
fun subst env = apsnd (Term.subst_TVars env);

fun instantiate sign envT env thm =
    val (_, sorts) = Drule.types_sorts thm;
    fun prepT (a, T) = (Thm.ctyp_of sign (TVar (a, the_sort sorts a)), Thm.ctyp_of sign T);
    fun prep (xi, t) = pairself (Thm.cterm_of sign) (Var (xi, Term.fastype_of t), t);
    Drule.instantiate (map prepT (distinct envT),
      map prep (gen_distinct (fn ((xi, t), (yj, u)) => xi = yj andalso t aconv u) env)) thm


fun read_instantiate init mixed_insts (context, thm) =
    val ctxt = init context;
    val sign = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;

    val (type_insts, term_insts) = List.partition (is_tvar o #1) (map #2 mixed_insts);
    val internal_insts = term_insts |> List.mapPartial
      (fn (xi, Args.Term t) => SOME (xi, t)
      | (_, Args.Name _) => NONE
      | (xi, _) => error_var "Term argument expected for " xi);
    val external_insts = term_insts |> List.mapPartial
      (fn (xi, Args.Name s) => SOME (xi, s) | _ => NONE);

    (* type instantiations *)

    val sorts = #2 (Drule.types_sorts thm);

    fun readT (xi, arg) =
        val S = the_sort sorts xi;
        val T =
          (case arg of
            Args.Name s => ProofContext.read_typ ctxt s
          | Args.Typ T => T
          | _ => error_var "Type argument expected for " xi);
        if Sign.of_sort sign (T, S) then (xi, T)
        else error_var "Incompatible sort for typ instantiation of " xi

    val type_insts' = map readT type_insts;
    val thm' = instantiate sign type_insts' [] thm;

    (* internal term instantiations *)

    val types' = #1 (Drule.types_sorts thm');
    val unifier = map (apsnd snd) (Vartab.dest (#1
      (Library.foldl (unify_types sign types') ((Vartab.empty, 0), internal_insts))));

    val type_insts'' = map (typ_subst unifier) type_insts';
    val internal_insts'' = map (subst unifier) internal_insts;
    val thm'' = instantiate sign unifier internal_insts'' thm';

    (* external term instantiations *)

    val types'' = #1 (Drule.types_sorts thm'');

    val (xs, ss) = split_list external_insts;
    val Ts = map (the_type types'') xs;
    val (ts, inferred) = ProofContext.read_termTs ctxt (K false)
        (K NONE) (K NONE) (Drule.add_used thm'' []) (ss ~~ Ts);

    val type_insts''' = map (typ_subst inferred) type_insts'';
    val internal_insts''' = map (subst inferred) internal_insts'';

    val external_insts''' = xs ~~ ts;
    val term_insts''' = internal_insts''' @ external_insts''';
    val thm''' = instantiate sign inferred external_insts''' thm'';

    (* assign internalized values *)

    mixed_insts |> (fn (arg, (xi, _)) =>
      if is_tvar xi then
        Args.assign (SOME (Args.Typ (the (assoc (type_insts''', xi))))) arg
        Args.assign (SOME (Args.Term (the (assoc (term_insts''', xi))))) arg);

    (context, thm''' |> thm)


(* where: named instantiation *)


val value =
  Args.internal_typ >> Args.Typ ||
  Args.internal_term >> Args.Term || >> Args.Name;

val inst = Args.var -- (Args.$$$ "=" |-- Args.ahead -- value)
  >> (fn (xi, (a, v)) => (a, (xi, v)));

fun gen_where init =
  syntax (Args.and_list (Scan.lift inst) >> read_instantiate init);


val where_global = gen_where ProofContext.init;
val where_local = gen_where I;


(* of: positional instantiation (term arguments only) *)


fun read_instantiate' init (args, concl_args) (context, thm) =
    fun zip_vars _ [] = []
      | zip_vars (_ :: xs) ((_, NONE) :: rest) = zip_vars xs rest
      | zip_vars ((x, _) :: xs) ((a, SOME t) :: rest) = (a, (x, t)) :: zip_vars xs rest
      | zip_vars [] _ = error "More instantiations than variables in theorem";
    val insts =
      zip_vars (Drule.vars_of_terms [Thm.prop_of thm]) args @
      zip_vars (Drule.vars_of_terms [Thm.concl_of thm]) concl_args;
    read_instantiate init insts (context, thm)

val value =
  Args.internal_term >> Args.Term || >> Args.Name;

val inst = Args.ahead -- Args.maybe value;
val concl = Args.$$$ "concl" -- Args.colon;

val insts =
  Scan.repeat (Scan.unless concl inst) --
  Scan.optional (concl |-- Scan.repeat inst) [];

fun gen_of init = syntax (Scan.lift insts >> read_instantiate' init);


val of_global = gen_of ProofContext.init;
val of_local = gen_of I;


(* rename_abs *)

fun rename_abs src = syntax
  (Scan.lift (Scan.repeat (Args.maybe >> (apsnd o Drule.rename_bvars'))) src;

(* unfold / fold definitions *)

fun gen_rewrite rew defs (x, thm) = (x, rew defs thm);

val unfolded_global = syntax (global_thmss >> gen_rewrite Tactic.rewrite_rule);
val unfolded_local = syntax (local_thmss >> gen_rewrite Tactic.rewrite_rule);
val folded_global = syntax (global_thmss >> gen_rewrite Tactic.fold_rule);
val folded_local = syntax (local_thmss >> gen_rewrite Tactic.fold_rule);

(* rule cases *)

fun consumes x = syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.optional Args.nat 1) >> RuleCases.consumes) x;
fun case_names x = syntax (Scan.lift (Scan.repeat1 >> RuleCases.case_names) x;
fun params x = syntax (Args.and_list1 (Scan.lift (Scan.repeat >> RuleCases.params) x;

(* rule_format *)

fun rule_format_att x = syntax (Args.mode "no_asm"
  >> (fn true => ObjectLogic.rule_format_no_asm | false => ObjectLogic.rule_format)) x;

(* misc rules *)

fun standard x = no_args (Drule.rule_attribute (K Drule.standard)) x;
fun elim_format x = no_args (Drule.rule_attribute (K Tactic.make_elim)) x;
fun no_vars x = no_args (Drule.rule_attribute (K (#1 o Drule.freeze_thaw))) x;
fun eta_long x = no_args (Drule.rule_attribute (K (Drule.fconv_rule Drule.eta_long_conversion))) x;

(* rule declarations *)


fun add_args a b c x = syntax
  (Scan.lift ((Args.bang >> K a || Args.query >> K c || Scan.succeed b) -- (Scan.option Args.nat))
    >> (fn (f, n) => f n)) x;

fun del_args att = syntax (Scan.lift Args.del >> K att);

open ContextRules;


val rule_atts =
   (add_args intro_bang_global intro_global intro_query_global,
    add_args intro_bang_local intro_local intro_query_local),
    "declaration of introduction rule"),
   (add_args elim_bang_global elim_global elim_query_global,
    add_args elim_bang_local elim_local elim_query_local),
    "declaration of elimination rule"),
   (add_args dest_bang_global dest_global dest_query_global,
    add_args dest_bang_local dest_local dest_query_local),
    "declaration of destruction rule"),
  ("rule", (del_args rule_del_global, del_args rule_del_local),
    "remove declaration of intro/elim/dest rule")];


(* internal attribute *)

fun attribute att = Args.src (("Pure.attribute", [Args.mk_attribute att]), Position.none);

fun attribute_global x = (syntax (Scan.lift Args.internal_attribute >> #1)) x;
fun attribute_local x = (syntax (Scan.lift Args.internal_attribute >> #2)) x;

val _ = Context.add_setup
 [add_attributes [("attribute", (attribute_global, attribute_local), "internal attribute")]];

(* pure_attributes *)

val pure_attributes =
 [("tagged", (gen_tagged, gen_tagged), "tagged theorem"),
  ("untagged", (gen_untagged, gen_untagged), "untagged theorem"),
  ("COMP", (COMP_global, COMP_local), "direct composition with rules (no lifting)"),
  ("THEN", (THEN_global, THEN_local), "resolution with rule"),
  ("OF", (OF_global, OF_local), "rule applied to facts"),
  ("where", (where_global, where_local), "named instantiation of theorem"),
  ("of", (of_global, of_local), "rule applied to terms"),
  ("rename_abs", (rename_abs, rename_abs), "rename bound variables in abstractions"),
  ("unfolded", (unfolded_global, unfolded_local), "unfolded definitions"),
  ("folded", (folded_global, folded_local), "folded definitions"),
  ("standard", (standard, standard), "result put into standard form"),
  ("elim_format", (elim_format, elim_format), "destruct rule turned into elimination rule format"),
  ("no_vars", (no_vars, no_vars), "frozen schematic vars"),
  ("eta_long", (eta_long, eta_long), "put theorem into eta long beta normal form"),
  ("consumes", (consumes, consumes), "number of consumed facts"),
  ("case_names", (case_names, case_names), "named rule cases"),
  ("params", (params, params), "named rule parameters"),
  ("atomize", (no_args ObjectLogic.declare_atomize, no_args undef_local_attribute),
    "declaration of atomize rule"),
  ("rulify", (no_args ObjectLogic.declare_rulify, no_args undef_local_attribute),
    "declaration of rulify rule"),
  ("rule_format", (rule_format_att, rule_format_att), "result put into standard rule format")] @

val _ = Context.add_setup [add_attributes pure_attributes];


structure BasicAttrib: BASIC_ATTRIB = Attrib;
open BasicAttrib;