author wenzelm
Mon, 06 Feb 2006 20:59:10 +0100
changeset 18943 947d3a694654
parent 18708 4b3dadb4fe33
child 19277 f7602e74d948
permissions -rw-r--r--
moved no_vars to sign.ML; removed dest_def (cf. Sign.cert_def);

(* $Id$ *)


val order_antisym_conv = thm "order_antisym_conv"
val linorder_antisym_conv1 = thm "linorder_antisym_conv1"
val linorder_antisym_conv2 = thm "linorder_antisym_conv2"
val linorder_antisym_conv3 = thm "linorder_antisym_conv3"

fun prp t thm = (#prop(rep_thm thm) = t);

fun prove_antisym_le sg ss ((le as Const(_,T)) $ r $ s) =
  let val prems = prems_of_ss ss;
      val less = Const("op <",T);
      val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(le $ s $ r);
  in case Library.find_first (prp t) prems of
       NONE =>
         let val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(HOLogic.Not $ (less $ r $ s))
         in case Library.find_first (prp t) prems of
              NONE => NONE
            | SOME thm => SOME(mk_meta_eq(thm RS linorder_antisym_conv1))
     | SOME thm => SOME(mk_meta_eq(thm RS order_antisym_conv))
  handle THM _ => NONE;

fun prove_antisym_less sg ss (NotC $ ((less as Const(_,T)) $ r $ s)) =
  let val prems = prems_of_ss ss;
      val le = Const("op <=",T);
      val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(le $ r $ s);
  in case Library.find_first (prp t) prems of
       NONE =>
         let val t = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(NotC $ (less $ s $ r))
         in case Library.find_first (prp t) prems of
              NONE => NONE
            | SOME thm => SOME(mk_meta_eq(thm RS linorder_antisym_conv3))
     | SOME thm => SOME(mk_meta_eq(thm RS linorder_antisym_conv2))
  handle THM _ => NONE;

val antisym_le = Simplifier.simproc (Theory.sign_of (the_context()))
  "antisym le" ["(x::'a::order) <= y"] prove_antisym_le;
val antisym_less = Simplifier.simproc (Theory.sign_of (the_context()))
  "antisym less" ["~ (x::'a::linorder) < y"] prove_antisym_less;


val antisym_setup =
 (fn thy => (Simplifier.change_simpset_of thy
  (fn ss => ss addsimprocs [antisym_le, antisym_less]); thy));
