(* Title: Pure/Thy/thy_header.ML
Author: Makarius
Static theory header information.
signature THY_HEADER =
type keywords = ((string * Position.T) * Keyword.spec) list
type header =
{name: string * Position.T,
imports: (string * Position.T) list,
keywords: keywords}
val make: string * Position.T -> (string * Position.T) list -> keywords -> header
val theoryN: string
val bootstrap_keywords: Keyword.keywords
val add_keywords: keywords -> theory -> theory
val get_keywords: theory -> Keyword.keywords
val get_keywords': Proof.context -> Keyword.keywords
val ml_bootstrapN: string
val ml_roots: string list
val bootstrap_thys: string list
val is_base_name: string -> bool
val import_name: string -> string
val args: header parser
val read: Position.T -> string -> header
val read_tokens: Token.T list -> header
structure Thy_Header: THY_HEADER =
(** keyword declarations **)
(* header *)
type keywords = ((string * Position.T) * Keyword.spec) list;
type header =
{name: string * Position.T,
imports: (string * Position.T) list,
keywords: keywords};
fun make name imports keywords : header =
{name = name, imports = imports, keywords = keywords};
(* bootstrap keywords *)
val chapterN = "chapter";
val sectionN = "section";
val subsectionN = "subsection";
val subsubsectionN = "subsubsection";
val paragraphN = "paragraph";
val subparagraphN = "subparagraph";
val textN = "text";
val txtN = "txt";
val text_rawN = "text_raw";
val theoryN = "theory";
val importsN = "imports";
val keywordsN = "keywords";
val abbrevsN = "abbrevs";
val beginN = "begin";
val bootstrap_keywords =
|> Keyword.add_keywords
[(("%", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
(("(", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
((")", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
((",", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
(("::", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
(("=", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
(("and", \<^here>), Keyword.no_spec),
((beginN, \<^here>), Keyword.quasi_command_spec),
((importsN, \<^here>), Keyword.quasi_command_spec),
((keywordsN, \<^here>), Keyword.quasi_command_spec),
((abbrevsN, \<^here>), Keyword.quasi_command_spec),
((chapterN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_heading_spec),
((sectionN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_heading_spec),
((subsectionN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_heading_spec),
((subsubsectionN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_heading_spec),
((paragraphN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_heading_spec),
((subparagraphN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_heading_spec),
((textN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_body_spec),
((txtN, \<^here>), Keyword.document_body_spec),
((text_rawN, \<^here>), ((Keyword.document_raw, []), ["document"])),
((theoryN, \<^here>), ((Keyword.thy_begin, []), ["theory"])),
(("ML", \<^here>), ((Keyword.thy_decl, []), ["ML"]))];
(* theory data *)
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = Keyword.keywords;
val empty = bootstrap_keywords;
val extend = I;
val merge = Keyword.merge_keywords;
val add_keywords = Data.map o Keyword.add_keywords;
val get_keywords = Data.get;
val get_keywords' = get_keywords o Proof_Context.theory_of;
(** concrete syntax **)
(* names *)
val ml_bootstrapN = "ML_Bootstrap";
val ml_roots = ["ML_Root0", "ML_Root"];
val bootstrap_thys = ["Bootstrap_Pure", "Bootstrap_ML_Bootstrap"];
fun is_base_name s =
s <> "" andalso not (exists_string (member (op =) ["/", "\\", ":"]) s)
val import_name = Path.base_name o Path.explode;
(* header args *)
fun imports name =
if name = Context.PureN then Scan.succeed []
else Parse.$$$ importsN |-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position Parse.theory_name));
val opt_files =
Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.list1 Parse.name) --| Parse.$$$ ")") [];
val keyword_spec =
Parse.group (fn () => "outer syntax keyword specification")
(Parse.name -- opt_files -- Parse.tags);
val keyword_decl =
Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position Parse.string) --
Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.!!! keyword_spec) Keyword.no_spec
>> (fn (names, spec) => map (rpair spec) names);
val abbrevs = Parse.and_list1 (Parse.text -- (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.text));
val keyword_decls = Parse.and_list1 keyword_decl >> flat;
val args =
Parse.position Parse.theory_name :|-- (fn (name, pos) =>
imports name --
Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ keywordsN |-- Parse.!!! keyword_decls) [] --|
(Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ abbrevsN |-- Parse.!!! abbrevs) [] -- Parse.$$$ beginN)
>> (fn (imports, keywords) => make (name, pos) imports keywords));
(* read header *)
val heading =
(Parse.command_name chapterN ||
Parse.command_name sectionN ||
Parse.command_name subsectionN ||
Parse.command_name subsubsectionN ||
Parse.command_name paragraphN ||
Parse.command_name subparagraphN ||
Parse.command_name textN ||
Parse.command_name txtN ||
Parse.command_name text_rawN) --
Parse.tags -- Parse.!!! Parse.document_source;
val header =
(Scan.repeat heading -- Parse.command_name theoryN -- Parse.tags) |-- Parse.!!! args;
fun token_source pos =
#> Source.of_list
#> Token.source_strict bootstrap_keywords pos;
fun read_source pos source =
let val res =
|> Token.source_proper
|> Source.source Token.stopper (Scan.single (Scan.error (Parse.!!! header)))
|> Source.get_single;
(case res of
SOME (h, _) => h
| NONE => error ("Unexpected end of input" ^ Position.here pos))
fun read pos str = read_source pos (token_source pos str);
fun read_tokens toks = read_source Position.none (Source.of_list toks);