(* Title: ZF/Induct/Multiset.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
A definitional theory of multisets,
including a wellfoundedness proof for the multiset order.
The theory features ordinal multisets and the usual ordering.
Multiset = FoldSet + Acc +
(* Short cut for multiset space *)
Mult :: i=>i
"Mult(A)" => "A-||>nat-{0}"
(* This is the original "restrict" from ZF.thy.
Restricts the function f to the domain A
FIXME: adapt Multiset to the new "restrict". *)
funrestrict :: "[i,i] => i"
"funrestrict(f,A) == lam x:A. f`x"
(* M is a multiset *)
multiset :: i => o
"multiset(M) == EX A. M:A->nat-{0} & Finite(A)"
mset_of :: "i=>i"
"mset_of(M) == domain(M)"
munion :: "[i, i] => i" (infixl "+#" 65)
"M +# N == lam x:mset_of(M) Un mset_of(N).
if x:mset_of(M) Int mset_of(N) then (M`x) #+ (N`x)
else (if x:mset_of(M) then M`x else N`x)"
(* eliminating 0's from a function *)
normalize :: i => i
"normalize(M) == funrestrict(M, {x:mset_of(M). 0<M`x})"
mdiff :: "[i, i] => i" (infixl "-#" 65)
"M -# N == normalize(lam x:mset_of(M).
if x:mset_of(N) then M`x #- N`x else M`x)"
(* set of elements of a multiset *)
msingle :: "i => i" ("{#_#}")
"{#a#} == {<a, 1>}"
MCollect :: [i, i=>o] => i (*comprehension*)
"MCollect(M, P) == funrestrict(M, {x:mset_of(M). P(x)})"
(* Counts the number of occurences of an element in a multiset *)
mcount :: [i, i] => i
"mcount(M, a) == if a:mset_of(M) then M`a else 0"
msize :: i => i
"msize(M) == setsum(%a. $# mcount(M,a), mset_of(M))"
melem :: "[i,i] => o" ("(_/ :# _)" [50, 51] 50)
"@MColl" :: "[pttrn, i, o] => i" ("(1{# _ : _./ _#})")
"a :# M" == "a:mset_of(M)"
"{#x:M. P#}" == "MCollect(M, %x. P)"
(* multiset orderings *)
(* multirel1 has to be a set (not a predicate) so that we can form
its transitive closure and reason about wf(.) and acc(.) *)
multirel1 :: "[i,i]=>i"
"multirel1(A, r) ==
{<M, N> : Mult(A)*Mult(A).
EX a:A. EX M0:Mult(A). EX K:Mult(A).
N=M0 +# {#a#} & M=M0 +# K & (ALL b:mset_of(K). <b,a>:r)}"
multirel :: "[i, i] => i"
"multirel(A, r) == multirel1(A, r)^+"
(* ordinal multiset orderings *)
omultiset :: i => o
"omultiset(M) == EX i. Ord(i) & M:Mult(field(Memrel(i)))"
mless :: [i, i] => o (infixl "<#" 50)
"M <# N == EX i. Ord(i) & <M, N>:multirel(field(Memrel(i)), Memrel(i))"
mle :: [i, i] => o (infixl "<#=" 50)
"M <#= N == (omultiset(M) & M = N) | M <# N"