author blanchet
Fri, 25 Jun 2010 17:08:39 +0200
changeset 37578 9367cb36b1c4
parent 37577 5379f41a1322
child 37617 f73cd4069f69
permissions -rw-r--r--
renamed "Sledgehammer_FOL_Clauses" to "Metis_Clauses", so that Metis doesn't depend on Sledgehammer

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_tptp_format.ML
    Author:     Jia Meng, NICTA
    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen

TPTP syntax.

  type name_pool = Metis_Clauses.name_pool
  type type_literal = Metis_Clauses.type_literal
  type classrel_clause = Metis_Clauses.classrel_clause
  type arity_clause = Metis_Clauses.arity_clause
  type hol_clause = Metis_Clauses.hol_clause

  val tptp_of_type_literal :
    bool -> type_literal -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
  val write_tptp_file :
    bool -> bool -> bool -> Path.T
    -> hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list
       * classrel_clause list * arity_clause list
    -> name_pool option * int

structure Sledgehammer_TPTP_Format : SLEDGEHAMMER_TPTP_FORMAT =

open Metis_Clauses
open Sledgehammer_Util

type const_info = {min_arity: int, max_arity: int, sub_level: bool}

val clause_prefix = "cls_"
val arity_clause_prefix = "clsarity_"

fun paren_pack [] = ""
  | paren_pack strings = "(" ^ commas strings ^ ")"

fun string_of_fol_type (TyVar sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
  | string_of_fol_type (TyFree sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
  | string_of_fol_type (TyConstr (sp, tys)) pool =
      val (s, pool) = nice_name sp pool
      val (ss, pool) = pool_map string_of_fol_type tys pool
    in (s ^ paren_pack ss, pool) end

(* True if the constant ever appears outside of the top-level position in
   literals, or if it appears with different arities (e.g., because of different
   type instantiations). If false, the constant always receives all of its
   arguments and is used as a predicate. *)
fun needs_hBOOL NONE _ = true
  | needs_hBOOL (SOME the_const_tab) c =
    case Symtab.lookup the_const_tab c of
      SOME ({min_arity, max_arity, sub_level} : const_info) =>
      sub_level orelse min_arity < max_arity
    | NONE => false

fun head_needs_hBOOL const_tab (CombConst ((c, _), _, _)) =
    needs_hBOOL const_tab c
  | head_needs_hBOOL _ _ = true

fun wrap_type full_types (s, ty) pool =
  if full_types then
    let val (s', pool) = string_of_fol_type ty pool in
      (type_wrapper_name ^ paren_pack [s, s'], pool)
    (s, pool)

fun wrap_type_if (full_types, const_tab) (head, s, tp) =
  if head_needs_hBOOL const_tab head then wrap_type full_types (s, tp)
  else pair s

fun apply ss = "hAPP" ^ paren_pack ss;

fun rev_apply (v, []) = v
  | rev_apply (v, arg::args) = apply [rev_apply (v, args), arg];

fun string_apply (v, args) = rev_apply (v, rev args)

fun min_arity_of NONE _ = 0
  | min_arity_of (SOME the_const_tab) c =
    case Symtab.lookup the_const_tab c of
      SOME ({min_arity, ...} : const_info) => min_arity
    | NONE => 0

(* Apply an operator to the argument strings, using either the "apply" operator
   or direct function application. *)
fun string_of_application (full_types, const_tab)
                          (CombConst ((s, s'), _, tvars), args) pool =
      val s = if s = "equal" then "c_fequal" else s
      val nargs = min_arity_of const_tab s
      val args1 = List.take (args, nargs)
        handle Subscript =>
               raise Fail (quote s ^ " has arity " ^ Int.toString nargs ^
                           " but is applied to " ^ commas (map quote args))
      val args2 = List.drop (args, nargs)
      val (targs, pool) = if full_types then ([], pool)
                          else pool_map string_of_fol_type tvars pool
      val (s, pool) = nice_name (s, s') pool
    in (string_apply (s ^ paren_pack (args1 @ targs), args2), pool) end
  | string_of_application _ (CombVar (name, _), args) pool =
    nice_name name pool |>> (fn s => string_apply (s, args))

fun string_of_combterm params t pool =
    val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
    val (ss, pool) = pool_map (string_of_combterm params) args pool
    val (s, pool) = string_of_application params (head, ss) pool
  in wrap_type_if params (head, s, type_of_combterm t) pool end

(*Boolean-valued terms are here converted to literals.*)
fun boolify params c =
  string_of_combterm params c #>> prefix "hBOOL" o paren_pack o single

fun string_of_predicate (params as (_, const_tab)) t =
  case #1 (strip_combterm_comb t) of
    CombConst ((s, _), _, _) =>
    (if needs_hBOOL const_tab s then boolify else string_of_combterm) params t
  | _ => boolify params t

fun tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2) =
  pool_map (string_of_combterm params) [t1, t2]
  #>> space_implode (if pos then " = " else " != ")

fun tptp_sign true s = s
  | tptp_sign false s = "~ " ^ s

fun tptp_literal params
        (Literal (pos, CombApp (CombApp (CombConst (("equal", _), _, _), t1),
                                         t2))) =
    tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2)
  | tptp_literal params (Literal (pos, pred)) =
    string_of_predicate params pred #>> tptp_sign pos
fun tptp_of_type_literal pos (TyLitVar (s, name)) =
    nice_name name #>> (fn s' => tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")"))
  | tptp_of_type_literal pos (TyLitFree (s, name)) =
    nice_name name #>> (fn s' => tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ s' ^ ")"))

(* Given a clause, returns its literals paired with a list of literals
   concerning TFrees; the latter should only occur in conjecture clauses. *)
fun tptp_type_literals params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...})
                       pool =
    val (lits, pool) = pool_map (tptp_literal params) literals pool
    val (tylits, pool) = pool_map (tptp_of_type_literal pos)
                                  (type_literals_for_types ctypes_sorts) pool
  in ((lits, tylits), pool) end

fun tptp_cnf name kind formula =
  "cnf(" ^ name ^ ", " ^ kind ^ ",\n    " ^ formula ^ ").\n"

fun tptp_raw_clause strings = "(" ^ space_implode " | " strings ^ ")"

val tptp_tfree_clause =
  tptp_cnf "tfree_tcs" "negated_conjecture" o tptp_raw_clause o single

fun tptp_classrel_literals sub sup =
  let val tvar = "(T)" in
    tptp_raw_clause [tptp_sign false (sub ^ tvar), tptp_sign true (sup ^ tvar)]

fun tptp_clause params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind, ...})
                pool =
    val ((lits, tylits), pool) =
      tptp_type_literals params (kind = Conjecture) cls pool
    val name = clause_prefix ^ ascii_of axiom_name ^ "_" ^
               Int.toString clause_id
    val cnf =
      case kind of
        Axiom => tptp_cnf name "axiom" (tptp_raw_clause (tylits @ lits))
      | Conjecture => tptp_cnf name "negated_conjecture" (tptp_raw_clause lits)
  in ((cnf, tylits), pool) end

fun tptp_classrel_clause (ClassrelClause {axiom_name, subclass, superclass,
                                          ...}) =
  tptp_cnf axiom_name "axiom" (tptp_classrel_literals subclass superclass)

fun tptp_of_arity_literal (TConsLit (c, t, args)) =
    tptp_sign true (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ t ^ paren_pack args ^ ")")
  | tptp_of_arity_literal (TVarLit (c, str)) =
    tptp_sign false (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")")

fun tptp_arity_clause (ArityClause {axiom_name, conclLit, premLits, ...}) =
  tptp_cnf (arity_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of axiom_name) "axiom"
           (tptp_raw_clause (map tptp_of_arity_literal (conclLit :: premLits)))

(* Find the minimal arity of each function mentioned in the term. Also, note
   which uses are not at top level, to see if "hBOOL" is needed. *)
fun count_constants_term top_level t the_const_tab =
    val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
    val n = length args
    val the_const_tab = the_const_tab |> fold (count_constants_term false) args
    case head of
      CombConst ((a, _), _, ty) =>
      (* Predicate or function version of "equal"? *)
      let val a = if a = "equal" andalso not top_level then "c_fequal" else a in
        |> Symtab.map_default
               (a, {min_arity = n, max_arity = n, sub_level = false})
               (fn {min_arity, max_arity, sub_level} =>
                   {min_arity = Int.min (n, min_arity),
                    max_arity = Int.max (n, max_arity),
                    sub_level = sub_level orelse not top_level})
      | _ => the_const_tab
fun count_constants_literal (Literal (_, t)) = count_constants_term true t
fun count_constants_clause (HOLClause {literals, ...}) =
  fold count_constants_literal literals
fun count_constants (conjectures, _, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, _, _) =
  fold (fold count_constants_clause)
       [conjectures, extra_clauses, helper_clauses]

fun write_tptp_file readable_names full_types explicit_apply file clauses =
    fun section _ [] = []
      | section name ss =
        "\n% " ^ name ^ plural_s (length ss) ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (length ss) ^
        ")\n" :: ss
    val pool = empty_name_pool readable_names
    val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
      classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
    val const_tab = if explicit_apply then NONE
                    else SOME (Symtab.empty |> count_constants clauses)
    val params = (full_types, const_tab)
    val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
      pool_map (tptp_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
    val tfree_clss = map tptp_tfree_clause (fold (union (op =)) tfree_litss [])
    val (ax_clss, pool) =
      pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params) axclauses pool
    val classrel_clss = map tptp_classrel_clause classrel_clauses
    val arity_clss = map tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
    val (helper_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params)
                                       helper_clauses pool
    val conjecture_offset =
      length ax_clss + length classrel_clss + length arity_clss
      + length helper_clss
    val _ =
      File.write_list file
          ("% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n\
           \% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ::
           section "Relevant fact" ax_clss @
           section "Class relationship" classrel_clss @
           section "Arity declaration" arity_clss @
           section "Helper fact" helper_clss @
           section "Conjecture" conjecture_clss @
           section "Type variable" tfree_clss)
  in (pool, conjecture_offset) end
