(* Title: Pure/Concurrent/timeout.ML
Author: Makarius
Execution with relative timeout:
- timeout specification < 1ms means no timeout
- actual timeout is subject to system option "timeout_scale"
signature TIMEOUT =
exception TIMEOUT of Time.time
val ignored: Time.time -> bool
val scale: unit -> real
val scale_time: Time.time -> Time.time
val end_time: Time.time -> Time.time
val apply: Time.time -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val apply_physical: Time.time -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val print: Time.time -> string
structure Timeout: TIMEOUT =
exception TIMEOUT of Time.time;
fun ignored timeout = timeout < Time.fromMilliseconds 1;
fun scale () = Options.default_real "timeout_scale";
fun scale_time t = Time.scale (scale ()) t;
fun end_time timeout = Time.now () + scale_time timeout;
fun apply' {physical, timeout} f x =
if ignored timeout then f x
Thread_Attributes.with_attributes Thread_Attributes.no_interrupts (fn orig_atts =>
val self = Thread.self ();
val start = Time.now ();
val request =
Event_Timer.request {physical = physical} (start + scale_time timeout)
(fn () => Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_unsynchronized self);
val result =
Exn.capture (fn () => Thread_Attributes.with_attributes orig_atts (fn _ => f x)) ();
val stop = Time.now ();
val was_timeout = not (Event_Timer.cancel request);
val test = Exn.capture Thread_Attributes.expose_interrupt ();
if was_timeout andalso (Exn.is_interrupt_exn result orelse Exn.is_interrupt_exn test)
then raise TIMEOUT (stop - start)
else (Exn.release test; Exn.release result)
fun apply timeout f x = apply' {physical = false, timeout = timeout} f x;
fun apply_physical timeout f x = apply' {physical = true, timeout = timeout} f x;
fun print t = "Timeout after " ^ Value.print_time t ^ "s";